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I Became the Crazy Instructor at the Academy Chapter 100

100. Wet Shirt

Since when?

I had no doubt about it.

“Please, please. It’s not that difficult!”

“I said no, student Adela.”

Even if you make bread with flour,

For a merchant, you have to see the process with your own eyes to believe it.

Feelings without physical evidence are just illusions,

It’s just a beautiful bait.

Adela was a merchant,

She knew that truth better than anyone else.

“Five gold coins. No, ten! I’ll give you whatever you ask for. Even if it’s not in kind, I can get it-“

“You said it wouldn’t work!”

But, there is only one thing.

As for the boy who became her reason for living and her purpose,

Because no calculations could be applied.

From the moment she began to believe that the instructor was that boy, she did not even have any doubts.

Until I received Camilla’s report.

The phrase that Ivan is in a relationship with instructor Miho.

While Adela was at her home, she walked around and listened closely to the conversations of her instructors.

She said that even a few days ago she was able to receive confirmation from Ivan’s mouth.

The fact is,

It was more than enough to put an insurmountable blemish on her faith.

Immediately, he came straight to the outskirts hospital,

She got into a fight with the health instructor.

“I don’t know why they’re doing this, but if they force it any further, I have no choice but to respond with force.”


“Just because you’re the top first-year student and I’m a health instructor doesn’t mean you think the use of force won’t work, right?”

“That’s not true, but…”

“It is illegal to request someone else’s medical records or testimony. Please leave.”

He was a needlessly upright person.

Do you not know the value of ten gold coins?

She wasn’t asking for anything special.

Just one piece. All you have to do is hand over Ivan’s medical records.

All we have to do is confirm that there is an unusual, large scar on his back.

She needed evidence.

So desperately that her hands were shaking.

But, this is Russell.

This is a place where Adela, the legitimate successor to Cathy Sangsang, is just a student.

She had no choice but to trudge out without gaining anything.


Am I being punished for suddenly barging into the hospital in the middle of the night?


Her When she came out, what greeted her was a heavy shower.

She didn’t bring an umbrella,

Because she came with an aide who was always prepared for situations like this.


Camilla was waiting outside,

She naturally put her umbrella on her.

Camilla doesn’t bother to ask what happened to her.

There is no way to notice it.

To the extent that even an aide, a mere third party, knows,

Because Adela’s feelings toward her instructor Ivan were blatant.

Yes. Even considering her label as a merchant, she was so devoted to him that she could not have done more.

Why is it that only the instructor doesn’t know?

Is she pretending not to know even though she knows?

Is she really not that boy?

“Camilla, I’m sorry, but I have to go back alone.”

“Huh? No, is there somewhere else you’d like to stop by? It doesn’t matter. Let’s get on the carriage and see where we’re going-“


She escapes from Camilla’s umbrella.

“I’ll go alone.”

“…Then at least an umbrella-“

“It’s okay.”

I said that, but She did not decide on her destination.

She just wanted to cool her head in the rain.


“Please come in, Camilla.”

Leaving behind her voice,

She slowly moved towards the place she wanted to go.

Instructor Ivan.

Because of his family’s circumstances, he is a person who moves around busily without even thinking about getting to know Adella.

She thought so,

The heart is not completely broken yet.

It’s just a painful crack.

Unless we know his purpose and cause,

Any speculation is just a guess.

Isn’t this too much?

Whatever the circumstances, did he have to keep Adella by his side and have that kind of relationship with instructor Miho?

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So, the instructor in Adela is,

It was like going back to the beginning.

A situation that may or may not be that boy.

Only physical evidence was needed.

As I walked with that thought in mind,

The rain had already stopped.

I saw the Arca statue.

“Was it… This big?”

The place that caught her eye was a temple.

However, it was completely different from the last time I remembered it.

With a typical home feel,

It became similar in size to a small mansion.

A garden was created,

The height, which was originally two floors, was also raised by one floor.

The sound of running water was heard.

Behind the temple, the source of the sound,

There was even a small hot spring.

“What happened…?”

But since I came,

Should I at least say hello?

I knocked on the door with that kind of heart.

Knock knock-

An answer soon came from inside.

“Yes, I’m leaving now-“

It was a voice that seemed a little tired.


“For prospective believers, please apply for admission when the sun is up if possible… Huh?”

“Hello, Miss Paula.”

He smiled and said hello,

The saint in front of me stopped.

After a few seconds, Paula seemed to come to her senses and was frantically looking for something.

“Ah, ah, Adela?! What is that!”

“It suddenly started raining.”

“Now, wait a minute. There was a towel here… I must have left it there… But I found it!”

With the towel I desperately found,

A saint who personally wipes her hair.

“Come in! You’ll catch a cold!”

“No, I just wanted to say hello-“

“As a saint, how could I just send away a guest who came in the middle of the night?”

She was not

, She was the one who came in the middle of the night,

Paula welcomed us with open arms.

The place she guided us to was, surprisingly…


Back door of the temple.

When you open it, you see the view of the backyard.

A natural bathtub with steam rising.

“…I really appreciate your concern for me. You’re not telling me to go in there, are you?”

“hehehe, what do you think? Warm water is the best for a cold body.”

“No, even so, this is a bit…”

I checked just before coming in,

It was that hot spring.

Adela has no hobby of taking baths outdoors in the open air.

However, Paula was strict when it came to health issues.

“No. The cause and effect of all things in the world is under the management of Arca, so the fact that Adela passed through the temple wet is also a task he gave me.”

“Uh… I’m not a believer…”

“She will become a believer someday, so she cannot be overlooked as a saint.”

Paula Maria, who is like a gentle puppy, can be persuaded by Adela’s words.

She came out so strong, wearing the name tag of a saint, that there was nothing she could do.

If you resist longer than this and the relationship breaks down,

Her most important network. Because she might lose her friend, a saint.

I don’t think that will happen, but

If you think about it, she was just taking a bath.

This time, let’s get along appropriately.

I decided to think positively,

After biting her, he began to take off her clothes neatly.

A conversation shared across a door.

“…By the way, the temple has gotten a little bigger?”

“Right! It’s changed a lot, right?!”

“Yes. Why did it become like this?”

The saintess explained what had happened in a voice that made her feel like she was dying of pride.

Because his speech was not flashy, all he could understand was that the number of students applying to enter the school had increased significantly.

“Then, call me when you’re warm enough!”


Night and hot springs.

Although the upper house she will inherit is Russell’s largest, it is her first time being extravagant in someone else’s home.

Looking at the water shining brightly, I guess she must have hit a lot of heat stones. How much is this all…

Adela slowly dipped her body into her legs, her waist, and her shoulders above her chest.


The voice was a mixture of admiration and lamentation.

The former was filled with reverence for her saintly personality, something she herself could never surpass.

The latter was a whipping directed at Adela herself.

What am I doing here now?

As soon as tomorrow, the special training with the instructor that we always do will begin.

I can’t get enough of going to bed early, so I’m doing this here.

However, I definitely felt calmer.

If I warm up a little more, I think I’ll be able to put on a good expression when I face him tomorrow…

Knock knock-

A knock was heard.

So, now she is in the back, which can be called the backyard of the temple.

The direction I heard was in front of the temple.

Someone knocked on the front door.

“Yes, I’m leaving-“

I heard the sound of the saint opening the door,

An equally familiar voice was heard.

“Sorry for stopping by at night, Paula.”

“Uh, instructor? No, I don’t even have to apologize-“

“I stopped by on the way to buy a few things. Please take this.”

“Uh… Wow! What is this?”

“It’s a snack. Don’t you like it?”

Although it was a story shared far away from her, it was clearly pictured in her mind.

The instructor hands the saint a cookie and pats Paula’s head, who accepts it with a bright expression.

Adela raised her head and looked at the sky.

She didn’t want to see her own expression reflected in the water.

I just wish it would go quickly.


“I’ll eat well, instructor! See you tomorrow!”

“I’m happy that you’re happy to receive it. Then, I’ll just leave… Um?”

The conversation stopped for a moment,

The instructor’s voice returned, lowered by two tones.

“Paula. There are shoes you haven’t seen before.”

“Yes, yes? Ah, ah…”

“Just looking at it, it doesn’t seem to be your size. Are you visiting as a guest this night?”

“Well, that…”

Conversation becomes strange.

She lowered her body further and hid into the hot spring as much as possible.

“Are you the noble friend who came last time? Or is someone new from the church visiting?”

“Oh, no. That’s not-“

“…That won’t work. Please excuse me for a moment.”

An instructor who is more sensitive than necessary.

From her words and actions, her concern and concern for the saint was keenly felt.

I can hear the sound of walking down the hallway.

The sound of opening a door to a room in the temple.

There was the sound of people searching here and there, but the only visitor was Adela.

“There is no one.”

“Yeah, right? Actually, those shoes are mine.”

“Why didn’t you tell me in advance? Then I’ll just go in and see you tomorrow.”

“Now, wait!”

A saint who strikes in a very unnatural way.

No way, no way, right?

“Why are you doing this?”

“Well… I’d like to see you off through the front door rather than the back door…”

Back door. The door through which Adela entered.

As soon as she realized that there was only a wooden board between her and her instructor after soaking her body in the hot spring, her body moved reflexively.


She dives immediately.

Sure enough, as soon as she took refuge in the water, she heard the sound of the back door opening.


“aaah! Instructor, close your eyes-“

“…Why do I have to wind it?”


This is not a merchant’s feeling.

Human instinct. Among them, it was good to see it as an emergency maneuver as a woman based on the ability to notice.

Completely square.

You can no longer hide completely.


I couldn’t breathe, but I held my breath and held it in.

Even if I die, I don’t want to be seen like this.

I am naked. It means nothing else but nakedness.

It was such a catastrophe that it almost seemed like a cute thing to reveal the diary. Even if you drown here, there is no option to get out.

And, it was around this time that she found Arca, whom she had never even thought of trusting in her heart.


The sound of the back door closing,

The sound of footsteps moving away was heard.

Soon, when I heard the sound of the front door opening and closing.

I was convinced that the instructor had completely left the temple.

She is now starting to see a way out.

Let’s hold on just a little longer, ten seconds more, and then fly.

I thought so.

“Did you think you wouldn’t know if I hid here?”

Right above her diving,

Until I heard the instructor’s angry voice.


You can feel the waves of water along with the sound.

He walked into the hot spring.

“The saint’s residence. She even hid in the bathhouse, so her liver came out of her stomach.”


“What kind of trick have you come here for? If you don’t blow it right away, I will physically pull out your liver.”

Adela, who dived with her head down, realized something.

Her posture. This is the image of someone crouching down in a hot spring with his head down.

To him, it was nothing more than a human silhouette,

He judged himself to be nothing more than an impure benefactor.

If there’s another thing I realized,

It was now a limit.

I came in prepared to drown, but

That is impossible with the human body.

Just like that, her instincts took over her body and she tried to get out of the water to take a breath.

The act was personally performed on her behalf by her instructor.

He grabbed her by the hair and lifted her up.


“Where can I see that face…”


Breathe in fresh air again.

Her body, dominated by the survival instinct, was just desperate to catch its last breath.

Even while I was panting, my eyes faithfully performed their duty.

The moment her eyes met, the instructor paused as if he had hit her in the back of the head.

And then, that expression turns pale in real time.



The instructor was quick to judge the situation.

Her bare body will be hard to see because it’s covered in water.

“……Excuse me.”

Apology and reconciliation.

By practicing those two actions at the same time, his legs are trying to get out of here quickly.

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“…Why are you like this?”


She thought.

This is an accident. His anger toward the saint was so high that he pretended to go out through her front door and then returned to the backyard, resulting in a major accident.

Then, what actions should a person who has been shamed against their will take?

It wasn’t that diverse.

The temple may scream to leave,

You could criticize the instructor in front of you as a pervert.

However, it is difficult to take such ‘normal’ action.

Because her nature was a merchant.

I decided to take advantage of this situation itself.

That’s why I don’t let go of the hand I’m holding.

“I was raised in a respectable manner.”


“The instructor is probably the first person in my entire life who has behaved like this.”

“Let me be clear, that was clearly not my intention. Why are you here in the first place? Even if it’s vacation and there’s no curfew, isn’t this the case?”

It was visible.

He is embarrassed now. A lot.

No matter what words we said, we couldn’t turn this situation around.

He couldn’t sharply shake off her hand.


“Then, let’s prove it.”


“If this is a truly unfortunate accident, then if there is even a speck of dust in your heart that you want to repay the shame I suffered.”

Transaction. A merchant’s sharpest weapon.

It was a really good idea.

To the point where I want to praise myself.

An eye for an eye. This includes:

By turning this terrible accident into a solution to one’s greatest worries.

I will end everything.

Right now, here.

“Please come in and sit down.”


She is calculating, and she is calmer than anyone else right now.

Perhaps in the eyes of others…

“Let’s talk about it.”

You won’t look sane.

I Became the Crazy Instructor at the Academy

I Became the Crazy Instructor at the Academy

아카데미의 망나니 교관이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I became a villain in the game. Merely a supporting character who exits in the prologue. There is no hero. As the worst instructor, I must prevent the destined ruin of this world.


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not work with dark mode