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I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party Chapter 18

18 – Hero Party (8)

I was on horseback. What was this porter guy doing, coming all the way to the battlefield and riding on a horse without even knowing how to ride?

“Stop talking nonsense…”

General Grenaldo adopted my opinion as a strategy, and thanks to that, I ended up actually leading the heroic party. Not only our party, but also the Orland Party joined us.

As the originator of the operation, General Grenaldo wanted to control the movements of the party as well. He said he had the best idea of how we should move in his mind.

So, I decided to leave the detailed command to Orland, while I would give orders for the overall movement.

Of course, I did share my strategic opinions, and I do know how to move efficiently like General Grenaldo… But I’m not sure if it’s alright to entrust such an important position to a mere porter. Is this right?

Lost in thought and looking up at the sky, someone came over and started speaking beside me. Bathed in sunlight, the shimmering blonde revealed their identity in an instant.

“Hello there, the mediocre guy making little girls do dangerous things~♡”

It was Erin.

“…You agreed, didn’t you? That I am the commander.”

“Fuh♡ I never said I wouldn’t do it~?”

“But, listen. I did say something … Can I really take charge of this? Especially since I don’t know how Orlondo’s warrior party fights.”

“Well~ it doesn’t matter since you’ll part ways with them in the middle, right~?”

Our party was assigned to go to Kernal. In exchange, Orlondo’s party had the role of piercing through demons. Orlondo Party brought us to Le Blanc Mountain and from then on, our major mission is to break through Kernel and close it.

That’s why we’ll split up with Orlondo’s party in the middle.

“… Erin.”


“Why’d you call me a commander?”

“… Fuh♡ Your commander’s intelligence is so low that I can trust and leave it to you~? You said you wanted to lead♡”

Of course, I did say that. It’s just that…

“But that was what we talked about in the Lizard Road Dungeon.”

“Let’s keep doing it from now on~”


“I’m also busy fighting, so it’s difficult for me to read and give instructions to all party members~? So, even an incompetent who does nothing should play a role like that, right~♡”

Erin said that with a smile and continued talking.


Is this saying that they will continue to trust my command from now on? It seems like what we discussed in the Lizard Road Dungeon left quite an impression.

“I guess I’ve been recognized for my usefulness after all…”

“…What are you talking about?”


I was startled by the sudden voice and looked around. There she was, looking at me with a tilted head.

“Please show some interest in me.”

I calmed my surprised heart and replied, “Erin asked me to take charge of the future.”

“…Yeah, sounds good.”


“…Ah… sorry, it’s not about whether I like it or not…”

“Oh, no. It’s not that kind of meaning. I was just curious if you also liked me leading. Do you, Dodger? “

To avoid any misunderstandings, I explained it to Dodger, and she nodded lightly.



Well, that’s a relief.

Dokgeo gallantly jumped up onto the horse again and stood before me. Of course, it was an inevitable choice since I didn’t know how to ride.

“Allen, don’t stay there, come down!”


“It’s safer to ride behind Frey. Switch places with me.”


Come to think of it, you’re right. If I ride behind Dokgeo, it could affect his agility, but Frey is like a moving shield…

“Thank you, thief.”

“No, it’s nothing.”

I got off the horse and approached Frey. Then Frey smiled and said,

“Get on, Allen.”

“Uh… the exposure is too much, seriously… I have nowhere to look.”

I got on the horse, only looking at the horse’s mane. Then Frey patted his waist and said,

“Hold on tight. We’ll be running very fast, if you don’t hold on tight, you’ll fall.”

“I’ll hold on when we start.”

“Okay, then.”

“I really can’t do it now. My naked back made it impossible to look ahead.

I’m in an uncontrollable situation, and if I’m seen, these women will have something to say again…

From Noble mtl dot com


At that moment, Orland approached me from the side. He was also mounted on a horse and his height was similar to mine.

“I was honestly surprised. You know a lot. You weren’t just an ordinary porter after all.”

“No…I’m just a porter.”

“You’re humble. Well then, please take care of me this time too.”


Orlando said that and left. I asked Frey after seeing him leave. “



“What kind of person is Orlando, the warrior?”

“Well, as I mentioned earlier, he’s gentle and generous. Everyone knows that it’s not a character he created. However… “


Frei said.

“I don’t think his colleagues have good eyesight.”

“What do you mean?”

“So when choosing colleagues, they only focus on their skills, thinking they can control them. Or they don’t care much about personality but only whether they follow themselves.”

…Isn’t that same for you all?

However, I had to change my mind about what I thought when Pray’s story continued.

“Barg has a record of harassing and committing adultery with several women he likes. As an immigrant from the northern nomadic people, he is extremely strong, so most women cannot resist him.”


“If Kale doesn’t like someone, he secretly kills them without leaving any evidence, so he often gets away with it. It happens too often to only claim he got caught unfairly … In fact, everyone knows it was Kale’s doing. But nobody can reprimand him since he’s Orlondo’s comrade.”

That guy Kale seemed problematic. But then, is there something wrong with Erwin? He seemed perfectly okay and nice …

“Who is this Erwin?”

“Erwin was famous for conducting magical experiments on poor and weak people. His research must have been useful since he gained the nickname ‘White Horse Rider.’”

Frey let out a small sigh.

“All three are now under Orlondo’s control, but they don’t seem to be changing or repenting.”

This level was outstanding. It made the comparison from before seem inadequate. Didn’t it seem like an integrity party? They say you can’t tell just by looking at someone’s face if they’re a criminal, and that’s exactly right.

“But a hero’s party is okay…?”

“I think it’s more possible because it’s a hero’s party. In many ways, exemption is given. If there were other hero parties in that country to check and balance us, it would be different. But the Estelle Kingdom has only us, Orlandon’s party.”

“Then do you guys have immunity too?”

“We’re not doing anything that bad, are we?”

Even so…you guys have severe mental problems.

It’s still the same now. Even though there’s a man openly behind her, this girl doesn’t even consider covering up her exposed back. It’s at such a deeply improper level, not just moderately revealed.



“Can’t you wear something a little longer?”

“But then my pretty back will be covered, right?”

Just cover it up a bit, you exhibitionist patient!

“I can’t do that even for Alan’s request.”


What kind of virgin are you pretending to be with all this?

And on that day, General Ji-nal approached.

“Commander Alan, we should start moving soon.”

“Ah, yes.”

It’s so awkward to be called a commander. This is the first time I’ve felt this awkward since moving in the middle of the semester and being the only unfamiliar face among a group of already close classmates.

When I looked a little nervous, the general spoke to me.

“You don’t need to doubt your ability. I’m not foolish enough to put someone without ability in charge as a commander.”

General Grinal also said,

“As you are the commander and author of the operation, actively use the Hero Party according to that operation. Don’t worry, I, who made you the commander, will take all responsibility.”

“…All right.”

I nodded my head.

“Thank you

General Greinaldo turned his head at those words and headed towards the front of the army. Looking back at his soldiers, he shouted,

“Oh brave sons of Esteire! From now on, we shall reclaim our homeland from that wicked monster! Though our strength may be powerless against that mighty evil, the stars have granted us the power to overcome it!”

Boosting the morale of the soldiers is the role of a commander, and General Greinaldo faithfully fulfilled that role, utilizing the prowess of these warriors.

“The judgment of the stars shall vanquish evil! Bestow upon you the glory of following the noble path of pilgrimage! Raise your weapons, everyone!”

The soldiers responded by raising their weapons high.

“Destroy the evil!”

With the soldiers’ outcry, Erin tightened her grip on the reins and gently shook them.

“Let’s go see the ugly ones who look like amateurs~♡”

…Even though they don’t resemble at all.


Just as Orland was about to cross the Cierger River, Kael approached him.


“What is it, Kael?”

“Are you really going to entrust command to that luggage carrier?”

Kael said.

“Hey, Orland. Even though we’re newcomers, we’ve been around longer than that party, and we’ll soon reach two years ourselves. But are you seriously going to listen to the words of a party that hasn’t even been formed for a year, let alone said by a porter?”

Kaell shook his head.

“This is a matter of pride!”

“…You were smarter than I thought. Indeed, this operation seems more plausible than Rose’s staff operation.”

However, with Orland’s lukewarm reaction, Kaell let out a deep sigh.

“Hah, I don’t understand. Listening to the words of some porter…”

“But Kaell, I have no intention of entrusting command to you.”


“I will make the judgment. All you need to do is trust and follow my judgment.”

Cael, having heard Orland’s words, no longer retorted. At least if they were moving according to Orland’s judgment, it was as good as accepting Cael’s demands to some extent.


As Cael stepped back, Orland raised the flag high. Then he turned to Allen, who was in charge of command, and spoke.

“I will open the way.”

“Yes, I’ll leave it to you.”

– The hero Orland activates the [Path of Victory].

A vast magical power is emitted from the holy flag. It imbues the paladins who assist in opening the path with the party members following him.

– The effect of the Path of Victory is activated. All allies within its range experience an increase in power.

That was why there were no clergy at the Orlando party. Orlando’s promise to be responsible for the party’s buffs meant that clergy were unnecessary.

Orlando aimed the flag forward with dignity.

“Everyone, charge!”


Orlando, the party, and the paladins began to run. Erin looked at Allen after seeing that.

“Should we just follow?”

“Yeah, we should.”

Erin planned to follow the Orlando party and run the same route they had planned, riding a horse and bypassing the demons so they could easily get from here to Kurnell in a day.

Even if it’s a little twisted, they’ll reach there the next day.

“Then hold on tight, Allen.”


Allen took a deep breath and wrapped his arms around Frey’s waist. And he was startled.

The sensation was much softer than when he had embraced an anonymous waist. It wasn’t like the feeling of the belly or the sides. This sensation was only felt in the front, precisely on the upper part of his arms.

As they started to move, the sensation grew stronger and then faded… It was as if it touched and then dropped, swaying.

‘Could this be…?’

Allen, realizing the true nature of the soft mass, was greatly surprised. It was indeed the pocket of divine power that Frey boasted about, overwhelming even within the party.

Frey herself was surely well aware of that fact, yet she didn’t seem to care. No, it seemed like she was pretending not to care, which made him wonder.

“Crazy perverted man….”

Allen couldn’t believe it and had thoughts of actually letting go.

“…Snap out of it.”

Allen barely held on to his sanity. This wasn’t the time to be consumed by such obscene desires. As the one in charge of the operation, he had to fulfill his role.

As soon as Orland and his party crossed the Sierger River and stepped into the singing area, monsters immediately appeared.


“They’re humans! Kill them, humans!”

The monsters that appeared were of various types, from small goblins to large growling bears. It could be said they formed a united force of monsters.

“Please follow closely!”

Orlando raised his mana and a giant flag.

-Soldier Orlando casts [Dragon Strike].


Magical power emitted from the raised flag pierced through the monsters directly in front of them. At the same time, Varg, the vanguard of Orlando’s party, charged forward swinging his forearm-sized axe.

-Barbarian Varg activates [Blood Dance].

Crack! Thud!!


As the freely swinging axe split the heads of the monsters, the axe in the opposite hand immediately tore apart the next demon. Allen couldn’t help but be amazed by the smooth and graceful onslaught, as if dancing.

“His skills are truly impressive.”

Indeed, these partners were even better than the NPCs from the original <Dungeon of Evil> work. Allen felt relieved that the operation was going smoothly.

That’s when it happened.

“The Basilisk is activating [Venomous Secretion].”

“Everyone, take cover! It’s the Basilisk’s poison!”

Chwak! Pusheek!

As soon as the snakes, Basils, that were as firm as stones revealed themselves, it wasn’t just that.


A gigantic spider creature, Arachne, so strong that it could shatter even a steel with a single strike, appeared.

At the sight of the superior monster species appearing, Allen immediately gave out an order.

“Knight Orland, please stop the Basils!”


Orland, who had already been thinking about doing just that, ran with his flag in hand.

“Follow me!”

“Orlando, you must go alone! The rest of the party members should handle the other monsters! AraCne…!”


Allen had given the order, thinking that Orlando was capable of dealing with the basilisks alone based on his skills. However, Orlando did not respond in agreement to that command, and as a result, the other members of Orlando’s party…


Followed behind Orlando.

“Huh? Where are you going?”

“Just a moment… Didn’t Allen just tell us to stop the other monsters!?”

With the combined efforts of Orlando and his party members, they were able to quickly eliminate the basilisks. However, as the party members left their positions, the enemy took advantage of the opening and launched a counterattack.

Especially the smaller monsters slipped through the gaps among the Paladins. Seeing this, Leticia swiftly drew out her whip.

“I will handle it.”

-Lethecia, the Spirit Mage, activates [Swift Summon].

Together with Yeongchang, Lethecia’s four major spirits were instantly summoned. The appearing spirits immediately dealt with the approaching demons.

“hahahahaha! Trash, why are you approaching us?”

Allen sighed in response to Lethecia’s handling and said,

“Where are you going!? Come back!”

Allen shouted urgently and called out to Orlandeau, but he was already dealing with the Arachne that had approached after disposing of the previous Basilisk.

“Still, isn’t that such a bad outcome?”

Although Orlando had successfully dealt with the original purpose of confronting the superior demons, he suddenly made an independent judgment.

“We will attract the attention of powerful demons! The remaining lower demons can be easily handled by the paladins!”

“What? No, there’s no need for that! We just need to hold our position…!”

However, Orlando and his party were already heading towards the superior species of demons in the distance. Seeing that, Allen furrowed his brow.

“Of course, they won’t listen to a mere porter…!”

No matter how grand the title of commander was, Allen was still treated as a porter. While the paladins could handle just the low-ranking demons, the problem was that the speed of clearing the path was slowing down.

“Allen, what should we do?”

At Frey’s question, Allen assessed the situation. While Orlando’s party had left the ranks, they were still fulfilling the roles they had discussed. Their party was scattered in pairs, dealing with top-tier creatures like Basilisks, Arachnes, and Hellhounds. They were also managing to overcome anything that stood in their way during those fights. Even though other miscellaneous creatures were streaming in due to their departure from the ranks… it wasn’t like there was no solution. These monsters were at a level that paladins could handle. That meant their physical strength and defense were low, and in the face of overwhelming firepower, they would be powerless.



“Ugh, you know what I mean!”

“Well, I don’t understand if you don’t explain it~♡”

“Damn it, make us a path!! We’ll rush through it!”

“What about the formation~?”

Allen nodded in response to Erin’s question.

“Their actions don’t really mean much!”

“Calling them ‘those kids,’ isn’t it dangerous if they hear you?”

“Do I look like I care?”

“Pfft ♡”

Erin took out a sword. The sword, drawn from its sheath, gleamed with a brilliant light.

“How about this? How strong should I go?”

“As strong as you can!”

“Is that so?”

Erin chuckled.

“You told me~♡”

Allen was taken aback as he stared at the message in front of him.

From Noble mtl dot com

-Warning, a powerful magical concentration has occurred.

“…A warning?”

A warning message. It wasn’t like a boss monster had appeared, but Erin’s holy sword began to shine so brightly that it was almost blinding. Seeing that, Frey gave a slightly awkward smile.

“Allen, hold on tight.”


Freya gently grabbed the reins and said, “Otherwise, we’ll fly away.”

“What does that mean…”

Allen looked at Erin for a moment and was momentarily surprised. It was because he had checked her status.

<Character Information>

◈ Name: Erinn

◈ Occupation: Warrior

◈ Status

[Strength: 300] [Agility: 257]

[Health: 242] [Intelligence: 40]

**Magic Power: 0 (▼869)** **Divinity: 285**

**◈ Possessed Attributes**

[Blade Mastery Lv.7] [Self-Regeneration Lv.4] [Keen Senses Lv.7] [Sixth Sense Lv.8] [Protection of the Sky Lv.10] [Protection of the Earth Lv.10] [Protection of the Sea Lv.10] [Magic Resistance Lv.6] [Disease Resistance Lv.6] [Immunity to Poison Lv.10]

“In which direction has my magic power stat gone…”

In that moment when Allen muttered to himself alone, the holy sword that was shining so brightly to the point of dazzling suddenly fell silent. Erin grasped the sword with both hands and leaped off the horse.

And then…

-The hero Erin activates [Ultimate Sword Technique: Absolute Realm].

“Prepare to die♡”

He swung the Holy Sword down with all his might.


The Holy Sword’s strike wiped out everything in its straight path. The range of the strike was wider than expected, and the beam of light pierced through the area right next to Orland and his party.


“Ugh, what is this… aarrgghh!?”


“What is this again!?!”

Of course, Erin had swung based on their location, so there was no chance of it reaching them. The problem was that the shock wave alone nearly blew away Orland’s party of heroes.


And Allen felt the same way. Even though he didn’t want to hold onto Frey’s waist, he had no choice but to tightly embrace it. If he hadn’t done that, he might have fallen and become a person from the underworld.

“Huh, Allen. Don’t hold on so tight…”

“Don’t say weird things, please!”

The aftermath lasted for a while and finally subsided after almost one minute had passed. Only then was Allen able to let go of Frey’s waist.

“You could have held onto it a little longer.”


Allen looked ahead and couldn’t help but let out a suppressed laughter.


With just one blow, the path to Le Blanc Mountain, where the Kernel exists, was instantly pierced through. No matter how violent the demons were, even after seeing that, they couldn’t gather their senses and rush in.

-Erin, the hero, regains her magical power under the protection of the earth.

“Just as you clumsily said~♡”

Allen realized.

‘I also want such power…’

In the face of overwhelming might, putting all his efforts into play seemed meaningless.

I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party

I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party

어딘가 이상한 용사파티의 짐꾼이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
B*tchy Hero Alcoholic Archer Severe Sadist Elementalist Exhibitionist Saint Depressed Patient Fighter And Just a Porter …Save me.


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not work with dark mode