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It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains Chapter 73

73. cross

“Hey, Trisha.”


“…Can’t you stop scolding me now?”

Elijah took out those words with tears in his eyes.

It was because the hand he was holding in the air was trembling as he stood up in spirit.

It happened as soon as he returned to his dormitory room and as soon as he reported the ‘progress’ during the vacation to his friend who opened his ax eye.

“No, it was a golden opportunity. You should have at least promised to go on a 1:1 date anytime, anywhere!”

“Yeah, but, during the next vacation, the teacher said that he would come to the Marquis Baekryeong to play…”

“I didn’t even call the Marshal Kendride to make a promise like that! There’s nothing there to say that I’m going to hang out with you!”



They are friends of the same age, but when Trisha gives advice on youth business like this, most of the time, Trisha exudes a spirit that looks almost like a tiger.

“…For now, put your hands down and sit down.”

Tricia sighed and patted the seat next to the bed.

At least I’m not going to be scolding like this. It felt like the dark aura that had been filled in his chest until he sent Elijah away had now greatly faded.

“Could you tell me exactly what happened there?”


Elijah, who was kneading his arm, ruminated on his memory.

-Leave Elijah to me completely. I’ll make sure you never regret it.

The first thing that comes to mind is that memory.

“…I’m not entirely sure, but I’ve been told that I’m very… important.”


Seeing Elijah’s face unraveling as he said that, Trisha’s eyes sharpened again.

Listening to ambiguous words and going back and forth to this extent, it is really serious.

Although Elijah, who saw this, added a word in a hurry.

“First of all, listen up! It’s real! It’s ambiguous, but it’s absolutely not a bad word!”

Having said that, Elijah explained everything that had happened during vacation to Trisha in detail.

Of course, except for the troublesome journeys, such as turning the Viscounty and County over one by one, or fighting Archduke Tristan who was encroached on by an unknown object.


However, Trisha, who had heard the entire journey, shook her head in a rather bewildered look.

‘…Isn’t that a perfect player?’

To be honest, I had no intention of sending Elijah with Princess Tristan to find out for sure what the man was doing.

At the very least, if you confirm that Elijah has no heart at all, doesn’t it satisfy the requirement to tell your friend to come to his senses?

By the way.

Rather, the situation became more ambiguous. Elijah’s condition became more serious, and it didn’t feel like the relationship between Princess Tristan and her side had deteriorated.

I can’t even imagine how this was possible.

‘How can a hero candidate and a princess flirt with one person at the same time…’

She groaned and rubbed her forehead against the headache.

It’s obvious what will happen if things go on like this. In addition, it is obvious to see Elijah going back and forth between heaven and hell with different moods from day to day due to Daud’s reaction.

‘But if you leave it alone, the prospects aren’t good…’

To be honest, there is hardly anything that gives Elijah an ‘advantage’ over Princess Tristan.

Elijah is not a person who will never be ignored anywhere, but Princess Tristan’s specifications are too transcendent from one to ten.

Then, the only thing that can be eaten here is.

It’s offensive. Total offensive too.

Appeal, appeal, more active appeal!

“Elijah. Listen carefully.”

So, he poured out a long speech to that effect to Elijah.

“My, how can I say that…”

“Wouldn’t the teacher be embarrassed? If someone like me hits you like that…”

There’s no answer.

Watching Elijah hesitating because he is afraid of having to say such a thing makes my heart boil.

Why can’t a guy who doesn’t panic once even in a real battle where his life is at stake can’t just say things like this!

If you can’t do this, you’ll shed a lot of tears later!

‘…I can’t help it.’

Then, the first priority is to increase the time Elijah spends with the man named Daud.

Several schedules for the upcoming academy popped into her mind.

Among them, if Daoud is definitely something to be involved in…

“Elijah. First, I’ll give you two homeworks.”


“yes. One should be done within today, and the other within a week.”

“No, even the professors don’t give me homework, so what-”

Trisha rolled her eyes.

“If you want to do it, do it.”


It was an attitude so resolute that even a compromise would not go into it.

Let’s talk a little bit about tribal unions.

One of the three countries with influence spread across the continent. It is a town run by the union of the war chief and the chiefs of each tribe under his command.

As the name suggests, it would be more correct to say that it most closely matches the image of a ‘savage warrior’.

‘…The problem is that it’s only the image.’

That neighborhood is just a tradition, so it’s just advocating that kind of look.

The tribal union is rather the most ‘science and technology’ developed town in Sera’s worldview. In empires and prosperous countries, things that are almost science fiction are commercialized.

Even less so than the Magic Tower, the headquarters of all kinds of technology, tribal unions are also the culprits that sometimes make Sera’s worldview show off its technology far beyond medieval fantasy.

Overall, in terms of individual combat power, the warriors of the tribal alliance are the strongest. It’s not that the training level is flawed compared to other countries, and above all, the technology of equipment is different from other countries.

The fatal flaw is that the ‘number’ is terribly low compared to the Empire or the Holy Kingdom.

‘It’s because of balancing.’

The balancing between each country set by the Sera development team has been done in such a way that all countries are given a first-half basis.

Read at noblemtl. com

Just comparing the main powers of each country, ‘Knight’, ‘Warrior’, and ‘Battle Priest’, the characteristics can be roughly drawn.

The knight is an all-rounder who boasts above-average strength and the highest numbers in all respects, but nothing special about it.

Fighters are a small elite type with the highest individual combat power, but with a small number.

Combat Priests are the weakest in terms of simple force, but they are ability-specialized types that cover it with all sorts of special abilities.

The story will change again if you go up to the fight between the top powerhouses, but it is true that the basic tone is that if you look at each other’s average capabilities.


Following that stance, tribal confederations tend to place great value on the strength of individual warriors. Because the number is small, I think it must be the elite.

In other words, it means severe contempt for the weak.

It is inevitable that people with less ability are ignored, but that neighborhood has a particularly strong tendency. A weak human being can’t even be treated as a real human being.

It is said that if I go there and not be ignored, I must have the minimum amount of strength even without desperate situations.

That’s why I’m doing this high school right now.

“Pheuk… puheuk…”


Talion, who served as my running mate, looked at me with a puzzled expression at the sound of heavy breathing as if he was vomiting something.

It seems like he didn’t expect people to be killed this much after only running for 10 minutes.

“Brother, are you okay? Shall we take a break for a while?”

“Boo, kuh, it’s muddy.”

He collapses in his seat as if collapsing.

Every muscle in my body screams. It’s a bit pathetic to be in this state just by running this far, but I can’t help it.

< Status Info >

「Dowd Campbell」


Strength: F (3% until rank up)

Agility: F (3% until rank up)

Endurance: F

Luck: F

Power: D


Magical Power: E (Correction with ‘Soul Linker’ equipped effect)

Legal power: F

Divinity: E

< Misc. >

[Number of Forbidden Arts currently being applied to the body: 1]

[Step 1 mutation under the influence of ‘Seal of Fallen’: 1%]

Compared to before, there are still a lot of things that have escaped from F, but the overall stats are still at a ruinous level.

It’s only natural that even with this level of exercise, you’re driven to the point of fainting.

can you still You have to do it to raise your stats.

Even if I dare to go there and not be ignored, considering the progression of Chapter 3, even I, who have eaten half of it raw, developing stats related to ‘physical ability’ is not an option, but a must.

There will be a lot of work to do.

‘I’m going to die, really…’

I sighed as I covered my eyes with my hands as my sight turned around.

This is why I have been procrastinating even though I think I need to raise my stats.

Unlike other growth methods where you can find a ‘detour’ through all sorts of tricks, stats can only be raised through the character’s repetitive labor.

It is said that there is a limit to correcting through other methods. It’s like basic physical strength, so no matter what I do, my efficiency won’t come out if my stats are low.

Even more so when you consider that even the desperate skills that inflate stats to a ridiculous level are the method of squaring the basic numbers.

‘…It’s fortunate that I have this.’

With that thought in mind, I looked down at the necklace I was wearing.

[Lion’s Necklace] [Accessories]

[ Rating: Rare ]

[ A necklace awarded to promising warriors in the Tribal Alliance. When worn, the vitality of the body increases. Also, the efficiency of body training through exercise goes up. ]

I received it from Hatan of the Tribal Alliance when I had a duel in front of the emperor before.

It’s low grade, but it’s a type of equipment that ‘helps raise stats’, which is not long after searching the entire game. It’s invaluable.

It’s also an item that somehow has something to do with the story.


As I was thinking about that, the light emitted from the lion’s collar once covered my body.

Then, a liquid is sprayed onto the tight muscles or swollen joints.

Then the pain coming up from that side is relieved.


Automatically detect when you are taking a break during exercise, recover after body scan.

Does this mean that the efficiency of physical training goes up? Again, this is an incredible level of technology.

“Is that a tribal confederation thing? It’s absolutely stunning.”

Seeing that, Talion smiled and said,

“I heard there are all sorts of strange things there, but I guess it’s true.”

“Is this your first time seeing it?”

“I have only heard of it. I always thought I would like to see it in person.”

Talion, who had been spitting out those words, smiled and opened his mouth.

“So, I will try harder in the exam this weekend. There are so many things I want to see with my own eyes.”


“Originally, the exchange student application, which can participate from the 2nd school district, was said to be open to new students this time. I don’t know what kind of wind blew.”


A bitter laugh comes out.

The exchange student event between the academies in the golden triangle is an event that is different from a ‘competition’ where each other’s pride is staked.

It feels like we have to pick and choose the best of the best and prove that our academy’s students are way better than the other academy’s students.

The absurd idea of taking a massive test at the academy just for selecting exchange students is part of that trend.

“I heard that those who were selected as exchange students are very helpful in their future careers. Wouldn’t there be a reason to stick together, even for the sake of the Viscount Armande?”

“…yes. cheer up.”

Gives a bitter smile to Talion, who speaks lively.

I have nothing else to say except this.


‘You’ve already passed.’

You couldn’t even say such a thing to a guy who burns so innocently with passion.

I started by asking the president to allow freshmen to take the test in the first place. I know it’s not an empty word to help you with anything you can.

As a result, some of the exchange students will probably be attached ‘unconditionally’.

Those who are essential to the progress of Chapter 3.

‘the problem is…’

Among the people who had to be taken like that, there would probably be one person who would take it off because he would absolutely hate it even if he attached it.

< Notification of gift-related person >

▼ Riru Garda

[ Curiosity level 1 ]

[ ‘Fatal Charm’ skill is conditionally planted! ]

[The next time you activate the skill, the effect will be doubled! ]

[D-5 until related events occur]

Riru Garda is the one who has to do a very important job in Chapter 3.

Although he is an evil character, he is not the villain of the scenario. Rather, he is the ‘most important person’ for clearing Chapter 3.

‘…the process of using it is a bit annoying.’

It is no exaggeration to say that whether or not Chapter 3 is cleared depends on the process of ‘rehabilitating’ this person’s bad side.

To be honest, unlike Elnor and Yuria, who feel it would be unfair to have an evil tendency, this one has several characteristics that anyone can understand that he has such a tendency.

Like beating people, being insanely violent, being a crazy person who can’t use every limb when it comes to combat, and ignoring the weak…


As I pondered that thought, someone from afar approached at full speed.

It’s early morning when the dew is just starting to form, and seeing that his whole body is wet with sweat, it’s clear that he’s been running around here for a while.

Fluttering purple hair, strong muscles with no flab all over the body, and scars covering them.

I know someone.

I wiped my sweat and looked at Riru Garda.

It seems that the nobles are not good enough.


Their gaze also stays on me for a while.

It’s not like we haven’t met for the first time, because we’ve met once before in an observation class.

Maybe he was trying to say hello or something.

However, that gaze stays right on the necklace I am wearing. Those eyes widen slightly.

Those eyes narrow for a moment. He opens his mouth as if he wants to say something.


However, he looked at my face and necklace alternately with a hesitant gaze.

Soon, I try to look away and pass Talion.

It was as if he was trying to convince himself that it had nothing to do with him.


He smiles bitterly and sees Li Lu, who is moving away at breakneck speed.

Considering that person’s personality, it wouldn’t have been strange if he had argued with me for a fight.

First of all, if you think you’re going to have a fun fight, you’re the kind of person who’s going to run into each other, and if you think about how the last meeting was, I’m a person who fits those conditions pretty well.


Riru Garda is the daughter of the warchief, and is currently living as a student at the Imperial Academy.

This bizarre sentence suggests that the relationship between Li Lu and the tribal confederation is incredibly complex.

On the other side, it’s so to the point that just seeing anything that reminds you of hometown makes you run away.

“…I think it’s better not to get involved with them.”

Talion said so in a serious voice.

“A woman who has nothing but a reputation as a mad dog throughout the faculty. I heard that you have already broken school rules more than ten times. They said it was all assault.”


“Yes. Rumors are rife as to where on earth you are from so that even if you get into an accident that much, you won’t be expelled.”

Talion, who grumbled like that, smiled bitterly.

“But… I think I’m sincere too. I can’t stand that person.”

A dejected voice continued.

“It seems to be a training fanatic. Among my classmates, I am the one who wakes up the fastest to practice, but I have never seen that woman except for running and exercising all day. I can’t even guess what time it has been like that today.”

“Originally like that, that person.”


It doesn’t show, but Riru Garda is a person who works harder than anyone else in the world.

“I’m not as bad as I look.”

It’s one of the ‘good sides’ of that person, hidden beneath his violent personality.

If you look at it, there are quite a lot of good things.

▼ Riru Garda

[ Curiosity level 1 ]

[ ‘Fatal Charm’ skill is conditionally planted! ]

[The next time you activate the skill, the effect will be doubled! ]

[D-5 until related events occur]

Probably, if I’m right.

It will be revealed without hesitation at the ‘related event’ that exactly overlaps with this exchange student selection test.

Thinking about it while looking at the system window.

From the side, Talion stroked his chin while saying “hmm”.

“You know what, brother.”


“Even brother, there are a lot more bizarre rumors in the undergraduate school than I thought.”

“…What rumors?”

“I heard that he is such a great piece of trash that he harasses several women at the same time that even a normal person would find difficult to approach.”


“Elia and the student body president as well, during midterm exams, a ghost-like woman who would cut off anything that came close to her was tamed by a leash, and even the saintess was often seen sticking with her older brother…”


“Did you find a new prey this time?”

Shut up.

please shut up

It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

It Is Fate To Be Loved by the Villains

악당에게 사랑받는 운명입니다,Fated to Be Loved by Villains
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Fated to Be Loved by Villains raw mtl I was proposed to by the final boss.


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not work with dark mode