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I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy Chapter 128

The incident happened one sunny afternoon, in a way no one expected.

“This, this… … . Do you guys think it makes sense!!”

A professor more like a warrior than a scholar.

One of the combat system professors based on physical abilities finally exploded. I thought that wouldn’t happen to Discre because he’s a scholar, but… … .

The writers who used their bodies felt more like instructors than scholars.

“Do you guys think it makes sense to ask a professor who uses a great sword to change the curriculum to make it universal, even how to use a sharp sword!!”

“… … .”

It was a very earnest and understandable voice. A great sword that uses strength and weight, and a short sword that focuses on speed and finesse.

I think it will be difficult even for me, who is ignorant in that direction, to create a class that is compatible with the two.

In fact, it would be impossible to create a class in which the two are compatible with each other unless they are at the level of a noble class like Alexios.

“Lord, every coin mouth!”

“Professor Baek Kyung has been caught in a lip smack! Everyone avoid!”

“… … .”

A term like martial arts popped out, but it would be easier to understand that it was just stress and there was nothing to see.

Since he is from the federal side, he seems to use such technical terms.

Later, if you ask Baek Yang, who is from the Federation, or Alexios, who trained in the Federation, you will be able to find out.

Hopefully it’s not what I think.

“professor! it’s okay! I will set you free!”


What does it liberate? in a teaching position? Or in life?

Eleanor pours oil on the burning house. no, what is it Due to her personality, there was no way she would leave someone suffering like that.

Isn’t it even the intermediate swordsmanship class she is learning?

it could be.

The only flaw is that you don’t know that the cause is in you.

“I will show you my growth!”

But there’s no way.

The professors gathered here are at least SR-level skilled in terms of technology alone.

On top of that, it was obvious how great that power would be if it were a combat professor who taught intermediate great swordsmanship.


Eleanor was blown through the air by Professor Baek Kyung’s sword.

It sounded like a killer whale crashing into the water.

The result is so natural that it is not surprising. She, too, was still far from aiming for Cheongchuleoram.


It wasn’t just the gong.

Wave-like power spread from the tip of Professor Baek Kyung’s sword.

intermediate magic

[Stone Wall]

Even if the victim comes out, the situation will become complicated. Blocks the wave of power that spreads out.

“The Sorcerer King… … heir!”

“Just looking at cancer, it seems that the coin indoctrination I know is correct… … .”

Was there such a thing? But I’ve never heard anything like that from Eleanor. Maybe it’s a feature that only appears in federal technology.

“ha… … .”

The mere fact that a professor and a student had a fight could cause Professor Baek Kyung to be stripped of his professorship.

To get this done as safely as possible, I must not touch it.

“Shall we take a seat?”

It was before I even moved.

The person approaching at great speed seemed to seep into Professor Baek Kyung’s gap in an instant.

[SSR Penetrating Shadow]

Discre Punisher

he appeared

He had a calm expression as usual, but for some reason there was a sense of desperation in his actions.

“this… … .”

It must be because if Professor Baek Kyung is dismissed, there is a higher probability that he will continue the intermediate swordsmanship class than anyone else.

No matter how much he was a workaholic, he would not have the intention of intentionally increasing his work.

“… … It’s ruined.”

For some reason, I felt a sense of sorrow from Discre, who stunned Professor Baek Kyung and spoke calmly.

You know it instinctively.

that it was already too late.

He’ll be taking an intermediate greatswordsmanship class now.

Like a poor fellow.

“The successor of the King of Darkness. Could you please give me a minute?”

“It’s not difficult to just share a few words. But I’m not going to go to your office, so know that. Recently, there are many professors who recommend graduate students that way.”

“… … All right.”


Why are there gaps in the answer?

Can you be this bastard… … ?

* * *

The place I went with Diskrae was a place I was familiar with.

“May I take your order?”

She is Lucia’s part-time worker.

Rather, was this guy still doing this? Eleanor seems to have quit, but she’s also sincere.

Come to think of it, it seems that Diskrae said that he was forced to do it.

Maybe he’s used to his job, so he doesn’t frown on me anymore.

This is a very businesslike attitude.

But if you’re a prospective graduate student, working on <Tenebris>, and even part-time job… … . I don’t want to bother you for nothing.

“Would you like something to eat?”

“I’ll just have a coffee.”

“Then I’ll do what I always eat.”

“… … I will confirm your order. A cup of ‘coffee’ and a ‘Petit Petit Gather Animal Friends in the Forest Parfait Chocolate Flavor’. Are you right?”

“… … .”

What are you eating, you bastard?

Are you aiming for the position of my laughing bell character?

Just take it if you want. There is not even the slightest regret.

“It’s sudden, but let’s get straight to the point.”

Discre doesn’t blink an eye. this is crazy again

“Anyway. I have a rough idea of what the main point is, but… … .”

Maybe it’s because of what happened a while ago.

Professor Baek Kyung’s rampage. This is just a starting point.

“It seems that the situation is getting closer to the third.”

“… … The solution is to bring the head of the academy.”

Originally, I was going to pick up Tia a little later.

It should have been under the supervision of the professors, but given the current situation, the professors can’t move.

Who can afford to live with work?

end load?

I’m sure it would make things even worse if we let that human go.

“Do you want me to go pick up the head of the academy?”

“… … .”

The flow is different from the original work, but the conclusion drawn is the same.

In any case, the fact that I was going to pick up Tia didn’t change.

“Doesn’t that mean something could happen to the head of the academy?”

I know why, but I can’t just say it.

The key here is how much information the opponent has in their hands. Anyway, I don’t know about Spina… … .

“The place Tiamat-sama is headed is the Federation’s Mount Bongrae. It can be said that it is a place quite far from the world.”

“Baekryong, Jinseon’s abode.”

If Tia is the most friendly dragon approaching humans, Jinseon, the white dragon, is the most benevolent dragon.

It’s just that she doesn’t get involved in the world like Tia, she just lives there.

Literally, it is a fresh dragon.

“A dragon is a being who lives a life close to eternity from the beginning. The farther away you are from the world, the weaker your notion of time is. This time, we are counting on them.”

“In other words, would you judge that the head of the academy simply forgot the concept of time?”

“There’s no way something happened to Tiamat-nim or Jin-seon-nim, so there’s no way other than that direction. As you know, Tiamat-sama has a somewhat reckless temperament.”

This is a general point of view.

For them, the dragon is not much different from the object of worship.

Because of Tia, who is outside the standard in many ways, he thinks that the existence of a dragon will not fall into trouble.

That’s not wrong.

In general, dragons rarely get into trouble.

Even if Tia is protecting Spina, she is unlikely to be caught. Yes, the dragon is definitely an overwhelming creature.

So, if there is an existence that can threaten such a dragon, it is… … .



Only those with the same rank.

As far as the geographical feature of the Moon Federation is concerned, even Tia is an opponent that has no choice but to be uncomfortable.

“… … Well, let’s think in that direction for now.”

but it doesn’t say

If that’s the case, I can’t accept the long-awaited offer from Discre.

I had to go to the Commonwealth anyway.

“Then what remains is justification.”

However, there is a problem with sending students to pick up the head of the academy. Isn’t it a journey to the next town or to the federation?

Whatever happens, there must be a reason.

“I’ve been thinking about it, of course. However, this is a problem that can damage your reputation… … .”

“Shall we listen?”

“It is a service activity.”


Now, as long as it’s not a woman’s dress, I’m willing to endure some goodness.

It’s kind of like volunteer work. If I think about my usual behavior, it’s time to come.

“Based on work during vacation, we may be able to send the two of you for volunteer work.”

“… … two minutes. Yes, I guess. It seems like there would be a problem leaving behind a guy who is treated as the culprit.”

It’s unfair, but there are many professors who think that the two of us are the culprits.

So this is a natural policy.

Obviously, it’s a reasonable policy, but… … .

I still can’t get rid of the feeling that the flow of fate is being forced.

Her powers are special and will definitely help you on this journey.

To be honest, it’s almost indispensable. But what?

It’s embarrassing. This forced flow leaves a weak sense of anxiety.

“… … well, it doesn’t matter I’ll put this on debt. Can it be the same flow as the time of the Vatican?”

“Of course not. Even so, it would be unreasonable to send two students to the federation without a leader.”

“… … I’ll tell you in advance, but I hate Professor Aira.”

That person has a strange head.

I can only think of a future that seems to catch my ankle.

“How is the saintess? I think I can convince you.”

“that’s… … Are you fine.”

As for Arrieta, the leading lady, there is nothing lacking in power or justification.

She is also a student, but the status of the leadership team and the student council in <Skientia> can be said to be more than that. There is nothing strange about being considered the same level as a professor.

“And one more. There must be someone who can guide the way from the confused federation to Bongrae Mountain due to Yogi. First of all, let’s inquire about people from the Commonwealth.”

If you are from the Commonwealth, there is a guy who just comes to mind.

“There’s a guy I can figure out, so I’ll recommend it.”

It must have been the time for an event-type sub-story dealing with the conflict between the goblin king and the moon shaman.

Originally, such sub-stories are event-oriented, so the time period is somewhat ambiguous and there are parts that are unclear, but this time is an exception.

In the first place, there are not many opportunities to deal with the federation in the main story.

Because of the location and timing, there is no other way than now.

If so, Baek Yang, a member of <Imae Mang-ryang (魑魅魍魎)>, will also move.

It’s going to be a big expedition.

“The coffee you ordered and Petit Petit Gather Animal Friends in the Forest came out with parfait chocolate flavor.”

“Thank you for your effort. This is a tip.”

Discre took a cat-shaped cookie from the parfait decorated with all sorts of animal-shaped cookies and handed it to Lucia. Lucia accepted it with the wrapping paper as if it were natural.

“First of all, you two are brother and sister.”

“… … What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“It’s just like that.”

Even if one of them wasn’t a beast, I would have thought of them as brother and sister.

Thinking is just the same.

* * *

Baek Yang, who had come to visit me after a long time, opened her eyes and looked at me disapprovingly. This guy is always like this.

He’s a very cheeky guy.

“under… … !”

“I’d like to kick the tongue as soon as I see a person.”

“… … Do you think there is any reason to welcome someone who commits violence without cause?”

“Well, don’t feel bad about it. If you knew how much of a mess it was because of the alcohol you drank then, you would understand.”

“Violence cannot be justified for any reason.”

“It’s been a long time since I heard you say that.”

It’s even funny because it’s said in a world where the fist is closer than the law. Isn’t it a goblin’s basic characteristic of the race that even saying such things bothers people?

I can only feel that it is ironic.

“Didn’t you say you had something to say to me? I’m here to listen, so don’t stare at me like that.”

“It’s not too impudent.”

Originally, being arrogant and self-righteous is my charm. I’m just actively using that charm.

“You don’t usually have any interest, but suddenly you hear about it? I hate it because it is blatant to listen to me when I have errands.”

I won’t deny it.

But isn’t Baek Yang and I in a relationship that can’t be close anyway?

I usually treat myself like garbage, but now is there a reason to look good? i don’t think there is

“Well, okay. Originally, it was an urgent matter, but I was late for that, so I’ll pass it on.”

“… … ?”

If it was something really important, I would have been able to come and talk at any time.

So I guess it wasn’t that important… … .

Was it something really important? But did you hold on until now because of one reason that I was outraged?

that’s a little… … . I’m getting anxious.

“To put it in conclusion, it seems that King Kwon was caught running rampant in the Goblin Forest.”

“Oh yeah? What else am I saying?”

I thought it was something big.

Still, I’m glad to hear that there’s nothing special about it.

“… … Is that so? I know the two of you had a family-like relationship… … Aren’t you worried?”

“What? Why should I care that the bastard was caught running amok? If he got caught running amok in the first place, there must be something wrong with him.”

I definitely dried it once. Still, the guy did it.

Still, I made a magic tool that could be helpful at the cost of my own money so that I wouldn’t be beaten somewhere… … .

Even if he went this far, if he got beaten up, he would be a f*cking asshole.

“Well, I understand what you said. Then, this is a request from us this time. I need to go to the federation. Can I ask for directions?”

“I wonder if the person who came to ask for it had that kind of attitude… … . It’s so absurd that it’s wonderful on the contrary.”

“Go with Noah.”

“… … I can’t help it.”

Since Noah was involved, it seems like a real older sister to reluctantly agree. What the hell is making a white sheep like that?

“Did you ever have a younger sister who looked like Noah?”

“What nonsense are you talking about all of a sudden… … ?”

“Or else.”

There must be something… … .

It’s not something I should be involved in. I shouldn’t care.

If Baekyang, the goblin, takes care of the road, there will be no problem.

Even in the Commonwealth, they are the ones who live in places where there is a lot of energy.

There is no better guide than this.

“Then, what does King Kwon intend to do?”

“Come and take a look back.”

Rather, he said he was going to meet Lena, so what was he doing to get caught by the goblins?

I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy

I Became the Laughing Bell Character of the Academy

아카데미의 웃음벨 캐릭터가 되었다
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
It has become an SSR-grade character in a collectible RPG game. [I picked up a newbie SSR. Is this good?] – for ornamental use -Entertainment Limited Tier 1 – You can have fun while twisting the game A laughing bell character that makes everyone laugh except for the person who was chosen… … .


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not work with dark mode