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I Became a Cop in the Superhero Genre Chapter 64

10: In this world, the police are punished.

There is a word called inspiration.

The word that refers to the opportunity to create or realize something. It was the best word to describe this strange sensation she was feeling now.

the woman pondered. How did you feel this sensation?

Apparently for the first time, as usual, she watched him struggle, expecting to see how he would move.

For a long time, I waited and watched in anticipation of how he would break through the pitfall where even a single mistake would lead him to fall into the abyss.

The process of a psychic woman rescued him and detective Lee Moon-soo putting together puzzle pieces to defeat Park Jung-hoon was so enjoyable that I couldn’t take my eyes off it for a moment.

An unknown being with even stronger power than New Hope. The guy who broke through even though it was obviously impossible to break through.

She felt her heart race because she had once again discovered the unknown she loved so much.

No, I thought so.

My heart was pounding, and my body temperature went up and down. At first, I thought the sensation of blood rushing to my head was a bodily reaction caused by simple pleasure.

The woman suddenly realized that the sensation it elicited was closer to pain.

It was because of the scene I saw when the moon was at its highest point that mere speculation turned into certainty.

The camera planted in Park Jung-hoon’s clothes was fine even in that situation. I was able to look at the man and the unknown woman until the very end.

The woman cried and clung to Detective Lee Moon-soo. Detective Lee Moon-soo warmly hugged her.

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Just like biological parents hugging their children, and pitiful things whispering the feeling of love.

Women have never experienced that behavior. I didn’t even know what the action meant.

Are you jealous of that? Not even that. Until now, she hadn’t been moved by anything like that.

If an ordinary person sees bugs stacked on top of each other on the street, what kind of inspiration would he have when he saw it?

Among the meaningless acts they often do, the hug she dismissed as the most worthless is the first-

I felt envy when I saw that scene.

What is the meaning of that act? How do you feel when people overlap each other?

People often say that they feel comforting warmth in movies and novels, but is that warmth different from the neural response when touching a high-temperature object?

What the hell is different, why do you feel these feelings?

It is more painful than the sensation of being whipped around with a knife inserted into the five organs. The feeling of my heart squeezing and draining all my blood from my brain was terrible.

The woman who continued to worry about what this was, got it at that moment. Inspiration.

A word that jumped out without even knowing what it would be like if it were me who was there was a signpost pointing to a way to resolve all the questions, curiosity, and suffering women feel.

Inspiration is such a great thing.

Although there is a theory that it was made up, isn’t it said that Newton came up with the concept of universal gravitation when he saw a falling apple?

Opportunities to change the world and change people always start with small inspiration.

she laughed. It is not known what the consequences of this choice will be. It is an act of throwing all the plans that have been made so far in the trash can.

What came to mind now is not that women also make plans by predicting things like reason, madness, and emotions. She just follows the behavioral pattern of a man named Lee Moon-soo, whom she still doesn’t understand.

Creatures similar to themselves, no matter how good they are, change in an instant in the face of pain and despair.

However, Detective Lee Moon-soo has not changed.

So she couldn’t understand him, and she couldn’t be sure that he would continue to be the same person after she had prepared and executed her plan.

But as long as he doesn’t give up on being the same person all along.

If so- maybe you can figure out why you feel this way.


After handing over Park Jung-hoon’s baby to the police. As if the sky recognized my hardships, a total of three lucks came to me.

first luck. It came from ‘Mina’.

After the case was resolved, ‘Mina’ burst into tears at the guilty explanation that I might not be the person she was trying to save, and then told me it was okay.

Next, ‘Mina’ gave a gift in addition to telling about future events and dangerous supervillains. What is it?

“It is a drug that neutralizes psychic powers. Sai, among the inventions the devil created, it is the worst thing along with the psychic stimulants.”

White drug in a syringe. ‘Mina’ said while handing over a syringe containing a familiar liquid and a case containing it.

In the future, psychics began to appear not only in this country, but all over the world simultaneously.

Unlike stimulants that simply become psychic, the existence of this drug that allows you to escape the fate of being a psychic is too dangerous in the future, along with stimulants, said ‘Mina’.

The reason is said to be this. Although the existence of this drug is known in the already chaotic world, people are trying to get the incapacitating drug somehow.

In the middle, it is said that the whole world was shattered by spreading an accelerator that instantly mutated psychic powers like a neutralizing drug.

I had a glimpse that the future was shit and hell, but I could only nod my head at Mina’s words that she was okay now.

There is no certainty that the future of this world will flow as ‘Mina’ knows.

It was very noticeable that ‘Mina’ left after telling me to be healthy with the bright smile I remember. In any case, it was a great fortune to have the incapacitating drug in hand.

‘Mina’ even guaranteed that it works for Sai, so what could be more fortunate than this!

I had heard in passing that the way she concocted Yunari was to teach her how to make this incapacitating drug, so I hoped she would create a new one, but-

Even if it is Yunari, it will take several more years to recreate it, so it is a weapon that will not be obtained within a few years at least. Let’s use it carefully.

The drug that neutralizes psychic powers obtained from ‘Mina’ is my first luck.

Now let’s talk about the second luck.

To be precise, I wonder if this is luck, but anyway, my second luck was none other than the goblin’s sister.

The child was psychic, as I expected. After hearing the child’s ability, I could understand why ‘Mina’ asked the child to visit.

The child’s ability was not the ability to heal, but the ability to reverse. They said I could get my wounds back to their pre-injury state.

Although it is said that it will come back after some time, and when it comes back, the condition of the wound may be better than before. It could get worse though.

The wounds that should have been permanently disabled were healed even for a moment, but I couldn’t refuse it.

I spent a lot of money while hospitalizing and treating Mina, so my bank account was almost empty. Losing work because of disability? Can’t even do more?

If you don’t want to see my life go downhill, you should accept that kindness and save money as much as possible.

But now that I think about it, when I went to the goblin’s house, my right hand suddenly got better, and it seems that it got better after touching the goblin’s sister?

So why is my arm hurt worse than it was then-

“Sorry, sorry… … ! I can’t control that ability yet, sorry! sorry!”

When I asked with a question, I was embarrassed and said that it was okay because the name and the future were half-crying.

I was questioned at the moment, not because of the future, not because of the future.

Even if my injury and future are related, the cause is due to minus-no. In the first place, if I were to ask why I was injured before, it was because of the years between us. Everything in the world is because of the years between them.

So I comforted the child. I was able to return to each other with my legs, shaking my arms and legs. This is my second luck.

And the last luck – the expression luck was not right. This was a miracle. I had only dreamed of it, and I never thought it would come back to reality.

The beginning of the miracle occurred after returning to Seo.

First of all, I had to explain how I had caught that bastard.

I can’t talk about the goblin, Yunari, or ‘Mina’, so I didn’t tell you everything that happened this time, but kept it hidden.

Because of that, I became a terrifyingly crazy person and a tremendously talented person in the document.

In the dossier, I was in the hospital. Suddenly, they come and ask for help on the condition that I hand over my injuries to someone else.

I became suspicious of the strange request and sneaked inside pretending to help them.

Upon checking, we found connections and other criminal facts between Park Jung-hoon, the representative of the Chosen Ones, and the supervillains.

Collecting criminal evidence. As the minus kid did before, they hold hostage the families of powerful psychics among the civilians.

You said that you asked New Hope for help and took down all the supervillains and caught them- honestly, isn’t it strange?

It is a development of content that is difficult to understand with the common sense human head. At least most of the cases were solved with the help of New Hope~ Needless to say, my behavior is strange.

Do you rush to a place where supervillains are gathered because you have doubts? Even a human who was seriously injured and should have been in a hospital room?

Other fellow detectives were astonished and said bullshit about me, saying that I was crazy, that I would be right for awakening my superpowers, or that I would be right for hiding my abilities in fear of being promoted.

I responded with a raised middle finger to those bastards talking wildly, but since I reported this above, it was clear how it would be treated.

The results are so damn good. He did an investigation without notifying the police, and he did crazy things like going after civic groups without notifying the police.

I sat down, thinking that I would be punished, of course – 1 month later – like a miracle. It happened.

“Sergeant Lee Moon-soo! In this case, you violated the basic principles of investigation, the principles of jurisdiction and exclusion, and even suppressed the suspect excessively! What kind of 80’s is this?!

If you shut up and catch me, everything will be solved?! What you have done is an act that damages the prestige and honor of the police in Korea!”

The suitors chatter. As usual, those with loud voices and stomachs full of oil were sitting there struggling with adult diseases in their bodies.

I knew I would be punished anyway. “This time,” one of the suits said, staring blankly at the ceiling, half-anticipating what kind of punishment he would receive.

“There is no sign of remorse at all! Sergeant Lee Moon-soo! You are now in a hearing to determine the level of discipline for your actions in this case! But you see no reflection! You deserve to be punished!”


I widened my eyes at their words. It’s a middle punishment. There are definitely a bunch of rules that I broke, and the people above hate me, and if I properly set my angles, I will definitely be punished unlike before.

And if I get a serious punishment for anything, it means at least I can escape from this special investigation team!

However, if there is a relationship, I know that I will not be subject to severe punishment. That’s why I gave up hope and just accepted a pay cut or a reprimand, but-

“Sergeant Lee Moon-soo. You are ordered to be suspended for two months for the violation of the rules in this case. In addition, when your suspension ends, you will be transferred from the Special Investigation Team and sent to the Gangdong-gu Criminal Division according to the Special Investigation Team regulations!”

The disciplinary committee opened too simply and I was given a severe punishment.

The series of processes were carried out smoothly without clogging. After being suspended for two months, I was transferred from the special investigation team and went to the general homicide squad.

Originally, it wouldn’t be strange to go to the police box, but during the case of the minus bastard, the homicide squad detectives were injured a lot, so the number was a bit low, so it seems like it’s here…

I felt like I was about to burst into tears of joy. Even if I threw out the move-out report, it was ignored, but it was so simple!?

Although there is a possibility that the injury will suddenly return within two months. nonetheless, nonetheless. The fact that I was severely disciplined did not change.

How hard I suffered after joining the special investigation team! That crazy bitch was an assistant shooter, and unfortunately took on the position of vice-captain and worked hard, but now it’s over!

The hardships so far flashed through my mind, and as there is a saying that there is a blessing after hardships, I thought that I had this kind of luck because I worked hard and lived.

In that joy, I returned to each other and cried out impatiently.

“Kyat hoo!!”

Returning to the office of the Special Investigation Team, I suddenly screamed, and my colleagues looked at me in surprise.

The class president is still at the hospital, and one of my colleagues, a junior wearing an eyepatch as if his eye was injured, asked me in the empty office where there seemed to be injured and dead again while I was gone.

“Tongue, brother?! Could it be that there is no punishment?! Did you really get over it?!”

“no! Transfer! Transferred to Homicide Squad after being suspended for two months!”

“… … I’ve let go of this human mind. Ugh, even the Sifal dance. It’s annoying to see.”

Colleagues who shook their heads as pitiful people.

But I’m light as if my body were a feather and I can’t stop laughing.

Yes, the third miracle is the fact that I escaped from the Special Investigation Team! It is clear that heaven knows that I am living a good life. no? Fuck you.

I see a few co-workers who formally get angry at me saying that it’s ridiculous that I’m being treated like this and that I have to argue with the team leader- I’m rather nice? I smiled and tidied up my luggage.

I don’t have money, so I’ll have to work hard for two months, but let’s buy a basket to grow bean sprouts and seeds with the remaining money. They say it’s easy to grow bean sprouts.

But why can’t we see each other in this situation?

I was so happy that I forgot its existence for a moment. It’s strange that she hasn’t been seen yet.

I looked around in anxiety, and when I thought about it, I realized that we hadn’t seen each other since I handed over Park Jung-hoon.

So, when I asked my co-workers where the bitch had gone- my co-workers said this.

“Uh- I said I was on vacation, didn’t you hear? Didn’t he even contact the shooter as it was his first vacation after joining the special investigation team? Go away, child.”

Saiga vacation? why? Could it be that she was on vacation, so I was able to escape from the Special Investigation Team?

Although my intuition told me that something was wrong with this. I shook my head and stopped thinking.

If you can’t see her, that means she’s up to some fucking shit again. This is where the sun rises. Isn’t that the same as saying that gravity acts on an object?

There is no time to worry about things like that. I’m in a situation where I have to shoot Survival with 10,000 won or Man VS City with 10,000 won in my wallet.

Can you survive two months with only bean sprouts? I stroked my chin and pondered.

I Became a Cop in the Superhero Genre

I Became a Cop in the Superhero Genre

슈퍼히어로 장르 속 경찰이 돼버렸다
Score 8.8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
He became a cop in the superhero genre. Usually, the police in this genre are incompetent, corrupt, or helpers of the protagonist. And despite being a cop in that genre, I didn’t want to do anything for a peaceful life – but somehow, it was strangely twisted.


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not work with dark mode