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Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer chapter 125

125 – Imperial Family (5)

Jeobeok, Jeobeok.

A long corridor in the imperial castle. It was a complicated passageway that those who were not familiar with it could sometimes get lost, but there was no hesitation in the gait of the young man currently walking through the passageway.

Rather, it would be nice to say that it is quite confident.

Don’t get lost. As if he knew his destination clearly, the young man continued along the road and eventually arrived in front of a door.

The young man’s name is Lucius.

The second prince of the empire returned to the imperial castle after almost half a year and stood at the door of a particularly deserted hallway.

“… ….”

And after a moment of hesitation, I grab the door handle.

Lucius soon opened the door and went inside.

Kkeak… ….

As if to prove that there weren’t that many people going in and out through the door, the hinges creaked with an ear-scratching noise.

Another interior beyond the door.

The scene that eventually emerged was, in fact, a bit unfair to call it an interior.

There is a lot to say, but one thing first.

Outside sunlight was entering that space.

The reason is not much. This is because the ceiling itself was surrounded by translucent glass.

Why was such an element necessary for the interior of the imperial castle?

That’s because this was the only greenhouse in the imperial castle.

In other words, a botanical garden.

For Lucius, it was one of the few places where he could reminisce about his childhood.

A variety of fruit trees whose names I have not yet memorized, a flower garden filling the area, a pond created to grow a few aquatic plants…….

All of those things were Lucius’s memories, treasures that reminded him of old nostalgia.


After the sound of inadvertently stepping on the blue-green vines that had grown out, silence fell in the space for a moment.

Suddenly, Lucius closed his eyes.

The moment he entered this space, what he felt was something that could be called ambivalence in name and reality.

It would be nice if it were just memories, but that’s not everything.

In my heart that is slowly becoming fainter, what is blooming deep within is a slightly more desperate emotion.

If I had to put it into words, it would have been nice to say it was nothing more than heartbreak.

“…… Phew.”

Soon Lucius opened his eyes. And he exhales, trying to shake off the heavy emotions that were filling his insides.

It wasn’t easy, but we did it first.

I couldn’t go see his mother with such impure feelings.

Soon Lucius took his steps again.

We go through the plants and bushes that have not been maintained for a long time, but still retain their clear vitality.

I walked and walked like that, reminiscing and ruminating on memories, until I arrived at the foot of a large tree.

It was particularly large compared to other trees, but since it was located at the end of the greenhouse, other plants were not affected by the shade.

Lucius walked under the giant tree and eventually stood in front of a monument.

“… ….”

His facial expression was not very good as he could not speak easily.

When it comes to reunion, it was a reunion, but what comes to mind is not just joy, but a more complex mix of joy and sorrow.

On the tombstone.

There was no text written like this. Because the person buried there hoped for that kind of ending.

Lucius knelt down on one knee, struggling to suppress the sigh that was threatening to rise up within him.

The hand that lightly sweeps the monument is very careful.

After some thought, Lucius tried to open his mouth. Even though it may be out of reach, I wanted to tell you something meaningless.



Lucius’ movements suddenly and unnaturally stopped.

It was a sudden incident, but it was also a moment.

A cold emotion and an unthinkable weight appeared on Lucius’s face.

“Come out.”

Those were the first words that escaped my lips.

In other words, there was no one else around him.

“I would have told you never to set foot in this place again, I’m sure.”

But Lucius said. He spoke and summoned mana.

It creates momentum as if it will explode at any moment.

His eyes twinkled fiercely.

In the silence, Lucius’ hand rotated mana as if he would move immediately if given the opportunity.


It was then that a light laugh suddenly rang out in the otherwise quiet greenhouse.

“I was hiding because I was hiding, but I didn’t expect to get caught. Somehow, it seems like you’ve become stronger than the last time I saw you.”

Lucius was silent, but just turned his head.

A man was suddenly standing there.

It’s standing right in front of you, but you can’t really feel its presence. Even if I tried to put it in a nice way, the person whose presence was not pleasant was a silver-haired man.

Silver hair that looks exactly like Lucius.

Needless to say, it was a symbol of the imperial family.

“It’s been a while, Lucius. “I was very sad to go back to the academy without even seeing him half a year ago.”

He approached Lucius with a bright smile. First of all, he seemed to be not much different in age from Lucius.

So to speak, he is a young man…….


“Anyway, you’re still saying harsh things. Although this is a space given to you, in other words, isn’t it also my mother’s legacy? “There’s no reason why I can’t come in, hahahaha.”

It’s hard to explain, but the man had a strangely ominous trait.

Is it the appearance or the voice?

Where on earth does that ominous energy come from, and how does it captivate those who see it?


Lucius looked into his man’s ‘eyes’ and gritted his teeth.

For others, it may just be a feeling.

It means that it is common to think that it is just a feeling and an illusion.

That’s right, the man’s status was second only to the emperor in this empire.

No matter how strange the energy was, I was in such an absolute position that I couldn’t dare to speak of it.

But not Lucius.

He knew. About the true nature of her man and about her horrendous sin.

“I dare you.”

Crown Prince, Jerome Romaneia el Pale.

He was Lucius’ brother, but now he was the target of a decade-long revenge.

“What shame do you have for calling her mother?”

The mana gathered to explode was never released.

However, Lucius did not care that his arm was slightly dull and dead, and just glared at his brother.

And the energy that appeared in those eyes was not something that would normally occur when a younger brother looks at his older brother.

Murderous intent.

Lucius let out an exasperated voice as if he wanted to tear the man in front of him to pieces right now if he could.

“Demon bastard.”

“… ….”

“It doesn’t matter if others don’t believe it. “I am the only one who knows your true identity.”

Every time Lucius said a word, Jerome smiled brightly as if he was delighted.

It’s as if it doesn’t matter even if it contains murderous intent, as if he likes it the way it is.

“…… “Someday, I will do whatever it takes to make you reveal your ugly true face.”

That was about it. Lucius also twisted his mouth with the same distorted expression and looked directly at Jerome with the same deep vengeance.

It was a smile so miserable that it could not be described in words.

“I will make you pay for your sins, murderer. “I mean this.”

As if those were the last words, as if there were nothing more to say. Lucius clenched his fist for a split second before turning around.

Because I no longer wanted to be in the same space as Jerome.

Jerome also did not take the trouble to capture Lucius.

He just shrugged his shoulders.

However, he looked at Lucius’s back until the end. He never takes his eyes off, persistently, constantly.

A dark red light appeared in his eyes.


Jerome soon smiled.

“Just try your best. Brother.”

Over his shoulder as he muttered to himself, at some point, a ferocious black energy was stirring.


“A week ago, something big almost happened in Yeongsan in the east. “It is a fact that everyone who is in the know already knows.”

A larger space than the reception room shown the day before, and an interior filled with colorful lights.

To put it simply, it was a banquet hall.

“The resurrection of Sangun, who must have died decades ago. It could have turned into a bigger problem, but fortunately it was resolved without any major damage. “Today, I would like to introduce you to these young heroes.”

The structure of the banquet hall was simpler than expected. Should I say that it is just an ordinary, luxurious banquet hall for nobles?

However, that did not mean that the luxurious atmosphere inside was diminished.

Regardless of the simple structure, from the beginning, each and every person gathered in this banquet hall was no different from a high-ranking noble.

“That sword saint, Marquis Reinhard Ten, said it himself. “If it weren’t for the students at the academy, his spiritual mountain definitely wouldn’t have been able to prevent this disaster without causing damage to this extent.”

More than anything, isn’t this a place where the emperor himself appeared?

Of course, if you ask me, I can say that it is a position I have never experienced as a small citizen.

‘It’s so uncomfortable that I can’t enjoy it properly. ‘I guess I’m not the type to party.’

Anyway, the best I could do was to blend in with the crowd and be buried in the atmosphere.

Of course, sooner or later the time will come when I have to step forward.

It is truly inevitable. I didn’t want it, but I couldn’t help it because I wasn’t in a position to refuse it or do anything at will.

The reason the emperor gathered students in the first place was very simple.

“Okay then. “His arms are bent inwards. I feel a little embarrassed, but I will put my children’s achievements first.”

So, this is praise for the amazing students who prevented the disaster(?) Called Sangun.

The first hitters were none other than the emperor’s two children.

“The prince and princess should come before me.”

According to the emperor’s call, Lucius and Eve climbed onto the platform, and the emperor’s expression, who was sitting on the throne at the end, softened considerably.

What follows are words of praise and praise that may be boring.

For accomplishing a difficult task, or for being proud of the prince and princess as their father. As those lines continued, a slightly boring time passed.

While the emperor’s words continued, which some people might consider glorious, of course I did not focus on that part.

Of course. What I had to look at was the emperor himself.

These are not useless words spouted by the emperor.

‘…… I don’t feel anything in particular. ‘It’s just normal.’

I stared at the emperor with narrowed eyes, pretending to be as calm as possible, without showing any sign of vain.

The gaze I looked at Lucius and Eve, who were waiting on one knee in front of me, was usually that of their father.

There is nothing suspicious about anything. Of course, I didn’t think he would show off in a situation where so many eyes were focused on him, but-.

More than anything else, what made the atmosphere cool was that not even the slightest negative energy could be felt around the emperor.

I lifted the thunderbolt slightly to check, and once again, there was no musical instrument. I felt a magical power that I couldn’t easily see, but it was closer to an ordinary pure energy.

In the end, it seemed impossible to tell whether the emperor was a demon or not by simply looking.

‘Well, it can’t be helped.’

I decided to obediently agree even though I was losing my appetite.

Well, things won’t work out that easily.

‘If you become an advanced minecraftian, it will be possible to hide the instrument…….’

In any case, it seemed unlikely that Mine, who had made a direct contract with the Three Kings, would be capable of that level.

I had an expectation, but perhaps it would be right to withhold judgment for now.

Anyway, whether I was watching the emperor diligently or not, the atmosphere of the ceremony was gradually ripening.

After Lucius and Eve, the emperor called us one by one and gave us medals with a few words of honor.

‘Even if something is really great, it doesn’t really feel like it.’

From what I heard in advance, it was said to be one of the most honorable medals a subject of the empire could receive, but of course it was not something I could feel.

Oh, I thought the gold brooch itself was cool. The drawn lion pattern looks pretty cool.

‘Was I the next one after Nick?’

Anyway, my turn came quickly. Even if there were thirty-two in number, each one did not take that long of time.

Nick, uncharacteristically nervous, returned to his seat after facing the emperor.

And then he gave me a look, so I also adjusted my clothes and headed up to the stage.

From noble mtl dot com

I guess I can’t help but feel nervous for some reason.

It was natural since I was meeting the emperor, but I thought there was no need to be scared, so I decided to just have a bold attitude.

With all eyes focused on him, he climbed the short stairs in two steps and stood in front of the emperor.

As described, he looked at the appearance that did not match his age, so to speak, looking like an adolescent similar to his child Lucius, and then lowered his posture, albeit clumsily.

I’m not used to it, though. Still, I tried my best.

…… So, get down on one knee first, and bow your head only slightly. Did you say it felt like putting your left arm down and your right arm on your bent knee?

I’m not familiar with the etiquette, so it may seem a bit sloppy to others, but what can you do?

I did the best I could, and soon, when the Emperor opens his mouth, I will just pretend to listen and then put on the brooch and go home.

So I waited.

This is the time when the emperor opens the conversation first and briefly utters a historical drama-like phrase such as ‘I am so happy’ or ‘I am devastated.’

First of all, that was my plan.

“… ….”

“… ….”

“… ….”

“…… ?”

Why? Even compared to when other guys were awarded medals, the emperor’s gap seems noticeably longer.

I couldn’t see his expression because he had his head down, but of course I could tell that he was keeping his mouth shut.

I raised my head ever so slightly, once again suppressing the tension that kept creeping out.

To the point where it’s barely noticeable, to the point where you can just glance at it… ….

He turned his gaze towards the emperor.

“… ….”

I was able to confirm it right away. His expression, his complex complexion.

And even his extremely shaking eyes looking at me.

‘…… ‘Why is this guy like this?’

From my perspective, it was a very embarrassing reaction.

It seems true that he is looking at me, but was there really a reason for the emperor to react this way when he saw me?

I looked at the surrounding atmosphere, unable to hide my confusion.

As expected, it seems I am not the only one who noticed the emperor’s strange behavior.

The hall was starting to get more and more noisy, and not only the gathered nobles but also my friends were looking at me and the emperor with suspicion.

For me, it’s a moment I can’t help but feel uncomfortable about.

“…… “How can you?”

Finally, the emperor’s lips parted.

A short, interrupted word.

He moved his lips for no reason for a moment, then looked down at me with a strange hesitation.

His trembling eyes were still the same.

I didn’t know the reason, but-.

The emperor was now showing his considerable astonishment as well as disbelief on his face.

“…… No way, you.”

Soon the emperor muttered.

He looks at me and just mutters.

“Dante, what’s more?”

So, he said my name.


I put a question mark. It’s not just a question mark. One, two, three.

As many as three were launched at the same time.

No, of course I am Dante, but this.

‘Why is this guy shaking like this?’

“…… Okay.”

Immediately after that, the events that followed proceeded really smoothly.

First of all, there is an additional comment from the emperor that further increases my confusion.

“I thought he might be alive.”

“Uh, yes?”

“…… “If that’s the case, then you must have come to kill me.”



And at that very moment, an incomprehensible situation unfolds where things are added again and again, like the ingredients of a sandwich.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar mechanical sound.


[Main Quest]


Needless to say, it was a quest window.


The fourth main episode, [Imperial House] Has begun.

Find the old secret connected to this. The secrets of the imperial family that should not be known are tied to Dante’s body. The clue must be ‘somewhere’ within the imperial castle.

Of course, your rival may be waiting inside such an imperial castle.

When the quest is successful, ‘Dante’s Memories’ can be viewed.


‘…… What?’

And what that quest window was pointing out to me was none other than the secret related to this body. Really surprising.

The past of ‘Dante’, which there was no way to know until now.

I reflexively placed my hand on the back of my neck.

Long, silver hair that covers the neck.

“… ….”

I had no choice but to keep my mouth shut without realizing it.

No way?

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

Became an Academy Self-Inflicted Blackmailer

아카데미 자해 공갈범이 되었다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
I was possessed by a game set in an academy. “You will be able to handle the power of lightning.” “As a sister product, there is a flaming caustic pain.” It seems that one or two screws are missing, but for now, I have obtained a plausible ability. “Hey, calm down! Put down that sword, and I-I will work harder…!” “This choice is not like you! Don’t give up, trust the people around you a little more!” But why are they like this?


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not work with dark mode