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I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy Chapter 49

Episode 49 – Festival 8 –

Episode 49 – Festival 8 –

The building is on fire,

It was destroyed in half,

People begin to evacuate amidst the chaos.

Someone suddenly stabbed someone.

Someone hit someone.

I don’t know why.

Not even who did it.

It is literally a situation where there is chaos.

“Please help me!!!!”


“Great Heavenly God, I pray. Please take care of this poor lamb and protect it from evil devils and soldiers… “

Many people were caught up in the terrorist attacks that occurred throughout the academy and were trying to survive.

“Go this way!”

“Who is the terrorist?”

“They are disguised as visitors and cannot be distinguished.”

“The IDs of all visitors were verified!?”

The faculty and staff were trying to find the terrorists.

It doesn’t seem to be going well.

“Hey… “What kind of situation does this sound like?”

“I don’t know either. “I don’t even know why.”

I didn’t understand.

It was true that an attack occurred at the academy.

I couldn’t figure out why the attack occurred.

As I said, the academy is not a good place for attacks from other countries or terrorist groups.

A situation where the reason is unknown.

But the attack has already happened.

We need to deal with this.

The longer you delay, the greater the damage.

“Theseus. “For now, run away.”

“And you?”

“Do you think I will fall behind? “If you die somewhere like this, I’ll use an Auror awakening device and hunt you down, so don’t worry.”

“That’s right.”

Theseus nodded.

And Theseus chose to run away right away.

Watching Theseus fall in the distance.

I immediately thought about what I had to do.

Augments his body by blowing aura into his calves and inner thighs.

I radiate strong repulsive force from my two legs to create propulsion.

By jumping so high, you remove the restrictions on your field of vision.

By pushing the aura into my eyes, I set out to find my purpose in the slightly slower time with my enhanced visual acuity.

‘Some people are heading to one side. It is true that people running away move in many different directions… There is a force that moves around one point.’

Watching in a situation strengthened by auror enhancement, I was able to see unnatural appearances in some parts.

However, there were many problems.

This is because there were several people moving from one point.

This may be to create confusion about what the goal is.

There is no need to consider the possibility that it is a coincidence.

Coincidence means terrorism without reason.

Since indiscriminate terrorism is for political purposes, simply stopping it will end it.

But if there is a purpose, you must find it.

Only then will we be able to ultimately win.

It will be difficult for academy employees to move right now as they are busy dealing with the terrorist attack.

In my case, there is no need to consider Academy damage, so I have to look for it.

Because that would be the fastest.

Look around with full-body vision.

I take a look at the destinations several groups are heading to.

For the majority, there was nothing special.

Because there was nothing particularly important.

But in one place I was able to find something special.

‘Alice Tantalota?’

Alice Tantalota, the second princess of the Helium Empire.

One of the points that those presumed to be terrorists are aiming for.

She was standing.

Speeded up time by improving visual acuity.

I fell to the ground again and immediately started running towards Alice.

The purpose may be something else.

But that is something to think about at that time.

I am a cadet anyway, and my responsibilities are minimal, so let’s think of it that way.

As I ran, I saw that people were already gathered around Alice.

I could clearly sense that the person wearing the mask was suspicious just by looking at him.

‘It’s them.’

What is certain is that they are the culprits of this situation.

I was thinking about what I should do to process it quickly.

“I guess I made it look that easy.”

Alice suddenly muttered her words.




It crushed those who casually approached.

It seems that it wasn’t a lie that his grades were in the top tier.

I just looked at him with a puzzled expression on his face.

Alice found me and came closer.

It seemed fine.

“Are you here because you’re worried? Abraxas English food?”

“No. “There was no need to worry.”

“I am also capable of protecting myself. “You don’t have to worry so much.”

When I was standing there feeling embarrassed like that.

The broadcast rang out.

[Ah. I tell everyone. At this point, someone has conducted a raid on the Academy. The attackers approached disguised as visitors, and faculty members and the Academy’s Facilities Management Department are trying to calm the situation.

However, since we do not know who the attacker may be, we ask visitors to refrain from meeting people except those they know.]

Through that broadcast, I was able to understand why the Academy was unable to prevent the attack.

For example, a person who came to another country without a visa as a diplomat committed terrorism.

‘Even if it was a festival, at least only people whose identities were guaranteed would have been accepted. But the fact that this incident happened… ‘It’s simple.’

Those with status attacked.

And there is only one person who can do this.

‘Cult of evil spirits… ‘

The Evil God Church, an ideological group.

If you want, you can attack with a legal status if you are a suicide special attack.

In normal cases, I would give up even if it is because my status is precious.

It is quite possible for the Evil God Church.

An attack by the Evil God Church.

And the saint who was prophesied to be born.

The attack that the heavenly saint spoke of.

The attack has now occurred.

‘There are no sacrifices within the academy that would be useful for making a saint. In my case, I cannot aim because the magic circle is known. Then… Their purpose is… ‘

I calculated it while thinking about various things.

A conclusion could be drawn.

‘Imperial family.’

Their goal is the royal bloodline.

“Princess. It’s an urgent situation right now. “I think the Evil God Church is moving to produce the saint I mentioned before.”

“The denomination?”

“Yes. And perhaps that goal is just that… It must be the princess. The royal family… “It’s quite valuable as a sacrifice.”

Although it is not as good as Dragon Heart.

It is a fairly valuable offering for the royal family.

Of course, there are also things that I don’t understand. Why did they target Alice Tantalota?

The 3rd Princess and the 2nd Prince will be weaker than Alice Tantalota, and they are often located in places with less security than the Academy.

But it is true that they are targeting Alice Tantalota.

Faculty members do not know that fact yet.

Rather, it will be busy. So Alice Tantalotta has to do it.

“Princess! First, use the power of the royal family to suppress beings below a certain level! “Except the professors.”

The royal family has special powers.

The strongest person in this huge empire is not the royal family.

The cause of them being ruled by the royal family.

If you use that power, you can definitely overcome this situation.

But let me mention the power.

“I… sulfur… Lady?”

“I… impossible… under… all… “

From noble mtl dot com

The princess began to tremble all over.

She had an expression of open fear.

It was my first time seeing this expression.

An expression that cannot be seen normally even if you just look at it.

A body that vibrates, possibly due to tremor.

Unfocused eyes that cannot look at any object.

Out of breath even when squatting still.

It looked like it would die even if left alone.

“I, I…” Can not… “

And because of her words that jumped out from her.

My head started spinning.

The royal family has special abilities.

The aura of domination, the reason why the Tantalota family has overwhelming power in this world.

The power to dominate beings of a certain level or lower level than oneself.

Of course, due to the limitations of its power, it may be a beast.

All humans do is induce action or make simple suggestions.

Conversely, he can gain an overwhelming advantage over beings below a certain level.

‘So, if we can solve only the minor mobs, the professors will be able to deal with the remaining elites.’

The reason professors are busy these days is simply because there are so many people.

Professors are hesitant because they cannot find terrorists hiding among visitors.

Therefore, once you have suppressed beings below a certain level with the power of the princess, you can sufficiently stop them by finding the attacker among the few strong enemies.

The reason the Academy is confused is because they don’t know who the threat is.

If those who pose a threat are identified, we only need to monitor them.

So, after declaring a state of emergency with the power of the princess.

I tried to control only those who were not affected by the princess’s abilities.

“Ah-ah-no…” ! No!”

Looking at that condition, I don’t think I can use it.

Why can’t I use it?

Isn’t your father the emperor?

It looks too much like Hwangtapju for that to be true.

Did it really come from a relationship between Hwangtapju and the emperor like in my novel?

Then I think it would be a bit strange.

No, now that I think about it, it still seems like they are members of the royal family.

“No, it would be okay if you could use it… “Why can’t I use it?”

“I… use… Could… does not exist… “

“No one will say anything just because you use it here! Rather, it becomes a problem if you don’t use it!”


Am I suddenly possessed by a ghost?

You’re probably not possessed by someone like me, right?


The princess’s condition is getting worse.

If this continued, it seemed like he would kill himself rather than the attackers.

‘Have the settings changed without my knowledge?’

That can’t be true.

Efferento used its power well during the WFS days.

‘Are my abilities not yet fully developed?’

That thought occurred to me for a moment.

She quickly withdrew.

Even if her abilities require proficiency, there is no reason why she cannot use them.

I have to try it first.

That state doesn’t mean that you can’t use your strength.

It is not in use.

Let’s imagine that you can’t write because of some incident in the past.

I was calming down the princess like that.

“Stop moving.”

Someone called us out.

Unfortunately, time is not on our side.

This is because the kidnappers were still approaching at this time.

While I was comforting the princess, people presumed to be kidnappers were gathering around her.

The face is covered, but the skills cannot be covered.

From the feel of the atmosphere, they are stronger than the academy professors.

It’s okay if it’s just one person, but as a whole, I can’t beat them all at my current level.

They formed a circle around the princess.

A person who appeared to be their representative spoke to me.

“You are the one who was captured by us. Hand over the princess to us. Then I will spare you.”

Another person continued.

“Ah. Don’t think that you are worth a hostage like you were to him.

I only kept you alive because you were valuable as a sacrifice. “There is no problem if we kill you because you are now worthless as a sacrifice.”

This means that self-harm like last time is impossible.

Then, what I can do really decreases.

‘Would it be better to hand it over now?’

According to the heavenly saint’s prophecy, it is inevitable that an evil saint will be born.

So, it might be better to hand over the princess.

I’m not sure because the future has changed. Because the princess did not appear in WFS.


The future can always be bypassed.

Even if murder is a predetermined future, euthanasia at the last moment of life when one is old and dying can also be considered murder.

The future can be twisted at any time.

‘Think of it.’

In times like this, it is convenient to think in reverse.

The enemies targeted the princess, but failed. Why did it fail?

‘Because I couldn’t take the princess.’

Why couldn’t they take the princess?

‘It’s because I couldn’t approach the princess.’

Then why couldn’t they approach the princess?

‘Security is strong or…’ There’s a problem with the princess… Then, what’s wrong with the princess… ‘

Countless thoughts pass through my head.

I don’t have enough time to come up with any good ideas.

But the kidnappers are not Buddha.

They gave me clear urging.

“Stop it. We are also in a position to keep the princess alive. “When everything is over, I will return the princess.”

It’s a lie.

If the princess is offered as a sacrifice, the sacrifice will no longer have its original form.

Alice will eventually die.

‘What should I do? I’m still not approaching the princess because I don’t want her to get hurt… If it gets closer, it will eventually end. There is a way… There is a way… ‘

The surrounding area burned red and a bright light shone around us.

The night scene, which should have been brightly lit, was reflected by broken glass from the explosion, further emphasizing the misery.

The pieces of glass that fell on the ground reflect the light emitted from the flame, making me squint my eyes.

Even in that situation, I had only one thought.

‘We have to somehow wait until the professors come…’ To waste time… Wait, why are those people approaching slowly? ?’

The reason for approaching the princess slowly.

And what a female kidnapper said before.

[Don’t think that you are worth a hostage like you were to him.]

And in those words, I was able to find my way.

A way out of this place.

“Princess… Don’t you want to be dragged away? “Do you want to live even if you are buried in the mud and even if it means terrible pain?”

I don’t know what their purpose is.

What is certain is that there is no chance that the princess will be okay if she is taken away.

So I asked. Do you want to live? Don’t you want to get caught by them?

The princess was not in a state to answer.

You understood exactly what I meant.


The princess just nodded her head.

I picked up the pieces of glass that had fallen around me due to the explosion.


“Stop doing nonsense!”

The attackers were taken aback by my actions and quickly approached me.

I was faster.

“Princess… “I’ll make sure you don’t get kidnapped.”

There is a saying that even if you roll in a dog poop, life is better.

At the very least, you may feel shameful and self-destructive.

I will give you my life.

If you want to live like that.


My left hand grabs the princess’s chin from behind, like a back hug.

The attackers who saw that looked suspicious and asked.

“What are you doing? Don’t talk nonsense and give the princess away. Then I will spare you.”

“Resistance would be meaningless. Are you trying to dance one last waltz because your lover is being taken away? “It’s romantic.”

“Stop now because I’m bored. “I’m having a hard time.”

Everyone had one conclusion.

It’s pointless, so stop.

Stop it now.

Struggling is useless.


Unfortunately, you are all wrong.

I thought of a sure way.

My body is behind the princess’s back.

The left hand held the princess’s chin.

If you look closely, you will definitely see a pose that looks like something a lover would do.

But most of the things lovers do.

If someone other than a lover does it, it is a crime.

And in my hand, where I had decided to commit the crime, I held a piece of glass with an aura on it.

The piece of glass moved and reached the princess’s neck, leaving a stab wound on her.

Red paint soaked the drawing paper over the lines I drew.


“What… !”

“Huh… ?”

When everyone is embarrassed by that appearance.

I drove a wedge into their judgment.

“Now, I have what you want in my hands, right? You clearly said you wanted a living princess, right?

But what? “Even though I don’t have the power to defeat you, I do have the power to make the princess dead?”

Special move, clear field tactics.

“So everyone kneel. “If you move even one step, the princess will lose her life.”

Screw the opponent by destroying something valuable.

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

I Became a Person Who Wanted To Drop Out of the Academy

아카데미 자퇴희망자가 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
When Abraxas, a cadet from the Imperial Academy, requested to drop out due to his immorality, the request was not permitted. – President of Imperial Academy –


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not work with dark mode