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I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party Chapter 15

15 – Warrior Party (5)

The elemental creatures, who should have received lashes, looked at Letitia with solemn expressions. The goblins, who had been clamoring, had their expressions hardened and began to converse among themselves.

“Kyiak, that woman is strange.”

“Kweek, strange, definitely strange.”

“Kyeak, it’s scary. Can’t we just go back?”

“Kyiak, if we do that, we’ll all die.”

Even those goblins seemed to sense something unsettling. To make monsters tremble in fear, just how sadistic must one be…

By the way, it seems like going back would result in death, as mentioned. There seems to be something behind it, just as Letitia speculated. It’s probably an orc. Although it’s highly possible that orcs are mostly responsible for controlling goblins.

“Destroy them all!”

At Letitia’s command, the elemental creatures began launching attacks of various attributes, and in an instant, the terrified goblins, who were overwhelmed by an instinctual fear, started to scatter.

As the brothers and companions die, the goblins regained their senses and began to descend the hill again. However, Leticia didn’t seem phased at all and said, “Even stronger!” – Elementalist Letitia activates [Frenzied Whipping]. What kind of skill name is this… “Kahahahaha! Don’t spare a single one, just kill them all♥” As Letitia began to wield her whip without mercy as if she really was insane, the power of the spirits became stronger and their temper also became more fierce. The flames of the salamander grew even larger, covering the hill, and the wind of the sylphs swept over it, creating a storm of flames. This destructive storm turned the goblins into overripe chunks of meat in an instant.

The spirits became stronger than the Lizard Road dungeon. It seemed that there was an additional buff effect to that skill a little while ago.

“…It’s quite an impressive performance.”

I looked around. The goblins were coming down from the hill where Letitia was observing, but they didn’t appear from anywhere else.


The expression of Mr. Mabu, who was initially a bit frightened, gradually improved.

It seems to be a fairly relaxed situation… If it’s this relaxed, maybe I can try something. First, let’s practice drawing out 100 magical power stats that I acquired earlier.

“When Letitia definitely….”

When she invoked magical power, there was almost no preliminary process, but I could tell where that magical power originated from. It might have been insignificant until just two days ago, but now that I have acquired magical power, it is a very meaningful achievement.

Finding the source of magic is more important than anything else. Once you find where it begins, it is not that difficult to draw out the magic.

“…It clearly started from the heart.”

The source of magic begins from the human heart where life exists. Closing my eyes for a moment, slowly… I search for my magic, which has been proven by the status window.

And finally, after concentrating my mind, I succeeded in moving a small amount of magic. It wasn’t moving all of my magic. However, fatigue rushed in and my head felt slightly dizzy.

“Maybe it’s because it’s my first time… It’s really tough.”

Nevertheless, my magic definitely moved. The magic that started flowing from my heart emerged into the world through my hands.

“This is my magic….”

As I gaze at the sparkling magical power in front of me, I feel an incredibly surreal sensation. Until just recently, I lived a life where such things were only seen in games, so it was natural, if anything, to be expected.

However, it is still faint. It is a meager level that can hardly be considered as having fully drawn out the magical power. For now, I try to move the magical power I have just summoned around.

Ensuring that the magical power does not scatter, I try to move it around like Letitia did. Then, the magical power moves without scattering, going left and right… It moves well.

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Perhaps I have talent.

Now, let’s try to properly unleash a fully developed magical power. If I were to convert the magical power I have summoned into stats, it would probably be no more than a measly 5. It could even be less than that.

So, in order to be able to manipulate a magical power that is at least 20 times stronger than this, I can consider myself properly utilizing the magical power.


After taking a deep breath… it’s done. Now, then…

I activate the previously dormant magic and draw out much more power this time, directly from its source. With just this action, my mental strength is being tested to the point where my hands tremble slightly, but I continue the task without hesitation.

The drawn-out magic moves like blood flow and soon rises above my palms. As far as reaching this point, I’ve been sweating profusely. Nevertheless, everything isn’t finished yet.

I gather the extracted magic into a round shape, aiming to manipulate it freely. So, it’s not over yet. Slowly, I mold the form of the magic into a spherical ball, just like Letizia did…


I move the magic towards the right.


The magic did not dissipate even when I moved. Even when I tried moving to the left this time, it still remained intact. It was as if I had firmly grabbed a lump of clay, there were no problems with rolling it around.


I almost couldn’t contain myself from cheering. It was that much of a relief. Although sweat dripped down my neck, I felt no sign of fatigue.

Now, pulling out my magic power wouldn’t be too difficult. With this, I can gradually study how to use magic. If I proceed carefully…

That’s when I was enjoying my happiness to the fullest. Suddenly, an alert message appeared in front of me.

– [Magic Aggregation Lv.1] You have acquired this characteristic!

…What is this?

If it’s Magic Aggregation, it seems to be referring to what I just did. Compacting mana so it wouldn’t dissipate.

But was that a characteristic? It clearly seemed like Leticia didn’t have such a trait. I saw floating magic. It feels as if nothing has really changed even though the trait has appeared, making me confused.

“What is this…”

During my play of <Dungeon In Evil>, I had never seen such a trait before, so I was completely bewildered, not knowing what effect it had.

“Allen!! Are you okay!?”


Suddenly, I heard Leticia’s voice, and at the same time, the carriage awning got wet. There was no time to respond. It happened almost simultaneously.


“Why can I feel magic here… huh?”


This is f*cking messed up.


Letitia raised her head and surveyed the situation instead of swinging her whip. The goblins, unable to descend halfway down the hill due to the tremendous firepower of the elementals, were all burnt to death.

The remaining goblins were too frightened to come down. Letitia sighed as if she found it uninteresting.

“Well, how pitiful. Is this all that can be done with the lowest-tier monsters? I wish it could be more enjoyable…”

Leticia thought she should have followed Erin and grumbled about it. At that moment, Leticia was taken aback.

It wasn’t because of the sudden appearance of goblins. It was because she felt an unfamiliar magic power from behind her, the carriage where Allen was.


Magic was sensed from the carriage where Allen is. Leticia couldn’t take her eyes off him for a moment out of surprise. And in that brief moment when she glanced over there, these wicked goblins found a gap and dispelled their fear.


“Kieeek! I’ll kill you, woman!”

The goblins swiftly jumped up the hill with astonishing agility. They intended to subdue Leticia as she fell.

“…Acting all high and mighty just because you have a good eye.”

“Carelessness for a moment often invites death, but for Leticia, who possessed exceptional senses like other warrior party members, this story did not apply.”

“You’re thinking in a simple and ignorant way.”

She also had the [Sixth Sense] ability, so being unable to read the movement of mere goblins…

-Elementalist Leticia activates [Storm]!

It was non-existent.


As the fierce storm conjured by the wind elemental, Sylph, swept over the goblins rushing in from behind, Leticia spoke with a chilling voice.

“Get your smelly face away, it’s dirty.”

With a thud, Leticia struck her whip.

“They’re blocking us from coming down the hill. I’ll take a quick look and come back up.”


Leticia hurriedly turned around, and the spirits, including Salamander, looked at the hill.

Although Leticia told them to block the passage, there was no need. The goblins realized that even ambushes wouldn’t work anymore, and they were already aware that they had no chance of winning.

“Ki, kieok!”

“Hee, heehik! Let’s run away!”

The goblins were already attacking the caravan. The spirits debated whether to chase after them, but they stayed still because Letitia’s command was to stay put and protect.

Letitia came back running in a hurry with her carriage. And even before she could raise the carriage curtain in her anxious state, she shouted his name.

“Allan!! Are you okay?”


“Why do I sense magic here… Huh?”

Letitia, startled by the sight that appeared as soon as she wet the carriage curtain, blurted out foolish words. She couldn’t help it. Allen, who knew nothing about magic, was manipulating magic, gathering it into a bright sphere and moving it around.

Unable to conceal her confusion at seeing Allen wielding magic, someone who didn’t know the first thing about it, Letitia spoke.

“That’s magic…”


“Huh, yes?!”

Leticia was once again startled by Allen’s sudden shout, as she still didn’t understand what was going on. And the moment Allen abruptly stood up, countless thoughts filled Leticia’s mind.

Did I accidentally catch something that shouldn’t be seen?

Then why did Allen call me? What is he trying to do?

Doing something strange to silence me like this…

In an instinctive moment, Leticia crossed her arms and raised her guard. However, contrary to Leticia’s worries, Allen didn’t rush towards her.

Instead, Allen simply knelt down in that spot.

“Please keep it a secret!”


“I’m begging you!”

At the sight of Allen’s meek request, Letitia couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t that she found Allen’s appearance amusing, but rather that she realized she had imagined too much a moment ago.

Since that incident that day, he had become so placid that she couldn’t believe he would act like this. It seemed like she had been momentarily taken aback by his unexpected behavior.

Letitia calmed down a bit and spoke to Allen.

“Instead of asking blindly… I think you should start with an explanation.”


The goblins were already gone and there was nothing left on the hill but the carcass of a goblin.

“So, you made a bet with Erin?”


“Hmm, so you’re saying that Allen is trying to make up for my shortcomings?”

At Letitia’s words, I shook my head quickly.

“Letitia, it’s not that you’re lacking in any way…!”

Of course, that was the intention, but speaking in front of the other person could sound like ignoring them if I said “You’re lacking, so I’ll fill in the gap.” Especially for a laborer like me, it could be more so.

If Letitia felt bad about it and used some cruel whip on me, it would be a problem. So, I talked about her abilities without disrespecting her and making her feel bad.

“If a creature that can interfere with the spirits appears, then it might be somewhat neutralized… That’s why the wizard said we need you! Your abilities are outstanding! Which spirit master would follow you?”

“…Is that so?”

It seemed effective. Leticia looked at me with a slightly embarrassed expression. Let’s make a definitive decision here.

“Of course. You stopped the goblin horde from passing through even one. Thanks to that, I was able to conduct an experiment in drawing out magical power…”

“There was more magical power than I thought I could handle.”


“I had a considerable amount of power for someone who had just awakened their magic. Was that everything I extracted?”

“Well…yes, but…”

Leticia said.

“However, it is not advisable to release all of your magical power. If you lose control and lose your magical power, you will become lacking in magical power.”

Is she giving me advice now?

I was thankful, but I found it strange. There wasn’t any particular reason for Letizia to give me advice.

For her, a simple laborer like me filling in her gaps would be quite presumptuous and arrogant behavior. In fact, in this wager, I could end up kicking useless luggage like me out of the party in front of Erin.

“Why are you giving me advice?”

“Is that not allowed? Ah, perhaps my advice as a spirit mage is useless…”

“It’s not like that, of course!”

I said,

“Just curious about the reason.”

“…What did Allen say to me earlier?”


“When he asked me to show him my magic.”

When I asked to see magic…?

“Just like that?”

“I’ll just say ‘just like that’ as well.”

Letizia laughed lightly. I felt relieved by her playful laughter.

Once I learn magic, it seemed that Letizia, who would be stimulated in various ways, would not oppose it in a different way. Do I really need to hide it from the other party members…?

“Who else knows about this?”

“Ariaha, Erin… and now you, Letizia.”

“It seems like our secret has been heard by many.”


I had nothing to say.

“I’ll try to grow until I can support myself within two months.”

“Because that’s my bet…”

If I hadn’t proposed that bet, I would have been unable to do anything and continued to live as a porter. That damn Masaki would have kept watching what I was doing.

“Well, you can never do it alone.”

“…How are you so sure?”

“I may not be a magician, but I know that magic is not that easy. I also learned magic at one point.”

“Is that so?”

“I realized that I had more potential as an elemental mage, so I stopped. It’s almost natural for someone who knows how to handle a certain amount of magical power to challenge becoming a magician.”

“I see…”

I pondered for a moment.

Leticia’s opinion is definitely correct in general. You can’t become a decent wizard in two months by studying magic alone when you don’t know anything.

However, I wasn’t ordinary, so it wasn’t an impossible story. When searching for hidden pieces, there are characteristics and stats that can be obtained apart from efforts… Through that, you can achieve growth that surpasses the general standard.

So when I thought it would be fine, Leticia asked me quietly,

“Should I help you?”


I thought I misheard her for a moment. Leticia was going to help me with my magic studies?

“I can’t teach advanced magic, but I know up to intermediate level spells. Also, how to handle and train magical power… I’m probably the best in our party. If you get stuck sometimes, you can secretly come to me to learn.”

“…Not only keeping it a secret, but also taking on the role of a teacher?”

“Why not?”

Leticia’s clear, green eyes looked at me roundly.

“Do you dislike it?”

“Oh, no. It’s just something pleasant for me.”

“Well then.”

Leticia said,

“I said to come secretly. It’s a bet with Erin, and it would be embarrassing if my involvement was exposed.”

“… Can I really do that?”

“How many times do I have to say it?”

“Sorry… I find it hard to believe.”

What an unexpected joy. Of course, for me, this was a very welcome thing. Although Leticia is not a magician, her ability to manipulate magical power like an elemental priestess is naturally excellent in the party… She even knows intermediate magic.

“I was extremely delighted to hear that you would personally teach me. It meant that I had the opportunity to become accustomed to magic and learn it much faster.”

“Once again, let me ask secretly. It would be strange if the other party members saw me being taught magic by Alan.”

“If it’s done secretly, then when…”

“Well… during everyone’s sleeping hours or when we are alone like this…”

“Ah, I understand.”

Leticia blinked her eyes and spoke with a curious tone.



“Since Allen doesn’t like things like fighting, I thought he wouldn’t be interested in this kind of thing.”

This child is also talking about Erin or Ser-Aria. They must have been reluctant to fight before I possessed them.

“Ah…I’ve been thinking lately, it’s a bit frustrating to see you guys fighting while I don’t do anything.”

“Well, isn’t the porter’s role like that?”

…Do you not like that?

“I’m tired of hearing people say I’m a guy who always hides behind girls and does nothing…”

“Hmph, were you actually bothered by that?”

It’s not like it matters… I’m also a man.

“That’s surprising. I thought Allen wouldn’t care at all.”

Letitia chuckled.

“Even so, it doesn’t make you more manly.”


Should I say that? “Anyway, if you come to ask secretly, I’ll teach you.” “Thank you.” “No problem.” Letizia got up slightly from her seat and said, moving to the other side. “It looks like everyone’s back.” “Huh?” I made some kind of sound for a moment, but I realized the meaning in the late popularity. “Allen! Did you keep an eye on the carriage while this lady was away?”

“They all came here safe and sound.”

“Well, I don’t shake like you do against goblins~♡”

…I haven’t even fought against goblins yet, darn it.

“What about the people in the village?”

Upon my question, Docga lowered her head with a trembling motion. Judging from her behavior and Pray’s unhappy expression, I roughly grasped the situation.

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“…It’s unfortunate.”

It seemed that they were not simply taken to play with people but were subjected to a goblin group that uses humans as food. If it had been the former, it would have left painful memories, but still, they could have been rescued.

“I took care of the goblins that seemed to have been chased away by Leticia! Some of those bastards got burned on their butts and ran away, hahahahaha!”

“Oh, you went there? Looks like I missed it.”

“Anyway, there were only a few left, so it’s okay!”

He alone swept away so many goblins that only a few were left.

…Scary, the whip girl.

“Now let’s start again~ If we’re late, we’ll have to make excuses that Allen was attacked by Letitia~♡”

“Why do I end up being blamed!?”

“Because if not, there’s no way Allen would be alive right now.”

“That’s right!… Huh?”

“Just kidding.”

…It doesn’t seem like a joke, so it’s scary.

“Well then, Sir Mabu, please start again.”

“Ah, yes!”

The carriage started to move again with a creaking sound. It seemed like quite a lot had happened in the meantime, and I let out a small sigh involuntarily.

Suddenly, our eyes met – Leticia’s and mine.

When Leticia’s eyes, resembling the color of the blue grass, met mine, she raised her hand to her hat and slyly took it off.

Underneath the hat, her cat-like ears were perked up, as if in a pleasant mood.

I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party

I Became the Porter of a Somewhat Strange Hero Party

어딘가 이상한 용사파티의 짐꾼이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
B*tchy Hero Alcoholic Archer Severe Sadist Elementalist Exhibitionist Saint Depressed Patient Fighter And Just a Porter …Save me.


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not work with dark mode