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Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness chapter 272

272 episodes

“… … .”

After talking with Choi Jun-ho, James Reed came out and looked up at the sky.

The conversation we had just before was a series of shocks.

thunderbird. It was a secret and legendary being of America, and it was a divine beast powerful enough to say that its existence could destroy the United States.

The United States has chosen to coexist rather than oppose this existence. The Thunderbird was a powerful divine beast, a wise being, and a being who informed America a lot.

But there is also darkness behind it.

Thunderbird was greedy unlike other gods known in the world, and as time passed, it demanded more from the United States.

Above all, concerns in the United States were growing as the possibility that the Thunderbird might have contact with the League was raised.

The party could be said to be an association of vested interests, but the League was an organization that tried to destroy the country through the overthrow of the system.

If the collusion between the Thunderbird and the League was true, it would have been a supporter of the greatest threat.

However, whether or not to participate in the removal of thunderbirds was another matter.

“ah! My head hurts!”

As he continued his thoughts, he shook his head. No matter how clever he was, he could not think of a way to overcome the current situation.

First, we need to inform the upper management of Choi Jun-ho’s proposal.

However, depending on the nuance of this, a lot could be different.

So, rather than reporting right away, James Reed chose to seek advice from a trusted source.

The contact person was Anna Christine.

As an excellent negotiator and expert Junho Choi, she will lead the situation in the necessary direction.

Even after hearing that she was going to hang out with the Thunderbird, her expression was rather calm.

[I have finally come this far.]

“Did you expect it?”

[Due to his inclination, he often clashes with a greedy divine beast. I thought it might crash someday, but it’s much faster than I expected.]

“So how are you looking?”

[You want my opinion to be included in the report?]

“Because high-ranking people don’t like other variables happening.”

[Right. The party’s position should also be considered here.]

However, it was something everyone could relate to that it was stinking internally.

U.S. government officials are concerned about the behavior of the thunderbird, but are being swayed by the benefits it brings. It’s hard to guess what kind of aftershock will happen after that if you hit it all of a sudden.

In fact, a religion that worships a thunderbird as a god is popular where there is a thunderbird, and a pseudo-religion that this place is a paradise is rampant based on the fact that there are no demons.

[Before that, there is one thing to consider.]

“What do you mean?”

[Does he have the power to hunt divine beasts? What do you think from the standpoint of watching, macho man?]

“that… … .”

James Reed thought for a moment. If we objectively analyze Choi Jun-ho’s ability, he has already succeeded in hunting a plus-plus stage monster alone.

If so, it means that it has the power of a minimum plus plus level monster. Is the Shinsoo really worse than the Plus Plus level monster?

It was not easy to draw conclusions on this part. Because he had not yet felt the true strength of that monster.

Still, I experienced Choi Jun-ho’s endless strength while fighting. It was hard to imagine him falling down by someone.

Even if the opponent is a divine beast.

“In my opinion… … .”

The conversation between James Reed and Anna Christine went on for a long time.

* * *

I talked to Zolaman, and he said he needed a consultation with his superior, so I’m going to wait.

In the past, the country would have invaded the place where the thunderbird was.

But the Thunderbird will be the strongest I’ve ever faced.

And it was an unknown opponent whose strength had never been revealed.

To deal with the perfect state, you need to remove the variable.

[What if the U.S. refuses?]

Just sneak in and deal with it, huh?

[What is it.]

First of all, it meant trying to be perfect.

While Zolaman came with an answer from the United States, I was also planning to see the oil tanker that left for Saudi Arabia returns safely.

If it returns safely, a lot of changes were going to happen, so I’ll at least see it with my own eyes and leave.

[Not a bad judgment.]

Yongyong judged my plan to deal with the Thunderbird as follows.

[He is greedy and must be causing trouble. I dug the gap well.]

If you know it well, why don’t you tell me in advance?

[I couldn’t answer because I didn’t ask!]

… It’s like a mean guy.

Anyway, while preparing to face the Thunderbird, the remaining time began to focus on fixing Berserker’s rotten mind.

Those who have something to protect are inevitably distracted. No matter how strong a being, it can become a weakness, and it can be swung and collapsed without exerting its power.

But I think this is the end of stupidity with words.

If you have the power, you should think about leading the board yourself, and why should you buy your body thinking about a crisis that never came before you? That is the behavior that the weak should show, not the behavior that the strong should show.

[But he is weak.]

That’s me and Yong-yong are your standards.

Still, if it’s a Berserker, it’s enough to go anywhere and not get hit.

I grew up like this, but it can be difficult to go along with it.

[That’s right.]

Berserkers are a valuable resource. He is a real power that I can exert, and an influence. If such a guy becomes a weakness for his family, he should teach him not to become a weakness.

If that was the case, I wouldn’t have even brought him out to the sun and had him meet with his family.

So I was treated more harshly than usual.

“Until the rotten guts are completely erased.”

“… … .”

The guy who was usually moaning got up from his seat, wriggling like a zombie.

Still, he knew what I meant, perhaps because he was receptive. If that’s the case, then my job is to completely repair the rotten mind.

These problems can be easily solved with violence.

“The strong deserve it, but it is a sin to stand still. Because while I stand still, the others quickly get stronger.”

If he wanted to protect his family, he would have had to find a way to become stronger by any means, rather than by weakening his heart.

I approached the completely scattered Berserker and asked.

“Do you know what that means?”

“… My head understands, but my body is very hard.”

That’s a broken limb, of course. The Berserker guy wouldn’t know. It is because of these words now that I think his will has weakened.

The old guy ignited more fighting spirit, saying that he would peek into the moment of the stars.

When you come up to Yangji, you are full.

“You suffered because you were weak. If you don’t want to be defeated, you should be as strong as I am.”

“Do you know how unreasonable the request is?”

“Are you going to kill me? Do you want to see a stellar moment? Then shouldn’t we try to close the gap?”

[He can’t even steal gifts like you? You didn’t even get a friend fee from me?]

First of all, the world is unfair. All we have to do is mobilize all means and methods to make him even stronger.

But this is because it is family-related.

Berserker didn’t seem to agree 100% with what I said.

“Can I protect everyone just by becoming stronger?”

… The effect of education may not be perfect. Seeing the Berserker show a skeptical reaction.

“You can’t tamper with just how strong you are. If you don’t like it, why don’t you bring in a dog like me?”

“You’re talking about a dog.”

The skeptical Berserker’s eyes flashed. Seriously, a dog is a good watchdog.

Thanks to the constant beating and giving me special food, I was now at a level where I could even face a plus-level monster.

Wouldn’t you be worried if I brought it home?

The berserker seems to be greedy for a dog, but he’s not even young yet.

“But can you tame a dog with your skills?”

“It will be difficult.”

“So, it’s about getting stronger. If your power is strong, you won’t be able to tamper with it, and you can form a force. And if dogs can tame monsters together, why are you being swayed by them?”

“… exactly.”

For some reason, it seems that taming a dog was more convincing than what I talked about.

I’m not sure if I should like this or not.

[Anyway, now that I understand it, shouldn’t it be a good thing?]

If you look at the results, it is.

But I think I was persuaded by a dog rather than my words, so I’m getting a little fever?

Anyway, he has a goal, so I’ll have to guide him to that part.

“Then, before bringing in a dog-like pet, let’s have the skills to handle him.”

“Now my limbs are broken.”

“Are you resilient? Spray the healing agent and run again.”

“… … .”

Berserker made a face that he couldn’t help it at my words, then sprayed a healing agent and got up.

to be stingy.

After all, it is sturdy and tastes good when beaten.

* * *

It definitely changed because I had a goal. Balak with a purpose came to me in a more lively form.

Even so, the results did not change.

Still, if you look at the process, it made me use more energy, so I hit Berserker quite a bit.

[Isn’t this a bit harsh?]

Seeing the fallen Berserker, Yongyong was disgusted. I was pretty excited too, so I got my hands dirty a bit. Still, he’s a very resilient guy. I approached the immobile guy and sprayed two special bottles of recovery agent.

This is how I think of Berserker. Because I use two bottles of this expensive remedies.

[Is it okay if I just adjust it to use one bottle?]

You keep arguing, Yong-yong.

Anyway, the recovery effect was clear. At first glance, what was close to a corpse had turned into a human molgol.

At that moment, a knock was heard at the entrance to the training room and the door opened. During the battle between me and Berserker, no one else enters. Who is it? Turning my head, I could see a girl with outstretched arms and legs that contrasted with her cute appearance.

“Dad… … ! uh huh? Choi, it’s Choi Jun-ho!”

I first found out

The human eye can be heart-shaped.

I didn’t know who the girl who approached me in one month was, but I heard the Berserker’s voice and found out.

“Sohee… … .”

“Dad! uh? Why are you so hurt?”

This girl was Sohee Lee, Berserker’s daughter. I couldn’t recognize him because I only saw his name and childhood photos.

But what brought the Berserker’s daughter here?

Berserker refused Lee So-hee’s support and staggered and stood up.

“It’s a common wound when you fight.”

“Is this common?”

“It’s a battle of superhumans. The more intense it is, the more helpful it is.”

He answered with a resolute expression whether he did not want to show his weakness in front of his daughter.

Well, I was beaten fiercely. Still, this is all about saying that Berserker is good, not just saying I like it.


Is it okay with me as well, isn’t that enough?

[That’s different.]

I looked at So-hee Lee, letting go of Yong-yong’s words, who said he was a friend, and I couldn’t tell if he was on my side or someone else’s.

Their faces didn’t look alike, but it felt like their talents were well polished.

Well, I don’t like it when I show my father’s clenched face in front of his daughter.

Next time, I have to beat it so it doesn’t show on the outside.

[Wow… … .]

While listening to Yong-yong’s admiration, I looked at the relationship between the two, and stopped when I saw So-hee Lee turning her head to me.

You say you’re my fan, but maybe you beat my father and think of me badly as a fan.

However, seeing Lee So-hee’s reaction, I realized that even that could be a trivial matter in front of the fans.

“Junho! I am a fan!”

“Ah yes. thank you.”

“You are really cool. And even the appearance of subduing the villains without forgiving them. Watching Junho, I was able to nurture the dream of an awakened person. I also bought Junho-nim’s goods for each series at home!”

“… … .”

Should I say thank you for this? I had no idea how to respond.

But I didn’t hate the fact that they saw my progress and showed support.

However, I was not used to seeing myself as such an ardent fan.

I’m annoyed.

With that or not, Sohee Lee continued her conversation with her eyes twinkling.

“I became the goal of my life to be what Junho said, ‘If I get caught, I go.’ When I grow up, I will become a wonderful awakener like Junho-sama. Please show me a better side in the future. It’s really nice to see you like this!”

Taken from https://noblemtl.com

Most of all, I have never been with someone who gives me such unconditional favors.

It was a relationship where each other wanted something and met it, but it’s a bit difficult because we only get it unilaterally.

[What’s wrong with you? Just do fan service.]

He looked at Yong-yong, who was excited next to him, and said to Lee So-hee, begging him to leave.

“Is there anything you want?”

“Please take a picture!”

So I took pictures with Sohee Lee more than a dozen times and signed autographs, and for the first time in my life, I did something called fan service.

I only heard from Sejeong Jin, but there was someone who could call me a real fan.

Curious, I asked, and Sohee Lee said excitedly.

“All the kids I train with are fans of Junho! Maybe if I showed you the picture, I would die of envy, right?”


“Can’t you take a picture with the kids next time?”

“that… … .”

[What are you doing, you have to take care of the fans.]

There was no answer prompting me to do so, but Yong-yong’s encouragement and Jin Se-jeong’s request came to mind.

That’s the fate of a star with a huge fan base.

When should I act as a star?

“… All right.”

“Wow! thank you really great! We will defeat everyone who curses Junho on the internet! Last time, some idol fans attacked with ridiculous things. … .”

Talking in small words was more powerful than most of the spirit-based gift attacks.

It felt easier to deal with the villain.

“Please kill a lot of bad guys in the future!”

“It is.”

“Now take a picture!”

Did you just shoot that much?

Either way, I had to take an additional commemorative photo with Sohee Lee.

Berserker, who was taking a picture with Sohee Lee’s smartphone, suddenly became fine, met my eyes with an awkward expression, and laughed out loud.


… let’s see

Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness

미친 빌런이 정신을 되찾음
Score 9.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Crazy Villain Regains Consciousness mtl The return of a crazy, catastrophic villain


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not work with dark mode