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I Stayed Loyal When My Teacher Was Betrayed Chapter 30

30 – Fall of the Coalition Forces 5

“Pant… pant… pant… Halt!!!”

Rockiya gasped desperately while standing still in place.

Simultaneously, the thousands of troops following behind her also stopped in their tracks.

Only a few hours ago, these soldiers were brimming with determination to annihilate the demons.

But at this moment, all traces of their previous enthusiasm had vanished, replaced solely by deep-seated terror in their faces.

They were all dead.

In less than an hour.

Not even an hour had passed.

It took just that much time for tens of thousands of comrades remaining here, excluding those few thousands, to fall to the ground.


Compared to the terror that followed this scene,

It was just a light prelude.

The colossal force that descended on that location right after.

The Demon King.

Her appearance, distinct from any enemies witnessed before, was like a different dimension altogether.

Although they only glanced at it for a moment, the soldiers were struck by a nightmare-like shock.

In that instant when their gazes met, an instinctive fear of nothing but death.

Trembling at this fact, the soldiers hesitated and sat down one by one like broken dolls.

“Uhh… Ugh…”

“Uh… uh…”

“Heu… heu… Heueuk…”

Until just recently, the soldiers had been filled with morale from consecutive victories, but now they were no longer here.

The only ones left here were the terrified enemy soldiers who were cowering and trembling.

Watching their appearances, Lokia herself was seized by the impulse to sit down in her place.

But… she couldn’t do that.

With all her comrades dead now, she knew too well where she stood.

Lokia, the Grand Magus.

A pillar leading the Alliance of Races.

Now that the expedition had completely failed, she still held the responsibility.

By any means necessary, she had the responsibility to lead these soldiers here back.


It was painful.

The burden weighing on her shoulders.

At any moment, she felt like she might crumple it up and throw it away.

The burden named responsibility, terrible yet agonizing…

Within that burden,

Lokia restrained forcefully the tears welling up in her eyes,

And spoke to the lieutenant sitting hesitantly with a strained voice.

“If you can breathe… get up again.”

“What… what?”

“It’s not safe here… Even if we can’t run, we should at least walk. We have to find a way to leave this area, no matter what. As quickly as possible.”

“…Yes… understood.”

Following Lokia’s orders, the soldiers rose from their positions again.

Leading them, Lokia moved forward with trembling steps filled with fear.

Suddenly, the face of that person came to mind.

Whenever, no matter when, always leading her…

While carrying this heavy burden that she was carrying.

The face of that person who showed no signs of hardship.

Her mentor…

Rosemary’s face.

“Please answer… Mentor… What should I do?”

An answer that she could no longer hear.

Feeling deep anguish from that fact,

Rokia could only move forward with fear of when the demon king would attack.


Torkan and Rockefeller, who had returned to the Demon Palace after organizing the situation.

They were momentarily in a situation where they were imprisoned, according to Judia’s promise to inform them once they have sorted out the specifics.

Unlike Beowulf, who was brutally wounded in the torture room due to Torkan’s actions, they merely had her confined for now.

Of course, if the outcome isn’t satisfactory, it has already been decided what should be done with her,

Apart from that, Torkan didn’t like this situation one bit.

“Your Highness, honestly, I can’t trust her. What if this woman, Judia, really can destroy that tower?”

Torkan expressed doubt as he spoke to Rokino with a skeptical expression.

The tower.

Consisting of individual forces rather than united nations of the races,

It was a place of knowledge for the continent’s magicians, a cradle for witches and wizards.

Located between the Human Kingdom and the Elven Territory, true to its name, it was surrounded by strong magical fortifications.

Protected by impenetrable barriers not only against demons but even the demon king,

In the past, during the attacks of previous demon kings, it served as a stronghold that protected numerous races.

Judia’s words about giving up that tower seemed somewhat unrealistic from Torkan’s perspective…

To be precise, it was seen as nothing more than a deceitful ploy to survive.

However, unlike Torkan, there was a strong smile on the lips of Demon King Rokino.

“No need to worry. If that guy intends to play games with us, then we’ll just cut his throat.”

“But what if this is an unknown trap? Among humans, there are quite a few who would sacrifice themselves for their grand ambition.”

“Of course, that’s true. However, listen. At least she isn’t that kind of person.”

With a cold smile, Rorkne spoke with confidence.

Thorcan asked cautiously, without a shred of doubt in his mind, “How can you be so sure?”

“It’s simple. I investigated the guy’s past. Remember? I know exactly who those people are, as clear as the palm of my hand.”


“They are no heroes or anything like that. Just trash wrapped in seemingly convincing packaging. Those who betrayed even their own master for personal gain wouldn’t be capable of such grand deeds.”

“…Did they really do such things? Truly unpleasant. Humans are indeed…”

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“Of course, among those humans, there are people who are not like that, as you said. Anyway, that scoundrel won’t be able to trap us in any elaborate schemes. Not even if it means surviving.”


Thorcan nodded slowly at Rorkne’s words.

Then, he gave Rorkne a strange look and spoke, “Surprisingly, you understand those humans who we intended to kill until recently quite well.”

“To defeat your enemies, you need to have a clear understanding of them. If you rely solely on your strength, you might end up being counterattacked. So be careful as well.”

“I understand.”

“Good, then I’m leaving.”

“Huh? Wait… Are you really leaving already? What about her…”

“It seems like it will take a few days, so when I come back, let’s communicate via magic. Despite appearances, I am a very busy person.”

With those words, Rorkne waved her hand lightly and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing the busy figure of Lady Rorkne, Toktan wore a slightly puzzled expression.

“What could make her so busy… Could it be that she actually looks like a man?”


“How is this possible…”

“Even the heroes who defeated Odin, how can they be so miserable…”

News of the Union Army’s defeat spreading throughout the continent.

Within just a few days, the news of their crushing defeat had reached everyone, rendering information control meaningless. The residents were greatly disturbed by this news.

“If… If this continues, aren’t we doomed? What will we do if demons and monsters come pouring in?”

“Surely… Even so, isn’t Valhalla here? Adventurers are holding on, but it seems so futile…”

“The Grand Master-level sorcerers didn’t fare any better! It’s the end… Free races will ultimately perish at the hands of demons…”

An atmosphere of worry and despair pervaded the conversations of these people.

Passing through their midst, both my master and I couldn’t help but feel a complex mixture of emotions.

“The situation… seems quite serious.”

“Yes, from their perspective, it’s as if the hero who defeated the Demon King was killed.”

“But honestly, it’s unexpected. No matter what, to see Beowulf meet such a pathetic end… I don’t know whether to be happy or sad.”

From our point of view, the situation was that enemies who were practically sworn enemies of ours had been defeated by the Demon King.

If we didn’t feel relieved, it would be a lie. But it was also true that we couldn’t simply be overjoyed.

Regardless of how it turned out, their failure was a grave crisis for the free races of the entire continent.

70% of the gathered alliance army was wiped out. It was practically an annihilation, and in the process, even the renowned archmages who were known as heroes met their deaths, causing morale to plummet to its lowest.

It was a good thing that our hands weren’t stained any further by taking revenge ourselves, but in terms of the overall situation, there was no way we could avoid worry.

Especially for us, who belonged to the adventurer guild tasked with protecting against demons.

“If things continue like this… what should we do?”

“First, we have to wait until Ovelin makes a decision. Whether we actively fight or watch the situation for now, everything will eventually be determined by her judgment.”


She is the disciple of our master and seems to be quite obedient. But in any case, she is also the guildmaster, Ovelin.

As it is certain that some kind of story will come from her soon, for now, we had no choice but to wait, following our master’s words.

At that moment.




Suddenly, I felt a warm sensation on my shoulder.

Beside me appeared Bernier…

“I’m sorry… I accidentally stepped on your foot…”

“Are you okay? Did you hurt anywhere?”

“No, thanks to Edmund…”

With those words, Bernier slowly withdrew herself from my side.

Looking at her, our master spoke in a stern voice.

“So, are your parents doing well?”

“Yes, they’re doing very well. They were extremely happy when I became a master-class adventurer.”

“That’s good to hear. They must be truly proud to have such an impressive daughter.”

“Yes, they were really proud. It’s all thanks to you, Master. I sincerely want to express my gratitude. Master Rosetta.”

I know it’s not Padlip, but somehow the teacher’s words give that feeling.

Feeling like it’s flowing in a strange atmosphere, I tried to stop them as they were.





“Darn it….”

Suddenly, another woman emerged and leaned against my face with her chest.


“Oh, sorry. My leg bumped into you.”


In the momentary tense atmosphere that followed, I gave up on thinking for a moment.

I Stayed Loyal When My Teacher Was Betrayed

I Stayed Loyal When My Teacher Was Betrayed

스승이 배신당할때 난 의리를 지켰다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
The moment the demon king was defeated, the master was betrayed. When everyone was trying to stab her in the back, I… chose to protect her.


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not work with dark mode