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How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate Chapter 70

Episode 70


The moment the word marquis came out of the mouth of the empress, everyone froze.

That’s why, as a noble, the highest title you can ascend to is a marquis.

Of course, there is a way to become a duke, but you need to have that much land and power.

Money is also ruthlessly broken.

Do you have to feed the church a lot of money to create legitimacy?

“Marquis is too much for me, who doesn’t have a territory. your majesty.”

Lian did not want to be bound by the Synsenrom Empire with the title of Marquis in name only.

Because there is no doubt that he will be exploited in the name of being an aristocrat of the empire.

“As Sir said, there is nothing to be burdened with because there is no manor. bump. If you need a manor, I will find it in moderation.”

There is no doubt that at most you will be given a county and a marquis.

“your majesty. I have not yet fully cleared the lands handed down by my ancestors. But if you take other land first, everyone will point fingers at you.”

“Was it the Duchy of Brittany? I will use my strength to help.”

“If Your Majesty intervenes, friction with the Thrang Empire may arise. Especially if I, who has the title of Marquess, owns the land, it would be burdensome.”

Theresia nodded at Lian’s words.

Even her own husband had to give up his territory to the Serang Empire in order to marry her.

Of course, her husband Porochi’s territory was on the border with the Thrang Empire.

“Then what about the Countess? I will also look into the territory.”

Ryan sighed inwardly.

The territory that will be recognized will probably give you one of those in the Polan area or the Ger kingdom.

The Kingdom of Pollan is in a state of disrepair due to civil war.

If you receive a territory near the Ger Kingdom Union, you will have to become a dog of the Sinsenrom Empire to protect the land.

“I would appreciate it if you were given an honorary title, but a fiefdom is too much. I’m still young, so I don’t have the ability to rule multiple territories.”

Rian is saying that the estate of his family is more important.

And since the vassal relationship comes from the fief, it was meaningless to be loyal to the Sinsenrom Empire even if you had to receive a title of the level of a count.

“Earl Leon is not greedy at such a young age.”

“It’s because I don’t want to betray my new best friend. your majesty.”

“Looks like our Leopold made good friends. As a gift of friendship, I even got the road to the Shull area, but as a mother, I have nothing to give, so it hurts my heart.”

It means to receive anything.

Lian has already given the Synsenrom Empire a great gift just by escorting Leopold and clearing the way to the Schul region.

In addition, the people of the Shull region even showed the majesty of the Sinsenrom Empire.

“If that’s the case, I’d like you to make an agreement with Nerder. I want to start a small business, but I really need hemp leaves.”

“hmm… I did get a mention. That must have been the work of Count Leon.”

I’m talking about a two-year non-aggression pact.

As a condition, he would receive a monopoly on 5% of the hemp leaves produced in the New Continent.

“Since we have already received a lot, it is not difficult to give that much.”

Something is still missing.

She was thinking about how to entangle Lian in her head.

Ryan struck first.

“And I have another request.”

I have to give another gift in the name of a favor.

“I told Sir Anseed the location of the Pearl Mine.”

“A pearl mine?”

“Actually, what I found out from the ancient documents is that the n9932-dana135 fortress was built as a dam in ancient times. and… … .”

If you operate it, it is said that pearls are naturally created.

“that… To pass such a great thing over to our synsenrom empire… … .”

Worries about military funds can be put down to some extent.

“I want my friend’s country to win. And if you operate the dam in reverse, you will be able to strike again at the enemy who is preparing in the canyon in the Schul area.”

“Ahh… Count Leon, you… … .”

Theresa’s conscience pricked a corner.

The child who is his son’s friend is trying to help generously, but he only thought of using it.

“Count Leon. We, the Synsenrom Empire, owe you a great debt. Say anything you want. If we just accept it like this, our empire will lose face.”

At her heartfelt appeal, Lian cheered inwardly.

Finally, I was able to get the material to awaken.

“I heard that the Empress owns a greenhouse. I heard they are full of rare plants. Can I get one of them?”

“Is that just a request?”

“We are researching whether there will be something that can be a special product if we recover the manor.”

At those words, Theresia nodded.

If Lian is knowledgeable enough to know the ancient dam, the value of the plant will be outstanding.

I didn’t regret it though.

It’s just an ornamental plant that you should own anyway.

If she had lived with a small-minded mind, there would be no empress now.

Give if you receive. and gain trust

“If there are any plants you want in the greenhouse, take them.”

“If the county of Leon grows, it is all thanks to the empress.”

At those words, Theresia smiled.

There seems to be something valuable in the greenhouse.

She pitched an offer to Lian before leaving.

“At this rate, Count, you seem to be losing too much.”

“Aren’t you already taking His Majesty’s treasure with you? I have a more grateful heart because I know from what kind of heart he gave permission.”

Because Rian also knew Theresia’s outspoken personality, she made such an open request.

“Now take my treasure.”

Ryan tilted his head.

“If the child in my belly is a daughter, I’m thinking of getting married with you, how about that?”

It felt like I was hit in the head with a hammer.

I didn’t expect the empress to make such an offer.

That’s why Lian was coveted.

However, it was not a proposal of the nature of trying to entangle like before.

“I heard from the priests that this child has a high chance of miscarriage.”

Still born healthy.

There was a new thing called a baby statue. never had

“So there is nothing to be too embarrassed about. It’s something that might actually give birth to a daughter. It’s a marriage contract, not a marriage, so depending on each other’s situation, we can break it as much as we want.”

The problem is that it is difficult to destroy.

Even if it is destroyed later, it can only be the best gift Theresia can give to Lian.

From nob le mt l. com

Just fame.

From nob le mt l. com

Just by marrying the Habs family, Lian’s reputation would be known throughout the Yul continent.

For the nobility, reputation was more valuable than anything else.

“I can’t refuse. your majesty.”

It was an outcall.

Right now, the Empress and I were not alone in this place.

If you refuse, the Habs family loses face.

The engagement was rejected by a count.

Of course, it is possible to refuse for various reasons, such as war, religion, or foreshadowing, but none of those various reasons were overshadowed by Lian.

that there is no reason to refuse.

“It’s just a gift. After all, the child in the womb is a daughter. If it’s big enough to think about, I’m going to ask again. I want my daughters to marry for love rather than for convenience.”

But in the end, they end up getting married.

Even if it wasn’t for the Thrang Empire.

In the next 8 years of war, the national power of the Sinsenrom Empire will continue to decline, and it will be unable to defend its position as the first country in the Yul Continent.

“I will act so as not to cause trouble to the Habs family.”

This is a word of courtesy.

The Empress also knew.

The fact that Lian is a pirate.

Of course, he knew that he would soon raise his family.

* * *

After the audience, Lian was assigned a room.

What was the first thing you did when you got back to your room?

Iron flip!!

he threw himself on the bed.

“after… … .”

I broke out in a cold sweat.

The last move of the empress really made me dizzy.

“hahahahaha. kid. A marriage in the womb.”

“Don’t make fun of me. We are not going to hold a separate engagement ceremony, just announcing it through the imperial newspaper.”

He didn’t really give his daughter as a gift, he just lent his reputation.

It will be comfortable for Lian to work in the future.

“Great. The pirate’s bag is the Synsenrom Empire.”

The navigator shook his head in disbelief.

“Shouldn’t we also switch industries now?”

“huh? Do you want to quit pirates?”

“no. Who said you were quitting? I told you to do it legally.”

At that, everyone shook their heads.

“Private ship. If you are caught as a pirate, your head will be blown off, but if you are caught as a privateer, you will be treated as a military law. You can pay the ransom and be released.”


Lian is a nobleman of Brittany (a tributary country of the Serang Empire), has good relations with the Kingdom of Ingleson, and is now the prospective son-in-law of the Emperor of the Sinsenrom Empire.

“Should I say that it is fun to pick and eat?”

Everyone opened their eyes at Lian’s words.

If it’s legal, you can rob the city.

You don’t have to worry about notoriety or bounties.

“There is also a trade permit.”

Among the last gifts he received from the empress was a trade permit.

It wasn’t formal, but it was natural since he became a member of the Habs family temporarily.

“It would be nice to handle the crops.”

Originally, crops were processed on pirate islands, but crops were originally difficult to process.

However, things that were obtained through trade licenses and legal privateers were different again.

“ruler. Get things done quickly here. Let’s go to our home sea.”

Lian’s words made everyone’s hearts throb.


The knocking sound then heard.

Do you open the door

“Your Excellency Count Leon!”

“Ahh. Major Anseed.”

“no. You are now a lieutenant colonel!!! It’s all thanks to the Count.”

“Oh, congratulations. Lieutenant Colonel Anseed.”

It will probably be promoted even higher than the original story.

Because it specializes in search.

Unless, of course, you die in war.

“So I thought about whether there was anything I could do for you. I’m not that rich… … .”

“I am not recommending anything specific. I was just trying to build a friendship with the future governor.”

“future… of… viceroy?”

Anseed’s puzzled expression.

Lian sighed and turned away.

“You seem to have the qualities for that, so the words are in vain. hehehe.”

“I mean?”

“When I watched it on the way to the capital, it seemed like a waste to be only a cavalry commander. if i were the king And if you get a colony. I really want to invite the lieutenant colonel.”

Anseed made a thrilled expression at Lian’s words.

I have already heard the news about the marriage in the womb.

If so, he might become a princess.

Strangely, the case of high-ranking soldiers in the Yul Continent did not cover the country.

They are also hired by enemy countries to fight against their home countries.

Should I say that it is similar to the coach of the national soccer team?

“I will pray to God every day for you to become the Duke.”

“thank you. Colonel. By the way, did you stop by to say thanks?”

You must be busy because you have to leave for the Shul area quickly. Seeing that he came like this, he seemed to be a decent person.

“ah! it’s not the same… I heard you’re looking for an auto hose.”

“I have a lot of trouble with that. where to buy… … .”

Even the late Rian didn’t know that.

“There is a place I know. It’s nothing to repay the favor, but I hope I can be of some help.”

“If the lieutenant colonel recommends it, I can trust it.”

* * *

At Anseed’s recommendation, Lian’s party came to rescue Auto Horse.

It is an item that can be ridden by three people: Rian, Charlotte, and Hria.

Pure love that does not contain Auto Horse’s ego.

“Is it here? a little… It’s very shabby… … .”

Located at the farthest corner of Auto Horse Workshop Street in Vienna, the capital city.

The factory also looked old, as if it would collapse at any moment.

“Did that bastard sell us out? If you go right away… … .”

The vice-captain let out a snort.

“what. It’s okay to judge based on appearance. isn’t it? sister?”

“As expected, our baby shark has a better eye than the lesser-looking vice-captain.”

Since I came to see the magic machine, of course I also brought the chief engineer.

To avoid being dumped.

“Except for the building, everything is perfect. The technicians working there are also energetic. It’s a few faces, but even the customers are satisfied. Above all, the extensions are well maintained.”

As expected of a magician, his perspective was different from that of ordinary people.

“then. Shall we go in?”

Lian led the party into the factory.

It was noisy with the sound of machines, but the engineer’s surprised words broke through the sound.

“S… S… Master????”

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

How To Survive as a 10000 Hour Freebie Pirate

1만 시간 무과금러가 해적으로 살아남는법
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I became incarnated in the character of my favorite game. And it happened to be in the body of the “young Marquis successor” who is destined to die as soon as the game starts. The protagonist who is now incarnated is in a situation where he has been kidnapped by pirates. The imperial navy plans to sink him with the pirates so that the protagonist cannot inherit the Marquis title. In a sudden turn of events, the captain and helmsman of the pirate ship are killed by a bombardment. Using the skills of a veteran, the protagonist takes over as the helmsman and manages to escape the crisis. The pirates, who are impressed with the protagonist’s abilities, push him to take the place of the vacant pirate captain’s position. The protagonist becomes the pirate captain. He wanders around and becomes a troublemaker using his knowledge of the game. He starts taking advantage of the confusion to gain benefits.


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not work with dark mode