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I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party Chapter 25

25 – Reception (2)


They prepared until just before the reception. We applaud and praise our diligent servants who went through so much trouble to dress up these ignorant country bumpkins.

“I wonder if they’re still there.”

Thinking that everyone might be waiting there, I went to the dressing room, but no one was left. So, I went up to their rooms, but they weren’t there either.


Where did everyone go?

“Are you looking for your colleagues?”

At that moment, Catherine, the head of the palace, approached and spoke. They seemed to be wandering around here and there.

“Yes, I came after preparing for a moment, but I can’t see where everyone went.”

“Well, they probably went to the banquet hall first. Your colleagues, including Erin the warrior, haven’t returned to this room.”

“Oh, really?”

Did they go to the banquet hall without me?

“Thank you, I’ll go there right away.”

“Yes, have a good time.”

Following the advice of Catherine, the head of the palace, she headed to the reception hall. She had heard of it before, so there was no way she wouldn’t be able to find it.

…That’s what she thought.

“Where am I?”

The palace was much more complicated than she had imagined. It wasn’t just because she was bad with directions. If she had been, she would have had a hard time buying supplies in the first village and returning, but she had never been in that situation before.

“I’m sure I was going in this direction…”

The reception hall was located in a place called Tianjin Palace, where the facilities for events such as the reception hall, garden, and lounge were all gathered. She had heard that it was quite close to the Ch’ŏnlang Palace where she had been staying. But why did

Let’s go back the way we came. And it seems better to start moving again.

“Oh, my? Aren’t you Allen?”


When I looked back, a somewhat familiar but awkward face was there. It was Erwin, the white horseman mage of the Orlandor party.

“Oh, hello.”

“What are you doing here? Judging by your appearance, it seems like you’re going to the banquet hall…but this place is the exact opposite direction.”

“Well, that’s…”

In other words, this means I’ve been going in the wrong direction.

“Am I actually directionally challenged…?”

Erwin looked at me furtively and smirked, saying:

“Ah, looks like you’re lost.”

“… Yes.”

He caught onto it right away…

“As luck would have it, I’m on my way to the reception hall as well. Should we go together?”

“Uh, is that okay?”

“Yes, since my colleagues have already gone ahead…”

Did she leave later than planned? It was a feeling of understanding because our situations were similar.

“Well then, may I ask for your company?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

Thanks to Erwin, I was able to find the right path. With gratitude in my heart, I followed her, and Erwin spoke.

“Is Allan usually quiet?”

“Yes? Oh…”

Seems like I was too quiet.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was just silently following along.”

“hehehe, no, it’s not that. I was just curious. I often see Erin Knight and the other party members having enjoyable conversations.”

That’s mostly because those guys always have something to say. And of course, there’s also a sense of comfort. Erwin only knows my face and name, to a certain extent.

“I saw Allan again

“Excuse me?”

“I always believed that Erwin’s judgment was right. He’s a hero and the leader of our party. As such, he has relatively more combat experience. But…”

Erwin praised me, saying, “In fact, Allen’s judgment was right, wasn’t it? It might upset you to say this, but the fact that Allen, a mere laborer, had a better judgment than the hero Orion…it’s actually quite impressive.”

…I was startled by the sudden praise.

I didn’t feel as bad as Erwin seemed to worry. That’s because my judgment seemed so good… that’s what this talk was about.

I didn’t expect to hear such praise from a member of another party, but it made me feel quite good. I replied with a slightly awkward smile, saying, “Thank you for your kind words.”

“Orlando had his judgment, but I didn’t trust and follow the commander Allen’s judgment. I apologize.”

“No, well… It’s fine.”

Party members naturally follow the party leader’s judgment. Especially in a seasoned warrior party like ours. If Erin doesn’t support my decision, we might even follow Erin’s judgment.

“Do you happen to have any romantic interests, Allen?”

“…Excuse me? Why all of a sudden?”

“Oh, was that rude? Then I apologize.”

“It’s not like that…”

Although it was abrupt, it didn’t feel like a rude question.

“To be honest, I was just curious. You have more abilities than I thought, and your appearance is quite decent. Aren’t you the type that women would like?”


Based on how our party members treat you, I don’t think that’s the case.

Erwin chuckled lightly as I looked at him in confusion and asked, “Hoho, seems like you don’t know your own charm.”

“Oh… hahahaha,” I awkwardly laughed, feeling a bit self-conscious. In response, Erwin said, “Then it would be interesting to show you a bit of that charm.”


“You don’t have anyone you’re meeting right now, right? Well then….”

Erwin suddenly gave me a mysterious gaze and swiftly grabbed my arm, pushing me against the wall.

“Sir Erwin!?”

Why are you acting like this all of a sudden!?

I tried to raise my arm in an instant, but she was also a member of the Hero Party. Even though she was a magician, her strength was stronger than mine. Judging only by the difference in our arm size, it seemed like I could easily overpower her and still have some energy left… But instead, I am being overpowered.

“The real problem is the stats, it’s a problem!!”

Erwin pushed me against the wall and started whispering quietly.

“Have you ever thought about having a relationship with me?”

“…Excuse me?”

“If you don’t have any women to be in a relationship with anyway, why not consider me?”

“What’s all of a sudden…”

“I saw Allen again because of what happened this time. I quite enjoyed it.”

“What is he saying right now…?”

Erwin spoke with a smile, “Convenient enough, this place has a lot of lounges.”

“A, lounges are just a resting place…?”

“Oh my, how innocent you are. Only one to two people can go into a lounge. Why would a resting place be turned into such a secretive space?”

I know the truth, yet I’m just making excuses.

But I really don’t understand why he’s doing this. How can he say that he’ll have a secretive relationship with me after just meeting for how long as it’s passed already and we’re acting like this in the lounge. Not even Frey acts so brazen.

Having an intimate relationship after being together for such a short time?!

“If you really don’t like it, you can go off and leave. I’m a weak woman, I could resist you easily, considering how I’m holding on to you.”

I want to do it too, but I can’t!!

“Phew, you don’t refuse. You’re more embarrassed than I thought?”

“It’s not that…!!”

How much difference in strength is there that you can’t get out of it?

<Character Information>

◈ Name: Erwin

◈ Occupation: Wizard

◈ Status

[Strength: 88] [Agility: 114]

[Stamina: 180] [Intellect: 48]

[Magic Power: 510] [Holy: 0]

◈ Possessed Traits

[White Magic Lv.6] [Rapid Casting Lv.3] [Circuit Crafting Lv.7] [6th Sense Lv.3] [Magic Circulation Lv.5] [Magic Recovery Lv.3] [Physical Resistance Lv.3] [Magic Resistance Lv.4]

His arm is so thin, yet his strength stat is 18 higher than mine, damn it.

“Um, Mr. Erwin? Could you just let me go…? I don’t have any intention of forming a relationship with anyone right now…”

“Are you telling me to give up? I can’t do that. It’s rare to find someone like you, prey… No, a man. I can’t easily give up.”

W-What did he just say? Did he really call me prey?

“But judging by your reaction… Are you really sympathizing?”


“Oh my, really?”

Erwin’s gaze became even more ominous.

“So this was an item. How is it possible that you’ve never embraced a woman with a body like this?”

This is madness. She was crazier than Frey. At least she enjoyed showing off, but she didn’t desire such licentious relationships.

“Damn, look at her eyes!”

It wasn’t just the gaze of a few people trying to provoke her. She really looked like prey that could be devoured.

What should I do? Won’t I contract a s*xually transmitted disease like this?

“Hey there, what are you doing?”


“Oh my.”

From Noble mtl dot com

The voice mixed with a disgusting tone just by hearing it…

Erwin let go of my arm and released his strength, then lightly smiled and said:

“Erin, my hero. You’ve shown an embarrassing sight.”

It was Erin.

She was standing with her arms folded exactly as I saw her earlier, looking at me and Erwin. For some reason, her expression wasn’t very good.

“What were the two of you doing just now~?”

“It’s embarrassing to say, but I wanted to spend some nice time with Allen…”


Erin looked at me and said, “This is your type? Your taste is unique~♡”


This is a chance.

“No! Help me, Erin!”


“This woman tried to rob me!!”

It’s embarrassing to say, but I had to say it that way. That’s the only way this girl would rescue me from this situation.

“Wait, Allen…?”

Erwin’s surprised expression seemed to indicate that he hadn’t expected me to talk about this without any trace of self-esteem. I know. It sounded incredibly dumb. But what else could I do?

And as I had anticipated, upon hearing such a story, Erin…


She chuckled slightly, sending shivers down my spine.


A few hours before Erwin encountered Allen, she was having a conversation with her party member, Kyle.

“So you want me to lure that porter this time?” Erwin, the only female member of the party, was running late with her preparations, so Orlando and the other members of the party decided to go ahead to the banquet hall. However, just before they set off, Kael came unexpectedly and made such a request.

“You like those kind of things.”

“That’s not entirely wrong… I guess I’m someone who gets along well with people like that?”

Kael said,

“That guy is quite handsome. And he has a good physique.”

“I never thought I’d see you complimenting a man’s appearance. It surprised me, Kael.”

“… He might be noisy, but he’s not bad, right? Especially now that His Majesty and the government officials will directly command them, they won’t be seen as just ordinary porters anymore.”


Erwin chuckled after hearing Kael’s story.

“That’s a convincing story. It certainly has enough value to be worth eating.”

“Well, then…?”

“So what’s your real purpose?”

“…You’re sharp.”

Kael breathed a slight sigh and looked at Erwin. She didn’t seem likely to accept this until she told her story properly.

“He keeps sneaking up on thieves.”

“Ah, Kael. You liked her, didn’t you?”

“It’s good for both of us. So let’s make a request.”

“But even so, would you go empty-handed?”


Kael rummaged through his pocket and flicked a sparkling gold coin to Erwin. Erwin chuckled as he accepted the coin.

“You’re rich, Kael.”

“Do your job well. I trust you,” Kael replied.

With those words, Kael left first. Erwin held the glistening gold coin and began preparing further.

After completing his preparations, Erwin pondered how to persuade Allen. It wasn’t easy, considering there were so many attractive people around him. Perhaps they wouldn’t even give him a second glance.

“But that person is…”

However, to his surprise, Allen was not lost and alone. This seemed like an opportunity. It was much more convenient for Erwin that Allen was alone rather than being surrounded by others.

So Erwin intentionally approached him, creating a situation. By helping Allen who had lost his way, Erwin managed to dismantle his guard, making it easier to lead the situation. Moreover, he believed that Allen was less resistant than anticipated and that he could easily go all the way…

At that time, it just so happened that Eren got involved. And afterwards, Allen’s actions were absurd.

“…No! Save me, Eren!”


“This, this woman tried to rob me!!”

I don’t understand what he’s saying. Even though he himself doesn’t seem to dislike it much, he didn’t resist much on the subject.

Does it make any sense to be robbed by someone with such arms and physique? Erwin couldn’t believe it and let out a hollow laugh.

But then, something unexpected happened.


Eren’s reaction was quite unusual. She opened her eyes narrow and looked at Erwin.

Then Erwin smiled lightly and said,

“Erin, my dear warrior, how do you think I managed to defeat him? No matter how you look at it, there’s no way I could beat Allen with just strength. Allen is just trying to blame me for no reason…”

“You have more strength than you think.”


“Our porter, he’s weaker than you’d expect.”

Erwin was taken aback.

Erin’s voice was very cold. And her tone, which had always been respectful to Eren and his party members, turned disparaging. As if she were angry.

“Who taught you the bad habit of meddling with other people’s party members as you please? Ah.”

Erin spoke in a cold manner.

“Is that what you think? A promiscuous woman who sleeps around?”

“You’re being too harsh with your words…! It’s true that I’m involved in this, but I heard that Alan doesn’t have any women he’s seeing, so why are you saying that? What’s the problem?”

Erwin spoke with a slightly raised voice.

“You, of all people, are going overboard. Where are your manners when it comes to party etiquette? And how dare you belittle me by using offensive words like ‘promiscuous’.”

“Well then, should I phrase it more politely? Prostitute? Courtesan?”

“What did you just say!!”

However, Erin didn’t hold back. She turned quickly towards Alan and asked,

“Did you really want this?”

“I tried to get out of it. Look at this.”

Allen’s arm still bore the imprint of Erwin’s grandson. It was evidence that Allen had firmly held onto Erwin, preventing him from escaping.

“That woman is stronger than me, so…”

“I should really work on my strength.”


“I need to be able to handle things on my own because I’m restless…”

Erin muttered to herself and then walked ahead, pulling Allen along and sending him behind her in a swift motion. She then approached Erwin with determination.

“A warning.”

Erwin was taken aback. As their eyes met, she couldn’t utter a word.

Just a little while ago, Erin’s provocative words had fueled anger throughout her being, but now that Erin was standing right in front of her, she couldn’t speak a word.

“If you do this one more time, there won’t be any courtesy or anything. Whether you’re a member of the Hero Party or not, regardless of the relationship between the Empire and the Kingdom…”

Unknowingly, his whole body was filled with fear. It felt as if he had just seen a monster.

“I won’t just let it slide.”

Erwin was taken aback by this fact. Right now, Erin’s instincts were screaming at him to be cautious. That it was dangerous. Not to confront it.

“When you choose to observe courtesy, act according to your position. If you continue to cross the line like this…”

And with these words from Erin, Erwin’s body suddenly lost its strength.

“They will kill you.”

Erin lightly tapped Erwin’s shoulder. As a result, Erwin’s legs gave way and he leaned against the wall, trembling.


Erwin couldn’t understand why he felt this way. It wasn’t just a sense of fear, but something more.

Upon seeing Erwin in that state, Eren spoke.

“You’re one of the members of the Survey Corps, so you can handle this level of exhaustion.”

She nonchalantly turned around and lightly tapped Armin’s forehead, who was spacing out.


Armin, who couldn’t even react to her actions, looked at Eren with an expression asking what she was doing. Eren then chuckled and said.

“Let’s go, clumsy~♡”


The two of them left, and Erwin forced a hollow laugh.

His body trembled. While others may not have understood why she was behaving this way until the end, as a wizard, Erwin could comprehend the phenomenon belatedly.


Overwhelming magic pressed against her entire body, then disappeared.

In order to resist that magic, Erwin’s own magic moved instinctively, resulting in uncontrollable magic swirling and causing turmoil within his body.

“It’s…a monster…”

I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party

I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party

어딘가 이상한 용사파티의 짐꾼이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
B*tchy Hero Alcoholic Archer Severe Sadist Elementalist Exhibitionist Saint Depressed Patient Fighter And Just a Porter …Save me.


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not work with dark mode