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I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists Chapter 124

Episode 124. In the words of those who went against the law

An army of undead and an army of demon kings.

The news that the two forces were clashing had already reached humanity, and the leadership was even making plans to take advantage of this opportunity to completely defeat the two forces.

It is important to recover the dragon’s bones and increase your strength, but if you make the most of this opportunity, you will be able to greatly weaken the power of the two forces that threaten humanity.

“It’s ironic that the soldiers we sent for that purpose are now with us. Lol.”

The inside of the garrison area used by humanity just a few days ago.

Gorgon Zola, who was seeing the corpses of the soldiers who had originally used the place lined up, stared at them with an ironic smile.

The sudden actions of self-absorbed warriors despite having a surprise attack in mind, the foolish officers’ choice to go ahead with the attack, seeing it as an opportunity to achieve success without any intention of abandoning him, etc…….

As a result, humanity suffered damage that was close to annihilation and had to retreat, and thanks to this, the undead army was able to take advantage of this war.

For the undead army, war was actually a means of replenishing troops, and a direct conflict with humanity could be said to be an opportunity to receive more troops than expected.

I took advantage of such a golden opportunity and succeeded in defeating one of the Four Heavenly Kings, but then I had to throw away all my achievements and retreat. Isn’t this truly a pity?

“Yes, it’s a little late. The 4-year-old king will get better.”

“… “Did you come first?”

As if to teach us that having such awareness is the same, Britain IV, the Blue Knight of Death, speaks bitterly as he joins the main force.

At his words, Gorgon only smiled his usual humorous smile.

“Kkeulkeul, I am her subject just like you, so how could I ignore that order and act?”

What should be regretted is not the war, but the fact that the state of the master can still be clearly felt.

The fact that her emotional fluctuations were conveyed even without her clear instructions was something that could never be overlooked from her position as someone who served her.

“Well, nothing can be solved by fooling around here among ourselves, so let’s go to her right away.”

“Just a moment before that… ….”

Britain IV summons Gorgon who is about to leave.

Afterwards, his eyes turned to the head of the corpse held in the Gorgon’s stretched hands.

“… “What are you holding in that hand?”

“Ah, is this what you mean? It’s the head of the Four Heavenly Kings that I dealt with. What was your name? Glottny…. Global?”

A head that looks like a mixture of a pig and a grasshopper.

It was a demon strong enough to rise to the position of the Four Heavenly Kings, but now it was as if all its nutrients had been sucked by Gorgon Zola, making its skin and bones stick together.

No matter how powerful they are, is it a natural result that they can’t even handle the forces that have joined the human army?

“Anyway, with that name, he calls himself ‘the devil of gluttony.’ I thought this guy’s natural strength was strangely suited to me, so I sucked him out to the bone. To commemorate this victory, I would like to offer it to my lord as a trophy. Do you think she will be happy?”

“…… “I’m sorry. Unfortunately, I don’t have much sense in these areas, so I don’t think I can give you good advice on gifts.”

“Ahh, such a stubborn 4-year-old. In times like this, you just have to agree appropriately.”

Gorgon grumbling at the words of King Britain IV.

After that, he nervously threw away the head he was holding in his hand, took the lead, and muttered in a bitter voice in front of him.

“It’s bittersweet, the person I’ll be joking with from now on is gone.”

Yes, what I am concerned about right now is why she suddenly had such a big change in her emotions.

The reason for this was something that the two of them, vaguely connected to each other under her guidance, also guessed.


The place where the undead army is currently based is where humans were once stationed.

There were several buildings made of prefabricated parts placed all over the place, and the place where their monarch was seated was like a temple with a statue of a god and a cross.

There would be no place more familiar to her than that place, as she was revered as a saint of the religious order during her lifetime.

“Ah, Annabelle. Annabelle… ….”

However, instead of praying for victory in the war, she was actually sitting in the prayer room, and instead she just sat there and cried bitterly.

The two knights guessed just by looking at it.

She leads all the dead and dreams of the destruction of the world, but somehow she has completely collapsed emotionally.

“Oh, great monarch. Why are you so sad…….”


Yes, now she has been reduced to a woman called ‘Gwen Whivar’ rather than the king of the dead.

Kingdom IV, who guessed this, quickly left Gorgon’s side and began to approach him as a companion rather than a vassal.

“Gwen, look at me. Gwen!”

“… “You are the king.”

“Did the two of you fail?”

I guessed the reason right away.

She is like a symbol of the church, recognized for her better character than anyone else in her lifetime.

After she rose from the dead and decided to kill all living beings for her cause, there would be only one thing that would break one’s heart.

Because I feel that I am being swayed by ‘an individual’s attachment’ that is more prominent in this second life than by the cause that I consider to be the most important.

“Annabelle… ….”

As if such predictions were correct, mournful cries soon began to leak out of Gwen’s mouth.

“I haven’t been able to show you love yet, and before I can even remind you of it, you ended up leaving my side like you did when you were alive.”

“… “Gwen.”

“I wanted to be loved by you. I wanted to teach you love. But if you leave now, how can I fulfill my longing to be with you? …. “How can you leave your mother alone in this world and end up leaving you alone?”

“Come to your senses, Gwen.”

Britten IV grasps and shakes the woman who has lost her mind by the shoulders.

Only then did Gwen’s eyes turn to him, but what was actually painted on her face was a deep despair that she had never seen before.

“… King, Isier. “Are you not sad?”

No, I’ve definitely seen it before.

When I lost my daughter in a battle of usurpation that risked the survival of the nation, she was swayed by the same grief for a while.

Her feelings seemed to be relieved when she reunited with her daughter, but even those feelings were never fulfilled as her country was destroyed by a plague.

“The fruit of the relationship between you and I, the opportunity to achieve that relationship has finally disappeared. Are you really not sad about that?”


Britten IV feels his body tremble at her words.

She knew that she was actually her daughter, but unlike Gwen, she could not give her heart to the child directly.

He also has affection for his blood relatives, but it is only based on his memories as a living child.

Unlike the person in front of me, I was unable to prioritize that fact over the cause.

‘I… Am I able to exclude even my old relationship for the purpose of the Legion?’

I can’t believe I can’t empathize with my companion who is grieving over the death of my daughter.

Was he really a selfish person who considered his mission as king more important than protecting his family?

“He is the king of the dead. Could he please reach out to me for a moment?”

When I was in such confusion, a soft voice came from next to me.

Looking to the side, King Britain IV saw Gorgon, who had been observing the situation, approaching Gwen.

“… Gorgon.”

“Even though I am of lowly status, I still feel sorry for you and have something to tell you. “If you accept this heart, please hold this old and insignificant hand.”

A dry hand stretched out in front of her without notice.

As Gwen stared at it, she immediately tried to hold on to the Gorgon’s hand, as if something about her was possessing her.

Cold and hard, but still a strong grip.

“… Gwen Huvar. “She was the wisest king’s companion and a saint with the most upright character.”

Gorgon Zola felt that sensation, and soon he recalled what happened when he woke up and tried to recite his thoughts.

“When I opened my eyes, you were comforting the dead. I admire and respect you for that. “For the dead, who must prioritize their own regrets, it would not be easy for humans to put those regrets in altruism.”

As the bitter words continue, the hand holding her hand gradually becomes stronger.

Is it just because the words just made me emotional?

Other than that, something about her felt cold, but even so, Gwen did not shake off Gorgon’s hand.

If she doesn’t refuse, all she can do is watch whatever happens next.

No matter what happens later.

“But your heart is too soft to carry it out. To be so obsessed with a relationship in life that it is ruined to the point of losing its original purpose…….”

Immediately after that, the voice lowers and the sound of ‘Crack!’ Echoes.

The moment Gwen’s right arm withered away from the power of the famine he was born with, Britain IV panicked and placed his hand on the hilt of his sword.

“Gorgon! What are you doing now…… !!!”

“Your Highness Britain.”

Nevertheless, Gorgon Zola is still holding on to the Corpse Lord’s hand.

As if he didn’t mind his embarrassment, he continued his explanation in a calm voice.

“As you know, I was a lowly peasant. “It was a body that lived in a place so remote that it could not be reached by the eyes of the Lord who looked down on all the people.”

The king and queen, the successors who did not belong to the royal family but were definitely part of that lineage, and the scholars who served them loyally…….

Unlike the authority figures who lead the legions were born into a certain status, Gorgon Zola’s birth was extremely humble.

“But even that life was okay. I was born as a farmer in the countryside, and lived a life of working for a day and earning for a day……. “I thought my life was to live without any doubts, and when the time came to die, to leave without any regrets.”

Yes, generally speaking, he should have ended up in a state no different from the common dead who are widespread.

Reawakening one’s self as a dead person means having a lingering desire that goes beyond the desire to survive, but it is not easy to awaken that in the life of an old farmer who is satisfied with being a tenant farmer.

“How did I, who lived such a worthless and empty life, awaken my self even after death…? …. Do you know how it is that even after death I am on equal footing with you?”

“That’s… ….”

“It was just one book. “An illiterate farmer took a book brought by a merchant out of curiosity and began to learn how to read it.”

A person who survives each day by plowing and harvesting, and whose only source of pride is serving the country by paying taxes.

For him, the book he came across by chance came as a small curiosity, and the process of learning how to read it gave him a sense of accomplishment that was different from when he was just plowing the field.

Before his death, he even had a vague goal of reading the book completely.

“But I never ended up reading the whole book. When the epidemic spread to the village, people who could not afford to burn firewood threw the book into the bonfire.”

As the borders were closed to prevent damage from the plague, the village ran out of food and firewood.

It was natural to bring all the kindling from the village to survive the cold.

Among them, the book he was immersed in left behind only a brief warmth, but he still did not know the contents behind the book he wanted to know.

“The villagers started eating each other to hunger for food. Because I am old and sick, I am beyond their attention……. Even so, in the end, he just died alone in his room.”

Zola, the Gorgon who continues his words and still holds Gwen’s hand, wants to use her famine power to suck out her magic.

The will was very quiet and clear.

He is simply crushed by the fact that he has not been able to achieve the familial love he had in his previous life, but unlike a monarch who must protect his absolute image.

“But you are the king. “Why did I think of things like firewood burned to withstand the cold, rather than a desire to live at that time?”

“… Gorgon.”

“Your Highness, I just want to know. My only hope is to repeat the same sentiments I felt back then. “I, who have awakened only to achieve that one pure goal even after death, have no cause to lose, just like you or my master.”

An insignificant farmer and old man who did not even have relationships to focus on, such as his family or friends.

Even the purpose is to know something, so in fact, it can be said that there is no lingering desire that gets in the way of that purpose.

“Still, I still have gratitude for the person who woke me up… …. If he wishes for the destruction of this world, I will project my pure desire into that purpose and achieve what he wishes to achieve on his behalf.”

They will destroy humanity with their own hands before the world is destroyed.

A job that can only be done by killing a person’s heart would be more appropriate for an empty dead person like herself to take on, rather than someone like her who has a lot of affection for her.

“Using the ‘endless desire for predation’ that is harmonizing with my body at this moment.”

Yes, Gorgon Zola was feeling the desire to pursue that goal at this moment.

The moment the power of the ‘Demon of Predation’ that I faced before coming here harmonized with my body, I felt that it combined with my lingering desire for ‘hunger’ and awakened something.

“… King, come here.”

Even though she felt that such malice was aimed at her, Gwen did not withdraw her arms, which were gradually withering away from the force.

On the contrary, I seem to have been persuaded by his words.

He realizes that he is not suited to the position of playing an absolute monarch, and he only whispers quietly to the ‘last object of his lingering affection’.

“Please, forever, please…” ….”

Britten IV cannot muster the strength to swing his sword due to that lonely voice.

As if waiting for that momentary opportunity, Gorgon Zola’s other hand began swinging towards Gwen’s head.

It’s so tempting that it simply sucks out the power, so it wants to devour the body with a huge mouth created by transforming its hands.


At the end, as I heard the sound of her body being crushed from the inside as she was swallowed whole, I felt in real time that the connection between her and herself was gradually disappearing.

At the same time, the powerful power she was born with is also perpetuated in my being.

“… “Your Highness, what are you going to do from now on?”

There is no longer anything that binds them.

Realizing this, Gorgon insisted on a relationship stemming from his old memories, but what Britain IV felt for him was an emotion that could be defined as fear.

“After she disappears, the only thing that controls you is your inherent regret… …. Would you like to join me for that regret? Or will you, like her, be tormented by her old feelings and choose to turn her against me?”

As if to prove that it was not an illusion, he clucked, clucked. Gorgon’s body slowly begins to swell.

As his skinny body gradually gained weight, the ‘hunger’ that symbolized him was no longer visible.

“Either way, I just move. Until the day when I learn everything in this world and eat everything in this world to satisfy my endless hunger…….”

At this moment, the will he seeks is not just the regret of the times when he was hungry, but also the desire for predation.

The mouth that protrudes from between the swollen flesh can be said to be the result of exposing to the outside world the desire to satisfy such desires.

From Noble mtl dot com

“… This.”

That was the vain end faced by the king of the dead who longed for destruction.

And the birth of a catastrophe that goes beyond that.

The Blue Knight of Death, who witnessed such a scene, eventually predicted one thing, starting with the complete loss of connection with his monarch.

“Is this the karma that comes to those who try to go against nature?”

The deceased’s wish to prepare for the end of the world while looking at their destroyed homeland.

Even the apocalypse was said to have created a ‘catastrophe of predation’ that seeks to devour it.

I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists

I Became a Foreigner Loved by Transcendentalists

초월자들에게 사랑받는 외노자가 되었다
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
[Unique Trait – Those you meet remember you. No matter what happens, forever.] A world where the people summoned to save the world from ruin are divided into warriors and foreign workers, or foreign workers for short. For some reason, I became a loner loved by transcendental beings who treat humans like insects.


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not work with dark mode