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Bullied but Popular chapter 31

31 – Death Fight 3

“… a white tiger, no, a black tiger.”

“Black Tiger?”

At Tail’s words, Tia looked ahead as if asking what she was saying.

The beast that came out of the glass coffin took the form of a white tiger.

However, it seemed that it was not an ordinary white tiger, the black fur of the military army, the whites of its eyes turned black, and shaking its head back and forth while salivating like crazy was not a normal condition at first glance.

Seeing Baekho like that, Tia frowned and said,

“Isn’t the owner of this dungeon crazy?”

“Well, you could say that all great mages are crazy.”

Tail said it was not a big deal, but this was no ordinary incident.

The white tiger is an animal that is said to have descended from the heavens, and has been one of the sacred beasts in the Holy Land since ancient times.

Of course, it is illegal to catch such a white tiger, and if you kill a white tiger, he is selected as a target for slaughter by the Seongguk.

However, the owner of this dungeon did not care about such things and conducted various experiments with the body of the white tiger as well as capturing it.

If this fact was known to foreign countries, of course, the Seongguk would be upset, and furthermore, the Iggent Kingdom could also suffer damage.

“We have to stop here.”

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, Cecilia stepped forward.

If that white tiger leaves the dungeon right now, I don’t want to imagine what will happen after that.

Then, Baekho, who had been writhing in pain, suddenly let out a roar.




Mana rose around the roaring white tiger, and soon the special power of the white tiger, a ‘storm’, rose and blew it towards Aren’s party.

Love liquid! Love liquid!


Kagagak! Kagagak! Kagagak!

The party scattered and escaped from the sudden attack of the white tiger, leaving only traces as if it had been cut by an aura.

“Wow… Does it sound like you’re using magic without casting?”

Aren marveled at the attack of the white tiger, but once again a blizzard attacked Aren.


Quagga gagagak!!

Aren, who barely escaped, glared at the white tiger and shouted.

“Why are you attacking me!”

“You blew it first.”


Tail sighed as if he was pathetic, then turned his head again and glared at the white tiger.

Breaking through the limits of Boyd’s formula

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa

When Tails, wrapped in a golden aura, ran out, Cecilia also attacked.

cloud fog


In an instant, the fog took over the surroundings, and she rushed at the white tiger in that state.

Perong! Perong! Perong! Perong!

Quaang! Quaang! Quaang!

When Cecilia’s clouds and Tail’s regime hit Baekho’s body, Baekho roared in pain and raised its claws to attack the two.





only once.

A single claw attack cut through them and split the ground, forcing the two to retreat with tremendous destructive power and a roar.

“I’ll cover you!”

Lucy shot an arrow at the gap where Tail and Cecilia retreated.

ppaang ppaang

Lucy fired 3 shots in an instant, but couldn’t create a big effect on the white tiger’s skin.

“Ugh, after all, if it’s not an Auror…”

Lucy gripped the longbow tightly as if indignant.

Aren’s voice at that time.

“Lucy! Left leg!”

“Left leg?”

When she heard Aren’s voice, her gaze moved to Baekho’s left leg, and she saw a scar that was not visible because of the thick hair.

“That’s it!”

“Whoever made it coolly pierced it!”

First Aren’s power stab.

At first, I didn’t notice because of Baekho’s intimidation, but now I see that Baekho can’t move from his place.

It was because Aren’s attack fatally wounded Baekho in the leg.

Without hesitation, Lucy shot an arrow at Baekho’s left leg.

ppaang ppaang ppaang

puck puck puck

Lucy, who hit everything in one place, was also great, but the arrows were all stuck in the white tiger’s legs, as if the skin was peeling off.


When the white tiger stopped moving as if in pain, Cecilia and Tail took advantage of the gap and attacked.

cloud expression

Boiled’s basic rule

Chow ah kwaaang!


Baekho’s painful cry rang out once again.

“If this is the case, will it be over easily?”

As if Aren’s first attack had fatally wounded him, Baekho was unable to move from his place.

Of course, because of the ‘quake’ that surrounds the white tiger, it is not possible to inflict fatal injuries, but if it continues as it is, the victory of Aren’s party is almost certain.

Tia, who heard Aren’s murmur, affirmed in a weak voice.

“Yeah… that’s right…”


Aren looked at her as if asking why, but Tia couldn’t take her eyes off Cecilia and Tail fighting the white tiger.

‘I’m no help…’

Tia was now losing confidence in her helplessness.

Unknown to Cecilia, Tail and Lucy, who were the same age as her, were also fighting the White Tiger.

In the case of Lucy, she adhered to the method of accumulating damage by attacking only the wounds of the white tiger, but Tia was unable to do even that method.

Tia checks.

If you go close to the white tiger to help, your whole body will be torn apart by the white tiger’s ‘storm’.

Cecilia and Tail were fine because they had auras all over their bodies, but it was an impossible technique for Tia.

The moment when Aren, who had been looking at Tia, who looked sullen for a moment, tried to talk to her.

From noble mtl dot com

oh oh oh oh



The white tiger suddenly fell from a distance, opened its mouth wide, and began sucking in air.

Aren, who had been watching the scene for a while toward the shore, exclaimed urgently.

“It’s breath!!!”



At Aren’s voice, Cecilia and Tail quickly reached the back of the tiger’s neck and were about to attack.



“With that leg!?”

Baekho jumped as hard as he could and reached the ceiling in an instant, staring at Cecilia and Tails.



“Run away!!!”

coastal mirage

When the white tiger’s breath fell, Aren reflexively shouted and used the shore to distract the white tiger.



The white tiger’s storm breath attacked Cecilia and Tails.





Hearing the screams of Cecilia and Tail through the storm, Tia tried to run away, but the breath storm prevented her from moving forward.

woo woo woo

When the breath attack ended, the cavity filled with dust.

“Sister! Sister!”


As Tia frantically tried to burrow through the dust, Aren hurriedly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her.

“Leave this!”

“calm down!”

“Put this down!!”

When Aren stopped her, Tia let out a lethal roar.

But I couldn’t send it forward from here.

“Calm down and listen to me!”

“This bastard!”


Tia couldn’t hold back her excitement and hit Aren’s face.

However, Aren did not let go of her hand and spoke in a calm voice.




“… really?”

As Aren spoke in a confident tone, Tia looked back at Aren, calming her excitement.

Looking at her like that, Aren nodded and said.

“Don’t make a sound. Even the white tiger doesn’t seem to be able to move, so let’s go quietly.”

“Huh… yes, how do you know?”

Tia asked in a tearful voice if she was worried about Cecilia.

Looking at her crying, Aren said as if to be relieved.

“I can see it all along the shore, it’s okay, so don’t make a sound and follow me.”

“Huh… yes.”

Aren took Tia’s hand and walked into the dust toward Cecilia.

It wasn’t difficult to go to the shore to see her mana.

‘The problem is the white tiger…’

Aren carefully looked at the energy of the white tiger.

Perhaps exhausted from the previous breath, Baekho was unable to move near the glass coffin.

I don’t know why, but the weakening of his energy was like dying.

‘First of all, the companions’

Twisted the attack with a mirage before dying with a breath.

Unless it was a direct hit, Cecilia and Tail would probably be alive.

At that time, as if Aren’s prediction was correct, Cecilia, who was lying down covered in blood, caught his eye.



When Tia reflexively raised her voice, Aren covered her mouth.

Tia approached Cecilia with an expression as if she was about to cry.

“Sister Yii…”


‘I passed out.’

Aren quickly checked Cecilia’s condition and took out an advanced potion prepared just in case.

“Tia this.”


Catching the potion offered by Aren, Chantia hurriedly opened the lid and carefully began to feed Cecilia.

“Calm down sister…”

“… ugh.”

As Tia tried to feed the potion by calling her several times, Cecilia began to accept the potion as if she had come to her senses.

‘It’s still hard, but I can’t help it.’


He stabilized Cecilia’s mana and applied the wound.

It won’t hurt right away, but if it’s an advanced potion, it won’t take long to recover.

while treating Cecilia.


The white tiger started moving again.

trudge trudge

“Come this way.”


As if Tia was taken aback by Aren’s words, she began to be wary of her surroundings.

Fortunately, Baekho was also slow as if he was seriously injured.

Aren, who was watching the white tiger through the dust, said to Tia.



“Buy me some time.”


Tia stood up without hesitation, and Cecilia, who came to her senses, grabbed her by the collar.


“… sister.”

“I’ll sleep.”

Cecilia tried to force herself to get up, but as if she hadn’t fully recovered yet, she sat down again.

Aren, who supported Cecilia, looked at Tia and said,

“Give me Tia’s hand.”

“… what?”

Tia asked back as if she didn’t understand, but there was no time right now.

Aren forcibly took Tia’s hand and used the gift.


“What are you doing…!?”

As she reflexively tried to let go of her hand, she sensed an abnormality in the mana in her body and stopped.

‘… what?’

While Tia was questioning, Baekho’s footsteps began to approach.

trudge trudge trudge

“Ah, Aren.”

As the footsteps of the white tiger got closer, Tia called out to Aren as if he was anxious, but Aren couldn’t open his mouth because he was concentrating.

And after a while, Baekho showed up.



The moment the white tiger appeared, Aren’s preparations were over.

“it’s okay!”

Unlock Coastal Art

The moment Aren finished speaking, Tia’s sword changed.

Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa Kwa

cloud expression

Chow ah


Just before Baekho attacked, Tia jumped out first and cut Baekho’s face.


When the white tiger backed away as if in pain, Tia stared blankly at her sword.

An aura made of vivid red.

An aura was written on Tia’s sword.

Tia stared blankly at her sword as if she didn’t understand for a moment, and Aren spoke in a troubled voice.

“Wake up, it won’t last that long.”


Tia, who came to her senses at the sound of Aren’s voice, took up her posture while glaring at the white tiger.

‘If only now.’

Cloudy Mist


Cloud family’s technique that can only be used by using an aura.

A red mist spread around Tia and flew towards the white tiger.

pop! pop! pop! pop!

“Cra la la la!!”

Baekho’s condition was not so good, so he retreated frantically at Tia’s attack.

Seeing this, Aren looked at Cecilia and asked.

“Can you move?”

“… huh.”

Cecilia, who had been watching Tia and Baekho fighting for a while, stood up with a late answer.

Aren looked at her and said.

“We need to find Tails.”

“I’ll be here.”


Cecilia looked at Tia’s back and slowly raised her sword.

Seeing this, Aren urgently blocked her way.

“Your sister will die if you go now!”

“It’s okay, I’ll just take cover.”

After saying that, Cecilia immediately raised her aura and ran to Tia.



Cloudy Mist

Cecilia’s aura turned into mist and started attacking the white tiger.

Perong! Perong!

“Cra la la la!!”

After looking at the situation for a while, Aren sighed as if he couldn’t help it and started looking for Tails.

“Fortunately, Baekho is weaker than I thought, but how far did this guy fly?”

Aren hurriedly began using the shore to find Tail.

Then, the wind began to blow around Baekho once again.

Love liquid! Love liquid!



The fog of the two began to block the white tiger’s wind.

pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop! pop!


“Okay sister!”

cloud expression

Chow ah


Cecilia made a path while blocking the white tiger’s storm, and Tia jumped in and cut the white tiger.

Baekho also felt a sense of crisis in the current situation and quickly counterattacked, but everything was blocked by the sisters’ connection.

cloud type haze

Cloudy Mist

chow chow chow chow

boom boom boom

“Go ahead!”


It’s like a coordinated movement.

The two swung their swords alternately between attack and defense, following each other’s movements as if they were dancing.

Baekho was unable to counterattack properly and was helplessly pushed away.

“Kreuk, Kreuk.”

Sensing a sense of danger, Baekho stepped back and glared at the two, then turned and started running.

“Run away!”

“I can’t go!”

The moment Cecilia chases the white tiger and runs fast to cut off the white tiger’s leg.


From noble mtl dot com

“That’s it!”

“no way!?”

When the white tiger jumped into the air once more and looked down, the white tiger’s mouth was filled with clear energy of mana.

“Avoid my sister!”


After checking Baekho’s breath, the two ran to protect each other.

Bullied but Popular

Bullied but Popular

왕따지만 인기는 많다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
Aren Dupuis, who enters the academy. And Tia Cloud, his fiancée whom he meets for the first time. “I’m sorry, but I have no intention of marrying you.” He felt awkward right after meeting her. At the moment he tried to cheer himself up with delicious food, fighting his depression. Crunch! Bang! “What the…?” “What? You want some more?” ‘Who is this crazy guy?’ He was hit here and there right after entering the academy. A story of bullying in the academy.


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not work with dark mode