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Childhood Friend Is a Genius Wizard chapter 36

EP4. The beginning of the journey (8)

From noble mtl dot com.

A group was hurting the mountain.

I glanced at Cren. A boy and a girl who have been together since yesterday. The two relived their memories of yesterday and were heading towards the wagon again.

When I turned my head and looked behind me, I saw a large group following them. I looked at the gray-haired man standing in front of them. The man named Hector introduced himself and said he was the leader of the ‘Silent Wolf’.

Yes. The Silent Wolf Mercenary was the reason Cren went to Laes. He suffered this humiliation because he wanted to join the mercenary group with a high reputation. But she was afraid to talk to him. It was because he still slashed the thief’s head before his eyes.

Kren looked to Hector’s side. The woman who seemed to be his favourite, unlike the others, had her own horse, but she did not ride it, but was walking along leading her horse. In Kren’s opinion, judging from the atmosphere of the two, it was not like a lover or a family, and the relationship seemed clear.

So maybe that woman is the mercenary’s number two. She, of course, was not ordinary either. She was the tallest woman he had ever seen. She was a cren who hadn’t even heard of her being short anywhere, but she seemed slightly taller than she was.

In addition, her red and thick hair made her impression more intense.

I didn’t have a thin impression either. But Kren later decided to talk her out of it. It’s definitely not her own taste. She just seemed easier to talk to than that scary guy, no matter what she was.

Perhaps noticing that her cren kept glancing at her, she quickened her pace and was coming this way. Confused by her sudden action, Kren began to think in her head what she should say.

But she turned her gaze the other way, not paying attention to her. She smiled and told Sean.

“Hello. My name is Gania I serve as the sub-captain of the Silent Wolf.”

When she reached out to say hello, Shawn took her hand and shook her hand.

“Yes. Hello. My name is Shawn. The name next to him is Levi.”


After Gania looked at the two boys and girls who exchanged her greetings, she finally looked at Kren, who was slightly away. She looked at Sean again and asked Gania.

“Are the three of you traveling together? From what I’ve heard before, it seems that you intend to become an adventurer.”

“I met Mr. Kren on the way, and originally the two of us were traveling together.”

“Hmm-. I see How many places left where you found the monster?”

Sean looked at Levy at those words. In fact, it was because Sean was just following Levy. Levy, who knew her Sean was a bit of a gimmick, hesitantly told her.

“······Now, we are almost there······.”

Gania quietly whispered to the girl, probably misunderstanding Levi’s intimidated answer, saying that she was frightened.

“Although our captain is a bit scary, he isn’t such a bad person.”


“Of course, it was a bit like that for you guys who are still young, but they deserved to die.”

At those words, Sean’s memories from earlier came back. Judging by the contents of the conversation between the two, it seemed like they knew each other. Shawn asked Gania.

“What did they do?”

“Actually, those guys are from our mercenary corps. They were the ones who often made minor accidents, so they were caught in the leader’s eyes, but in the end, they made irreversible mistakes.”

Sean could guess the situation without having to listen to everything. When he was in the middle of the conversation, Levy, who was next to him, said in a small voice.

“I’m here. There will be a wagon over there.”

At that, Gania nodded her head and went back to her leader, Hector. And Levi relayed her words to him. Hector heard Gania’s words and came forward. He asked those who guided him.

“Yes. Are you saying you met a monster here?”

“Yes. It was also the monster’s fault that broke the wagon over there.”

Levi clearly remembering the image of the monster chasing him last night and crushing the carriage and running towards him said confidently.

When Hector looked around, he could definitely find traces of monsters. Footprints were stamped here and there, and the shape of the footprints was similar to that of a human foot. It looked like it had only grown in size from its shape.

Hector was somewhat certain. That this guy is the Orchi Magna they are looking for. Hector said to his men.

“Search around here! Orchi Magna will still be around here!”

As the mercenaries scattered around, Hector spoke to the three who stood there.

“Yes. Your innocence has been proven. You may go now. By the way, can I ask you something?”

When Hector said that, his gaze was on Cren, not on anyone else. In fact, Hector was just staring at any of the three, but Kren thought he was asking him, so he answered.

“Eh?····· Oh, yes! Sure! Ask me anything!”

He looked quite bewildered, but Hector didn’t care.

“You said he was sensitive to sound. Did he know about the Orchi Magna before?”

“Yes? Uh, no…?”

Hmm, does that mean that you noticed it at once after encountering it? Not bad.

Hector asked.

“Then, was it because you realized that you ran away from that monster?”

“Uh… That’s right too. Yogi, this friend can use magic again.”


At Kren’s answer, Hector asked back, even more surprised than before, and looked at the girl wearing a robe pointed at by the young man he was talking to.

“Is it true?”


“Can you really use magic?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

This wasn’t normal. Even in Laes, the forefront of fighting monsters and the city of adventure, it was difficult to see wizards.

In the first place, wizards didn’t like being outside that much. They were just beings who enjoyed studying magic for the rest of their lives, shutting themselves in their workshops.

This was an opportunity. A chance to catch him more easily.

Hector proposed to the girl.

“Did you all say you would become adventurers?”

“········? Yes.”

“Join the hunt for Orchi Magna. If you succeed there, I will give it to the branch manager of the Adventurers Association.”

It was a fairly sudden proposal, but it definitely seemed like a good deal. But there was one problem. It was good conditions for them, but for Kren?

Kren said that unlike them, she wouldn’t be an adventurer. He would rather be a mercenary. Sean said to Hector.

“Can we talk about it for a moment?”

“Of course. But can’t wait long. You never know when he’ll run away.”

Sean asked Levy first.

“Levi, are you okay?”

“It’s me, I’m fine. However·····.”

Levy also looked at him as if thinking about Cren. Shawn asked Kren.

“Mr. Cren.”

“Huh? Come on. They say they’ll make you an adventurer, but don’t mind me.”

Anyway, the body owed to the two of them, Kren didn’t really care what happened. It may sound irresponsible, but Kren had already given up his life since the thief boss teased him for being bald.

But Sean shook his head.

“Mr. Kren also needs to receive something. That’s what I think…”

Shawn told Kren what he thought.

“What?! No, but will that be…?”

“Isn’t it better than not trying? So Mr. Kren says that.”

“Eh? Why me?”

“Well, this is Mr. Kren’s business.”

No, what the f*ck is so irresponsible. Those words came to my throat, but I couldn’t get them out. Cren eventually joined forces with Sae-tae and stood in front of Hector.

Wow, that looks really f*cking scary. In fact, Kren’s memories were calibrated to make him look that way, but Hector didn’t look as scary as he thought.

Hector asked, looking at Cren who came forward.

“Yes. Have you decided?”

“······Yes. Instead, can I add one more condition…?”

“Conditions. It’s fun.”

Oh sh*t. I think this is messed up.

“Tell me the condition first.”

At his cold, toneless tone, Kren called out, folding her in half and putting her head on the ground.

“Well, let me enter the Silent Wolf!”

After Kren waited a long time and didn’t get an answer, he realized he was screwed. Kren slowly raised his head. Hector was looking down at him. And f*ck.

After staring at Cren for a few seconds, Hector opened his mouth.

From noble mtl dot com.

“You want to join our mercenary group?”

“····Yes! That’s right!”

“Our mercenary corps selects only the best mercenaries even in Laes, where battles take place every day. Do you think you can fit in there?”

Are you going to f*ck it? But he didn’t say anything like that, he just shouted out the formalities.

“If you enter! Let’s work hard!”

Hector looked at Cren for another moment, then shook her head.

“That offer is unacceptable.”

That’s right. Kren slightly resented Sean for doing this for no reason. But, what can I do? In the end, this result came about because of my lack of skills. As a child, he couldn’t blame the boy.

“Instead, let me take the test.”


“If you perform well in this battle, the entrance exam will be fine.”

“·······Thank you! I’m going to work hard!”

“And, if you don’t correct that stupid tone, what I said will be cancelled.”


Kren looked behind her. Sean was giving him her thumb. Cren also responded to that.

At that time, a cry was heard from inside the mountain.

“Captain! Found it! We are fighting the vice-captain right now!”

Hector hurriedly turned around and spoke to them.

“Follow me. This is the beginning of the battle.”


Gania grabbed her axe. This heavy feeling. No matter how long she had been fighting, Gania was enjoying even these useless sensations before she knew it.

She looked ahead. Orki Magna stood up on her feet, wary of her intruders threatening her, and pounded her chest with her own arms.

“Cow wow!”

She said to her co-workers beside her own.

“Are you still far from being the leader?!”

“I will be back soon!”

The most important thing when hunting monsters is for her to do her job well. It may sound obvious, but what if the person blocking the monster’s attack in front gets scared and kicks it back? In an instant, the battle lines would be disrupted and everyone would be in danger.

Her mission was simple. Confronting monsters. She wasn’t scared Because she’s already at a level where she enjoys it.

Orki Magna swung her arm fast for her size. Gania knew she could not stop the attack and she hurriedly dodged it. The sound of trees cracking and breaking behind her.

She tried to attack her outstretched arm. Although she was slightly hurt, it seems to have fueled the monster’s anger. With a roar, she slammed the ground with her arms, causing the whole ground to shake.

At that moment, I heard a running sound from behind. It was Hector and Sean’s party.

“What is the situation?!”

“No casualties yet!”

Hector listened to Gania’s words and drew her sword in front of her. He shouted.

“I will draw his attention, so attack him while he is there!”

With that, he ran out. The monster fiercely attacked the uninvited guest who jumped out, but he avoided the attack and blocked the attack by dodgeing it with his sword.

His movements were swift, and his swordsmanship was also trained through actual combat, and it was evident that he was skilled. In Shawn’s eyes, Hector’s skills seemed to be more than his own.

Although his swordsmanship skills are comparable, his physical condition is better. Shawn stopped watching and drew his sword to help him.

Hector and Gania were trying to distract the monster, but the mercenaries around them couldn’t easily approach it because it was so violent.

If you enter blindly without any plan, at best you will only be able to play a role that draws attention like Gania and Hector. So Sean told his colleague.

“Levy, draw that guy’s attention. I think I know where my weakness is.”

Although he didn’t know exactly what the monster’s weakness was last night, seeing him now fighting surrounded by so many people gave Sean a sense of it.

“Okay. Sean, don’t get hurt. Huh?”

“Of course. You promised.”

Sean immediately ran towards it. Hector still looked fine, but it was because Gania’s stamina was gradually declining.

And then Levi closed his eyes and concentrated on the magic. In the midst of such a battle, Kren could not do anything and just watched. Hector told me to play an active part in battle, but how the f*ck am I supposed to play an active part in this?

Levy shouted to the people in front of him, as if he had finished his concentration.

“Everybody stay away from the monsters!”

At her cry, Sean and Hector, who knew he could use magic, shouted as well.

“Get off!”

“Get out of here!”

The mercenaries hurriedly retreat at the commander’s command. Seeing everyone fall, Levy used magic.

As Levy stretched out his hands, the surroundings grew colder and colder. And it didn’t just affect the simple weather, it actually had an effect.

The ground around Orki Magna began to freeze. The monster struggled with his body as his movements slowed down, but his feet froze and stuck completely to the ground.

Sean knew right now was the opportunity Levy had created. But the monster’s actions had to stop Shawn. The monster picked up the stone that was under his feet and took it closest to him.

I threw it at Gania who was breathing. Shawn stopped going to attack her monster right after her and pounced on her.

The rock crashed into the ground with a coo-kwang sound, and Shawn managed to rescue Gania from the danger.

“Are you okay?”

At Sean’s worried question, Gania stared blankly at the boy before finally speaking.

“Uh, uh, yes. Thank you.”

Fortunately, Gania was saved, but the situation was not so good. When Levi’s magical power was exhausted, Orchi Magna, who was freed, became even more angry and tempered.

And as if he intuitively knew who had put him in danger, the monster ran forward without looking at anything. At the end of it was Levi.


Sean shouted desperately, but his words could not control the monster’s body. The monster didn’t stop running in front of Levi and swung her fist forward.

“·······Ah, damn it······. It really hurts…”

Kren, who pushed Levy away and was hit by the monster’s fist instead, was blown away and landed in a tree.

In the end, he passed out without being able to scream properly due to the pain as if all the bones in his body were broken.

Thanks to that, Levi, who was safe, reached out with one hand. She shot out of her hand and a bolt of electricity ran through the monster’s body.

The magic Levi used with all her strength was so powerful that she couldn’t even compare it to her previous one.

Shaun flew up behind Orchi Magna, who was paralyzed and convulsed by the powerful lightning.

The weak point of the monster was in the middle of its back. The muscular, well-developed arms were themselves powerful weapons, but instead the monster couldn’t extend its arms behind its back.

Sean thrust his sword straight into the monster’s back. Clutching his sword, Sean slowly pushed the sword back in. Its skin was quite strong, but the monster, paralyzed by the electric shock and unable to reach its back, could not resist Shaun’s attacks.

Shaun’s sword finally pierced Orki Magna’s heart, and the monster stopped breathing.

The battle against Orki Magna was won.

EP4. The beginning of the journey (complete)

Childhood Friend Is a Genius Wizard

Childhood Friend Is a Genius Wizard

소꿉친구는 천재 마법사
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The story of a boy who longed for a hero and a magical genius girl


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not work with dark mode