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Became the Escort Knight of the Villain in the Romance Novel chapter 106

106 – Iron Blood Rejects You (2)

With winter just around the corner, the atmosphere in the ecliptic was desolate.

Now that it has been revealed that Roman’s leader Biltain was actually one of the Elders of Annihilation,

It was because the annihilation that occurred decades ago was revived in the memories of the people of the empire.

Of course, it wasn’t as glamorous as before, but it was still more glamorous than any other city.

The sight of the city reminded Evan that everything was not over yet.

“The atmosphere…Is not as good as I thought.”

Irene quietly nodded her head at those words.

There were many people passing by, but none of them had life on their faces.

Evangelium was still gorgeous.

However, the faces of the people around him all felt like dolls that had lost their emotions,

Irene, frowning slightly, opened her mouth as she looked at her imperial palace.

“It sounds like the reason why His Majesty the Emperor called you. It was only when things got like this that she might have decided to step in on her own.”

“Because His Highness, the Crown Prince, seemed to be struggling by himself. It probably won’t be easy just to deal with Roman.”

Most of his forces that Roman possessed were brainwashed by his annihilation hand.

One of the powers that divided the empire into three was completely blown away.

Of course, it was the empire that was suffering from the power that was emptied in an instant,

The rest of the troops that were not brainwashed were also quite large, so it took a lot of money and time to rectify them.

Above all, it was also a problem that the balance of power was gradually broken as the 5th family became the 4th.

‘Although it could be a 3rd generation family.’

The hatan the prince mentioned. It was a bit unexpected for me who expected Medivh or Kilrogg, but

If you mentioned it directly, wouldn’t it be that there is a reason to point it out and talk about it?

Evan put her thoughts on the family aside for a moment and thought of Freed, who he and Hattan had to deal with.

If you deal with Freed… He wonders what he should do himself.

To use the name Evan Fried as it is, the perception that it is intertwined with extinction in this country was not as good as I imagined.

After thinking about the name for a while, Evan smiled at the thought that came to his mind and grabbed Irene’s hand.

Feeling the sensation of her hand covering her small hand, Irene turned her head, and Evan casually intertwined her mouth and opened her mouth.

“Well, if you get married.”

“Let’s get married.”

“Only if. It’s just that I suddenly thought of something.”

Irene’s eyes widened. Marriage, did Evan already have marriage in mind?

In Irene’s head, thoughts began to bloom like flowers.

If Evan were to marry her, she would spread her imagination that could only be seen in a children’s book, and by the time she was laughing,

Evan, knowing what Irene was thinking, tugged at her hand.

“If I marry you, shouldn’t I change my last name?”

“Is that so…?”

Irene tilted her head at the thought of changing her last name. When she gets married, she lives in her own family…


Irene opened her mouth small. Because she understood what Evan meant.

She’s changing her last name, that’s what Evan is talking about. Doesn’t he mean to come to him as a son-in-law?

Irene, who briefly touched her chest at the sound of her pounding heart, looked at Evan with a pleased expression.

“Then it must be Evan Uris.”

“It must be a little awkward. Well, that would be if I were to marry you.”

“Marriage, right. Marriage…”

Irene’s eyes instantly lost their light,

Unable to see that, Evan just smiled lightly and looked at her palace.

Perhaps the fact that they were officially dating had spread, and some people passing by would glance at me.

In the past, I would have concealed my identity, but now I don’t have to.

Even as her face blushed at the fact that her men were staring, Irene did not let go of Evan’s hand.

Rather, her desire to show others her hand with her ring on it was greater,

Seeing Irene trying to get her hand out of her, Evan twitched the corners of her mouth.

“Everyone will find out later anyway, but aren’t you in too much of a hurry?”

“…I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Pretending not to know, Evan looked away from her and shrugged her shoulders before moving her steps again.

Since I came to the ecliptic like this, I wanted to stop by various places… But anyway, the first priority was to find the emperor now.

As she went to the entrance of the imperial palace, the knights who recognized her Evan saluted her.

She felt embarrassed for a moment as she put her fist to her heart, expressing her heroic attitude, but

As Evan took his posture, her knights smiled brightly in honor and began to open the door blocking her entrance.

As the door opened, a man waved his hand as if he had been waiting for it and spread his arms toward us.

A man with a unique smirk and a flamboyant uniform he always wears.

Evan and Irene knelt down towards the crown prince, the second highest after the emperor of the empire.

“Oops, you don’t have to kneel down. Wake up, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you, but why do you make me feel embarrassed?”

Kaisel smiled slightly at Evan.

Irene and Evan looked at each other alternately, so Evan nodded her head slightly,

Before long, he grabbed the hand that Kaisel had given him and shook his hand and opened his mouth.

“We are dating, but somehow it seems that His Highness likes it more.”

“Did I get caught? It was an opportunity to see how hard it was to watch from the sidelines.”

“I hope that your Highness will become like us someday.”

Hearing that, Kaisel laughed out loud and patted Evan on the shoulder.

Actually, lately I’ve been getting tired of my usual life.

Aside from having many women, the story of Evan and Irene was already famous in the social world.

Since you were the one watching the love of the two from the side,

Kaisel, who suddenly recalled the feeling of his heart tickling, scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

The fateful meeting of the young lady and the escort knight,

It was the story of Irene and Evan that young girls who like romance novels were immersed in and had a conversation.

A woman who once had a personality like an ice field that no one approached changed when she met an escort knight.

She said that it was a story that she could listen to, and something that would make her nodded in reality unfolded.

Who wouldn’t be interested in this story?

In addition, Irene Uris was the head of the 5th family,

Rumors have even been heard that Evan Fried is a knight who single-handedly killed Maloric and Viltane, and that something like a children’s book is already coming out.

Seeing Evan and Irene smiling at each other while looking into each other’s eyes, Kaisel awkwardly pulled the corners of her mouth as he recalled her own behavior.

…There was a lot of talk about being promiscuous.

But I didn’t think much of it because I didn’t have time to worry about it.

Listening to Evan’s words, I thought it wouldn’t be bad to try that kind of love once in a while.

But I won’t be able to get them to stand in their thoughts,

Caesel casually opened a path for the two of them.

In many ways, there were many things to share.


“By the way, who confessed first?”

Kaisel tapped Evan on the side and asked quietly.

Since the two of them now have a friendship that could be considered close friends,

After the last subjugation of Roman, Evan was able to answer casually.

“I did it. We can’t let her confess to Irene first.”

“…I’ve never confessed to you before. Hmm, good. Note it.”

Kaisel laughed awkwardly. Irene confessed to rumors she heard in the public,

Evan confessed, at least she confessed at the same time.

I wondered if it would be better for her to ask her directly.

When she heard that Evan confessed first, she remembered her old self.

Maybe it was a kind of fan spirit that just wanted to support the two of them.

Kaisel herself wasn’t aware of it, but she was secretly supporting the two of them. She

She wanted to hear more of this or that, but as she and Evan got closer she realized that Irene’s expression wasn’t very good, so Kaisel opened her mouth.

“Well, yes. His Majesty the Emperor called you, you know about that, right?”

“I know. Maybe it’s about becoming a Master and…extinction.”

Evan, deliberately avoiding her mention of Ascalon, looked at Kaisel.

Kaisel nodded her head and she affirmed the story.

Aside from having to be formally recognized as a master, the problem was that there were still quite a few remnants left to be annihilated.

It is said that one axis of power was broken while dealing with Roman, but in the end, it was all about defeating one axis.

Dealing with Maloric, taking out Viltain, it was clear that they had dealt a heavy blow to them.

However, the extinction was greater than imagined. Already, the organization almost captured the Empire’s Evangelium,

Even after being defeated, the force has been called from the shadows for decades.

For those who deal with the dead, decades of time must be a reasonable amount of time to multiply their power many times over. Kaisel’s brow narrowed.

“Certainly, things are better than before.”

“Is that so?”

“If Viltein had been left untouched, the capital would have fallen in the blink of an eye. You know better because you’ve fought… But the Master isn’t something to be seen simply. At that time, you were also an expert, so if you had moved a little hastily there wouldn’t have been any way to stop it.”

Evan nodded quietly and grabbed Irene’s hand.

Since it is her that her complexion suddenly darkens whenever she talks about Bil Tane,

When Irene smiled lightly, telling her to be at ease, she was finally able to feel at ease.

“The number of troops that can be operated has decreased, and it is difficult for Theorard to move right now. There are quite a few difficulties in managing the Imperial Knights. That’s why I can’t leave Hatan behind.”

“Are you sure about Hatan?”


As if bitter, Kaisel lowered his gaze and opened his mouth again.

“I think it’s about that probability. Several circumstantial evidence is gathering. And this is not me…My father will judge.”

“That’s why you called me.”

“Because you are the only power that can be operated right now. I feel really sorry for you and for Julis. I would like to have a little more leeway… But there are too many elements of anxiety for that.”

Irene narrowed her eyes at Kaisel’s words.

She knew, but she didn’t feel too good when she heard it herself.

Evan fights the warlock again, Ra.

Although uneasy, it must be her own responsibility to trust Evan, who is different from before.

Looking at Evan, Irene quietly pulled the corner of her mouth.

The only thing that was young in Evan’s eyes was his concern for himself. Relieved by that, Irene brushed Evan’s cheek.

“Irene, I-“

“It’s okay. Are you coming back?”

“…Of course it is.”

Since we promised, Evan looked at the prince with a slightly serious expression.

After confirming that Evan’s shaking eyes had changed, Kai cell sat down on her chair and held out a piece of paper to Evan.

Evan opened the paper, wondering if it was a personal letter from the emperor, and looked at Kaisel after seeing what was written on the paper.

“It’s a dragon.”

“I know. But this…”

“My father told me to tell you. Since the fact that you were born with dragon blood has already spread, it seems that you have been looking for something like this for a while.”

Evan, hearing the name of the dragon, nodded his head.

As much as he used the Dragon Word in the last fight, he was fully aware of the extent of its power.

She didn’t know that maybe he would be more efficient than using the light spirit.

From noble mtl dot com

As for the problem, it’s about the upcoming Scarlet Therazane.

‘Should I get involved with the crown prince again?’

Evan looked at Kaisel. She was still the one enjoying the promiscuous life,

She heard rumors lately that she was slowly cutting back on that behavior.

A change in his demeanor could seemingly be positive… But if it leads him to hook up with Scarlett.

‘Maybe I need to keep an eye on it.’

The first appearance of Scarlett was in the spring of next year, so Evan thought it would be okay to slow down a bit.

If they were involved, they needed to be vigilant. Irene was no longer a villain,

Although there was no room for anything to do with annihilation.

Nevertheless, the fact that Scarlett is the heroine of the world in this novel was no different from a big variable.

Besides, isn’t it already a development that is quite different from the original?

The original work didn’t even cover this point,

Even after Scarlett appeared, Roman remained intact. Ironically,

Considering that it was Roman who actively helped the Crown Prince and Scarlett in the novel…

‘It’s… It’s changed a lot.’

To the extent that this change is awkward, to the extent that I feel that there is something.

After thinking about Scarlett for a while, Evan noticed that Irene’s eyes had grown cold and smiled lightly.

Of course, Irene just glanced at Evan and crossed her arms.



“What were you thinking?”

Irene frowned when she saw Evan’s shoulders tremble.

When Evan reacts like that, it’s because she’s doing something wrong.

Recently, Irene was stimulated by a woman’s sense that she often felt.

As Irene grabbed Evan’s hand, Evan smiled awkwardly and looked at her Irene.

“If you keep doing that.”

“If you keep doing that…?”

Evan asked carefully, and Irene, who was pondering for a moment, naturally licked her lips.

If you’re thinking of something else, it’s best to make it impossible to think of anything else.

Irene recalled the contents of a book she had briefly read before and looked at Evan intently.

Evan swallowed, recalling the gaze that was slightly different from just now, the look in his eyes the night before.

“…You should get scolded.”

There was no mention of being scolded, but somehow Evan blushed as if he knew the meaning of the word scolded.

Irene smiled wryly at Evan’s reaction, and eventually drank the darjeeling from the teacup.

She held her scent close to her nose and felt it,

Irene, who was trying to enjoy her scent quietly, suddenly frowned.

She asked for the tea leaves she used to drink, so I thought she would feel the same scent.

Strangely enough, she felt that the taste was dull today.

Somewhat fishy, yet slightly subtle taste.

Even though she drank again, Irene put down the teacup at the scent that did not change.

Called her maids around her and ordered her to follow her car again.

“Shall I bring another Darjeeling leaf?”


Irene wasn’t done drinking yet, so she looked at her darjeeling with her lips, then she pursed her lips again.

“Lemon tea, please.”


For some reason, she thought it was sour.

Became the Escort Knight of the Villain in the Romance Novel

Became the Escort Knight of the Villain in the Romance Novel

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
I, who felt sorry for the villain in the novel, became her escort knight.


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not work with dark mode