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Academy’s PTSD Chaplain chapter 13

13 – 13. Finger (7)



I tightly grasped my right arm, which had suffered a spasm.

Even as I made my way to the Academy chapel, my right hand began to wriggle on its own, beyond my control. Whenever it seemed to subside a little, I desperately held it with my left hand.


I bit down hard on it. The pain was agonizing to the point of dizziness.

Ever since I stopped taking that medicine, I occasionally experience unbearable pain. But it didn’t have to be now.


It was the consequence of using divine power with a wounded body. This was the reason I didn’t want to use divine power.

After injuring my shoulder, using divine power inevitably resulted in this kind of pain. In the past, I could withstand it to some extent with painkillers, but…

Now, there is no medicine. The level of painkiller available is nowhere near enough.

It’s better than nothing, so I secretly reached into the folds of my priestly robe and took out a pill bottle, trembling hands hidden inside.

As I stood still, clutching my arm, the students following behind me and Professor Esther looked at me with concerned eyes. I discreetly hid the pill bottle within my sleeve.

“Are you okay, Professor Lucio?”

“Are you hurting somewhere?”

“Heuh… Hoo…! It’s okay, really… Please, go ahead.”


“I’m fine, so please, move along!”

As I screamed, the students flinched and resumed walking. I bit my lip tightly, feeling a warm and bitter liquid flowing down my chin.


“…I’m… fine… Really… Don’t worry and keep moving.”


For a while, Sophia stayed silent and walked alongside me, before gently grabbing my right hand hidden in her sleeve.

My grotesque right hand, constantly convulsing, and the hidden vial inside were revealed. I closed my eyes tightly and turned my head.

“What does Sophia think?”

She’d probably find it revolting. Like everyone else.

I forcefully pulled my hand away from Sophia. Her lost hand cut through the air.

“…Father-in-charge, what is that medicine?”

“Sophia, I said it’s fine, didn’t I? Please hurry.”

“What is that medicine?”

“It’s a simple… painkiller.”


Sophia, who was walking beside me, glanced behind her. The students whispered to each other with tense expressions, and Professor Esther kept an eye on our surroundings.

“Sophia, it’s really nothing.”

“Alright. I trust you. For now…”

“…Thank you.”

I quickly opened the vial and threw the painkiller into my mouth. It was difficult to swallow without water, but I managed to gulp it down somehow.

After about five minutes of walking…


The effects of the painkiller began to kick in slowly. Feeling a bit relieved, I slowly opened and closed my right hand.


Sophia called out to me. I turned my head towards her.

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“When this is over, please tell me.”

“Sophia’s Episode.”

“Where does it hurt, and why? It’s everywhere. We’ll have to overlook this as part of the episode.”

“…Later. I’ll tell you later.”

I couldn’t bring myself to meet Sophia’s Episode’s face. I turned my head pretending not to care.

I had expected that Sophia’s Episode would find out eventually. But I didn’t want it to happen like this.

I continued walking, chewing on my lips. The feeling of relief gradually spread as the throbbing pain, which had focused on my right arm and shoulder, subsided.

“There! We’re almost there!”

Following Professor Esther’s direction, I turned to the left. Beyond the windows of the annex corridor, the grandeur of the academy’s main hall revealed itself.

“After this is over….”

I thought I should rest deeply over the weekend.

That’s what I thought.

* * * * *

As the head priest of the main hall, I am also in charge of managing it. In other words, it means that the keys to the firmly locked main hall are also in my hands.


Turning the key in my hand, the smoothly engaged lock opened with a cheerful sound. We cautiously pushed open the door of the cathedral.

Professor Esther’s magic had long since disappeared. However, since I had thoroughly examined all the classrooms in the annex on the way here, I considered that I had done my part.

“Let’s check behind the crucifix.”

“Oh, yes.”

We quickly entered the sanctuary.

The sanctuary was quiet. Only the candlelight illuminating the candlesticks and the moonlight peeking through the windows, hiding behind the candelabrum, created a faintly reverent atmosphere. Even this silent sanctuary would be filled with devout believers when the sun rose.

“The crucifix… is that it?”

“It seems so.”

“Just a moment….”

Blocking students who tried to touch the crucifix recklessly, we approached the crucifix cautiously.

“…Lord, today, I repent for committing sins. Please forgive this impoliteness.”

Sophia’s Episode naturally stood on the opposite side of the crucifix. I nodded slowly, placing my hands on the crucifix.

“I’ll take it off.”

“C-Can it be put back together?”

“Don’t worry. Now, let’s go. One, two….”


The solid weight of the large cross was palpable, and simultaneously, there was a sense of something clicking as the cross slowly detached. Sofia and I carefully leaned the raised cross against the wall.

“Oh, wow…!”

“Indeed, there’s some kind of space!”

A space, about the size of a jewelry box, had been hollowed out behind the cross. Daniel and Vivian blinked their eyes, gazing at the scene.

“Well then….”

“…Let’s take out our fingers.”

Amidst the tension, I cautiously drew the cross. Then, I inserted my hand into the hole.

Slowly, very slowly, my hand exploring the depths of the hole, it soon bumped into a solid wall after reaching the depth of my wrist. And there, a finger stained with blood….


Groping cautiously.

I continued to feel the darkness with my hand. However, the only thing my hand touched was a cold and hard wall.


“Could it be… not here?”

“Just wait a moment.”

No matter how much I groped around, there was nothing to catch. After fumbling in the dust pit for a while, I eventually withdrew my hand with a helpless expression.


“Uh… Well, then, what about this hole? There’s nothing here except this place, right?”

“Could it be hidden behind the lights in the annex or something…”


“Isn’t searching all of that too foolish?”

“This is strange…. It looks certain here.”

Certainly, it didn’t seem like someone had randomly drilled a hole behind the cross. It was a neatly cut, cube-shaped hole as if made with a saw.

And then, at that moment.


We quickly turned to the source of the sound. What caught our eyes was…

“…What is it?”

Thud—! Thud—!

The majestic wooden door of the chapel was shaking violently.

And, we could instinctively feel it.


“Jo, Father Giovanni….”

The lingering spirit of Father Giovanni, following us.

I bit my lip, glancing down at my right hand.

Although the seizures that had been occurring intermittently had subsided, my right hand still trembled sporadically. If I were to exert more sacred power with this body…

“Damn it…”

Using more sacred power was no longer feasible. Especially at a time like this.

The situation was reaching its worst.

One fortunate aspect was that, thanks to the effects of the prayers I endured and performed, no student had succumbed to panic yet.

“What should we do? Should we confront it?!”

“Ghosts probably don’t have a physical form. How do we fight?”

“Maybe using magic could be effective?”

Yes, for now. But time was running out.

Due to exploring the annex with Professor Esther’s magic, quite a bit of time had passed.


Suddenly, something dark began oozing slowly from the center of the shaking door. Like something decaying, the ominous energy began to devour the chapel door.

Sophia subdeacon shouted in astonishment.

“W-What…! The door! Father Giovanni! I sense an evil energy from the door!”

“I’m aware too!”

I hurriedly ran to the front of the door, then pulled out the Bible. I kissed the rosary clenched in my left hand, quickly flipped through the Bible. The Bible made a clattering sound as I frantically flipped through its pages.

I might strain my body if I use any more sacred power, but there was no time to measure the consequences now.

“Sophia subdeacon! Do you know about the walls of Teresa?”

Sophia subdeacon, who had run to my side, clenched the rosary and replied.

“Y-Yes, I know!”

“From Chapter 4, Verse 13! Start reciting!”

“But, I still…”

“I’ll supply the sacred power! Hurry!”

After confirming the unfolded passage, I placed the Bible on the ground. Quickly drawing the sign of the cross, I wrapped my hands in the surplice hanging on my neck, then touched the door that was turning pitch black.


Along with a sound resembling something burning, a familiar energy was felt. I was startled.

“A demon…?”

“This corruption is surely the work of the devil. Even as we are astonished, the door is slowly decaying, so I hurriedly recited a Bible verse.

“But look. Descendants of Teria. Even though I had made their crops abundant and their land fertile, your city walls are in a precarious state, for they have succumbed to the whispering of cursed beasts.”

“I established a covenant with you, so they will not be able to overcome the walls of Teria.”

“Furthermore, listen! I will cast their leaders into the fires of hell, as a testament to the holiness of the Lord!”

“At this, the people of Teria were moved and said, even if those who stray from the commandments are tempted by greed to surpass this place, the walls of Teria will remain strong!”


With Sofia’s proclamation, a wave of golden brilliance swept through the worship hall. The decaying door, which had turned pitch black, instantly turned golden and became a solid wall.

However, it was only a momentary sight. Sighs burst forth at the sight of the door turning pitch black once again, starting from the center.


My right arm trembled violently, and a great pain surged through my head, turning it pale. I clenched my teeth and endured it, but eventually I sank to the floor.

“Ugh…! Ack…!”

“Father, High Priest!”

Sophia, her face pale, hurriedly approached. This prayer was a tremendous burden for her. But since this prayer required the presence of multiple priests to have its full effect, there was no choice.

I felt sorry for Sophia. Although I had provided most of the divine power, it must have been a heavy burden for her.

I handed Sophia, whose hair was damp, and spoke.

“Sophia, for now, I will hold on, but I won’t last long!”

“Yes, yes?!”

“I couldn’t infuse much divine power. The prayer is not complete!”

“W-what should we do…? What should we do?!”

The effect of the prayer would soon diminish. We had to find the finger before then, or defeat Giovanni, the High Priest outside the door.


Suddenly, something like lightning flashed through my mind.

I quickly looked at the clock.

The current time is 6:10 AM. In about 20 minutes, the dawn will break. I shouted with all my strength to Daniel.

“Daniel, according to the legend, Giovanni’s soul will disappear when dawn breaks! Is that true?”

“Well, uh…!”

“Is it true or not?”

“Well, yes! It’s true! It was written in the notebook! But, when dawn breaks…!”

The finger will also disappear. I didn’t know when the opportunity to deal with that in-between existence would come again, if ever.

I had only harbored hopeful thoughts that it wouldn’t harm the students. But I was wrong.

Look at him pounding the door even now. A glimpse of bright red eyes flickers through the crack in the door. I pondered why he was having a fit.


I hurriedly looked at the hole behind the cross, but there was nothing there. But…

“Somewhere here, there’s a finger!”

“Father Supervisor! What, what do I do?! What should I do…!”

Sofia subdeacon shook my shoulders frantically, tears welling up in her eyes. I appreciate her concern, but for now, we must deal with the finger.

“Sofia subdeacon! Please find the finger with the students!”

“But, the finger…”



In the meantime, gold began to spread on the door that had been placed on the door. Suddenly, Daniel stepped forward.

“I’ll strengthen the door with a spell!”

Daniel stepped forward, pulling something out from his pocket. He then placed it on the ground.

“…A wooden figurine?”

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It was a bizarre carving with a face that seemed human, yet also resembled that of a beast. It was undoubtedly a magical catalyst often used by the nomads of the East and their descendants.

“Everyone, step back!”

Following Daniel’s command, the students quickly distanced themselves from him. Then, Daniel took out an ink bottle from his pocket and applied the red liquid it contained to the finger.

“The blood of a chicken.”

The chicken’s blood seeped into the figurine, causing it to float in the air. It quickly began to expand in size.

In an instant, the wooden figurine swelled to the size of the cathedral door and slowly embraced the door. It seemed to be absorbed by the door, adhering to the cathedral’s door in an instant.

“We’ve gained some time with this!”

“Well done! Student Daniel!”

Buying time was great. However, the problem was…


“Oh, what…?”

The fact that the figurine broke into pieces at once. The figurine was essentially disposable, leaving only the protective barrier made of prayer.

“Find the finger! Quickly!”

“Yes, yes! I understand!”

Daniel went to find the finger, and Laura, who was also searching for the finger, nervously roamed around the chapel, biting her nails.

“Where on earth is that finger…!”

“In order to find my finger, I forced myself to stand up despite my weak legs. My right arm felt like it was about to fall off.


I looked at the clock. The current time was 6:25. I really had no time.

The sky beyond the windows of the church was already showing glimpses of the blue sky as if the sunrise was about to begin.

“Professor Lucio! I can’t find it no matter how hard I look!”

“Professor! It’s not here either!”

Esther and Laura approached me with disappointed expressions.

“Damn…. Where could it be!”

I thought. I thought….

In the shadow of the brightest place. Shadows only reveal their form when there is light.

I looked at the hole in the place where the cross used to be. The inside of the hole was still filled with darkness.

“The brightest….”

Could the brightest thing not be the cross? As confusion filled my mind.

Through the window that was pierced in the high place of the worship hall, a faint ray of sunlight sparkled.

And I saw it.


That thin and small beam of light, precisely illuminating the inside of the hole.

In that moment when the beam of light shone, the silhouette of a finger that appeared.

“The brightest place. The brightest light is undoubtedly heavenly grace.”

The sun is the grace of the heavens. It makes crops grow and gives light to life.

The identity of the brightest light was revealed.

“Father, Father-in-charge?!”

I staggered forward and approached the hole. And I checked the clock.

6:30 AM. It was the time when dawn was breaking.


“There! The finger!”

“Oh my goodness…!”

And, it was.

Was it magic? Or a divine miracle?

In that fleeting moment, as dawn began to break, a single ray of early morning sunlight shone through the hole.

The withered and hardened fingers revealed their appearance. I immediately grabbed those fingers.

“I got it…!”

And at the same time.


With one last big vibration, the sound of the pounding on the door faded away. The decaying door, slowly rotting, also ceased to decay.

I slowly took steps towards the door. And soon, when I opened the door to the church, what I saw was…

“It’s gone.”

Far away, the only thing visible was the sun rising, coloring the sky in various hues.

I kneeled down. Sophia subjecame running and held my left arm, shaking it while shedding tears.

“Father In-Charge! We did it! We defeated that devil…!”

“Thank you for your hard work, Sister Sophia.”

“Father, Father In-Charge! But what about your body? Are you okay?!”

“Sister Sophia…”

Sophia, with a worried expression on her face, faced me. I weakly smiled.

“Could you do me a favor?”


Together with Sophia’s bewildered expression, my body slowly leaned towards her direction.

Before my vision turned dark, the last thing I saw was…

“Professor! Professor…!”

“Professor Lucio—!”

Professor Esther and the students rushed towards me.

And Sophia’s clear, transparent tears.

Academy’s PTSD Chaplain

Academy’s PTSD Chaplain

아카데미의 PTSD 군종 사제
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
It’s been 10 years since I was possessed by the novel. I, who participated in the terrible war as a military chaplain, survived. Unfortunately, I survived.


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not work with dark mode