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I Am the Madman of This Family Chapter 113

Episode 113. Anticipation is the foundation of a gift (2)

If a swordsman has an aura sword, an archer has an aura or arrow. Tarragon and Anise also showed in today’s fight.

However, the Auror Arrow now caught in Keter’s protest was on a different level from what the two showed.

It was not an arrow of Auror.

It was an arrow of light.

Keter, holding the string lightly, pulled and released it.

At that moment, a flash of light exploded. Arrowwings sprouting like wings are fired at the same time as Keter releases the string.

Kwak Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwam!

The ground the Auror Arrow passes over turns over and splits the ground.

Diamond, Amantir, Burgundy. The three dodged the aura arrows and struggled to hit the arrows that came flying in the follow-up.

However, the Platinum mercenaries were caught up in the aftermath of the Aura Arrow. not a hit Even with the passing shockwave, the 9 Platinum mercenaries could not stand it and fell out.

The Aura Arrow shot by Keter escaped the concept of an arrow. It was a siege weapon, a ballista.

The power of the arrows that floated like wings had power that could not be ignored. Each arrow contained the power of a lethal force.

Chaeng Kang!

The diamond mercenary’s sword broke while blocking Keter’s arrow. Ten mercenaries are gone in an instant, and now there are only two left.

One Amanthir mercenary-

And there was only Burgundy, an Orihalcon mercenary.

“A monster, a monster?”

“Is there such a thing as archery in the world? No, can this be called archery!”

The mercenaries watching shook their hands.

Anise and Tarragon also thought that they fought well for ‘archers’, but Keter was already far beyond the realm of ‘archers’.

Despite seeing Keter’s formidable force, Amanthir and Burgundy did not faint. Rather, they exchanged signals with each other’s glances.

Ride on!

The Amantir mercenary took a long turn to the side. It was intended to strike Keter’s rear. Burgundy rushed to the front.

Tsuzuzu that is!

Aura arrows are created on Keter’s bowstring again. But this time it was two feet.

The protest was let go. but silent.

On the other hand, the arrows fired were so fast that they didn’t even leave an afterimage.

Burgundy was horrified when he saw the ‘one shot’ of arrows fired at him.

‘Arrows come in curves?!’

The best way to stop an arrow is to predict its path. However, as it flew in a curve, it was impossible to predict where to block it.

‘Dodge to the side!’

arrows go straight The same goes for arrows shot with a howitzer. I can draw a parabola, but in the end I can only do straight-line motion.

Of course, it was difficult for Burgundy to move her body sideways now that she was rushing with all her might.

But for now, avoiding the arrows was the priority.


There was the sound of something breaking. It wasn’t burgundy. He dodged Keter’s arrows safely.

What could not be avoided was the Amantir mercenary who had returned behind Keter.


reminded me of burgundy.

Keter shot two arrows-

There was only one shot at himself.

I shot the other one at the Amantir mercenary. He obviously shot forward, but how on earth did he hit the target behind him?

The secret was told by the watching mercenaries.

“f*ck! did i see it right? The arrow made a U-turn! Twice!”

“Isn’t it magic? Prince Keter is a wizard!”

“Isn’t that the kind of magic I know?”

An arrow shot in a straight line made two U-turns.

The Amantir mercenary, who was aiming for Keter’s back, was pierced through the back. If he hadn’t unfolded his armor to defend himself at the end, there would have been a huge hole in his stomach.

Although not dead, the amantir mercenary was incapacitated in a single blow by an unexpected surprise attack.

All that was left was Burgundy alone. Burgundy couldn’t believe the current reality. The same was true of the mercenaries watching.

From my first encounter with Keter, I knew it was definitely not normal. Even though he is an aristocrat, he doesn’t use his bare fists, and doesn’t he fight back and forth with mercenaries?

I get it now Keter is a fool, but has all-seeing eyes. Even if it seems reckless, it is very meticulous.

‘Where the hell did this monster… … .’

Burgundy threw away the sword he was holding.

It is not a declaration of waiver.

“Keter. I will try to be sincere.”


Aura fires from Burgundy’s right hand. Eventually, the flames became a single sword.

The master’s symbol, the Aura Sword.

As if Keter wanted to see her, she fired a single arrow.

However, that one shot, like a magnet, was directed at Burgundy, accompanied by all the arrows that formed the arrow wing.

I let go of the string just once, and 20 arrows were fired. All the arrows are aiming for one target, Burgundy.

Holding the aura sword with both hands, Burgundy swung it forward three times while stepping lightly.

In the eyes of the criminal, it looked like only ‘three’ swings, but to some people it looked different.

In the eyes of diamond mercenaries, it is ‘number nine’.

In the eyes of the Amantir mercenary, it is ‘number eighteen’.

It was also seen in Keter’s eyes.

In an instant, the image of Burgundy spitting out ‘thirty-eight’ sword strikes.

Numerous sword blades filled the front, forming a specific shape. it was a wolf A lone wolf swallowed the arrow.

It was the Nangrang Sword Dance (狼浪劍舞), the season that made Burgundy an Orihalcon mercenary.

Tukaka kakakang!

The wolf, made up of thirty-eight sword strikes, and Keter’s arrows dance in harmony. Blue sparks of aura scattered in all directions, falling like rain.

Burgundy blocked it. Keter’s Aura Arrow, dozens of arrows. However, every muscle in my body throbbed.

The palm of the hand burst, and a stream of blood flowed.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

“pit of the stomach.”

Kether says quietly.

A chill went down Burgundy’s spine.

An arrow is hanging on the protest. But it was not in the form of an arrow.

Arrowheads are blunt and round, not pointed. The body was a long stick. The arrowheads and shafts were the same size and thickness.

Rather than an arrow, it was a wooden stick with a rounded tip. However, it is made up of Aurors.

gripping support.

It’s not even a simple auror. It is an aura compressed to the limit. Arrows glow like lightning. It pulsates as if it’s about to explode.

Can you call that an arrow?

protests are pulled What will happen when that arrow is fired? Burgundy’s heart thumped. It was not fear, but the fighting spirit of a forgotten warrior.

“What is the name of that technology?”

At Burgundy’s question, Keter told me before letting go of the protest.

“Milky Way.”

The protest was let go.

In an instant, the parade ground that had lost the evening glow became daytime.

The sound is gone. Light explodes. Only tinnitus was heard in the ears of those watching. I couldn’t see in front of my eyes because of the flashing light.

The flash subsided. This name disappears. Those who watched had their eyes bloodshot, but their mouths were wide open at the sight in front of them, and they could not close their eyes.

A ‘band’ formed between Keter and Burgundy. The blue band, the symbol of Aura, shimmered like stars in the night sky.

The shape of the belt soared into the sky from where Burgundy was. Like firecrackers, they soared high into the sky, then spread widely.

Blue bands and lines were clearly left on each trajectory that passed. beautiful. The lights gradually faded and disappeared as time passed.

Star dust fell from the sky.

It was an aura eye created by Keter’s arrow, Milkyway, and Burgundy’s aura sword.

Burgundy was pushed 10 meters from her seat. A deep furrow formed in the ground. His hands were bloody, and he had no aura sword.


In the silence, the bow Keter was holding turned to dust and blew away in the wind. The bow could not handle the power of the arrow.

“… … .”

“… … .”

The way he looked at Keter changed. Beyond awe, reached fear.

Amidst the tension, Keter said.

“What you looking at? Let’s go eat, kids.”

With that one word, the tension disappeared.

* * *

Sephira Mansion Restaurant.

It was built large enough to accommodate 100 people, but now it’s full and looks like a noisy tavern.

“Drink, drink! Nobility’s sake is hot as expected! I could drink forever!”

“Ha ha ha! Try all the food of a nobleman, what kind of luxury is this?!”

“Take this tip, hahahahaha!”

Keter had told Zach the schedule ahead of time, so the food was prepared in advance. That includes alcohol.

The mercenaries enjoyed the abundant and generously prepared food and alcohol, sprinkled gold coins on the servants who carried the food, and distributed gold coins to the cooks.

Anise, tarragon, and Keter were also present at the table. In particular, Keter was ‘inhaling’ alcohol and food while hanging out with the mercenaries.

From noble mtl dot com

“Eat as much as you want throughout the month. It’s free!”

At the word free, the mercenaries became more enthusiastic and enthusiastic.

“Keter! Keter!”

“free! free!”

“In the Lillian Kingdom, there is only one nobleman this tall, Prince Gongja!”

“If you know, drink it, you son of a b*tch!”


gurgling gurgling!

Keter, carrying a wine jug, climbs up to the table and pours it over the mercenaries. The mercenaries who open their mouths again and eat it.

Who would consider Keter a nobleman? This place was exciting enough to believe that it was a banquet for bandits.

Even when the mercenaries first saw the request, they did not expect it. No, it was rather embarrassing.

The Sephira family, which has never hired mercenaries, hires mercenaries without limit. If only they had seen this, no one would have come.

However, I participated because of the item of paying five times the request fee and the item that the head of the headquarters guarantees Keter’s credit.

Aside from the commission fee, who the hell is Keter to guarantee the director’s trust?

“Confucius! What is your relationship with the Maroon Headquarters?”

One of the mercenaries, who became brave while drunk, asked openly. Keter waved her hand.

“men and horses! I’m with him, uh! Eat rice together! Let’s go to the bathroom together! We are doing everything!”

It’s true. That’s on a lifetime basis.

The mercenaries clapped their hands in admiration even while drunk.

“no wonder. You could see the halo when you first saw it, but you already have a relationship with the Maroon Headquarters!”

“This is it, aren’t all those who took Sephira lightly, dead now? hahahaha!”

“Confucius! I’ll pour you a drink!”

“Let me call you big brother!”

While the mercenaries borrowed alcohol and flirted with Keter, there was a table that did not suit the cheerful atmosphere.

Only the table was gloomy and gloomy, as if it were another world. The food and drinks were almost new. It was the table where Tarragon and Anise sat.

The mercenaries didn’t even approach them. The expression of the two people is so dead.

“Did you know, brother?”

When Tarragon opened his mouth, Anise looked up.


“Keter is that strong.”

“… I thought I was strong, but I wasn’t tidy.”

“me too. I know it’s strong, but I didn’t know there would be such a difference in level.”

“I mean.”

Conversation was interrupted. Anise chewed on the jerky, and Tarragon gulped down the wine. There was silence for a while.

“older brother.”


“How was it after fighting the Amantir mercenary?”

Tarragon, who was weak in alcohol, quickly twisted his tongue. Anise put down the jerky she was eating and said with a more depressed face.

“In my heart, I was ignoring the mercenary and became pathetic. strong, they are. To the extent that I can’t help it now.”

“hehehe, I feel relieved that my brother feels that way too. I was so desperate that I almost lost my mind.”

“Keter broke that Amantir mercenary with a single arrow.”

“Keter only writes and writes auras. Can we do it later?”

“You mean we can’t even use arrows properly?”

“… … .”

Tarragon drank another glass of wine. I continued to drink without a snack.


Tarragon, who had put down the wine roughly, wiped his lips.

“What the hell is Keter, sir? What is it?”

“What’s the use of looking into it now? Don’t talk nonsense.”

“No, haengnim, I have to ask, did you see it? Keter’s Archer… To be honest… Let’s be better than our sephira’s zodiacal sign… … .”

“… Foolish bastard, surrendering yourself to drunkenness. If there is something you want to say, say it soberly.”

“Sorry. I’m sorry. But, I just want to get drunk today.”


Anise rose from her seat. An attendant who had been watching followed and asked where he was going.

“I’m going to get some fresh air, so there’s no need to follow me. Bring my brother some cold water.”

Anise left the table.

Tarragon grabbed the glass and set it back down. he drank all the alcohol


A glass of wine fell on the table. The spilled wine soaked the table. Tarragon raised his head.

“Teacher… … .”

“What about Assistant Professor, he’s just Keter here.”

“… … .”

“Why are you avoiding my eyes? did you get scared Is it because I’m a bit awesome?”

Kether, sitting in a chair and speaking with a smirk.

Tarragon stuttered.

“Oh, no. Scary, what.”

“Aren’t you afraid? am i happy? Hey, you have good guts, Tarragon.”

“no. Not even that!”

To Tarragon, who hurriedly spoke while waving his hand, Keter put his arm around his shoulder.

“Live with courage. Don’t be afraid that I’m stronger than you. why? It is not the strong who survive at the end of life. he’s alive As long as we’re living together like this, no one knows who’s stronger. Isn’t that right, brother?”

“Tongue, tongue?”

“Do you want to be my brother? I am fine.”

“No, I am the older brother. Yes, I am your older brother.”

“Would you like a drink, brother?”

At the word hyung, the corners of Tarragon’s mouth rose vertically.

“That, yes. little brother.”


Tarragon knew for the first time today that alcohol could be this sweet. It was like eating honey.


“brother. I see you today I managed to fight until the 2nd squad, but it was just broken by the 3rd squad with Amantir?”

“ah… … .”

The sweet drink suddenly turned bitter. The limit of the aura, which he tried hard to forget due to drunkenness, was mentioned once again by Keter.

“Because I’m not enough… . I’ll try.”

“No, it is not a matter of effort. How do you win when you don’t have enough aura?”

“yes? Aren’t I weird?”

If you train your technique and body to the limit, you can expect a vertical rise.

However, the total amount of Aura is honest to the point of savagery. No matter how much you roll like a dog, the maximum is clear.

If you work hard for a year, a year’s worth of aura will accumulate in your body. Depending on the difference in Aura training methods, this one-year value may be two or three years’ value.

Sephira’s Aura practice method gives you 1 year and 6 months’ worth if you work hard for a year. To put it mildly, it is an intermediate level Aura technique.

However, it has advantages that other methods do not have. stability. Sephira’s seniority method is the highest in terms of stability. Even though no one knows

The Southern Sword Tournament is about two months away.

No matter how hard Tarragon tried, the aura he could get in two months was only three or four months’ worth.

Usually, the standard for three stars is 30 years. The standard for 4 stars is 50 years.

Tarragon met the 2-star standard by 16 years before taking the blue spirit pill and 21 years after taking it, but it took 9 more years to reach 3-star.

Sephira’s Aura technique requires six years of training. And Tarragon knows that better than anyone else. It’s bleak.

It was then.

The devil whispered sweetly in Tarragon’s ear, who was frustrated by the realistic limitations.

“Elixir, I’m selling it.”

I Am the Madman of This Family

I Am the Madman of This Family

이 가문의 미친놈은 나야
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
The madman of the Lawless City, the fixer Keter. Regressed to the days of a young heir from a destined to perish archery family. “If I can’t save even one family after regressing, I should die with my nose dipped in a dish of water.” for my family? for my freedom!


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not work with dark mode