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I Have Come To End This Fight Chapter 3

Episode 3. molting (3)

After the fudak with Dutz’s gang.

Yuri leaves the manor and enters a nearby forest road where people are rare.

He confirmed that no one was around and hurriedly lowered his upper body.


A hand quickly covers his mouth as he coughs.

Red blood leaked out between her white fingers.

At first glance, it was bloody enough to be serious.

However, Yuri wiped her bloody lips with a face that said it was not a big deal.

“ah… damn pig.”

Yuri, who cursed at Dutz with annoyed eyes, collapsed with a brain-splitting headache.


In excruciating pain, I hurriedly took the pouch from my bosom.

Glass took out a medicine made of herbs from his leather pouch and quickly chewed it up and swallowed it.

He took a deep breath and waited for the drug to take effect.

“Whoop, whoop.”

Despite the strong analgesic effect of the herb, the headache did not subside easily.

His face contorted even more at the feel of the slimy blood on his palms.


The ‘black disaster’ that destroyed the Pauli family and visited those related to him.

The fearful monster that suddenly appeared and took the lives of countless people disappeared without a sound at some point.

In response, someone said that the black plague had been subdued, and someone else said that it had left for another place.

But the truth was different.

‘This is why I didn’t want to use it.’

Eight years ago, when my eyes went wild and went crazy.

The one who stopped Yuri, who was called the black disaster and feared, was not the subjugation team, but himself.

To be precise, it was the condition of the body that had become a mess.

‘It’s just that I’ve soaked my feet that much… … .’

The first time I became aware of the “curse” was around the age of 8.

As the bloody revenge was almost over, he suddenly vomited blood and passed out.

After that, as the same situation was repeated several times, Yuri was able to realize.

‘What I thought was power without a price… Actually, it was a curse that gnawed at my lifeline.’

Currently, Yuri’s body could be said to be a bomb with a wick on fire.

A burning wick that burns even when it is still.

In addition, the more power was used, the more accelerated the burning of the wick.

‘My wick… How much do I have left?’

If the wick burns out and the bomb finally explodes, will he die?

Or will the black monster devour itself?

Whatever it was, it was clear that it would be the end of the human being called ‘Yuri Holland’.

‘I need to find a way to remove the curse.’

Eight years ago, the anger and murderous intent that burned wildly faded with the survival instinct to survive.

Yuri suppressed her strength and curse as much as possible and wandered the world like a wild dog in search of a way to deal with it.

However, nowhere was he able to find out the cause of his body being destroyed, let alone the identity of the ‘black monster’.

The more he did, the more Yuri’s longing for life turned into an obsession.

Now only fifteen years old.

As a time limit, I knew that the end was approaching, but I did not know when the end would be.

An uneasy future where you can live another 10 years, or you may not be able to open your eyes tomorrow morning.

Every day was precious to Yuri and painful at the same time.

Tired of such a life, he stayed for half a year at the Irons Manor to take a break.


“… Is it time to come out here as well?”

Yuri felt that it was time to leave again.

If you stay longer than this, you will want to settle down.

“Whoa… … .”

After the headache subsided, Yuri got up from her seat and walked toward the shelter she had created.

and in the dark.


The eyes that looked at Yuri’s back as she entered the forest flickered, then disappeared.

* * *

the next morning.

Yuri was at Irons Manor.

He blinked at the bustle that was evident on his skin.

‘There were a lot of people.’

Starting from the castle gate entering the territory, to the town square.

People from the territory were lined up tightly around the wide-maintained main street.

They came together for one reason.

It was to see the people who had been waiting for the past three months.

Also, this was the reason Yuri came into the territory.

‘Black Swordsman.’

There was no one on the continent who did not know the name of the Black Swordsman.

Sword Master’s bodyguard.

The most powerful force on earth.

cradle watchman and so on.

However, unlike their prominent names, the opportunity to meet them was once in a lifetime.

Even Yuri, who had been wandering the continent for a long time, had never seen them.

‘Even if I leave Irons, it would be okay to take this opportunity to watch the Black Swordsman.’

If not, when will I get a chance to see the Black Swordsman again?

It was at this moment that Yuri’s gaze turned toward the castle gate.


In the distance, the castle gate of the territory was slowly lifted upwards.

Soon, murmurs erupted from all over the place.


“Are you here?”

People, you and I, turned our heads toward the castle gate.


The gates were finally completely open.

They were beyond the open door.

A black uniform decorated with golden thread.

A black cloak draped over his shoulders.

As the name suggests, five men in black uniforms rode brown horses into the camp.

multiple- multiple-.


“It’s the Black Swordsman!”

“Cradle watchman!”

The long-awaited arrival.

Whenever the Black Swordsmen on horseback passed by, the people of the territory cheered.

Yuri also looked at the Black Swordsman.

The first thing that struck me was their blade-like aura.

The moment he saw the Black Swordsman’s eyes in succession, a light cold sweat broke out on Yuri’s back.

‘Those children… … .’

Do you know those who are cheering right now?

How do the Black Swordsmen look at you?

Perhaps the only one who realized that in this spot was himself.

‘People… I don’t see them as people.’

The gaze of the Black Swordsmen looked at people as if they were looking at a small stone placed on the side of the road.

It seems to be staggering.

It looks like it can be removed at any time if needed.

‘It’s an unpleasant look.’

Yuri’s expression hardened as the memory of that day 8 years ago came to mind in Black Swordsman’s eyes.

* * *

A neatly organized gymnasium.

A boy was sweating and swinging a two-handed sword.

Dark blonde hair and green eyes.

Clear facial features and a rather cold impression.

The handsome boy focused on training as if he had forgotten the time.


A long sword that strikes vertically with a heavy punching sound.

As if a heavy sword that would be difficult for ordinary people to even lift was measured with a ruler, it traveled the same path without an inch of error.

‘Erase your thoughts and stare at the tip of the sword.’

The blond boy, Gunther.

He stared at the tip of the sword with amazing concentration.

As consciousness focused on the sword, the spirit of the sword gradually deepened.

Then at some point


I couldn’t hear the piercing sound that had been ringing a moment ago.

The speed of striking the sword was the same as before.

when the sound is completely gone.


Gunther let out a short breath.

And the weak cutting sound that was created.


Then, at an interval of about 0.5 seconds, a sound of a different dimension than before burst out.


A rough wind blew from where Gunther was standing.

Strong wind pressure stirred Gunther’s hair and cooled the sweat that flowed.

“Whoa… … .”

Only then did Gunther stop his sword and straighten his breathing.

The heat rising from the body made the mind clear.

When he finishes the work of heating the body and calms the mind.

“Are you done?”

Hearing a deep voice from behind, Gunter turned around and drew his sword.

“Are you here?”

Where Gunther’s eyes were directed, there was a middle-aged man with an impression as profound as his voice.

A gymnasium exclusively for use by the householder and his immediate family.

Also, there weren’t too many for Irons’ young heir to bow his head.

It was Ashraf, Lord of Irons.

He asked, looking at his sweaty son.

“How is your body?”


Even though they were rich by blood, the atmosphere between the two was very stiff.

The atmosphere is as if you are watching the relationship between the ruler and the god rather than the rich.

From nob le mt l dot com

Moreover, since neither of them was speechless, that atmosphere was felt even more prominent.

The son and father stared at each other.

In the midst of silence, Ashraf spoke an unusually long story.

“If it were you, the proof of the cradle would pass without difficulty. However, this only means standing at the starting line of the competition… What is the importance of just standing at the starting line? That is not all I want of you.”

“… … .”

“Over the past 50 years, Cradle has produced many strong people. It is not an exaggeration to say that the continent is being changed by the strong from the cradle, and I know that fact better than anyone else… These are the ones who have been through the cradle.”

These were the words of Ashraf’s experience of coming back from the cradle and leading the revival of Irons.

Gunther listened to his father’s story.

“Because those who once went to the cradle continue to push their heirs into the cradle… The current cradle is a microcosm of world power.”

A light flashed in Ashraf’s eyes as he looked at his son.

“So climb to the top of the cradle. This Ashraf’s successor, Gunther Irons!”

“… … .”

“Prove that you are the best. Five years of proof from the cradle will lead to Irons’ films for the next 50 years.”

From the cradle of a miniature continental map.

It is also a story of taking the peak in the arena of competition where geniuses, who are said to be the leaders of each power, gather.

This will undoubtedly be a huge burden.

But Ashraf was well aware.

If it was a son, he wouldn’t be shaken at this level.

“I will.”

Gunther replied with a firm expression that did not change the slightest.

Ashraf smiled faintly at his son’s answer.

It was as if he knew how to answer.

That was the moment.


Ashraf erased his smile at the cheers coming from outside.

“Looks like the supporting actors have entered the prepared stage.”

The best stage prepared for today.

No matter what anyone said, the main character on the stage to publicize Irons’ status was his own son.

“let’s go.”


Ashraf and Gunther.

The protagonists of this stage moved their steps to go up to the stage.

* * *

The cheers that started at the gate followed the Black Swordsman to the plaza.

In the central square, a wide space specially prepared for this day, soldiers created a round barrier of people.

The people blocked by the soldiers shouted.

“Hey, isn’t this too far? What will you see?”

“Please let me look a little closer!”

“Right now, this is also risky. Don’t accidentally get close and get stabbed unluckily, just watch it from here.”

“That’s awful… … .”

“It is the name of the lord. If you get closer, you will spend this evening in jail.”

“Grunt… … .”

Those who were stopped by the soldiers mumbled, but at the sound of the lord’s order, they could not express their dissatisfaction and retreated.

A square filled with phosphoric acid.

Some people gave up getting close and climbed into nearby trees or roofs to perch.

Their eyes did not know how to separate from the black swordsman who had arrived at the center of the plaza and dismounted.

It was a spectacle to many people, but the Black Swordsmen did not show much inspiration.

just holding its place.

how much time had passed


A large number of people appeared on the road from Yeongju Castle with the sound of a magnificent drum.

“It is the lord!”

“Prince Gunther!”

People cheered for Yeongju and Gunther, the main character of the day, standing next to him.

And finally.


Two groups facing each other in the center of the square.

Ashraf welcomed them as the owner of the estate.

“You have worked hard to come this far.”

“… … .”

Despite the lord’s welcome, the Black Swordsmen didn’t even respond.

It only gives you an indifferent gaze.

The vassals’ eyebrows twitched at their rudeness.

However, the lord, who already knew what the Black Swordsmen were like, did not take it seriously.

Then one of the Black Swordsman stepped forward.

“Recommendator, Cradle 29 Ashraf Irons, please submit your dragon plaque.”

careless speech.

As soon as he finished his words, a vassal behind Ashraf brought a luxurious wooden shelf.

What was placed inside was a golden plaque with a dragon engraved on it.

It’s called a Dragon’s Plaque, and it’s an admissions certificate and diploma given to people from Yoram.

And it was also a letter of recommendation that could only be used once in a lifetime.

The Black Swordsman, who checked and retrieved the dragon plaque, shouted again.

“He who takes the test, come forward.”

With those words, Gunther in armor stepped forward.

“The eldest son of Irons, Gunther. I want to take the test of the cradle.”

Not only his retainers but also the spectators were happy to see his temperament, which was not typical of a 15-year-old boy.

The voice of the Black Swordsman continues.

“From now on, according to the law set by the master of the great sword, in the presence of the 5 members of the 8th Black Sword, the qualification test for Yoram has begun!”

The voice of the Black Swordsman rode on mana and spread throughout the square.

At this, Gunther stepped forward.

He raised his sword to face level, the blade facing forward.

A ceremony performed by those who are classified as knights before sharing swords with the other person.

On the other hand, as Gunther took his stance, one of the Black Swordsmen stepped forward.

Among the Black Swordsmen, he is the youngest looking one.


The sword he drew was a straight, single-edged sword.

A weapon commonly used by warriors.

As the two confronted each other in the center, the onlookers began to concentrate while swallowing dry saliva.

“Poem, let’s begin.”

“Confucius, do your best!”

The Black Swordsman drew his sword amidst the tension and excited gazes around him and opened his mouth.

“The exam ends with an exchange of days. Come in whenever you’re ready.”

One-handed exchange.

A situation in which the success or failure of the test can be determined by a single clash.

In other words, Gunther had to put all his abilities into one sword.

‘The opponent is the Black Swordsman.’

I don’t know the exact level, but at least certified 1st Dan or higher.

Now, he was only an unofficial 1st class, and there was nothing he could do about it.

‘The best I can do.’

Gunther made up his mind and took a breath.


With the first breath, Irons’ 10 years of mastery of horsemanship slowly began to stretch.


The next breath energized his muscles, and the mana in the air that accompanied his breath reached Gunther’s mana.

Then, since he was born, the mass of mana he had accumulated until now began to wriggle.

‘Mana is the firewood piled up in the body.’

Soon after, as the fire burned in the dry firewood, heat was released from the body that had been preheated.


‘Breath is the wind that raises the fire of mana!’


Gunther’s body shuddered explosively at the brief interrupted breathing.

‘Through that, I become the king of the sky!’


As the steel boots hit the ground, the ground they stepped into caved in, sending Gunther’s body forward.


Truly explosive movements.

It was as if Gunther had disappeared in the eyes of the general public.

Reaching in front of the Black Swordsman with strong leaping power, Gunther grabbed the longsword with both hands and swung it.

Tsutsutsu -.

About 500 years ago.

From nob le mt l dot com

Martial arts and swordsmanship that the founder of Irons created after seeing the king of the griffins who wielded thunderbolts.

Among them, three white thunderbolts shaped like griffin claws aimed at the Black Swordsman’s neck and flew.

A situation where a person’s body seems to be torn apart by claws at any moment.

Surprise lingered on the faces of the vassals who saw this.

‘Three claws!’

‘I can’t believe I’ve already pulled out three claws!’

A total of 5 claws will be revealed if the proficiency reaches its peak.

Considering the age of 15-year-old Gunther, it was an astonishing proficiency with three claws.

‘It was perfect.’

Gunther’s eyes twinkled when he pulled out three claws.

From nob le mt l dot com

Movement of power created by kicking the ground.

The proficiency of the technology that contained that power.

It wasn’t the strongest attack, but it was the best swordsman he could use.

Gunther had no doubts that this would surely produce results.

Just like that, the three claws aimed at the Black Swordsman’s heart.


A single flash of light curved like a snake and intervened between the three claws.


At the same time, with a grotesque noise, Gunther’s body bounced back.

support position-.

Kneeling on the floor and slipping 3m, Gunther lowered his eyes at the lighter weight of the sword.

“… … ?!”

Seeing the broken sword, Gunther’s eyes shook.

‘Wolf… easily?’

Of course, I thought the attack would be blocked, but I didn’t expect that the sword would break.

Gunther was greatly agitated because the sword, a symbol of faith and oath to a knight, was broken.

“What, what happened?”

“Are you done? Well, it flashes and ends.”

“I think the young master lost… How is this going? Did you fail the test?”

“That’s unlucky!”

“Be quiet, Boss! Listen to what they say!”

While people were arguing over the results, the black swordsman who had dealt with Gunther inserted his sword.


The sound of lead swords echoed, and as if that was a signal, the five Black Swordsmen opened their mouths one after another.

“On the standard.”

“Best standard.”

“On the standard.”

“Best standard.”

“Best standard.”

Two highs and three highs.

After summarizing the opinions, the leader of Team 8 of the Black Sword came to a conclusion.

“Overall standard, best. pass.”

With those words, the captain threw the dragon tablet at Gunther.

It is not a recovered golden dragon shield, but a dragon shield made of platinum.

The number 50 was engraved on the back.

It was a proof that he had become the 50th rider of the cradle.

There was silence for a while at the point where Gunther received the dragon plaque.

a few seconds later


People burst into cheers at once.

There was no way they knew the meaning of the workshop that came and went in front of their eyes.

But he took great pride in the fact that the great monarch’s heir had passed the test of the cradle.

Ashraf stood by his son amidst the cheering.

A rebuking tone flowed from his mouth.

“The person who dealt with you was the lowest member of the Black Sword Corps. To think that the sword would be broken by such a person.”

“… I apologize.”

“Be more diligent.”

“I will keep that in mind.”

Looking at his son, who bowed his head deeply, Ashraf turned around.

One of his vassals approached and whispered in Gunther’s ear with a smile on his face.

“Don’t be too heartbroken.”

“but… The sword is broken.”

“Even the lowest members of the Black Sword Corps have at least a certified 3rd rank.”

“… Are you saying that one trillion won is that strong?”

“Do you think it is the strongest armed group on earth for nothing? The fact that such a skilled person broke his sword means that the master’s attack was so great that he failed to control his strength. Even the lord is well aware of that fact… Don’t worry too much because you were shy and said mean things.”

“Adolf, go back to your seat.”


The vassal who had whispered to Gunther resigned at Ashraf’s point.

At the same time, he did not forget to wink slightly at Gunther.

And like Adolf said, Ashraf was content inside.


When you enter the cradle, your rank is Advanced.

However, how can you not be happy as a father because your son received the white dragon plaque, the symbol of the highest level?

Ashraf smiled slightly and spoke to the Black Swordsmen.

“Since you must have had a hard time coming a long way, I prepared a banquet. Enjoy yourself and get rid of your travel addiction.”

However, despite Ashraf’s suggestion, the leader of the Black Swordsman responded bluntly.

“My mission is over, so I’m going back. A person from the cradle will come out and explain matters related to entering the island.”

Having said that, the leader led the members of the team without regret and approached the horse.

It only took about 10 minutes for the Black Swordsman to arrive and the test to end.

The time it took to greet them was futile.

However, no one could stop the Black Swordsman from leaving.

I just sadly look at the backs of those who are about to leave.

That was the moment.

A gruff voice came out of the crowd and caught the Black Swordsman’s footsteps.

“Since you’ve come this far, pay one more thing and go.”

I Have Come To End This Fight

I Have Come To End This Fight

이 싸움을 끝내러 왔다
Score 9.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
[I will give all of me to whoever kills me]. The world has gone mad with the bombshell declaration of the continent’s ruler, the Sword Lord. “I like how simple it is. So you’re telling me that if I kill the strongest guy, the whole world is mine?” A pissed-off genius jumped in.


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not work with dark mode