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I Killed the Heroine in the Game Chapter 104

104 – 17: Today, I witnessed a big incident happening in the world of this game.

I turned myself in to the police station, but suddenly I was mistaken for being cursed and crazy, so there was an uproar.

The misunderstanding was resolved through a short conversation and I was properly investigated. No, I thought it could be possible.

“Uh…… The victim did not report it, and no CCTV or vehicle black box was found at the location you mentioned. “I can’t even confirm whether such an incident actually occurred.”

“There are places in this country that don’t have CCTV?”

Although the place I hit was sparsely populated, it was a back alley lined with bars, so I wonder if there really were any cameras.

It may be a bit late in the summer, but isn’t it actually a resort where a lot of people come to have fun?

In response to my question, the police station chief, who is no one else, smiles awkwardly.

In fact, the person I hit may have just taken the money and disappeared.

Looking at the news, it was revealed that I was the one who faced the snake-shaped water demon that appeared at Haeundae Beach, and I may have gone into hiding because I was scared of it.

But I really wondered something about how they were so blatantly trying to bury the incident.

The atmosphere is such that when rich people commit a mistake, they apply pressure with power or money and crime is suppressed.

Of course, I have no intention of using money or connections to cover up what I did. Because I came to surrender.

That means someone else used the power…… It’s so obvious who did it.

It was Class A, and it seemed like they were not going to let me go to the detention center for an assault case and waste time trying to reach an agreement, now that things like Lee Mae-mang-ryang have appeared. At least that’s how I see it.

I gave a bitter smile to the police station chief who was trying to send me away. Just like that, I left the police box and saw the sun set.

So Seo Yoon-seo, who sat down next to her with a tired look on her face, opened her mouth.

“So what are you going to do now? A group of evil spirits, some like Imaemangyang, say they are going to kill you. “What are you going to do?”

“I don’t really have any plans on what to do.”

Answer to Seo Yoon-seo’s question.

I answered sincerely. My goal was to find out who the guy who was targeting me and using the exorcism pig was and kill him.

The reason I tried to attack him was because he used his power to target a woman who was a civilian and tried to kill me.

It’s dark and disgusting. That’s how the world works, but didn’t that guy’s behavior go a little too far?

So I’m trying to catch him, but the evidence is a diary that I can’t open. There are a total of three suspected suspects.

The dark-hearted Gwitae is trying to destroy the world using the main character.

A skeletal possessed body that manipulates human emotions and tried to use me to deal with the trees during a previous fight with them.

And the true darkness of this world that I only know exists.

It seemed like Guitae could be excluded as a real suspect during the fight this time, but it’s not clear yet.

Starting from Gwitae, everyone uses their brains well, so it’s clear that it’s going to be a mess, but what I believe is…… Just the body.

So what I want to say is this.

“I have more things to worry about than those things, so I don’t have time to think about it.”

“Wow…… Is it like that when you get to level A? That’s amazing. If it were me, I would be so scared and sick of it. Oh right. Is your cell phone turned off? Teacher Nokra was worried that I couldn’t keep in touch.”

She realized that she had turned off her cell phone ever since Gaedong sent her grandmother a gifticon containing her affection.

When I turned on my phone again after a few days, the first thing I saw was a missed call from Gaeddong’s grandmother and Nokra.

Looking at the time, he came while I was sipping coffee in the break room.

I was wondering if I should contact them, but among the messages I didn’t see, there was one that caught my eye.

[ The restoration of the Blue Dragon Sword is complete!! It’s perfect!! Another A-grade casting was born!! Ah! I am Gyeongcheon! You can pick it up by visiting the address below!! ]

The message, which was probably written in a hurry and full of typos, was about completely repairing the Blue Dragon Sword, which had been completely forgotten.

From noble mtl dot com

Yes, the main villains in this game, such as Lee Mae-mangyang, are also targeting me, and considering the strength of the suspected suspects, it would be nice to have more proper weapons.

And if you do that, wouldn’t it be okay to save up some more money and buy skills?

The body will die anyway at the moment. I wondered if I should go that far.

“Captain! This candy is delicious! “Let’s eat the large intestine together!”

“I think it’s really great. Leader. This is sweeter than dried fruit or honey! It is very delicious! “It makes my tongue hurt!”

Wooshin says the candy is delicious and encourages me to try it too. Cheongryong laughs, saying that it hurts his tongue because it is so sweet that it can’t even be compared to dried fruit.

I rolled the candy the kid gave me into my mouth. Then I tapped my cell phone and decided to go see Gyeongcheon, the casting repairman I had met before.

Seo Yoon-seo mumbled tiredly that she was in her right mind and had nothing to do, and that she was going to go rest now.

“Damn it. He said he played in the sea, but I can’t even rest during my leave from the academy… I keep working hard.

I got grade B and keep running around dying…… Damn exorcist. If it’s unclear, you’re saying it’s grade B first? If I had known this would happen, I wouldn’t have gotten a B grade…….”

Seo Yoon-seo looks like a tired office worker.

The sight of a child like that struggling and not being able to enjoy vacation was in many ways similar to my past self, so I offered words of support.

“f*ck you.”

“I’ll kill you…!”

Oops, I made a mistake in choosing the word.

He ran away as if running away from Seo Yoon-seo, who was rolling his eyes and raising his whip.

Afterwards, I went back to Seoul and headed to the address written down to check the condition of the blue dragon sword that was said to have been repaired with Wooshin.

I was curious about what the workshop of a class A casting manufacturer, who is said to be able to repair class A castings, looks like, and what I saw was what I saw.

An interior where you can feel the heat. It was a red-haired young man lying down, holding a familiar blue dragon sword sheath and a sword presumed to be a blue dragon sword supported on his legs.

I didn’t understand that. It’s not that heavy, so why isn’t it moving? Am I being crushed and unable to move?

Did the repairs go so well that even consciousness was truly revived?

I was worried and asked what was going on.

“What’s going on?”

“Ah! Exorcist! You are here! Please help me…! After repairing it, I almost dropped the sword by mistake. I threw myself and caught it!

But that’s fine, but shouldn’t I touch that sword before Lee Jun, the owner of this fetish, touches it?! So I can’t even lift this!

I couldn’t even call for help because I couldn’t even reach my cell phone! Under! Glad you came! Thank you Hwadeokjin!! “This won’t be a break for four days in a row!”

Are you more worried about broadcasting than dying with a devastated face?

Even in the meantime, it is unacceptable for me, the owner, to touch it before I touch it? That’s why I stayed in that position for 3 days?

I don’t know if that person is a class A casting producer or a class A internet broadcaster.

Could it be a person in the first place? I guess not.

The weather still feels like summer. A muggy interior. The dirt in front of you.

I shook my head, covering Wooshin’s eyes.


A morning when the warmth of summer is far away and the daily temperature difference is extreme. A small cafe in the city center filled with noise and fear.

This cafe, which opens early in the morning and is frequented by office workers on their way to work, was very quiet today.

Actually, it was natural. Although there were few victims, many Class A demons gathered together and showed up.

At Haeundae Beach, a snake so large that it turned the sea upside down ran rampant.

People were terrified by the disturbing incident that occurred overnight, and office workers who visited the cafe as customers did not stop by the cafe due to anxiety.

No, is it okay to say that the neighborhood is quiet simply because the atmosphere is not good?

Not a single bug approaches that cafe. Not a single wild dog walking on the street howls towards the cafe.

A voice was heard from a place where only pitch-black rats roamed around the store.

“Then, this is enough for a declaration of war. All that’s left is to organize what will become the walls. Thank you for your hard work! Everyone. “I can’t get enough of your hard work!”

A voice speaks while lifting a cup. The man was dressed in a suit and clothes reminiscent of a nobleman.

His face was no different from a human’s, but his hands were covered with white gloves and there was not a single trace of human skin left inside his clothes. He smiled and looked at those sitting around him.

The beings who declared themselves to the world last night as imamangryang. Although it is an evil spirit, it is a class A evil spirit that exists in reality.

Although not all of the Lee Mae-mangyangs that showed up last night were in this cafe, they were all powerful beings.

Jang Sanbeom, a class A virtual evil spirit that imitates human voices and eats them.

A nine-tailed fox that has nine tails and wields a curse like magical power.

An immortal monster starfish that eats steel.

Not only the tea that the skeleton man was drinking, but also a shortcake was placed on the table.

In addition, a human arm covered in blood. And there was a pile of iron forks laid out neatly.

A sight that somehow seems to have imitated a human. If any of the exorcists were to witness this, they would be shocked at the bizarre sight.

Evil spirits imitate humans. It was a sight that proved that these were not ordinary evil spirits.

“[ Yes. This time, I followed your plan, not that half-human, half-ghost’s plan. The plan it came up with is too long and boring.

So~ that abominable spirit and the vermin that are attached to it. Lastly, plum blossom. Is it true that there is a way to kill that damned whore? ]”

Waving its nine tails, the nine-tailed fox threatened the skeleton man, saying that if what he said was false, he would immediately tear him to death.

A cold murderous intent that does not match his gentle voice and beautiful appearance.

The nine-tailed fox showed its fangs as if it could no longer suppress its instincts. Murderous intent pulsing as if he wanted to kill, want to kill.

The people in this place were evil spirits who had gathered for the purpose of killing gods and creating a world of chaos where humans and evil spirits kill each other.

They survived for a long time, left their mark in history after killing humans, and had a stronger sense than ordinary evil spirits, so they gathered even with Class A power.

Nevertheless, they are evil spirits. Killing and harming people is an instinct.

It was a declaration of war against humanity that he appeared, calling himself an immoral person.

At the same time, it means that their presence will be revealed and they will be targeted by exorcists.

With their appearance yesterday, an all-out war between evil spirits and humans began.

A spirit that is worshiped by humans and becomes a god, and an exorcist who exorcises evil spirits with the power of that spirit.

And the plum blossom at the top of all exorcists.

The reason they have cooperated with Gwi-tae, who is half human, and held their breath as much as possible until now is because there was no way to overcome them.

But recently, the being in front of them boldly came to them and said that there was a way to kill not only the plum blossoms but also the spirits.

“The method is simple. “We are recruiting A-class exorcist Lee Jun as an ally.”

The man who dealt with the evil spirits Red Mask and Hong Kong Grandmother who belonged to Lee Mae Mangyang. He attracts as an ally a man who has already cursed him and declared that he will kill him.

The skeleton man said that it was the only way to win the battle between humans and evil spirits.

The young boy who took care of two Class A demons is strong enough to be wary of, but it is difficult to say that all of Imaemangyang’s goals will be achieved by attracting the boy as an ally.

If you look at it from a common sense point of view, it is only natural. The Skull Man said that he was the only way they could win.

“Only he can put an end to this fight. Yes. I assert it. I could risk my existence. My Lady.

But this is not that simple either. Because there are two limitations.

Removing the spirit Wooshin who is attached to him. And putting him in extreme situations. “If these two things don’t happen, you won’t be able to attract him.”

“[ He is human anyway. Wouldn’t it be simpler to scare his family or acquaintances? ]”

“hehehe. He is not something that can be broken just because of something like that.

There is no way the relationship will change simply because they are hostile to us. “The only way to attract him is when the above conditions are met.”

The nine-tailed fox narrowed his eyes at the skeleton man’s words, but then raised the corners of his mouth.

“[There is no need to go through such troublesome work to check if that is true. ]”

The fox in the form of a woman laughed and tore a piece of her flesh, dripping with blood, from her table and placed it in her mouth.

“[ Even if he is stronger than an average human, he is ultimately still human. If I get his soul, there’s no need to do such troublesome things, right? ]”

It is enough to check whether what the skeleton man says is true after getting hold of him.

The evil spirit called Gumiho stood up while thinking that.

The evil spirits gathered in Imaemangyang are in an alliance, but there are no rules binding them other than the restriction of not attacking each other.

If what he said is true and we succeed in eliminating both the plum blossoms and the spirits, then that is fine.

Even if it fails, ultimately humans and evil spirits have no choice but to fight.

It is natural that this unpleasant woman named Guitae was drawing a picture.

Rather, it is strange that they have finally revealed themselves.

The evil spirits that appeared this time were all intelligent and patient enough to wait for their right moment, but I did not like their tendency to move from the shadows.

The evil spirit called the Nine-Tailed Fox is the leader of the evil spirits that hate that nobleman, and the reason they accepted the suggestion made by the skeleton man was to get rid of that nobleman and become the masters of the world.

That’s why the evil spirits here listened to the words of the skeleton man who did not belong to Imaemangyang and maintained an ambiguous position.

An accident that proves that no matter how beautiful it is, the arbitrarily selfish and stubborn beast is ultimately nothing more than an evil spirit.

When the nine-tailed fox leaves, the other evil spirits inside the cafe also disappear, as if following him.

According to their instincts, they will move.

The skeleton man wet his lips with black tea with a smile on his face, and then spoke as if mocking them.

“In the end, they are nothing more than ‘evil spirits.’ “He is only a ‘human’.”

This behavior, which could hardly be called confidence, was truly demon-like.

In addition to being irrational and inefficient, it is a behavior that is mixed with extreme stubbornness and whose causes and processes are not understood. People call this kind of thing madness.

And that madness is ultimately a piece that falls away from humans. Evil spirits are small pieces born from humans that have grown in size.

This was proof that a possessed body and an evil spirit are different beings.

Is the only thing we need to be wary of now is ‘that being’ and the child called Gwitae?

The man, who was smiling with the corners of his mouth raised, carefully placed the cup down so as not to make a sound.

“It was a really nice scent. Madam. That’s great work! It was enough to warm me up in the cold winter weather! Hmm! “I wish I could come in the future.”

I guess it’s impossible! The skeleton man left the cafe, humming to her.

Tingle! Next to the door that opened with bells ringing, on the counter was a human corpse that had been torn to pieces so that its original form was unrecognizable.

However, the body was not made by someone else’s hands, but the wounds were caused by crushing oneself with kitchen tools.

Early autumn weather. The door closes and rattles again! The sound rang out.

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

게임 속 히로인을 죽여버렸다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I killed one of the main heroines in the game. Maybe today, maybe yesterday. Perhaps this bastard thought he could be forgiven for acting crazy if he was half decent.


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not work with dark mode