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I Will Be the Only One Who Heals at the Prison Academy Chapter 4

4 – 004 – School life starting with a minus # 4

004 – School life starting with a minus # 4

The routes of the main heroines are easier to open than you think.

Victoria’s normal student council route is when the surrounding reputation is +10.

In terms of timing, you can usually start if you have progressed smoothly in the second half of the first act.

Conversely, Enio’s Normal Underworld route can be started when reputation drops to negative.

When Luke maintains a negative reputation, if he succeeds in increasing Enio’s affinity with a certain probability, Enio will come one day and give him something as a gift.

-This is my favor.

It could be a low-level stamina potion, or it could be a weed that was only sold as junk. However, sometimes it gives important collectible items like ‘Origin of OO Dungeon’.

In this system, the play of receiving gifts from Enio and resetting was born, and it was called Enio Run.

I did a lot too.

Are you actually doing that right now?

Read at noblemtl.com


“This is my favor, Victor-kun. My little favor to sympathize with you.”

“I will not take it.”

What Enio held in his hand was a jingling key. I have no way of knowing what the key is right now.

Was there ever a case in the game where Enio gave the key to Luke, the main character?

no, there wasn’t

It’s an unfamiliar thing even to me, who has spent over a thousand hours on Enio Run alone.

After all, games and reality are different.

When I didn’t move my hand, Enio jingled the key again.

“I will refuse to refuse. I hope you don’t embarrass me twice. Even Viktor-kun, who has no tact, can understand what this means, right?”

“I get it.”

“… Is it simpler than you think? I thought you would decline a little more.”

“There is no reason to do that.”

I gladly accepted the key.

Enio will get really angry if I refuse this, so there’s no need to scrape it to make a scum. Originally, the things Enio gave were helpful in their own way, even if they were junk.

If you sell it to the store, you can make some money.

Enio waves as I put the key in my pocket.

“Then I wish you a good evening, Mr. Viktor. Ludens seems to be haunted these days, so don’t wander too much at night.”


Come to think of it, the sun was already setting.

It wasn’t very tiring, but walking around Ludens at night was quite dangerous.

What if something like a raid event happens?

So I decided to go back to the dormitory for now.

But before that, there’s work to be done.


“yes? Why are you calling me?”

“I will definitely return the favor.”

Victor is a stubborn guy.

If you receive a favor, repay it.

If someone harms me, I will definitely pay it back.

These two principles were thorough.

So I just tried to turn around, but my stomach hurt so badly that I couldn’t stand it. Thanks to that, I instinctively realized that I had to ‘return’ to Enio.

In the first place, I don’t like having ‘debt’ either.

That’s what Viktor agrees with.

If you have debt, pay it off quickly.

Otherwise, interest is charged.

It makes me angry when I think of the moments when I suffered because of the rising interest.

However, Enio sneered as if he wasn’t expecting it.

“I don’t think the current Viktor-kun will be able to repay me with something. You’ll see what I mean when you go to the dorms.”


What do you mean?

But when I thought they were ignoring me, I got a little stumped.

I’m oil for over 20,000 hours. To be precise, it was 24850 hours.

Are you afraid I won’t be able to return this little key?

“Enio, he must be looking for something. If it’s what you’re looking for, there’s a good chance it’ll be by the third pillar in the eastern regular student dormitory.”

Among the contents of D&A, there was a story about finding lost items of students.

If you find Enio’s lost item, the “Yellow Ribbon”, your affinity will increase slightly. In addition, there were other small stories such as the opening of a sub-quest, but in any case, the return should be enough.

“Then hello.”


I decided to leave quickly before the conversation got longer than this and unexpected variables arose.

It was a wise idea, since the sun hadn’t set yet, and evening was approaching.

It would be nice to go back to the dorm first.

If Viktor is staying, is it the student council dormitory?

The story that Enio just said you’ll find out when you go to the dormitory really bothered me.

“Is this it?”

Following my memory, I stumbled to the student council dormitory.

It was a splendid and wonderful place with a feeling that could not be thought of as a place for students in their mid-to-late teens to stay. There is also a fountain in the garden.

However, students in armbands block me from entering the entrance.

“Victor, you were excommunicated from the student council. Now this is no place for you to stay.”

“Okay, where are the regular students?”

… is it real?

I was a bit taken aback, but Viktor’s quirk kept me relatively calm.

Yes, there were a lot of episodes about a student council executive who was demoted to a normal student going through this kind of humiliation. Because Milone in Act 5 was like that too.

What did Milone say then?

“Then I’ll just go get the luggage.”

In Viktor’s room, there must be items or money that this guy was using. Even if it wasn’t the student council dormitory, it would be possible to get a room on the outskirts of the academy, such as an inn.

However, the student wearing an armband who seemed to be a member of the leadership team shook his head.

“No, Viktor, I have disposed of all your belongings. I’ve taken care of everything before, so if I go to your room, there will be only empty rooms.”


Did Enio mean this?

Milone Ludwig, a first-year student who used to be an accountant and was demoted to a regular student, was not disposed of all her dorm luggage.

So, moving the luggage to the regular student dormitory together was a sub-quest in Act 5.

If you clear it within the time limit, it was great because it increases your strength points.

But why did I-Victor’s luggage get disposed of?

“And this is a message from Miss Victoria to you.”


The lead committee member held out a piece of paper to me.

What is written there… .

“Victor’s debt amount is minus 200 million Renae… ?”

* * *

“Stupid Viktor, by now you must have realized what you have done. If I had been politely expelled, I wouldn’t have seen anything I couldn’t see. Arclight would have paid off the debt instead.”

Megaira sneered.

“Even more so, breaking off the engagement with the Princess of Arclight. Why? Why are you doing such a stupid thing? It’s as if you cut the safety line with your own hands.”

To Megaira who laughed fufufu, Enio replied calmly.

“Well, you got another woman.”

“But that Viktor couldn’t have another woman. He said he didn’t even hold hands with Victory Car. That steel-plate-like bastard had another woman… ?”

“I think so too.”

Walking through the dark streets, Enio was lost in thought.

The fact that Viktor, who is called the hound of Arclight, broke off the engagement with Victorica was a surprising story even to Enio.

How much more did you find another woman?

Megaira, the youngest of the triplets, looked around and said in a calm voice.

“I’m telling you honestly only to Enio. There was no ‘smell’ of another woman from him. I’m sure because that’s what I’m talking about. That Viktor lied.”

“Megaira, I know your quirks. There’s no way that Viktor could have lied. He is such a man.”

“I know that, but is it real?”

First-year Megara puffed out her cheeks as if she were angry. It sounds like you’re upset about not believing in yourself.

But is Viktor lying?

I couldn’t understand.

If it’s Viktor’s profile, I know it well because it’s Enio that I’ve seen many times.

Maybe Enio, his nemesis, knows more about Victor than his fiancée, Victorica.

However, Viktor’s move today was beyond Enio’s expectations.

“It’s a breakup… .”

maybe it’s not a lie

It could be that he really has another woman.

I’m not dating yet, but I might have developed a ‘different girl’.

‘Yes, he’s an inflexible man. It’s not strange if he’s hard enough to break up the marriage just because he has a girl he has a crush on in his heart. If so, who will it be?’

Enio was full of interest with a dark heart.

If I could see that nasty Arclight Victorica get angry and disintegrate, I could waste as much time as I could.

That was the reason why he deliberately sought out today’s Viktor.

It would have been better if he had gotten his hands on Victor who had worn Victorica.

“Rather than that, Enio-sama, are you really going to believe what Victor said? There’s no way Enio-sama is looking for something like this under the pillars of a regular student dormitory.”

“I think so. But Viktor-kun can’t lie. And I’m just personally interested.”

Enio and Megaira did not stop walking.

As Viktor had said, it was when he went to the dormitory of ordinary students east of Ludens, behind it. Seeing Enio, the insignificant street students hurriedly extinguished their cigarettes and bowed their heads.

“Eh, Miss Enio. How are you?”

“Be comfortable. Because I didn’t come to see you guys. More than that, do you guys know where the third pillar is?”

“Ah, that’s over there. For convenience, the pillars of the broken temple are numbered and used as a meeting place. But as far as I remember, there will be nothing on the third side. What are you going for?”


After passing by them, Enio’s steps stopped at a place called Pillar No. 3.

And I found something shiny under it. It was a yellow band.

To be precise, it is a yellow ribbon.

Megaira, who picked it up, frowned.

“What is this, yellow ribbon? It looks like a pretty cool item, but I don’t think it’s Enio’s. Then it is. I shouldn’t have believed Viktor’s words—”

“Give me that. My, because I will dispose of it.”

When Megaira said something, Enio opened his hand and accepted the ribbon.

A lost ribbon.

The only yellow color possessed by Enio, who only has black or red objects.

which was kept secret from everyone.

Something that even Megaira, who was as close as her own sister, did not know.

—Why did Viktor know about the ribbon that he lost and couldn’t find and couldn’t ask anyone?

Enio felt his face flush at the discovery of the ‘yellow part’ he had been hiding.

At the same time, a strange feeling began to sprout in my heart.

‘Could there be a woman that Viktor fell in love with… ?’

“… what is it really Hmm.”

“Enio-nim, I’m going to go and smack Viktor in the back of the head! How dare you waste Enio-sama’s time!”

“I-I don’t think there is a need for that.”

“hehehe, is that so? Even if I don’t do it, this prison academy will beat that viktor.”

* * *

It felt like I had been hit in the stomach with a baseball.

200 million Renae’s debt?

It was the first time for me, who had over 24,000 hours of playtime, that Viktor had such a debt in the future.

“200 million Renae.”

Renée is an independent currency that is mined and used only on Ludens Island, even in this world.

200 million René is approximately 200 million won in Korean currency.

At the same time, it was also an amount sufficient to replace a person’s youth in an instant.

I know better than anyone.

I, Ha Seung-ri, barely paid off a debt of 200 million won.

In the game I purchased to heal as a commemoration of completion.

To be in debt of 200 million René again!

It really seemed like foam would come out of my mouth!

200 million.

200 million!

200 million!!!!

200 million!!!!!!

All in all, the hateful amount of 200 million that ate up my entire life will find my life again!

If it wasn’t for Viktor’s steel mentality, I might have really put my fist in my mouth and rolled on the floor!

「Idiosyncratic <<Steel>> is activated.”


I calmed down and looked at my debts and debt history.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Ha Seung-ri is a guy who has a knack for paying off debts.

First of all, it is urgent to know the status of debt.

There are also personal interests.

Viktor, a second year student at Ludens, must be around eighteen now.

What the hell are you doing to owe 200 million won at this age?

「Loan of 200 million René – Ludens Student Council Accounting Department」

Fortunately, the loans were largely lumped together.

Originally, when paying off debt, it was better to pay it off as one group rather than paying it off in multiple places at the same time. It’s also easier to manage that way.

“A debt from the student council?”

It’s student money.

Someone may ask what kind of student loan is 200 million won.

The reason why this prison academy Ludens is called a prison academy is not simply because it is a space built on a heavenly altitude where no one can go in and out.

It’s because of the irrationality.

First of all, everything in a person’s life involves money.

to eat. What to wear. sleeping.

In Ludens, where such things are lacking in many ways, they have to be self-sufficient.

I get a little bit of support from the materials of a very high-ranking aristocrat like Victoria, or at home.

For ordinary students who couldn’t do that, Ludens’ academy was as expensive as 50 million Rennes per semester even for tuition alone, so it was no different than money leaking out just by breathing.

Shall we count the words?

Since the total tuition is 100 million Renae for two semesters in a year, if you divide it by 365, you will consume about 270,000 Renae a day.

Then, in terms of hourly wages, it can be concluded that even if you are not doing anything, you are consuming about 11,000 Renae per hour.

“This is why we have to go into debt.”

Fortunately, there are plenty of places to make money at this academy.

There are dungeons, and monsters that drop René when defeated also appear in the field.

“But not everyone is good at such dangerous things.”

So, Ludens’ student council lent students tuition and living expenses through a loan system. Victor’s debt of 200 million René is also the same.

The problem is when you can’t pay it back.

Those who have not paid their debts… .

“I might end up dying while hunting monsters in dungeons or fields after suffering from hard labor here. Or live on the mainland where the exchange rate is 10 times cheaper, doing more difficult work for the rest of your life and living in debt.”

There is no option not to pay it off.

Because the executive members of the leading department of the student council like Victor will come to collect it. It is impossible not to repay debts by witting executive members who are chosen based on their skills.

As a result, a debt hell is completed from which no one can escape.

That is this Prison Academy Ludens.

At least, the members of the student council had the privilege of not being able to pay interest and debt during their school years.

But as he became a regular student, did this Viktor start to be in debt?

Does this really mean that a student council executive is demoted to a normal student?

“great. Well, nothing special.”

Wouldn’t it be okay if I did something?

Even in real life, the 200 million I paid back before my youth faded away.

There’s no way I can’t pay back in this D&A.

“I can do better.”

It took me 5 years in real life, so here I am for 3 years before I graduate.

no 2 years.

“No, it’s the year before the end of the year.”

that’s my goal for now.

No matter what you do, as long as you graduate safely, you will not have to worry about finding a job for the rest of your life with a diploma.

Pay off all your debts in one year, become rich, and heal with words this time.

I Will Be the Only One Who Heals at the Prison Academy

I Will Be the Only One Who Heals at the Prison Academy

감옥학원에서 나만 힐링할거다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
After barely paying off a debt of 200 million, he became possessed in a game? Does this guy owe another 200 million? Even if it’s unfair, this time I heal unconditionally! From the author of Taming The Villainesses


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not work with dark mode