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I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World Chapter 75

75 – Episode 75

Fortunately, Gulmarg did not die accidentally.

Of course, his muscles were torn and his bones were broken here and there, but as a monster famous for being tough, Gulmarg held on…


.. I couldn’t pay it.

Even an ogre could not endure the pain of bones piercing the internal organs while blood was gushing out.

Gulmarg, relaxed, rolled his eyes and fell to the floor.

“I’ll treat you right away!”

As Skadi screamed and ran towards her Gul Marg, the Wendigo couldn’t raise her head out of pity.

She thought that when Oneton used it, it just made her bigger and stronger, but she didn’t know that it would also have the effect of stimulating her instincts and fighting spirit.

The Wendigo cursed, remembering Oneton.

‘I didn’t even notice because I had a bad personality in the first place.’

Of course it wasn’t Oneton’s fault.

What idiot in the world would fight while revealing his abilities?

But the dead are silent.

The Wendigo calmed her mind by swearing in one tone for a long time. He approached Skadi, who was busily tending to her wounds.

Skadi treated Gulmarg calmly even in a situation where it was normal for him to be embarrassed.

Give potion to restore the airways and lungs, and pick out the obstacles to healing among the broken bones…

As we pulled out the cold that had seeped into his body and sewed him up with a needle, Gulmarg’s heavy breathing began to gradually become more comfortable.

“Thank you, Shaman. I apologize for my rudeness just now. I will return the favor…”

“The treatment is not over yet, so please be quiet.”

Skadi snapped her ringed finger and covered Gul Marg’s mouth with a root.

Gul Marg quietly shut his mouth. Her life depends on her fingertips, so how could she carelessly use her mouth?

After a while, Skadi stood up, wiping away the sweat.

“Phew, I think the treatment went well.”

“I thought it was a pretty rough fight, but I’m glad I did.”

The Wendigo was impressed by Gulmarg’s strong vitality. Honestly, she thought it wouldn’t be surprising if Gul Marg died.

Skadi patted his pocket with a bitter expression.

“I used some pretty precious medicines. I didn’t know that I would use them on Mr. Gulmarg and not on the villagers…”


Wendigo and Gulmarg cleared their throats at the same time.

She honestly had nothing to say. They didn’t know that what they thought was just a good experience would turn into a life-or-death decision.

Gulmarg, unbecoming of his size, avoided his eyes and grabbed his club.

After a very brief hesitation, Gul Marg closed her eyes tightly and held out her club to Skadi.

“Shaman, I apologize for my rudeness. I will give you this in exchange for forgiveness.”


Skadi blinked her eyes and looked at the club, then at Gulmarg, then at the wendigo. To be honest, it was a burdensome price to pay.

The Wendigo immediately recognized the ‘What should we do?’ Expression in Skadi’s eyes and nodded her head.

“It would certainly be uncomfortable for Skadi to use Gulmarg’s club.”

“Well, that’s true, but I think it’s too much. Besides… That’s Mr. Gulmarg’s favorite weapon.”

Skadi was not a warrior, but thanks to being raised by her mother, who was no less than a warrior, her eye for weapons was quite excellent.

The club was clearly a weapon made for Gulmarg. Everything from the absurd strength, weight, and even shape.

It was too harsh to take such an item from a warrior.

“I knew Skadi would say that. What I just said was half a joke.”


Then doesn’t that mean he was only half sincere?

Before Skadi’s eyes became filled with astonishment, the Wendigo approached Gulmarg and made a proposal.

“Gulmarg. It looks like Skadi doesn’t want to take what you care about. Why not give in to what Skadi wants instead?”

“Hmm… A shaman, like a wendigo, is unique. But that’s true. My thoughts were short.”

Compensation is ultimately about giving the other person what they want.

As Gulmarg obediently(?) Put away his club, Skadi sighed.

“Shaman, tell me what you want. I will do my best to listen.”


When faced with the clear eyes of Gulmarg, who was determined to return the favor, Skadi could not refuse.

Because it wasn’t polite to not accept the other person’s sincere treatment.

The problem is that nothing comes to mind…

‘I can’t ask for some tendons or leather.’

To be honest, Skadi had already paid for the treatment.

The ogre’s bone fragments, blood, and even the torn skin were scraped together.

… These were items that would end up as fertilizer if thrown away anyway!

While Skadi, who pursues conscientious transactions, was groaning, forest people appeared on the hill where the bloody fight took place.

As the sound of the world collapsing echoed from the hill, he armed himself and came looking for us.

The village chief, armed with a bronze shield and a spear, was surprised when he saw the fallen Gulmarg and ran towards him.

“Oops, I guess there’s a misunderstanding. Everyone calm down and go back.”

“Spirit! Please relieve me of your anger!”


When the village chief came running to her and knelt down and begged for forgiveness, the Wendigo was dumbfounded.

‘Could it be that you were planning to trust Gulmarg and start a rebellion?’

Appearing with armed warriors and begging for forgiveness could only be interpreted that way.

When Gul Marg saw the Wendigo staring at her, she was surprised and waved her hand.

“I lived an honorable life! Only spirits do such things!”

Gulmarg realized his mistake only after speaking. When he thought about the being in front of him, he realized that it was a spirit.

But saying this in front of her was like provoking the Wendigo’s anger.

“Hmm, that’s definitely something that spirits do. I’m sorry for doubting you.”

However, the Wendigo readily agreed to Gulmarg’s argument. She didn’t feel the slightest bit of lies in him.

“It’s okay, it’s okay… Everything?”

Of course, to Gulmarg, who did not know this fact, the Wendigo just felt strange.

When the village chief realized that Gulmarg had caused a misunderstanding because of him, he hurriedly opened his mouth.

“Gulmarg has helped our village a lot! He is definitely not a bad ogre, so please be kind to him!”

The Wendigo immediately realized what her chief had misunderstood.

When she saw Gulmarg, who had become Changi, she clearly thought she was trying to kill him.

The Wendigo swallowed her slight resentment and tried to explain her true situation to them.

… If the warriors who followed suddenly didn’t kneel down and beg for Gulmarg’s life.

“Please! Please save Gulmarg!”

“Please show him the same mercy you showed us!”


It was certainly a noble thing to risk one’s life to repay a favor…

I couldn’t help but feel resentment rising from deep inside my heart.

* · * *

The Wendigo was a little upset, but thanks to this, Skadi was able to decide what she wanted Gul Marg to do.

“Gulmarg. Will you help the forest people while you stay in the forest?”

“Good. I was planning on staying for a long time.”

Gulmarg willingly accepted Skadi’s request. Honestly, it wasn’t a bad idea for him either.

Wouldn’t you feel more comfortable if you became friends with people while living in the forest?

The Wendigo, who was quietly listening to the story, noticed something strange about her.

“But Gulmarg, why did you come to the forest? Is this forest your hometown?”

From Noble mtl dot com

“This is not my hometown. I came here because it was nice to rest.”

Although the ogre’s physical strength was incomparably superior to that of a human, he was not capable of running around his entire life.

Even experienced warriors make mistakes when they are tired.

Gulmarg had come to the forest to rest and prevent such mistakes from happening.

“There were no spirits or shamans in this forest. So it was comfortable because there were no people attacking me.”

“It’s definitely a land with nothing…”

As the Wendigo was about to nod, the images of the boar spirit, Gikas, and Oneton passed by.

When I thought about it, the forest wasn’t particularly quiet. Rather, accidents occurred surprisingly frequently.

“I can’t say that. A lot has happened recently.”

“Is that so? I want to hear the story.”

The Wendigo did not refuse. It wasn’t a big problem for her to tell the story.

After informing her chief that the problem had been resolved, the Wendigo told Gul Marg about what had happened.

Of course, Gulmarg could not help but be surprised. It was so different from the forest he knew.

“Unfortunately, it looks like the forest you used to know is long gone.”

“It’s a shame. It was a quiet rest area… But this place is better than other places.”

“Uh… Really?”

Skadi retorted, looking at Gulmarg with disbelief.

It’s only been a few years, but there have already been four major incidents…

Gul Marg could understand Skadi’s feelings, but he did not go back on his words.

“The world is a mess. There are more crazy people than there used to be.”

When Gul Marg was still young, he did not have many shamans, let alone spirits.

The only thing you could see in a big town was a shaman, and you had to be really unlucky to meet a spirit, but their numbers began to increase ten years ago.

“Thanks to you, I got a club. But the number of attacks also increased.”

“Ah, was that club made by a shaman? He’s very skilled.”

Gulmarg was certainly a good partner to do business with.

Because he had great power, he had many things to ask for, and above all, he was a more rational being than most people.

But Gul Marg shook his head.

Unfortunately, shamans were often more irrational than expected.

“For most shamans, attack comes before conversation.”

For ordinary people, ogres were a disaster that was fortunate to be avoided, but for shamans and monster hunters, they were a mouth-watering prey.

Once you succeeded in catching it, all the parts that could be removed were so valuable that they were worth a lot of money.

Even a talking ogre. If it were a shaman, it wouldn’t be surprising if his eyes went crazy and he made a fuss to catch him.

Gulmarg continued speaking while showing his club.

“A club, this is an item carried by the shaman who attacked me. At first, it wasn’t even a treasure. It was just a strange piece of stone.”

The stone piece, which did not feel any power at first, began to emit a strange energy as time passed.

Then one day, while he was sorting out unnecessary clutter, a piece of stone cut his palm.

The piece of stone soaked in Gulmarg’s blood grew in size and became a club suitable for his size.

“But maybe you didn’t know because you didn’t feel the mystery?”

“No. When I met a good shaman, I asked him about it. He just said it was trash.”

The Wendigo realized that Gulmarg was telling the truth.

So that means there really was no power at first…

“Skadi, are there cases like that?”

“As far as I know, an object from which the power of a spell has been removed cannot be restored unless the spell is cast again… There is at least one possibility.”

Skadi answered with a shocked expression.

“This is a case where the artifact loses its power because it requires a huge amount of mysteries. It is a case where more mysteries are required than can be absorbed from the surroundings.”

“The shaman who created such an amazing item would not have known about it.”

“That’s right.”

It was a club that could not be broken even if the ice sword was swung with all its might.

The shaman who created such an amazing item would not have made a foolish mistake.

The Wendigo stopped worrying when even Skadi could not come up with the right answer for her.

“Well, if we have a relationship someday, I’ll know why.”

“When I get back, I’ll look for any cases.”

“It’s a good attitude. There’s no need to worry about what you can’t do. It will only hinder what you can do.”

Still, telling this story could itself be said to be a kind of favor.

The Wendigo expressed its gratitude to Gulmarg.

“Thank you for telling me such a precious story. Next time we meet, I’ll treat you to delicious food.”

“Huh? I plan to follow the wendigo.”


The Wendigo was puzzled. She had no intention of being taken by Gulmarg.

‘…There’s nothing wrong with being together.’

Still, I decided to listen to the reason.

“Is there a reason?”

“I’m traveling for more than just one reason. I’m looking for a partner.”

“… She said that’s why she’s following you?”

Gulmarg nodded her head, and the Wendigo was bewildered by the inexplicable logic.

What on earth does finding her wife have to do with following her?

When the Wendigo did not understand, Gul Marg smiled and recited her own thoughts.

“I am a strange ogre. My intelligence is similar to that of a human. Because of that, I cannot take an ordinary ogre as a mate.”

“That’s definitely true.”

“So I went looking for it. The world is big, and there are a lot of strange things. It wouldn’t be strange if the same thing happened to me as a female ogre.”

Gul Marg pointed with her finger at the Wendigo, who she still did not understand.

“Wendigo, from what I’ve heard, strange things often happen. If you stay by its side, your chances of finding a mate increase.”


The Wendigo was angry and held back. She honestly couldn’t refute it.

He grumbled, turning her head away from Gul Marg.

“I don’t mind following you, but don’t expect anything strange to happen. It doesn’t happen that often to me either.”

* · * *

A few days later, upon arriving at her temple, Geron hurriedly ran over and whispered in the Wendigo’s ear.

“Spirit. Mr. Sir subdued a strange man and brought him to me…”

“The gods have returned! They have revealed their names to me! The grace of the gods will fall on this world again!”


Gulmarg looked at the wendigo with admiration.

The wendigo let out a sigh as she lowered her head without saying a word.

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

I Became a Wendigo in a Fantasy World

판타지 속 웬디고가 되었다.
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When I came to my senses, I had become a bipedal monster with deer antlers. I planned to live in hiding, as being treated as a monster and hunted was out of the question… But at some point, I began to be worshipped.


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not work with dark mode