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I Killed the Heroine in the Game Chapter 103

103 – 17: Today I witnessed a big incident occur in the world of this game.

The scene at the police station looked busier than I expected.

A police officer is sweating while answering the phone, receiving a call from somewhere early in the morning. The sincerity of taking the initiative and going on patrol regardless of rank or age.

No matter where you are, public officials are very busy in areas with a large floating population.

No, it’s not that people are busy, but rather that they don’t want to have anything to do with me in any way.

When I just arrived, maybe because of what happened last night, there were hardly any people and the atmosphere was hectic, but it didn’t feel like this. Why is it suddenly like this?

I sat on a chair in the police lounge, which was not a detention center, and thought about the events that had occurred before I arrived at the police station.

After saying that I would do a favor for this obnoxious little boy who didn’t believe me even if I said thank you, I immediately confessed that I had hit someone.

The reason I did embroidery was simple. I told the kid that I would help him, but not kill him, so if I beat him up and didn’t say anything, the picture would look weird.

This is because I didn’t want to teach Wooshin that it’s okay to hit people and give them money.

The reason I hit that guy was because he caught Gwi-tae walking down the street and insulted him by saying he was in a bad mood.

My life has been very eventful for me to say that hitting someone is wrong, but isn’t this socially correct?

I don’t think that’s what I should say since I taught you to hit people before anything else, but what can you do? I have to try to do something. With that in mind, I started writing the statement.

Up to this point, it was as I expected. The police officer listened to the story and asked as if something was strange.

“Uh…… Are you coming now as a perpetrator rather than a victim? That’s the state…… ?”

The police officer spoke as if he did not understand. It wasn’t until the day before yesterday that I began to have doubts and take a look at myself.

After fighting the corpse snake, my wounds were not properly treated, my whole body was wet from the sea and wind and rain, and my body temperature dropped, making my face turn blue.

Yes. If you look at it objectively, even if you stand on your head, you are closer to being a victim than a perpetrator.

While listening to the situation, the police nervously asked if he had been harmed by an evil spirit rather than a fight with a person.

The tension was mixed with anxiety that an incident might have occurred.

I felt tense at the police station, which already seemed strangely busy, and looked at the TV hanging on the wall.

On television, a newscaster was conveying the situation with a grim expression on the events that took place last night.

In addition to the corpse snake running rampant at the lighthouse near Donghae Beach, hundreds of evil spirits are said to have appeared and attacked people near the Haeundae subway station throughout the night.

In the subway incident, our protagonist and the trees were active and defeated them all, but hundreds of evil spirits and corpse snakes appeared in the city at the same time.

In the meantime, seeing me suddenly injured, I wondered if an evil spirit had appeared from somewhere else, and I was reacting sensitively. That’s right. It was natural.

I did something when the main character didn’t show up, and that’s what happened.

Even as I was gaining enlightenment, I had a strong feeling of wondering why at least one of the exorcists or shamans in this neighborhood didn’t come to support me.

When I thought about it, I realized that I would have survived that mess because I was a noble person, but if I had been at B-level level, I would have died.

So throw away all your thoughts. I spoke to the police officer who was writing down the statement.

“It’s true that he was injured by an evil spirit. But this has nothing to do with the incident I am about to turn myself in, as this happened while I was grabbing a snake in the sea.

Oh, and what hit that person wasn’t a fight, it was a one-sided assault. Again- eh. “If an exorcist with spiritual powers hits someone, will he be punished severely?”

“Yes…… ? Are you the one who fought at night? Ugh, this name can’t be right. You…… I saw it on TV…….”

The police officer who was writing the report looked surprised at the question I asked.

When I heard that he was an exorcist, it felt like he recognized my face.

The person seemed to realize that the kid in the hoodie sitting on my lap with the candy in his mouth that another police officer had given him was not just a kid.

If you look at Wooshin’s clothes now, he is ordinary. The only thing unique about him is the horn-like decoration on his hoodie.

This was a hoodie I made by adding fabric to the hood to create a part for the horns, so it looked like a character hoodie that could be sold somewhere.

Up to this point, I’m just an average kid. The scales and blue and red odd eyes on Wooshin’s face were noticeable even as he walked down the street.

Of course, the most famous person[?] In this country with that appearance is the divine spirit Wooshin. It is a fairly famous story that a human named me wanders around with the spirit Wooshin.

The police officer, who looked at the monitor, my face, and Wooshin several times, looked stiff as if he had been turned into a stone and called out to someone else.

Are you relieved when you look at your rank? Could it be the level of a police station chief? Two major incidents occurred in this neighborhood right now and they were busy cleaning things up. When I called them, the police station chief looked a little annoyed.

After listening to the explanation of the police officer who was writing the report, his face hardened for some reason, and when he looked at me, his blood pressure went down in an instant.

Afterwards, rather than putting me in the detention center, they politely brought me to the break room and even served me tea and snacks.

The awkward and stern face of the person who appeared to be a middle-aged police station chief was very memorable.

And the current situation. I drank lukewarm coffee in a paper cup.

It’s clear that they’re keeping me here and isolating me.

I can’t believe you’re taking such action when you’re turning yourself in as a perpetrator of assault on a civilian. Does the title of A-Class Exorcist make it difficult for the police to touch him?

No, it seemed more like fear than that. The sight of him looking into the break room while wearing a bulletproof vest and holding a pistol was clearly a sign of fear.

If it were an ordinary person, it would have been done by mutual agreement and reporting. Is that kind of reaction to an exorcism scam? What is that damn exorcist?

I understand that ordinary police officers cannot do anything since they wield a special power called spiritual power, but…… It feels strange that I came to turn myself in and was not locked up in a detention center.

I was drinking coffee when Wooshin’s eyes lit up and he said he wanted to drink coffee. That too for a while.

Suddenly, all the police officers started to hurriedly leave the place. As if taking their place, people began to approach the lounge.

From noble mtl dot com

If you look at the sound of footsteps alone, about 10 people? More than that? I rolled my eyes as I started to smell a lot of people, a peculiar smell of incense, and a strange grassy smell. It was Seo Yoon-seo who appeared as she opened the lounge door.

It was noticeable that his hair was longer than when I saw him before, and it was tied back, and what was more noticeable was the whip-like cast iron held in his hand.

This was my first time seeing her since I was dealing with Mama. She entered the lounge with a very nervous look on her face. She then glared at me and started tilting her head.

I was also surprised by her sudden appearance and we had a meaningless snowball fight for 30 seconds. It was Seo Yoon-seo who opened her mouth first.

“Uh, what are you doing?”

“That’s right. Long time no see. How are you?”

“How have you been? Umm…… First of all, I’m just asking just in case. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Uh. What. “It’s a little bad, but not that bad.”

“…… That’s a good thing. Uh. Hey, this is the main point. Aren’t you in a slightly abnormal state because you’ve been cursed? You may hear strange auditory hallucinations or see strange things in front of your eyes. Are you feeling angry?”


I looked to the side. While I was talking to Seo Yoon-seo, Wooshin secretly ate the coffee I left behind and started crying. There’s no way I’m subject to something like a curse.

In that case, the person Seo Yoon-seo is worried about is me. I asked, stroking my chin.

“You’re not just cursing me because I have a dirty personality, right?”

When I saw someone suddenly come and ask such a question, I wondered if it was a subtle insult, and Seo Yoon-seo’s answer to that question was as follows.

“As expected…… Maybe because I was cursed, I had a bit of a problem with situational awareness…… But I don’t feel any sign of a curse…….”

I guess it was right to swear.

I was about to raise my fist, but I told Wooshin not to hit people with his fist.

It was a bit strange that I immediately broke what I said. Moreover, it is impossible to do anything at the police station.

So – let’s go to the police station and use our elbows to hit them. I relaxed my shoulders and thought.


I tried to hit him by loosening his shoulders. As an intellectual in modern society, before hitting her, I rationally asked her why she said that.

I guess they brought people there because they suddenly had a reason to ask if they were cursed.

A small number of C and D grade exorcists and many who appear to be shamans.

The way those people were looking at me with great nervousness seemed more like people who had come to prepare for battle rather than coming to arrest an exorcist who had assaulted a civilian.

Assault is a crime, but he deserves the death penalty for not being able to answer questions, and he is an ambiguous person to say he came to kill. It was strange that so many shamans came to arrest me.

What on earth are they here to do? I left those people behind and had a conversation with Seo Yoon-seo in a quiet lounge.

“Those people say you’re insane because you’re cursed, so if they can, they’ll curse you for you, but if they can’t, they’re meat shields to buy time until other A-class members come.”


I looked blankly at Seo Yoon-seo, who was saying shocking things with calm, dead eyes.

When I looked at her, I suddenly wondered what kind of bullsh*t she was talking about. Seo Yoon-seo spoke as she drank the coffee prepared in her lounge.

“I’m sorry, if I suddenly told you I was cursed, you’d probably get angry. But I was also a bit sleepy and scared, right?

In the sea, an evil spirit appears that is so dangerous that the spirit of Wooshin himself comes forward to fight it.

At the same time, so many evil spirits appeared in the city that I thought they might have been possessed, so I flew in from Seoul to provide support.

But sir…… When I arrived, the situation was over. It’s good if it ends in vain. Suddenly, they said that A-level exorcist Lee Jun was cursed and went crazy? Wow, it was really crazy.

Hey, that guy went to report in a hurry and has already taken a plane to Seoul, and I’m the only B-class person in this town. They tell me to hold out before others come. “I really thought that if I did something wrong, I would die here.”

“… ….”

I heard how Seo Yoon-seo came here, but I don’t understand.

There was an uproar in this neighborhood, so Seo Yoon-seo came to help. I understand. But suddenly my logic jumped and I was wondering why I was cursed and crazy?

“When I hear that a person who was expected to be fighting a grade A or higher water demon suddenly turned himself in for attacking someone because it was daylight. People usually think that I’m crazy because I’ve been cursed. “Common sense.”

Seo Yoon-seo says that of course it can’t be like that. I asked, looking for something to say in response to such a firm response.

“Don’t you think you just turned yourself in by mistake?”

“…… An exorcist who fights with an evil spirit and ends up going crazy after being unlucky enough to be cursed is something you only see once in a lifetime, right?

But when a person who was fighting alone in the sea suddenly disappears and reappears, and when they see an A-class exorcist who confesses that he hit someone, the police are bound to think he is crazy.”

I suspect that there is someone who is not just an exorcist but also an A-level person, so I need to buy time until people who can properly subdue me arrive, so is Seo Yoon-seo here?

The reason the police officers were so nervous and even holding guns was because they were wary of me going crazy.

It is absurd that simply coming to surrender would lead to such a ridiculous situation, but as many as two such situations have occurred in the neighborhood.

…… No. No. As expected, something is strange.

This is a strange leap in logic. Let alone whether it is strange that he came to surrender after the fight, it is strange that they immediately judge him as cursed and crazy.

There is something I don’t know. I looked at Seo Yoon-seo with my eyes wide open. As if she had been waiting, she took out her cell phone and played one of her videos.

And what we saw was a video of A standing alone and talking about disgusting things.

A being that looks like a mixture of half human and half animal, with long white fur.

A fascinating looking woman wagging nine beast tails.

A bizarre beast with a huge shell and the trunk of an elephant.

Lastly, a gray-skinned giant with nine heads. And countless other evil spirits.

I remember my younger brother telling me about these evil spirits who are the main villains in this game.

Obviously, their name is Jang Sanbeom. It would have been named Starfish, Nine-Tailed Fox, or Jihadeokdaejeok. That

Powerful curses and spiritual powers that are incomparable to other evil spirits are scattered around, and people who witness them are falling to the ground.

They called themselves ‘Imaemangryang’ and proudly shouted.

They will kill all the spirits and create a world of evil spirits, and all exorcists will be defeated and die. He said things like that.

Then, they called all the people they thought were Class A exorcists and cursed them like a prophecy about how they would die. To my annoyance, they mentioned me at the end.

“[Lee Jun! This miserable orphan eventually goes crazy with curses and curses the world! Hurt me! In the end, he will kill himself!! ]”

The giant, who had 9 heads and was very powerful, started talking nonsense, and the video ended with a prophecy that the world would soon be destroyed.

After watching the entire video, I understood why they came in a hurry, mentioning the curse.

They must have been worried because what appeared to be a group of A-class evil spirits and possessed bodies gathered together and threw this curse.

Did he appear in this situation in the original game story?

Looking at the tail, it doesn’t seem like Gwi-tae planned it.

It would be a real headache if the people he was partnering with did something like this on their own. It’s so similar.

Impressions and thoughts overlapped, and soon my brain came up with a short impression.


If I’m going to go crazy, I went crazy a long time ago.

If they were going to kill you with a curse, it would have been possible if they had said that they would die by turning their heads or making them vomit blood, but they ended up going crazy and dying?

If I was going to die without losing my mind, I would have done it a long time ago. Do you think I will change because these bastards curse me?

I returned the cell phone to Seo Yoon-seo, laughing like an A-level demon, and thought about something more important than the curses of these idiots.

“These things are none of my business. Since I hit someone, will I be booked? Excuse me. “I’m just saying that because I don’t know much, but if an exorcist hits a civilian, aren’t they going to be punished severely?”

“…… Is it hot? Now that I think about it, I’ve never heard anyone say that exorcists are subject to aggravated punishment. “Because I was the one handing out flyers while I was watching the news.”

After all, it is important to know the law. We all know what happens when we fight and hit each other. I am not a normal person in this world.

I fed another candy to Wooshin, who was still crying because he was bitter, and chewed the end of the paper cup.

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

I Killed the Heroine in the Game

게임 속 히로인을 죽여버렸다.
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I killed one of the main heroines in the game. Maybe today, maybe yesterday. Perhaps this bastard thought he could be forgiven for acting crazy if he was half decent.


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not work with dark mode