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I Am the Madman of This Family Chapter 52

Episode 52. Call me an archery genius (2)

It is standard for archers to shoot their bows outside the range of the enemy for safety.

But Keter was different.

I deliberately took a position between Garan and Maran and shot an arrow.

Garan and Maran wanted to kill Keter, who was shooting arrows within range, but couldn’t.

It was burdensome even for a swordsman to show his back against Karn of the Birang tribe and Zordic the blue dragon.

A tactic of dispersing the opponent’s attack and mental power by being in a dangerous position. It was a bold tactic that only Keter could do.

Meanwhile, Luke agonized over his role at a distance.

Interfering in a fight won’t help. I’m out of aura, so I can only shoot normal arrows. This is because arrows without an aura cannot pierce the steel feathers of the Sword Wings.

If so, can this ability help?

When Zordic’s lunar eclipse hit him, he didn’t take any damage. Others took the damage.

I don’t know what happened, but it wasn’t an ability that I activated voluntarily. It is an ability that may be activated again, and even if it is activated, it is impossible to identify friends.

Such an imperfect ability could not be used here.

‘Above all, Keter… … .’

Keter said nothing to herself. It might mean doing it yourself, but I didn’t think it meant joining the fight.

‘What I can do here and now… ah!’

Luke finally moved.

Though the thought was long, the action was swift. First, he evacuated Vident’s knights to a safe place. Then he quickly left the battlefield.

Keter, who glanced at Luke as he left the battlefield, murmured.

“Shall we take a look?”

It was also said to the swordsmen.

Keter’s Amaranth fired Auror Arrows instead of magic bullets.

Two shots at Garan fighting Zordyk.

One shot at Maran fighting Karn.

All of them were invisible Auror Arrows.


Blood gushed from Garan’s wings. Garan, who was about to finish off Zordic, scattered steel feathers at Keter.

Keter roughly avoided it while observing Maran’s reaction.

“Fair tricks!”

Sensitive Maran sensed the invisible aura arrow and sent a steel feather to bounce it off.

But in the process, a gap opened up, and Karn didn’t miss it and ran to bite it. Then, to help Karn, Keter flew an arrow to come to Maran one after another.

Maran spun in the air to dodge the arrows and shook off Karn as well.



Maran was surprised.

Didn’t the dodged arrow bend like a boomerang and fly towards you once more? Keter was even shooting Auror Arrow over and over again.


Maran quickly rose vertically into the air.

Arrow came up behind him and followed with terrifying speed, but at a certain height it lost its power and dissipated.

“It’s not a bird’s head.”

This was the part that Keter found troublesome in dealing with the swordwings. The fact that if you are at a disadvantage, you can go up to the sky at any time.

Keter provoked the flying Maran so that he could not think of something else.

“Don’t fly cowardly and come down, you bastards!”

The clues to the attack are gradually accumulating.

For example, the effective range of the swordwing steel feathers was similar to that of a crossbow. Above 80 meters, the lethality decreases rapidly.

‘Garan’s speed and strength are better, and Maran’s awareness and combat sense are better.’

Knowing the styles of Garan and Maran, Keter did not act impatiently.

‘Opportunities always come.’

From noble mtl dot com

Flying steel feathers is a deterrent. In order to deliver the decisive blow, the Sword Wings must come down to the ground anyway.


Keter called Karn and chined towards Garan.

It was Karn who had changed as if there was no reason, but he immediately understood and rushed at Garan. Karn jumped on all fours and approached Garan with tremendous leaping power, opening his mouth.

Zordyk, who was on the defensive, also switched to the offensive and grabbed Garan so that he could not fly away.


Wedge love!

Maran, who had been breathing for a while in the air, quickly came down and swung his curved sword.

Full of aura, plus the addition of gravity and speed, a destructive power that I couldn’t even stop.

In response, Zordyk, instead of blocking it with a spear, retreated from a distance and caught his breath.

Karn, who was suddenly left alone, began to be made fun of by the two sword tribes.

Zordic looked at Keter as he caught his breath. Keter didn’t even shoot an arrow and just watched.

‘What is that bastard really thinking? If you’re going to help me, I’ll be sure to help you, so why didn’t you suddenly help me?’

Every second is a pity. Being able to rest like this was possible because Karn was a strong Birang tribe.

On the one hand, his teeth trembled at the strength of the sword tribe. I never thought the superiority of mobility through wings would be so advantageous in battle.

Zordyk’s spear did not even touch Garan. It was because Garan fought only at a dangerous height using his wings.

Because of that, Zordyk couldn’t even reach Garan without jumping.

Zordyk without wings has a limit of 5 meters even if he jumps, and there are severe restrictions on his actions while floating in the air.

However, defending alone was not the answer, so Zordyk had no choice but to jump to seize the opportunity to attack. Every time I jumped like that, wounds piled up on my body.


Having replenished his mental and physical strength with a brief rest, Zordyk headed to the battlefield once again.

Keter looked at Zordik as he ran away and said.

“If we continue like this, we will be annihilated.”

Keter calmly foretells their annihilation.

Even if he pretends to be strong, Zordyk’s physical strength is now at its limit. Karn, a werewolf, also has excellent stamina and regenerative power, but due to his nature, he is not very strong against sword-wings.

Although they have a numerical advantage, there is no teamwork at all, so there is no synergy.

[Keter, I just can’t understand. Why don’t you use my power?]

At that time, Amaranth, who was watching the whole situation, whispered.

[I know what you’re worried about. If you see the power of magic bullets, they must be afraid that they will run away.]

Like Amaranth, who has lived for thousands of years, it was easy to grasp the situation. What Keter wants now.

[Become a magic bullet shooter. I will use all my strength. Then you can kill them all at the same time before they have time to run away. You know better that this is not a bluff.]

“You really don’t know how to trade.”


“If you’re like me, I’ll let you use it once for free. Only then can you feel how great the magic bullet shooter is, and feel good for you who lends your strength without cost. huh? Where can you corrupt a person like this? So no progress for half a century.”

[…] … .]

“Give it to me for free. Wouldn’t you like to think about whether to use it again or not after experiencing how great the magic gunner is?”

[Huh, I’d rather die.]

Amaranth has disconnected.

“Hey, little bastard. I didn’t even expect it.”

Keter watched the fight, scratching her back with her bow.

Then, at some point, they clapped their hands.

“It was seen. How to kill.”

The difference between winning and losing a fight is not all about ability and skill. Kether found the answer in external things.

“Maran takes care of Garan a lot.”

If Karan is in any danger, Maran steps in to help. Conversely, Garan did not help Maran even when he was in danger.

It’s very trivial, but Keter, who understood the psychology of the two, rejoined the battlefield.

* * *

Both Karn, who was energetic, and Zoldik, who was full of blood, had dark expressions.

Since Keter didn’t join in, it was difficult to withstand the fierce attacks of the two Sword Wings.

Zordic prepared for the final lunar eclipse. It was the end anyway.

Then, Keter intervened in the fight and said.

“From now on, this is Plan B!”

What is it? Both Zordyk and Karn were taken aback by the plan they hadn’t even heard of.

On the other hand, the two brothers of the Geomik tribe were free. Although slightly wounded, minor injuries. They had no shortage of stamina or aura, so there was no reason to lose.

At that time, Keter poured out a large amount of aura arrows. All of them were arrows shot at Garan.

Karan laughed and soared into the sky.


Blood gushed from both wings of Garan, who was rising vertically. Focusing only on the visible Aura Arrow, he failed to detect the invisible arrow that had been shot before him.

‘You read my movements?’

It covers its eyes with a large amount of aura arrows and attacks its wings with invisible arrows.

It was easy, it was a strategy that could miss as many times as it could depending on the direction of Garan’s flight.

But Keter was convinced. If it was Garan, he would definitely dodge the arrow by climbing vertically.

Zordyk’s spear slammed down on the falling Garan.


Garan lost her ability to fly, but managed to block it by folding her wings.

Zordyk, who was resentful of Garan, who had always soared into the air and incited the enemy to fight, did not miss this opportunity.

Shu Shu Shuk!

Zordyk, who only focuses on attacking every muscle in his body.

However, no matter how much I read the ability to fly, the opponent is a beast race. Garan matched Zordyk’s spearmanship with only pure swordsmanship. A flash of light flashed as the spear and sword collided, and the bodies of the two crossed.


Blood gushed out of Garan’s chest. With the swordsmanship of the Swordwing Tribe who lost their wings, they could not compete with Zordyk.

Zordyk, who seized the victory, poured an onslaught. Blood, flesh, and feathers splattered.


Seeing his older brother being pushed back, Maran hurriedly flew away leaving Karn behind.

Karn is trying to chase Maran’s backside.

Keter cried out to him.

“Leave him alone, finish him first.”

short distance. Besides, when it came to running in a straight line, Karn was overwhelmingly faster than Maran.

Karn, who understood Keter’s words, did not forcefully chase after Maran, but immediately slapped Garan on the back.

“Zordyk. Prepare a big one.”

Zordyk, who was attacking without breathing, frowned and prepared for the lunar eclipse.

The attack works, but the wings block most of the attacks. In the first place, it was an opponent with tough vitality that could not be defeated without a lunar eclipse.

“go away!”

Maran flapped his wings vigorously and pushed Karn and Zordic away.

Garan, who was busy defending himself, was able to breathe thanks to Maran. Instead of thanking his brother, he pulled out a small bottle of medicine from his bosom.

It was an elixir.

It is not a ‘potion’ that helps to heal wounds, but a true miraculous potion that heals wounds immediately after use, an elixir. Maran is protecting it, so you can drink it safely.



Just before drinking it, the elixir was shattered and scattered on the ground. The arrow shot by Keter hit and broke the elixir.

“Keuuu, you damned archer!”

Garan was furious at losing his one and only elixir.

After unreasonably shooting steel feathers, Maran grabbed Garan by the waist and flew up. After ascending to a far-flung height, he intended to recover with Maran’s Elixir.

But they were already in the palm of Kether. Garan, who was held in Maran’s arms, spoke in amazement.

“Arrows overhead!”

It’s in the vertical ascent, so it can’t change direction, and it’s a perfect outboard.

He was able to stop Arrow from coming by using his wings as a shield, but in return, falling to the ground was inevitable.


The one in front of them as they set foot on the ground was Zordic. After completing preparations for the lunar eclipse and the lunar eclipse, Zordyk smiled bleakly.

The sword-wing brothers who missed their chance to escape. Even so, the two didn’t just stare at each other. Their swords were also condensed with thick Aura Blades.


The cry of Zordyk, who desperately wants this to end, echoes loudly.


The sword-wings let out a spirit filled with the will to live. The two bladed slashes tore Zordyk’s lunar eclipse left and right.

Through the tearing lunar eclipse, Karn stepped in and swung his claws at Garan.

Garan and Maran, who had already raised their swords to tear the lunar eclipse, had no way to block Karn’s attack.



Karn’s claws got in the way.

By the right wing outstretched by Maran.


Karn roared and tore off Maran’s right wing.

Maran was not alone. He swallowed the scream and pierced Karn’s body with his left wing.

“… … !”


Maran threw the impaled Karn.

He pulled out the elixir while covering his torso with his left wing. Her right wing, which had been ripped off, could not be regenerated, but her older brother’s wing was slightly injured. If he ate only the elixir, he would be able to fly at high altitude again.

Garan and Maran had no intention of stepping down now.

It’s easy to run away and ask for support. However, if the seven evils are captured with the help of the empire, the military exemption is over.

Moreover, the spearman fell. It was over with one seriously injured Birang and one archer. It’s almost a battle won.

Although the Archer’s Aura Arrow was threatening, it had no power to pierce the wings.

I should have.


The elixir is broken.

The arrow that pierced the thick and hard wings broke the elixir. Even so, it was deeply embedded in Maran’s chest.

It wasn’t Auror Arrow.

Jet-black arrow, magic bullet.

An arrow imbued with the power of death gnaws at the body.

“This, this?”

Maran, who forcibly annihilated the magic bullet by using an enormous amount of aura, looked at Keter with a drawn face.

Keter, holding the magic bullet, said with a smile.

“It hurts, I’m sick too.”

Maran, realizing that all of this was a design due to Keter’s easy-going attitude, quickly tried to negotiate.

“stop! we lost As an imperial noble, I request negotiations!”

“Damn it, if I lose, I’ll die.”

From noble mtl dot com

Keter fired the second magic bullet.

I Am the Madman of This Family

I Am the Madman of This Family

이 가문의 미친놈은 나야
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
The madman of the Lawless City, the fixer Keter. Regressed to the days of a young heir from a destined to perish archery family. “If I can’t save even one family after regressing, I should die with my nose dipped in a dish of water.” for my family? for my freedom!


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not work with dark mode