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I Use Boss Skills Chapter 31

31. Arena Mudfish

As far as I know, editing is divided into three main categories. The first is to simply lay down background music at an amateur level and make subtitles for the words in the video or cut out unnecessary parts. The second is a semi-ama level light effect, and at this level, you can be labeled as a novice editor. And the third professional level refers to putting more effects in the right places in the video in addition to the previous ones and arranging them without any separation from the video.

And the video level I’m seeing now is close to the third last. With appropriate BGM and effects, there is almost no dialogue, so I edited the boring solo raid quite quickly. But it was a really great time. I received it last night, but it took less than a day to pick this quality… … .

“I understand why you said you wouldn’t accept confirmation.”

Hyemi noona nodded and said.

It seems to have passed even in the eyes of my older sister, who is quite a professional.

At that time, Sang-do hyung, who was watching Kkaetok, laughs.

“Ku-k-k-k-k-k-k-k… It’s funny.”


“Look at you and talk to me. He said that the raid was starting and he didn’t say a word, so he went through a lot of trouble getting the chat window and subtitles for a mouse.”


“Grunt… … .”

My older sister laughed and rolled over. tsk… … .

I have nothing to say about this part. Because I was originally on the less talkative side. Of course, I want to ask if I have time to talk while challenging the golden giant rat solo raid at that level, but that is just an excuse. Besides, he edited the poor original to the point where it was worth seeing, so I’ll call him the golden hand of gold hand.

“Stop laughing. That Kwang-soo hyung, can I talk to you right now?”

“call? why?”

“Why, we have to agree to pay.”

If this level of quality can be extracted in time, I am willing to match it to the level of the industry. No, no matter how much hyung and I work together, I plan to take care of this all the time.

“I sent a message, but seeing that there is no response, it seems to be sleeping. Let’s make time for it tomorrow.”


It’s not urgent enough to wake a sleeping person. See, I’m sleepy too.

“Hyung, I’ll wash up and sleep.”

“rice is?”

“I will sleep and wake up to eat. If you eat and go to sleep right away, you’ll get sick.”

“I get it.”

* * *

Challenge Quest 12

– Achieve 10 consecutive victories in duels.

-Reward: Normal~Legendary Item Draw Ticket x5

It is the contents of the challenge quest floating in the corner of the field of vision. It was only when I was beating the looters that I was in a hurry, so I pressed it roughly, but after reading it carefully again, this is by no means an easy quest.

A duel was a content in which users and users fought without penalty of death. If you fight and win, you get arena points, and if you lose, you lose, that kind of content that exists in any game.

Fortunately, it was content that made people feel that this was a game in Seion, which made people suffer as much as it was in reality, and as long as they were inside any city, they could enter the arena that all users around the world could access at any time.

For reference, when this arena score reached a certain rank, you could receive a corresponding stat reward, but due to several reasons, this dueling system was being evaluated as a failure.

The first reason for this is that there are fixed rankers for each level who deliberately do not raise their level.

‘Concrete floor.’

Since it is a game that is used by so many people, it is divided into 5 levels, and it is reset once a month, but at each level, there was an immovable class that never moved when it went up.

Top 0.01%

The masters of the ranks that exist from the top have hardly changed in the six months since the game opened. And now I have to win 10 in a row in such an arena.

The second failure factor is that sniping is possible. Although there is a condition that it is only possible if the score is similar to that of the opponent, it is difficult to win a streak because you can choose an opponent within a certain range.

“Has anyone ever won 10 in a row?”

– It’s easy to win 5 in a row. The first 3 fights with NPCs and 2 fights in the same score range, so it’s worth it if you have a little bit of sense. But if it’s 10 consecutive wins hahahahaha there’s a bit of difficulty.

– I’m trying to win 10 in a row. facility.

-Do you know what the rank that comes out when you log in for the first time and win 10 consecutive wins?


-GX, have you tried dueling? it’s gold

-I was silver at the time.

-Crazy bastard, I’ve been doing this since Ove?

-Ni XX Seion didn’t do Ove, right?

“If you use swear words or profanity, you will be kicked out without warning.”

With the simple title of ‘Challenge for 10 consecutive wins in Seion Arena’, new viewers came in. Kei-chan came in and started cleaning up the chat window, but the viewers aren’t that good.

-NPC Looks like water. how sick they are

-hahahahaha, let’s try a streak challenge.

– Preparing for the sniper hahahahaha

-If you win 5 in a row, you will receive 100 won hahahahaha

“The sniper is warmly welcomed and the duel begins.”

-Five… Show the spirit.

– Hurry up and shoot me.

-ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋㅋㅋ When I come up the gold tier, I will sniper

– It’s going to be aggro.

It’s not aggro… In fact, starting today, the broadcast is going to be a bit spicy.

I tried to be polite, but my sister told me that you were too boring, so if you want to push yourself to be a talented person, just yell at me.

Shuuk… … .

When I clicked the arena, the screen switched and a square window appeared in front of me.

[Starting with 100 arena points, you can gain or lose 1-3 points depending on the difference in combat power with your opponent. The number of arena points that can be obtained during consecutive victories increases, up to 10 times.]

After a brief explanation of the arena, I clicked on an opponent with a familiar face in the middle of the window.



The background of the arena was the Colosseum that I experienced in the previous tutorial. Opposite is the guy I met for the first time during the tutorial. If there’s a difference from then, this time, he’s holding a big axe, but he’s glaring at me as if he’s splitting me in half at any moment.

-It’s a nice kid.

-If you like that you beat the tutorial boss, you’re a country boy.

-I’m throwing it to avenge the tired death in Seion.

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ That’s why, if you’re not careful, you’ll be cut off by him too.

-1,000 won if you win within 1 minute!

-Kay, fighting! Kill me brutally!

3… 2… One… start!

Tarak! Aww!

I didn’t have any intention of resolving the resentment after seeing him for the first time in a while, so I cut my throat at once without waiting.


Arena Score +1

Celebrations exploded, but honestly, there is nothing regrettable about this NPC. Because I never died in the tutorial.

“Thank you for your support for giving 1,000 won.”

– Wow! Are you fast? Oh oh… First of all, 1,000 won was robbed hahahaha

-Jammin, who said he paid 1,000 won, is eating and running ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ

-Jammin’s bastards… Even if I wanted to do seion, I couldn’t do it, so I came on the broadcast and only muddyed the water.

“Well, I didn’t expect that.”

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋ K-nim is very generous

-Well, what are Jammins doing with the money buried in their noses?

– I’m not blowing my nose!

After moving the noisy chat window to one side, I clicked on the next opponent in the window that appeared in front of me again.


The guy who appeared first changed his weapon to a spear and reappeared. There is no Heaven’s Gate castle. Worried about changing weapons?

– He’s a bit old.

– Do you also use skills… peel… … .

– If you win within 10 seconds, you get 1,000 won!

blah blah!

After lightly retracting the stabbing spear, he took a step forward and split his head in half.

-Wow… 2 consecutive half-cooks! It’s a quick fix.

– hahahaha Jammin 2 who pays 1,000 won eats again!

– It will be difficult in the future. It’s real from now on ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

-The next pattern is a sword fight, which is twice as difficult as an ax or a spear.

-You should keep an eye on the shield rather than the sword. If the shield is pushed back, it will be pushed back endlessly… … .

The chat room was filled with mockery and admonitions, but the atmosphere gradually began to rise as I ended up winning 5 consecutive victories. Of course, rather than cheering me on, it seems like they are trying to put me down or tell me to die quickly.

-Have you adjusted the difficulty of the arena?

-Kill them all in one hit.

-It’s the Longsword of Sacrifice that ends with one damage. If I can’t win 5 games in a row, I’m going to die.

“I’m going to win six in a row.”

When you click Challenge, 10 small profiles and arena scores are displayed. From the 6th game, you can choose one of 10 opponents, but I heard that there are many experts who deliberately adjust their scores to catch beginners.

-From now on, this is the real skill.

-But the trap cards are dirty. LOL

-Hako, all the fishing bastards came here

– Those are BJs who are famous for #2 and #5 fishing. The real skill is Plain, but dirty bastards playing in Bronze… … .

If you listen to the story of the chat window, numbers 2 and 5 are fishing content BJ.

If you look at the arena score, ID, and profile, you can’t tell them apart from beginners at all.

People in the same industry may be criticized for fishing and eating them, but there is nothing particularly regrettable about it. If I’m bored, can I try it?

-In spite of raising the skill tier to tier 6-7 and covering it with rare items, they ridicule and kill him as a control beggar.

-If you get caught with one of those, it won’t kill you really well. During the 10-minute time limit, he does a lot of dog-like things… … .

-That 2nd ‘Gen Seihun’ bastard is really evil.

As if there were many victims of these guys, cases of damage popped up here and there. I think it would be a good content to catch and kill only anglers with their grudge, but first of all, 10 consecutive wins is the priority. It was when I tried to click on someone other than the angler.

[Thank you Gelpus for 1,000 won.]

-If you kill Genseihun after playing with it for 3 minutes or more, 10,000 won. If you play with it for 10 minutes, 100,000 won will be sponsored.

-hahahaha It looks like Hoon hit hard. 100,000 won in 10 minutes!

-ah… If I had a character in this section, I would just eat 100,000 won… … .

– Mr. Kay. Don’t do Genseihun. That kid is a really strong guy.

The chat window exploded as if the guy named Genseihun was quite a famous angler.

Most of them are voices of concern, but it is a mission that cost 100,000 won.

“Gelpus-nim, I’m going on a 100,000 won mission.”

It is a part-time job that costs 10,000 won per minute, but there is no reason to refuse.

– Huh… Rob a fisherman here?


-It’s dangerous!

Well, it’s dangerous… … .

* * *


– Gensei! Another scapegoat?

-K? Looking at the score, you are a hot newcomer!

– Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

“Okay, here comes another one. Let’s start betting from now on. Hold for 1 minute at a time. Hold on for 2 times and 3 minutes.”

-hahahahaha I’ll go once.

– I’m number 2!

-hahahaha… … .

-hey! Hoon! Don’t you have any reversal of losing?

A betting system turned on on one side of Genseihun’s broadcasting window. This was a content called betting in a tweet, and when a streamer opens a bet, viewers predict the result, vote, and then viewers who match the result receive points for betting.

“Hmm, the first one is overwhelming because I finished it too quickly. Should I go a little slower this time… … .”

– All property went. Suzaku Nn

– Gensei, do it right!

-Is it good to do something like a dog in the completely newbie section?

-The boss is gone33333 What does it matter?

-3 minutes ㄲㄲㄲ

“hahahahaha, I see. I will do my best.”

You can see sparse curses against him during the chatter, but he has already become chronic to be cursed at while doing this. Genseihun, who smiled, arrogantly entered the Colosseum after clearing the chat window of viewers to one side.

“Equipment is fine.”

Because he is a streamer specializing in the arena, he immediately grasped the opponent’s equipment. Considering the longsword of sacrifice, which is about 4-5, the rune dine ranger set and the cloak of contempt, the opponent is heavy money. Compared to himself, it is one level lower, but it is a formidable piece of equipment. Estimated time is 3 minutes! Of course, the winner is himself.

“No matter what, Seion is a skill.”

He was confident because he had defeated most billers with one skill since the small billing period. After a while, a counter announcing a duel appeared above their heads.

3… 2… One… start!



His nightmare began with his left wrist soaring into the sky.

I Use Boss Skills

I Use Boss Skills

난 보스 스킬 쓴다
Score 8.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
All boss skills are mine!


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not work with dark mode