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How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate Chapter 9

Episode 9


Two ships were side by side in the sea.

If anyone were to witness this scene, it would appear that a warship was capturing and towing a pirate ship.

At least that’s how I saw it in the flagship of the Thrang Empire.

“Admiral! Going Missha is making a comeback.”

“What is that little ship supposed to do to move the fleet?”

“It’s a ship developed in the highest secrecy by the Thrang Empire, so it wouldn’t be embarrassing if it was exposed?!”

The operation is a sea surrounded by islands.

The reason was that it was conducted in a place where there was only one entrance to the sea.

“Captain. How many guns does this ship have?”

“It’s a second-class battleship with 90 doors.”

Admiral Seohae, who had been called to the sea for the first time in a while, was full of annoyance.

Normally, the ships operated alone, so there was no need for an admiral.

“Then who’s coming over there? ”

“With 30 doors, it is called a class 4 speedy ship.”

“what? It’s 30 gates, but it’s level 4?”

“I heard that ships with iron armor start at 4th rank regardless of firing. They say it costs as much as a 3rd class battleship (over 70).”

Admiral Seohae did not understand.

It is an era in which almost everything is settled in a single naval battle anyway.

It was a caution to invest a little more in firepower.

“Tsk. It’s money right. A ship like that would be scrapped in one volley. In the age of line battles (many ships fighting in a line with each other), why make something like that with less fire? Rather… … .”

He tilts his head to the side as he complains.

“Why aren’t they slowing down?”

“Since it’s a new battleship, wouldn’t it have good acceleration and deceleration?”

“That’s a little interesting.”

The speed of the ship was so fast that the red color below the waterline was clearly visible.


The waves crashing into the boat bounce like jewels.

“my… Admiral?!”

“Why are you calling me?”

“that is… therefore. No matter how new… I wonder if I should slow down by now… … .”

Then came a communication from the Watchtower.

“sun… It’s a pirate. A pirate flag has been raised from the Going Missha.”


* * *

“Raise the flag!!!”

A boy with one hand on each of the two crystal balls and shouting.

It’s so excited that it looks like it’s about to die.

‘It can’t be this comfortable and comfortable.’

It was incomparably more comfortable than when manually operated.

Not only that, but a much more delicate sense.

Could it be that he is the helmsman who was born with SSR+ rank? I can only think of it.

It was extremely different from manual control.

A mana load is also essential for the helmsman.

“Uncle Wizard. Are you ready?”

“bird… It’s faster than you think.”

“I don’t know. Just scream and throw it away!”

shouted, Lian slowed the ship and twisted it slightly to the side.


Then, the chain of the pirate ship that was tied to the chain breaks and it overtakes by inertia and starts to run ahead.

“Oh oh!! It’s going according to plan.”

* * *

“what… What!!”

Admiral Seohae jumped up and shouted.

That’s because a wooden pirate ship was rushing furiously toward the battleships.

“Shoot!!! Don’t look at it stupidly, but shoot it!!”

“What prisoners… … .”

“Just shoot where you are!!”

By order of the admiral.

woooooong!! boom boom!!!

The battleship tilts.

A whopping 45 horse cannons spewed fire at the same time.

Most of them escaped greatly thanks to shooting with medium heating regardless of distance.

In fact, the reason why the number of cannons became important in naval warfare was also because of their poor accuracy.

“this!! They are like bob bugs!! Can’t you guess that?!”

In fact, this was clearly the admiral’s fault.

Operations are commanded by the admiral, but control of the ship rests with the captain.

The artillerymen failed to match the timing to the clumsy command.

Pasasak! woooooong!!

Among the dogs, there were still some that were beaten.

The problem is, you won’t be able to slow it down or sink it unless you hit it below the waterline.

In fact, it didn’t matter if it sank. After all, no one is on board the pirate ship.

* * *

“Go away!!!”

When Lian shouted, the wizard closed his eyes tightly and activated the pre-installed wireless magic.

It was a one-time magic installed in the steering gear of a pirate ship in combination with a magic tool.


Remote magic was activated, and the rudder of the pirate ship turned like crazy.


The pirate ship lost its balance and slid across the water.

* * *

with a splash!

In the end, with the shock, the pirate ship faced the end of capsizing and capsizing.

Thanks to that, the battleships of the Thrang Empire were distracted.

“Door 17 on the left cannot fight.”


“Two more doors have just been disabled.”

The mana detonation exploded two hemp cannons.

Even before the collision, they tried to forcefully attack, but failed.

“Admiral!! Going Missha is approaching… no… So let’s fly!!”

“What bullsh*t is that?!”

* * *

“Does it fly?!”

The same goes for going misshaho.

Since the ship is flying, I have no choice but to be dumbfounded.

It was as planned.

The first pirate ship remotely capsized in front of the battleship.

The gentle curve of the overturned ship was enough to be used as a springboard.

The Going Misha boarded the pirate ship without mercy and jumped over the battleships.

“I will become the pirate king!!!”

Ryan exclaimed excitedly.

The operation worked.

It’s a strategy simulation, but I’ve tried everything since it’s a non-billed person.

this is the result

“What bullsh*t!! To say such a thing… … .”

The vice-captain was frightened and shouted.

Because the pirate king was a person who definitely existed.

It’s really embarrassing when these words get into his ears.

Either that or not.

“I’m falling!!”

Ryan exclaimed cheerfully.


The lieutenant got up and hurriedly sat down.

Although it is rich, it is the limit of a ship that cannot float in the air for more than a certain amount.

with a splash! Chwaaa!!

The Going Missha landed on the sea and sprayed water in all directions.

The battleship had a four-story structure and was quite high.

From nob le mt l. com

Jumping over such a ship was quite a shock.

“Uncle Wizard. Communicate with enemy ships!!”

“ah… i get it. Captain.”

The wizard hastily put his hand on the crystal ball.

There was no need to set the channels separately, because the ship was originally a warship, so it was set in advance.

– Do you know how to be safe even after doing this?! What you have turned into an enemy is the world’s strongest Great Thrang Empire… … .

An angry voice came out.

At that, Lian smiled.

“Thank you for worrying about our safety. hehehehe!”

– What’s your voice like? Hopefully kid… … ?

“Not a kid, but a boy! And since the boy is honorable, I will free the captives on a humanitarian basis. There seem to be a lot of sharks around, so I hope you can rescue them quickly.”

-what… dog… … .


Lian beckoned and the communication sphere was disconnected.

“Throw the prisoners!!”

At the same time as the command, the prisoners tied to the deck into the sea plunged into the sea.

“See you next time~!!”

Unlike the old pirate ships that used copper tubes, Lian’s voice resonated from the magic speakers installed everywhere.

“Damn it, kid~~ bastard!!!”

The original captain of the Going Misha shouted as he fell into the sea.

However, the Going Missha picked up speed and moved further away.

* * *

“What the hell!!”

The admiral of Thrang, who was watching it, was a little taken aback. behindhand.

“The bombardment… Shoot the hemp!”

“Our soldiers are in danger!! Admiral.”

“Damn it!!”

I want to change the incompetent things together, but if I do that, notoriety will follow me until the moment I am discharged. A friendly slayer.

It was too late to shoot anyway.

The other side of the enemy’s escape was not loaded with manapo.

“Rescue prisoners. Summon all the ships. And attach a quickness to them. chase.”

* * *

“Captain. Enemy ships appear.”

They bought time by dumping the captives into the sea, but they couldn’t shake them off completely.

The Thrang Empire moved not only with battleships but also with multiple fleets.

“I’ll have to deal with you in a little while.”

The enemy had scattered ships all over the sea.

Two boats that appeared to be speedboats narrowed the angle from left to right.

The speed is fast this way, but as you leave the coast, the speed inevitably decreases.

If the enemies drive all the way from left to right, they have to get out of the coast and eventually go out to the sea.

It is difficult in a sea of variables.

“Isn’t it dangerous to fight against two ships?”

“I think everyone forgot about it because it shrunk because they saw battleships, but this ship is the latest model. Mehehehe.”

Ryan smiled wickedly.

“In addition, we have to go out to the sea at this rate, but if we get on the wrong current, we will be caught up.”

It doesn’t matter if the current flows back and forth, but if it flows left or right, especially diagonally, it may be surrounded by pursuing ships.


“It was better to get rid of it quickly in a coastal area that is less affected by currents. now. Get ready soon!”

Almost as soon as we left the coast, Lian was activated.

“I don’t intend to engage in hand-to-hand combat, so everyone please hold on tight so you don’t get hurt~”

Thanks to this, the pirates who were not involved in the bombardment were able to watch comfortably by sticking to the windows on both sides.

It’s dangerous to be hit by artillery fire, but if you were afraid of that, you wouldn’t have become a pirate.


The boat began to brake and skidded across the sea. Simultaneously gracefully turn sideways.

Indeed, it was worth the illusion that he was an ace.


Let the command fall.


* * *

Ryan, a low-end pirate, boarded the pirate ship for the first time this time.

It was a really long day for him.

– A rookie who knows you’re lucky. Selling off the noble kid would make a fortune.

I felt pretty good after hearing what the senior said.

No matter how low-end a pirate is, when profits are generated, they receive a distribution.

As the senior said, I thought I was lucky.

Because you made a big profit on your first voyage.


The words the senior who gave advice left as his body was torn from enemy shelling.


The enemy ship was the latest ironclad ship that had only been heard in rumors.

Instead of ransoming the captives, they attacked without hesitation. The captain also died.

From nob le mt l. com

Ji-ri, a lucky guy, became a bad guy with geology.

It looks like it died on the first voyage.

“What are you doing? newcomer. You should come and see.”

“please… Should I take a look?”

Newbies were scary.

From nob le mt l. com

Just a few hours ago, I saw a person explode right next to me.

“If you ignorantly cut a knife for being a pirate, you are third-rate. For a smart pirate life, you need to develop an eye for naval combat so you can respond flexibly.”

Another veteran pirate crossed his arms and said.

The senior who was killed by a shell was so confident… … .

Let’s go!

In the meantime, the boat tilted, but it moved around with very natural, small steps.

Movement like a master.

The veteran soldier crossed his arms and did not untie them.

“This is it. hahahaha.”

It is an essential capability to fight on a ship rather than on land.

“ah… All right… Wow!!”

Until just now, my stomach was bouncing around like crazy, as if it were practice.

“Aww!! It sinks!!”

“I flew through the sky, but I think I’m going to sink with something like this?!”

The boat tilted and turned as if it were about to touch the sea.

Bubber Beopbung!!

In an instant, the ship saw the enemy’s tail and immediately opened fire.

“what… … .”

It wasn’t common sense at all.

The boat is moving like a glide.

“The new little captain. Maybe he was raised to be an ace?”

The pirate crew members also had reasonable doubts.

“If you’re a noble, you’ll easily find a boat for practice.”

The ransom of a living helmsman is sky-high.

Since it is a world without simulations, of course the practice itself is real.

The graduates of the helm department at the Naval Academy were only around 30% of the enrolled students.

or no talent. die or get hurt or suffered a serious trauma.

That too is reduced by almost half five years after graduation.

Only the top 0.01% of the helmsmen who survive are called aces.


The Going Misha chased after the enemy with fast maneuverability and hit the tail again.

Originally, it was impossible no matter how much the difference in mobility was.

If you move in the same direction, the character ’11’.

This is because it is the basis of a firefight to move in a ‘0’ character when moving in the other direction.


By the way, even if the opponent is ’11’ or ‘0’, even if they try to fight, they turn in the opposite direction, so the back or front is exposed momentarily.

At that moment, after firing again, it was out of range, and the other side was staggered.

pop!! pop!!

The newcomer was surprised by the spray rising in front of his nose and steamed his butt.


However, the experienced pirates clapped and cheered.

“wow!! It seems like the little captain’s skills are going to suck.”

“It’s not just about being good at steering. Even though it’s two-on-one, I’m not pushed back at all.”

and then.


Suddenly, he started running at full speed in one direction.

It was a neat getaway.

* * *

“Oohhh!! You look like a cute captain!!”

The vice-captain ran over and hugged her.

When did he shave his beard?

“madam!! Let go of this!! Disgusting.”

“the best. It’s really the best!!!”

During the fight, the movement of the enemy ships started to be twisted, and when they seized the opportunity, they ran away.

There was no reason to fight.

“Aww!! I can’t steer because of the ugly man!! sink It’s sinking~”

“sorry. sorry. ha ha ha.”

At Lian’s threat, the second captain returned to his seat. And seriously asked.

“Where are you planning to go?”

“Where is it? Of course, the Hebrides, the home of pirates.”

There are surprisingly many ports that accept pirates.

From now on, the ports of the Thrang Empire will be excluded.

“Oh~ You know everything about a kid. but. We do need some staffing.”

“Deckmaster, helmsman, medical officer, controller, even accountant. Whew. The dreaded manpower shortage.”

“Do you need all of that?”

“The duty officer is absolutely necessary. A priest is better.”

If there was a wizard, there were also many pirates who did not have a medical officer.

Whether it was a doctor or a priest, they were professionals with almost no ties to pirates.

“ah. And there are items to take care of there.”

Things you need to play the game.

It is an opportunity to get the dirty expensive item for free because it is a necessity because it is a pirate.

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

1만 시간 무과금러가 해적으로 살아남는법
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I became incarnated in the character of my favorite game. And it happened to be in the body of the “young Marquis successor” who is destined to die as soon as the game starts. The protagonist who is now incarnated is in a situation where he has been kidnapped by pirates. The imperial navy plans to sink him with the pirates so that the protagonist cannot inherit the Marquis title. In a sudden turn of events, the captain and helmsman of the pirate ship are killed by a bombardment. Using the skills of a veteran, the protagonist takes over as the helmsman and manages to escape the crisis. The pirates, who are impressed with the protagonist’s abilities, push him to take the place of the vacant pirate captain’s position. The protagonist becomes the pirate captain. He wanders around and becomes a troublemaker using his knowledge of the game. He starts taking advantage of the confusion to gain benefits.


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not work with dark mode