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I Use Boss Skills Chapter 99

99. Hyemi noona let’s get married

After calling the soldiers to clean up the workshop, he called Hye-mi’s sister to dispose of the items while resting at home. My older sister, who grumbled about how annoying it was to move between regions, had to take the time to check the first item I showed her and then rub her eyes again and again to see if she saw it correctly.

“How do you always eat game raw like that?”

“How hard I struggled to eat raw… … .”

“hardship? under… When I see you, you look like a college student sitting in an elementary school classroom solving first grade math. You are a Belbung character. know?”

“Are you kidding or swearing?”

“About half… It’s true. Half of the other half is swearing… … .”

“What are you saying so hard?”

“You are good.”

“Well, all of a sudden… … .”

“Sheesh, I can’t even tease you anymore. Or show it again.”

At my sister’s words, I took it out of my inventory and showed it.


My older sister swallowed dry saliva and said.

“You won’t get sick from eating this, will you?”

“Okay, but I think it will be fine.

“How can you be so sure?”

“Even if you hold a grudge, will you send more than assassins? When you come, you can clean everything up. Good to make money”

“Grunt… … .”

My sister made a sound of pain. He seems to have a lot to say, but he doesn’t seem to be able to do it. If you look at it just by looking at it, ‘I think he eats the game too raw. I wish someone would show up and break the nose of this confident younger brother and teach me the fears of the world, but that dream seems so far away.’

“I know you’re good.”

“Hu, I’m so unlucky that I’m even more unlucky.”

“It’s not my fault that I’m talented.”

now i know That my gaming talent is hard to compare to the general level of talent. When I look at other people, ‘Why can’t I do that? It’s that easy… … .’ After going through the same situation a few times, I got used to the fact that I am really good at games than others.

“It shouldn’t be. uh… … .”

“Why are you sighing?”

“Because I envy you. The most expensive thing I’ve ever eaten cost 10 million won… After eating it, I cried and shed tears, but someone… … .”

“If you’re that envious, turn on the broadcast and lie that your sister ate it.”

“Are you crazy? Do you want to make me quit the game?”

“Will you take it?”

When I hold out the golden card in my hand, my sister swallows and closes her eyes tightly.

“Baby, go away.”

“Look at this.”

“I can not see. I can not hear you.”

Is this really that expensive? I looked down at the golden card in my hand.

[Skill Enhancement Ticket] [Myth] – Skills are strengthened with a certain probability.

The red armor spat out a skill enhancement ticket. It’s also a mythic level.

People often think of enhancement as something like +1 to +3, but skill enhancement in Seion implies that the skill evolves in a more positive direction. It is difficult to know which direction it will change in a positive way, but it was one of the popular items that those who rot money steadily bought because it was a kind of rise in the rank of the skill.

“If you don’t like it, don’t.”


If you see him messing around in the air, he seems to want to rush at it with a sense of my preciousness right away.

This is something my sister has never seen before. A few similar things appeared as a topic in an overseas article saying that a few legendary ones appeared, but they said it was almost the price of a luxury sedan. However, a mythical level skill enhancement ticket is right in front of you.

“How much would it be if I sold it?”

“If I had to put a price on it… About 1 billion because it’s so rare? Still, it will be cheaper than a mythical level skill. Mythic level skills are a scam in themselves.”

“Is that expensive?”

“It’s expensive. because it is rare The fact that it is a mythical level skill itself is a challenge for people who are crazy because money is rotten, and since those people use a mythical level skill, of course, the reinforcement ticket is expensive.”

Well, that’s it too.

“Shall we sell this?”

“Why are you selling this? you should write I’ve tried it a few times, and it’s said to be good luck, but if you stick with it, it’s a jackpot.”

“Well, I don’t really need it.”

My mythical skill, Skill Eater, was a skill that suited me so well that I wondered if there was anything else I could do. In addition, since the root is not an attack skill, it is not simply that the damage is increased or the range is wider. The conclusion is that it is unknown how it will be strengthened.

“You write. He also said that he would exchange it for money to supplement his livelihood, but don’t eat kusari from your brother as a prize.”

“Grunt… That too.”

The original plan was to move house and set up a studio when he earns money, but Sang-do turned against him desperately because of Parkin’s baby. As I went wild in all directions thinking that the angular stones were right, there were too many people who could be called my enemies, and Sangdo hyung said that I should invest the money in the character’s growth and prepare for future dangers rather than adding money to livelihood. It’s not like they’re struggling, they have a decent house and job, but they say they don’t need my help or something. If you want to add money to your housekeeping like that, you think about saving 10 billion won.

‘He doesn’t want to ask for help from his younger brother.’

My brother was always like that. At the first meeting, there were some ups and downs, but after going through many things and becoming friends, he took care of me as if he were treating his only younger brother. He said he did it for himself, not for me, but I still don’t know what he means.

After a while, I handed over all the items I had swept from the workshop to my sister.

Most of them were workshop bots, so there was nothing useful, but there were so many kills, so I got a lot of good things. If it wasn’t for the legendary backpack, I probably wouldn’t have taken 20%.

“If you do well with this deal, you will rise to the top rank.”


“yes. To make it to the top, you have to raise the rank of Gaekju, and the price is also expensive, but you have to realize a lot of profit to raise the rank.”

“I see. But what would be good about making the top?”

At my question, my older sister looks at me with pitiful eyes.

“Don’t curse with your eyes, just say it with your mouth.”

“Ehh, you know how items are made in Seion, right?”

“yes. They are all created by NPCs or users.”

“okay. Since Seion is a complete world, none of the items are created by game companies. They are all products.”


Seion’s items, whether normal or mythical, have creators. Of course, there are creators of items that come out of the draw, and the mechanism that comes out through the form of the draw was ‘tribute’. Even before users entered the game Seion, NPCs repeated prosperity and decline over tens of thousands of years, and Heaven, which reigned as a religion, received ‘tribute’ from them.

Drawing is to spread it back to the world in the form of cards.

For example, among the artisan quests, there is a quest that regularly delivers items to the temple, and when you receive it later through a draw, it is said that the crafter on the item looks at the unique trademark to determine its value.

In addition, skills are ‘collected’ in a slightly different form, which is that when the ‘NPC’ with the skill dies permanently, the information is recorded and stored and then reconstructed in the form of a skill.

“Gaekju means that the merchant guild guarantees this person’s trust. You have to build up trust with NPCs while continuing to trade like that so you can trade with things that make more money.”

“What makes money?”

“Noble, nobility. I originally had the capital, and like you, I have a solid producer, so it’s easy to raise the grade, but it usually takes more than two months for beginners to start with street stalls and buy corner stores. And even a corner store like that is the minimum condition to join the Merchant Guild.”


“When you go through a lot of good customers and increase the size of your business, you get on the technology that gradually moves from retail to wholesale. When the scale grows that much, you will be at the rank of Gaekju, and then you will be able to trade face-to-face with the lord. Well, no matter what, it’s the same as being a lowly citizen, so you have to kneel down and speak politely. My throat hurts if I say something wrong and even hurt the mood~”

My sister pretended to cut her throat and said. It looks pretty dreadful.

“Oh, noona, are you still a commoner?”


“I am a baron.”

“What the fuck… … . Aren’t you going to talk bullshit about a glorious listening opportunity?”


“Oh, there are guys like that. Looking at you with the eyes of a beast while condescending… … .”

She’s a disgusting older sister who must have remembered something dirty.

“Is it currently in progress?”


“Shall I help you?”

“Arthur. It’s Baron Youngji in my shop. He’s not a single-winner like you, but a baron of successive estates.”


There is a difference between single ascendant nobles and inherited nobles, even if they have the same status. A single-ranking aristocrat like me signs a vassal contract with a higher noble and receives land or a salary, but a successor noble has a territory that he governs, even if it is small. Of course, a succession aristocrat cannot carelessly touch a single aristocrat. Because touching a single-ranking noble is the same as touching the great noble who is the owner of that vassal.

“So what are you going to do? You’re saying that the owner of the estate filmed your older sister. Isn’t it nice to be in business?”

“Not bad. It blocks all annoying bullies.”

“I see. So what? The next baroness?”

“Are you crazy?”

She is a screaming and disgusting older sister.

People often think that marrying an NPC aristocrat would be a good idea, but they were surprisingly averse to it. It’s a place where acts between men and women are possible, so one reason is that I don’t want to do that with strict NPCs, but since Seion’s world is a patriarchal society, women’s freedom of movement is greatly reduced when they get married. Of course, if you marry an inherited aristocrat with a fiefdom and cook your husband well, you can receive a lot of support for your aristocratic status, but Seion’s nobility is limited. Well, it’s not like getting married isn’t uncommon, so it appeared on TV a while ago, and I heard that there are quite a few people who fall in love with an NPC in the game and divorce their actual spouse.

“He’s a married man with a child.”


“Come into me as the second concubine. fuck man… … . If it’s not a noble kid, I’ll give you a lot of sashimi.”

It is the older sister who inevitably grinds her teeth and fiddles with the handle of the knife.

Then a good idea popped into my head.

“Then how about you do it like this?”

“What? how?”

“You marry me.”

“… … ?”

He stared blankly at me for a moment, as if he did not understand my meaning, and suddenly his cheeks blushed.

“Hmm, this, this is a proposal. uhh If you suddenly hit me like this… But no matter how you are, I’m still too young and I’ve never thought of you as a man… Hmmmm… … . Well, after a few more years, you will lose your downy hair too, but then what else? hehehe… … .”

I’m thinking about what I’m thinking, and I’m twisting my body, but it’s disgusting.

“Is your sister there?”


“How did you understand what I was saying? Although my status is single, I am a baron, and if you marry me, you will be recognized as a nobleman in Podina. It means to move the base to Podina at this point.”

“Ahh… … .”


“oh! Why do you hit me!”

She nodded her head as if she understood my explanation, and then suddenly kicked my shin.

* * *

My idea went very smoothly. If I’m a great noble, I’m not sure if I’m a baron, and I don’t know many people. There were some acquaintances NPCs, but honor points were restored, but it is still unclear whether the friendship between NPCs is calculated separately. Still, since he was his lord, I told Count Podina that I was getting married, and he gave me 1,000 gold as a congratulations.

That way, I went to the government office and registered my marriage with my sister, and we became a couple.

“Hyemi Ironwood… … .”

She reads her newly updated full name on the status window and shakes her head as if she is awake.


“Oh chicken. If you say that again, I will kill you.”


What a perfect business relationship. But it was a very helpful relationship for my sister and me. Spoils of war are unearned income, so they pay the same tax, but when I make a transaction through my sister, I don’t have to pay taxes separately. Being aristocrats, you pay less taxes… Also, from my sister’s point of view, she became an aristocrat for free. Even if she stabs Young Ji-min with a knife because her older sister is in a bad mood, she will not be caught. The fine will be heavy for touching the precious property of the lord, but… … .

“Anyway, I’ll go and tidy up the store.”

“how long does it take?”

“Well, the store is also a problem, but I also have to organize my customers, so I guess it will take about three weeks.”

“It will take a long time.”

“If you neglect credit management, you will perish.”


“Anyway, Baron Kay Ironwood, an aristocratic knight of the Podina estate, is better. Please ask for a good location so that I can open the shop right away when I finish cleaning up.”

“I understand. ma’am.”

“Fuck it, it really kills me.”


After my sister left, I met with the officials of Count Podina to find a place for a new shop. The size of the city was so large that Fodina boasted a population that was incomparably larger than that of small and medium-sized cities, so the price of a seat in a good place was more expensive than expected. No, there is no more empty space than that!

“There is no room to intervene.”

“Unless it is on the outskirts or near the slums, no one will give up their seat here even for a thousand gold. Knight.”

“I see.”

“How about Horseshoe Street south of here? There is a site that is quite large there, so it would be nice to put a new building on it.”

“You mean that place that smells like shit all day?”

“Ha ha, not so much. However, if your wife runs a business, it won’t be bad either. First of all, the scale of the commercial district is the largest in Podina.”

“Hmm… … .”

As I frown, the official bows. On Horseshoe Street there was an animal market where livestock was bought and sold, and horses, cattle, sheep and chickens were traded all day long. It was named Horseshoe Street because it used to be a horse market.

“I’ll discuss that with someone who knows.”

“All right.”

After talking with the management, I returned to the dorm and logged out.

When I got up from the capsule and went out to the living room, Kwang-soo-hyung was sitting at his desk working on editing with his desktop and laptop turned on.

“Are you awake?”

“Uh, bro.”

“I have cooked rice. eat.”

“How about Sangdo hyung and Hyemi noona?”

“Sangdo hyung is off to work, and Hyemi is playing games.”


I nodded and went to the kitchen. When I opened the pot on the gas stove, I saw that the pork kimchi stew was fully cooked. It is a top-notch stew with the right amount of fat in my favorite sour kimchi.

“I made a new side dish, so take it out and eat it.”

When I opened the refrigerator, I found fresh pickled cucumbers, side dishes, and radish radish kimchi in a lock-and-lock box. When I opened the lid and took a bite, I was in awe.

“Wow, hyung would have made a fortune at a real restaurant.”

“What, with that much?”

I shrug my shoulders, and I feel good.

After picking up a bowl at once, I simply wash the dishes, and then approach my brother and watch him work. What I’m working on now is a video of playing a game in an old African territory. The title is written as incomparable, but the chicken meat is soaring.

The first time I edited it, I touched a lot of things, and now I edit the battle more realistically by deleting some useless scenes. People who watch my videos say they like it more.

As the sword passes, the neck flies up. A surging foot hits the face of the guy who was running after kicking the head off.

“Jung Hyun-ah. Why do you always cut your hair and kick me?”

“Hmm… I’m not sure about that either.”

I tend not to think deeply when fighting. The kick in the head was only because it was the most efficient right now. If there were other means, I would have used them.

“Are people reacting badly?”

“It is not. Rather, it is a problem because I like it.”

“I like you?”

“yes. If you’re curious, go to Ruler and check the community’s reaction yourself.”

“I hate that.”

“I’m your fans, don’t you hate communicating?”

“Sometimes even non-fans come in.”

You can’t hear only good things from a person, and you can be criticized for doing something, but after seeing people who died in my community, Ruler, came to me and made all sorts of double curses and swearing at me, I tended to refrain from reading the community. I was silently watching Kwang-soo edit for a long time, when I heard the electronic door lock being pressed, and my sister opened the door and came in.

“I’m here? I prepared rice. eat.”

Kwang-soo hyung looked at Hye-mi and recited the same words he had told me. However, my older sister just listened to my older brother and approached me.



“Help me.”

what? In addition? why?

I Use Boss Skills

I Use Boss Skills

난 보스 스킬 쓴다
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
All boss skills are mine!


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not work with dark mode