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Academy’s PTSD Chaplain chapter 7

7 – 7. Fingers (1)

Tap. Tap. Tap.

The tip of the pen tapped the desk. Laura von Adelheid nervously messed up her hair. Her silky white hair gently split along her fingers.

“…What was that?”

The flower that man showed. It doesn’t leave her mind.

‘Laura von Adelheid. You have a deduction of 10 points.’


From Noble mtl dot com


That man’s expression, endlessly cold. As she remembers the coldness that permeates his very bones, her body shudders. Is that an expression that can be shown in front of a student?

Laura von Adelheid truly didn’t like that man. There was some influence from her father, but it still wasn’t likeable.

“What… are you pretending to be all high and mighty?”

This is the Royal Academy of Caldhea. They say it is the empire’s top, and even the world’s top prestigious academy.

If he is someone who has been employed as a professor at such an academy, shouldn’t he maintain the appropriate dignity?

But what about this man? In her mind, Laura thought of Professor Antonelli.

He did tidy up himself somewhat, but his messy black hair still remained. Sharp eyes that could be seen anywhere. Pale skin. And a cold demeanor.

None of it is likeable.


Of course, Laura knows that what she’s saying now is somewhat forced. The professor might be tired.

But in front of her, it can’t be like that. It’s unacceptable.

Because she is Laura von Adelheid. As her name suggests, she is an Adelheid. The only legitimate daughter of the war hero, Duke Adelheid.

Laura was proud to be a part of that distinguished Adelheid lineage. She always respected her father and tried to resemble him.

Her father is a Grand Magus of the 7th Circle. Claiming to have inherited that blood, Laura is also outstandingly talented, having already achieved the 4th Circle at her young age.


And, there is one problem that makes Laura’s head ache.

Laura raised her head, which was buried in theological books. Numerous theological books piled up on both sides of her, forming a small mountain.

The librarian at the academy library seemed to glance at her with an expression of complaint, but Laura paid it no mind.

“It’s too difficult…! That foolish professor…”

Professor Antonelli’s assignment was excessively challenging. Not everyone in the world could harness divine power. This had been considered common knowledge and an eternal truth for a long time.

Well, special powers like divine power were meant for priests only, right?

‘If that’s the case, then why?’

No one could provide an answer. Just as the fact that 1 plus 1 equals 2 is taken for granted, people don’t bother questioning this truth.

However, Professor Antonelli had thrown a stone labeled ‘why’ into the calm lake of unquestioned thoughts about the essence of theology. Ripples named doubt spread uncontrollably. Like waves endlessly extending like Nautilus, another wave was born within the lake, and this process repeated endlessly.

Laura felt a headache. Even pressing her temple with her fingers was because of this.

No matter how much she searched through theological books, there was no answer to the question Professor Antonelli posed. Most conclusions were either empty or weak. Submitting an assignment with such content would be…

– Laura von Adelheid. Is this the best you can do for the assignment you submitted?


Absolutely not.

That future is unbearable.

While she was determined and about to search the theological books again,

“Excuse me…”

A male student wearing glasses, likely a member of the academy library, approached her. Judging by the color of his tie, he was a sophomore.

“Yes, senior. What’s the matter?”

“Oh, you’re a freshman. Well… it’s almost time to close, and the librarian is getting ready to leave.”

Suddenly, Laura looked out the window. It was already dark outside.

“…Can’t I stay and study alone?”

“Well, that might be difficult. As you know, there’s a curfew for academy students.”


Laura sighed heavily. The male student from the library shivered.

“S-sorry. But it really is closing time, so I can’t help it.”

“No, I’m sorry, senior. I’ll leave.”

“Yeah, thanks. But since it’s the weekend tomorrow, you can come early in the morning and study. We open early on weekends too.”

Laura picked up her bag and stood up. About twenty theology books she had taken from the library were still precariously piled on the desk.

The senior from the library looked teary-eyed. It was only natural; she had to tidy up these books to return to the dormitory.

Laura, who glanced at that sight, immediately pulled out her student ID.

“…Here. Can I borrow this?”

“Borrow…all of it? Are you sure?”

“Is it not allowed?”

“It’s not that it’s not allowed, but…”

Academy students can borrow books from the library without any restrictions. Of course, there is no concern that students will sneakily take the books since they are engraved with powerful anti-theft magic spells.

However, what is worrisome is…

“Aren’t there too many? Can you carry them all?”

“It’s okay. Please just make the borrowing request.”

“Oh, right. Sure.”

Despite her small stature, she had an incredible number of books.

While the senior student went to make the borrowing request, Laura forcefully stuffed the books into her bag.

“…Excuse me, senior.”


In response to Laura’s call, the male student from the library returned, holding her student ID.

“Is there anywhere I can study at this time? The dormitory has the housemaster teacher moving around.”

“Um… night self-study will be supervised by the duty professor from the administration.”

“The administration… I see. Thank you.”

Leaving the library, Laura changed her footsteps towards the administration. Since it would be the weekend anyway, it should be okay to study a little later today.


To get to the administration, she had to walk a long way from this annex building to the main building. Sighing as she struggled with her bulky book bag, Laura continued to walk.

Like that, how long has she walked through the dark corridor?


A slightly open classroom door caught her eye. Strange sounds were coming from between the cracks of the red light seeping out of the classroom door.

The eerie atmosphere emanating from the red light wrapped around her body. However, ironically, she had to pass through this corridor to get to the administration.

Laura discreetly waved her magic wand to erase the sound of her footsteps.

Right now, it was time for everyone, except for a few exceptional students including those from the library, to go back to the dormitory. Who in the world could be left in an unknown classroom at this time?

“…Should I take a peek?”

However, Laura shook her head. It didn’t seem like the act of peeking would produce good results.

She should go to the administration and inform the duty professor. The duty professor would handle it well on their own.

Laura quietly passed by the classroom, carefully avoiding eye contact by focusing all her attention on not looking through the gap in the door. It was because an ominous premonition strongly gripped her for some reason.

Having silently passed the classroom, Laura, filled with relief, let out a sigh.

Suddenly, without realizing it, I turned back.


Crimson pupils. Something on her blood-stained face.

Staring at her. Glancing? Observing. Peering? Watching?

…And then, approaching?

“Gas…! Gasp…!”

Regaining consciousness, she found herself running down the corridor with all her might. The bulky school bag couldn’t be this cruel. She threw the bag anywhere she could.

A tingling sensation ran through her body. The chilly wind brushed against her neck, sending shivers down Laura’s spine. She didn’t stop running.

Principal’s office. Let’s go to the principal’s office. I don’t know what that was, but let’s go to the principal’s office.

Who was the on-duty professor today?

No. That wasn’t important.

What was important was reaching the principal’s office safely. That was all that mattered to Laura.

* * * * *

Square. Square.

The sound of a fountain pen leaving traces on paper can’t be so sweet. I enjoyed the pleasant sound while signing the duty roster. Professor Esther’s signature was engraved next to mine.

As the academy boasts a vast campus, a single professor cannot handle duty without disruptions. Therefore, when on duty at the academy, two professors without classes the next day are usually assigned.

This time, Professor Esther was the one to accompany me during my first duty. She was sitting next to me, reading a paper related to fantasy magic.

At that moment, a middle-aged, bald man, busily gathering documents, cheerfully waved his hand.

“Well, I’ll head home now! Haha!”

“Yes. Thank you for your hard work.”

“Take care~.”

Professor Andres, the second-year summoning magic professor who stayed in the office until the end to hand over duty tasks, left the faculty with a wave. Esther and I waved him off and sat back down.

“Head Priestess! The coffee is ready!”

After Professor Andres left, Sophia, the assistant, energetically entered the faculty office. The fragrant scent of coffee subtly filled the room.

Sophia placed the brewed coffee on the desk, and the three of us—Esther, Sophia, and I—gathered around to sit.

“Whew… It gets cold at night.”

“The temperature difference is significant.”

“Principal Priest, I think you should wear a thicker robe. It’s really cold, and your teeth are chattering.”

“Sophia Subdeacon, it’s still spring.”

“The weather doesn’t feel like spring at all!”

I tilted the coffee cup, savoring its aroma. Normally, I would have opted for tea, but given the situation of staying up all night for duty, coffee seemed more fitting.

As the warm coffee touched my lips, a comforting warmth spread throughout my body. Having quit the medication, finding solace in such simple pleasures felt particularly soothing.

“There are no students doing self-study today.”

“Yes, because it’s the weekend starting tomorrow. Some plan to wake up early and use the training ground.”

In that case, aside from occasional patrols, there wasn’t much for me to worry about. I relaxed in my chair, releasing some tension.

My first duty at the academy. Nothing should go wrong.

Academy’s PTSD Chaplain

Academy’s PTSD Chaplain

아카데미의 PTSD 군종 사제
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
It’s been 10 years since I was possessed by the novel. I, who participated in the terrible war as a military chaplain, survived. Unfortunately, I survived.


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not work with dark mode