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Falling in Love at the Academy Means Death Chapter 69

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Needless to say, swordsmanship is the basis that influences a swordsman’s combat power in a duel. No matter what the process was, the reason Evangeles won the swordsmanship test was because he was a student who had formally received knight lessons and entered the school.

However, compared to Sabaki’s experience, there was one important difference. Unlike Sabaki, who grew up dealing with southern swordsmanship teachers and going through all kinds of difficulties, Evangeles had no experience of ‘stabbing people with a real sword’.

And the difference appeared in the reaction of the assassin who was hit by the two.

With a sigh, the assassin hit by Sabaki’s wooden sword collapsed on the floor. On the other hand, the assassin who was stabbed in the back by Evangeles’s sword rolled over.

‘I was caught!’

There was no time to ask why. The assassin ran out wearing a doll’s clothes. While bouncing the crowds that bump into her with her body.

“Huh?! what!”

“Aww! my feet!”

He was the leader of the assassins raised by the prince. Despite being stabbed, he pushed and leaped through the crowds with strong and nimble movements.

Sabaki said to the frozen Evangeles.

“what are you doing. Put the knife in quickly.”

Unlike Evangeles, who stiffened at the sight of his bloody sword, Sabaki did as John called.

There was no time for politeness. Sabaki almost snatched Evangeles’ sword and put it in the scabbard. Then, he quietly retreated behind the doll he had knocked down. Right before taking the position, Johan said that the assassination attempt itself should not be revealed publicly. If that happens, Adrine’s position will be difficult.

However, he also told me in advance when an exceptional situation like now occurred. ‘Don’t chase, get out of the crowd’.

It was common sense to say that they weren’t chasing the person who attempted the assassination. But John had a logic to back it up.

‘I’m chasing you.’

The teddy bear ran away from the crowd and immediately jumped into the building in front of it. It was an administrative building. When his figure disappeared, the [smell of death] also faded. He was definitely an assassin capable of controlling his life. If it hadn’t been for the [Yellow Potion of Kirov], I wouldn’t have felt any trace of it.

Yohan, who ran without a word, also ran into the administrative building. In front of the door of the building, the teddy bear clothes the assassin was wearing were peeling off like skin. As John looked through the corridor in front of him to find the body that was originally there, the [smell of death] had completely disappeared.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa… .”

The 10 minutes indicated in the system log had passed. However, John did not drink that hellish test tube a second time.

he whispered into the air.

“Arien, can you hear me? If you hear it, just tell me right there.”

And his whisper came back as a huge echo.


It was Arien’s voice. Perhaps she was screaming from the palanquin. John whispered again.

“If you know the location of the guy in the teddy bear, tell me briefly. If possible, I can hear it, but at a volume that he can’t hear.”

I didn’t know if such a complex order would be possible. But anyway, the voice that came back was Arien’s, much quieter.

“Straight. Stairs. left. First room.”

Johann ran as Arien told him. I ran down the hallway, climbed the stairs, and walked to the door just to the left of it. After taking a few breaths from running, he quickly read the nameplate. There was a sign that said ‘Fix Room’.

John gritted his teeth.

‘You’re out of luck.’

The academy is a state institution that is building a lot of wealth, and that wealth is not just money. There were also precious items and treasures that only the imperial family had at the academy.

And this printing room is a place made to operate the treasure left by Tinker, the ‘camera’.

A place that has no windows and remains dark even in broad daylight. And needless to say, this darkness is a battleground for assassins.

Going through that door like this would be a fight with your eyes closed. Literally, it’s like sticking your body into the jaws of a tiger.

But Yohan had the protection of the sound wizard.

“Open the door vigorously all the way.”

Johan was able to immediately understand Arien’s meaning.

‘The assassin is close to the door.’

After putting the backpack he was carrying into his inventory, John changed the shape of [Arms of Justice]. His weapon, which was a bow, collapsed into its own form, then hardened back into the shape of a sword.

The shape of the door was a sliding door.


He sighed and pushed hard on the door. He thrust the tip of his sword through the door. John’s sword poked through the inverted door, and the feeling of pushing and piercing his flesh was transmitted.

But there was one thing he hadn’t thought of. The opponent was also preparing the same tactic.


A hot pain felt in John’s chest. And unlike the assassin who skillfully captured the pain, he let out a groan.

“Hey… .”

Fortunately, the assassin’s weapon that stabbed right next to the heart didn’t last long. Considering the thickness of the door, the length between a short sword and a dagger.

I thought maybe it was about mangoche.

And for the assassin, the next move was already planned.

The hinges of the door snapped with a creaking sound. The [smell of death] instantly thickened again.

The assassin then pushed John through the door. It was a tough push that didn’t care for his side pierced by John.

Deed Dede Deuk-

The door, dragged to the floor, made a loud noise. Under the pressure of the assassin’s push, John was pushed straight to the opposite wall.

Food Deuk- Pooh-wook- Fuuk-

Blackout curtains hung in 1 meter increments in the drawing room. They rippled noisily along the direction John was being pushed away.

Could it have been pushed back by 10 meters?

John’s back thumped and slammed against the wall. Momentarily, the tip of the mangoche held in the assassin’s hand pushed deep into his chest, but John quickly stopped it.


It was close. If he hadn’t held the door with his elbows and wrists, the mangoche would have been pushed right into his heart.

The voice of an assassin came from the other side of the door.

“Hey, look at this?”

The other person’s tone was feminine. There was no sign of pain for someone who had been stabbed in the back by Evangeles and flanked by himself. Then, Yohan got the feeling that the other person was smirking.

“It’s fun. What were you doing before enlisting?”

I didn’t have time to answer because of the point of the knife stabbing my chest. John, who had breathed in a short breath while talking, vigorously kicked the door. While enduring the burning pain in my chest.



The door John had kicked in was slammed to the floor with a loud noise. Then he pulled out his sword, which had been sealed in the door.


John’s senses sharply caught the flash of Mangoche. The name of that flash was death.

Of course I couldn’t allow it.



John intercepted those approaching deaths with [Arms of Justice]. Along with the sparks from the metal, a clear metal sound rang out.


The lack of vision is supplemented with [Smell of Death]. No matter how skillful an assassin is, the moment of attack cannot be hidden.


As an assassin, the sword he was sure his opponent would not be able to stop.

The opponent, recognizing that their weapon was shorter than the opponent’s, quickly retreated as soon as they caught John’s counterattack.


John’s sword cut through the air. The opponent disappeared behind a blackout curtain, like a person disappearing into a black swamp.

‘I pulled out!’

The opponent quickly erased his life while hiding himself. John’s hair stood on end. It was an unexpected situation because the focus was on receiving the attack.

There is no smell, no sound of footsteps.

Darkness was the opponent’s battlefield.


invisible enemy.

Just keeping your back against the wall and preparing for the front cannot be the solution. Opponents can determine position and timing. In the face of such an invisible aggressor, it is madness to stand and defend.

‘I will die at this rate.’

However, Yohan clearly understood the advantage he possessed. The [Arms of Justice] are not just excellent weapons in terms of destructive power. This weapon also has a unique feature that other weapons do not have in application by situation.

John walked out.

Rather, in front of the wall.

Subsequently, the [Arms of Justice] in John’s hand changed shape again. Then he lowered himself and began to spin it around.

Booung- Booung- Booung- Boong-

A regular sound began to echo around John. The curtains fluttered like the hem of a windswept skirt at the wind pressure from John’s weapon.

The opponent quickly grasped the identity of the wind pressure.

‘A mace?’

And the assassin was surprised by John’s ability to adapt to such a judgment rather than John’s weapon that suddenly jumped out.

‘You’re a smart kid.’

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Not being able to see each other is like mutual difference. However, if you are to judge whether you are good or bad, you must be able to hide your presence. In addition, it was impossible to throw daggers because of the curtains that were hung in layers. Because the dagger doesn’t extend straight, it flies through rotation.

In response, this kid is turning his mace so that he can defend himself in all directions.

And now this situation explains one more thing.

An assassin’s laugh escaped his lips.

“The situation is interesting.”

Although the exit was open, it was dark thanks to several layers of blackout curtains. John said, estimating the direction from which the dark laughter was coming.

“What is funny?”

“It’s funny. We both agree.”

Before Yohan asked back, the other person elaborated.

“You, too, want to deal with me quietly, don’t you?”

“… Are you sure?”

“of course.”

“With what?”

“Otherwise, you would have been calling people out loud now.”

Bung-Bung- The mace continued to turn.

Yohan tried to pay attention to the voice that came from beyond the radius of the mace, but it was impossible to even find the direction, let alone the location. And I knew why. It was the [Ventilation Technique] commonly used by Assassins in this world.

“Make a suggestion.”

“Let’s try.”

“How long have you been protecting the princess?”

It is the same as during the dragon disease. It was a good situation to have a conversation with an enemy character like this. Conversation with the enemy during battle in ‘Savior from Another World’ is also an opportunity for the player to form a strategy.

John spoke to pass the time.

“Is this an instant scouting offer?”

“Then, yes?”

“I do not know… . I want to make a decision after hearing the details of the job and the price of my ransom.”

The basis of strategy is knowing your opponent. And the assassin seemed to know a little about this kid. He read in John’s tone a strong lust for money.

“You can just let me go.”

“It seems to be beyond my ability.”

“it is not so. I know the passage leading out. Time to think about it, I can’t give you long.”

iron puck. Something fell at John’s feet. He reached out and kicked the fallen one.

It looked like a money bag full of gold coins.

“Cash rush. It is 1,500 gold.”

“It’s tempting.”

Of course, it was acting based on [cheating]. Even John himself could not return the mace infinitely.

“I accept it.”

John slowly stopped turning the mace. When the assassin put down his mace, the assassin thought he was an interesting guy.

“I’m sorry about this.”

The assassin moved as planned. rules of the trade. Do not give up your advantage until the deal is properly concluded.

The assassin taught the lesson.

Mangoeshu bent in an unusual orbit.

The awl-like tip of the knife pierced John’s heart exactly this time.

But there was no sound to follow.

The assassin’s eyebrows twisted a little after the attack.

‘Well? what?’

It was strange. The feeling conveyed to his mangoshu was empty.

And at that time, the real John, who had been hiding behind the improvised [Dokkaebi Illusion], moved.

Yohan rolled his body quickly, picked up his mace, and stood up.

“You don’t have to be sorry.”

And when he swung what he picked up, it was no longer a mace.


The [Arms of Justice], which had turned into a sword again, cut off the assassin’s right leg.

Falling in Love at the Academy Means Death

Falling in Love at the Academy Means Death

아카데미에서 연애하면 죽음
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I became the main character of a game I made. The heroines associated with me, the main character, I should avoid all those dating flags. All love routes in this game have bad endings.


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not work with dark mode