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Academy Slave Instructor chapter 77

77 – Rescue


When Lydia was captured, Asran and Zeroa ran away with Drex and the others trying to escape.

Almost kidnapped, Pia, who was being dragged by Aslan, twists her head and escapes from her hand to block her mouth.

“f*ck, let go! You bastard!!”

Pia, who kicked Aslan in the stomach with a curse, managed to escape and fell face down on the dirt floor.

Dirty with her dust, she jumps up and stares at her as if to kill her, but Aslan doesn’t care and looks behind her to see if anyone is pursuing her.

“Yeah… Yes, you are, but why is Drex running away?!”

Pia’s arrows of anger rain down on Drex.

The other two weren’t original members, so even if Lydia was caught, there’s no reason to risk her life. The world of adventurers is not warm enough to take risks for the sake of someone you meet for the first time.

But Drex is different.

We lived together as adventurers for several years. There is trust built up over the years, but a person called a leader shouldn’t abandon Lydia so ruthlessly.

Drex receives Pia’s sharp gaze with a drawn expression.

“He said he could get it.”


At the nervous question, Drex looked at Zeroa.

Like Pia, he tried to run away as soon as Lydia caught the cultist.

But Zeroa said she shouldn’t go out and grabbed Drex by the waist.

Drex, angry, tried to take Zeroa away, but his voice was calm.

‘I can get it. But I can’t leave now.’

It wasn’t a look of fear, nor a selfish look that only thought of one’s own safety. He was honest and straight-eyed, as if there was no lie in what he said.

Persuaded by those eyes, Drex watched Lydia painfully as she was being captured by the cultists, then turned to her.

Pia, unaware of being kidnapped by Aslan without persuasion, follows Drex’s gaze and turns her head.

Zeroa and Aslan were talking with the map open.

“It wasn’t at the level of the regular army, was it?”

“Yes, the chain of command was not unified. The militia… No, I guess you could assume the vigilantes.”

The two discuss without even looking at Drex and Pia.

I even drew the layout of the village’s buildings in detail, which I had only seen briefly, and even wrote down the number of heretics who came out.

“The central building we took Lydia into has quite a few windows. I haven’t checked the other side, so I’m not sure, but there must be more underground.”

“Usually the prison is underground.”

Zeroa draws another underground space and draws the expected interior of the building.

“I’m not confident in architecture, but maybe the inside feels like this? Do you have any other opinions?”

“No, I don’t know because I didn’t listen to that human lecture. Let’s assume that I drew it now.”

“Yes, let’s go.”

After talking among themselves, Zeroa turned her gaze to Drex and Pia, who were staring at each other.

“Let’s go back to rescue Lydia.”


The two, unable to keep up with the conversation, are silent.

“…Why did you run away if you’re going back?!”

As Pia, who came to her senses belatedly, spoke with a frown on her face, Aslan, who was examining her surroundings, answered.

“That way, the base’s soldiers will fall to pursue us. And if we ran at that time, we would have been threatened with hostages.”


“As Mr. Asran said, the number of people inside should have decreased by now following the traces of our escape. It is not a regular army, but rather, it is expected that the alert level has been lowered, so it will be easy to invade. Of course, we will have to check.”

Zeroa kindly explained one more time, but Pia and Drex, who didn’t know much about military tactics, couldn’t find words to answer.

It can’t be said that the grades are good, but the two who received the elite training of the academy quickly formulate a plan as they learn.

It’s so natural that I’m confused whether it’s Zeroana, who was clumsy until now, or Aslan, who looked stupid.

“Oh, one person has to go to call for help. Which of the two of you can run longer?”

At Zeroa’s words, Drex and Pia looked at each other.

“I’ll send Pia.”

“What are you talking about? I’m not lost. I’ll save Lydia with my own hands.”

“I’m the leader. A party member is in danger, and I have to go. The situation is too dangerous…”

“It’s dangerous, so what? What are you saying? It’s dangerous, so you’re telling me to abandon my comrades and run away? Do I look like such an idiot?”

“I’m sorry…”

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The two are about to start a heated argument, but Zeroa interjects quietly.

“Right now, it doesn’t matter if you’re a leader or a colleague.”

Zeroa’s words were calm as she carefully embraced them.

“What we need now is someone who can run long and be the first to alert the garrison. If you take off your gear, Mr. Drex will be the first to arrive, won’t you?”

“But I…”

“Yes, we have to save Lydia. She can be saved if each person does the part they do best.”

When she says that it doesn’t matter that she has to take risks as a leader rather than not giving up on her comrades, Drex looks blankly at Zeroa.

The cold words of the person who is most likely to be affected by those emotions felt eerie.

“If you wait, you’ll catch up. You have to move right away.”

At Asran’s words, Drex had no choice but to accept the role.

After leaving the satisfied Pia in the rescue team, Zeroa approaches Drex who is taking off her armor and gives her request.

“Please leave as many traces as possible.”

Even though I didn’t know the tactics, I could understand what he said. From now on, he must serve as both a messenger and a decoy.

Make the pursuers easily find the trail and keep pursuing them.

“Tell the garrison that the academy academy student was captured. That way the garrison will move more easily.”

The value of an academy academy student is greater than that of an adventurer. In particular, the treatment of the academy students in Legandia was extraordinary.

At Zeroa’s words to use the cruel truth, Drex nodded her head and ran without looking back at her.

After cleaning up, Zeroa, Aslan, and Pia take a detour and head back to the village without leaving a trace.

* * *

Lydia shudders, feeling the cold stone floor on her cheek as her hazy mind returns from her slumber.

Blinking for a moment, she remains motionless and only rolls her eyes to examine the situation.

It is dark and damp. She was rusty, but the sturdy iron bars were visible, and the only dark space, except for a torch in the hallway, had no light.

Realizing that she has been imprisoned, Lydia pulls herself up, laughing that she was useless.

“You’ve come to your senses.”

Outside the iron bars stood men wearing hoods.

She ignores the sullen man, and Lydia sighs as she looks around her.

“You’ve been captured… Now I’m being trained and turned into a slave to the heretics…”


“Are you being raped from morning till night and turned into a sow? I don’t like it – I can’t stand it when you poke it like that.”


“I hate it! You’re going to corrupt me to the bone, make me a body that can’t live without a cock, and then offer it as a sacrifice at the end?! I’m going to insult you here and there with my tentacles and forcefully pour the white, sticky liquid into your belly!”

At Lydia’s cry, the men outside looked at each other in silence and then put the tray they were holding into the iron grate.

There is not enough food in the tray.

“Brainwashing with drugs is too much!”

The men stare at Lydia, who covers her breasts and shouts, and leaves without a word.

“Are all kids these days like that?”

“I don’t know, the youthful things are all over the place, tsk tsk. End of the day, end of the century. What a promiscuous life you’ve lived. Kertasine-nim must purify the world quickly.”

“Ah- Lady Kertasine-“

Unexpectedly normal men who are pagans worshiping evil spirits disappear into the other side of the dark hallway worrying about the world.

If you remove the title of evil god, you are no different from a normal priest.

Lydia, staring at the dark hallway with her eyes wide open at the unexpected atmosphere, checks the tray they gave her.

It is hard because it has been made for a long time, but there are no strange medicines in it.

It’s just tasteless bread.

I took a small bite and waited to see what kind of medicinal effect it would have, but nothing was wrong.

Only then does Lydia, who is chewing on the bread little by little, sits in her corner and thinks about the situation.

Her colleagues left.

Maybe it wasn’t thrown away. Still, there was a time we spent together, but it hurts so much to think that I threw it away.

Since there were a lot of heretics, I retreated and went to inform the Imperial Army.

Since there was no one else in the prison and she didn’t say that she had captured her comrades, she must have safely retreated to Legandia.

Thinking that Drex and Pia will return with the city garrison tonight at the earliest or around dawn at the latest, Lydia decides to wait patiently.

It was pretty cool to see my colleagues rushing to save me as soon as I fell into danger.

And then I think of the two who withdrew while drying them roughly.

If you think about it calmly, that’s right, but I can’t help but feel sad.

“Sheesh, how ruthlessly abandoned.”

It doesn’t matter since the scary-looking Aslan is supposed to be like that, but it was a bit shocking to see Zeroa, who seemed kind and innocent, do everything in her power to stop Drex.

Was she so reluctant to take risks?

“Zeroa, you bastard. I hate you for being so good to me!”

“Yes? Did you call me?”

When Zeroa came out of the darkness and answered, Lydia was startled and she bounced like a cat and then she clung to the wall.

I wonder if she is seeing what she sees, or if she is seeing an illusion. Lydia, in disbelief, looks at him with wide eyes in amazement.


“Yeah, how did you know I came? I thought I was hiding well, but it’s difficult to be stealth.”

Lydia, who nodded her head calmly and stared blankly at Zeroa, who was reflecting on her, hesitantly approached her grate.

“Did you come to save me?”

“Yes, of course I have to come get them.”

Seeing her bright smile, Lydia grabs her chest and collapses.

“Lee, Lydia. Are you okay?”

“No.. My heart hurts so much. I got a heart attack.”

“What happened to you? Here’s a potion, would you like some?”

“No, no. It’s not okay… Can you lend me a hand? I think it’ll get better if you fix it for a while.”

Zeroa hesitates in bewilderment as Lydia stretches her hand out of her bars with a seductive smile.

Asking him to touch her for a moment meant touching her breasts, so it was too much of a challenge for him who was not immune.

Then another hand rises in his place.

It is a small and delicate hand with a raised middle finger.

“It sucks.”

“What, are you here too?”

Lydia, who brushed off Pia’s hands as if they were on her back, frowned.

She is annoyed at Pia for interfering, but a smile hangs on Lydia’s lips as if she feels happy that she came to save her.

“Then let’s escape. It’s a pity that Lydia’s equipment is not in her basement. I couldn’t find it.”

“It’s okay, her life is more important than her equipment. Where did you find the key?”

“No, I didn’t even find the key.”

“Huh? Then how?”

Aslan approaches Lydia, who is dumbfounded at the word that she does not have the key.

As if proving the idea, Aslan holds on to the iron door and frowns.


When Aslan pulls with all his might, an unpleasant sound is heard and the door starts to open little by little.

“Can I help you?”


She is gritting her teeth, her pronunciation is not very good, but when she understands that she is better off alone, Zeroa steps back again.

As the iron grate he is holding bends little by little, Lydia gets scared for some reason and backs away a little from her.

When he pulled as hard as he could, frowning on his arrogance, the iron bars were ripped off, and Aslan, unable to overcome his strength, fell backwards as if being thrown.

I didn’t open the door, but when one of the iron bars I was holding was pulled out, there was space for the skinny person to pass through.

Lydia, who managed to get out of the body, is hugged by Zeroa, and Aslan, who has not received any praise for his efforts, is swinging an iron pipe in the air with a complicated expression, and Pia hits him on the back.

“You orc, you’re so strong.”

“I told you, sufficiently developed muscles…”

“Stop talking about that because it’s weird.”

Pia, who stopped Asran’s words, kicked the butt of Lydia, who was scolding her, and handed over the bow and arrow she had brought.

“Yes, with a bow I can do my part.”

“Please do your part. Don’t get arrested for acting like a guest.”

“What do you mean, it’s just bad luck.”

After checking her condition by flicking her bowstring, Lydia argues with Pia and follows Zeroa.

On the way to the prison, you can see dead bodies in the hallway as if you had already killed the guards.

Most of the heads were recessed beyond recognition, so it was easy to tell who was doing it.

Seeing her grievous corpse, Lydia glances sideways at her and sees a little fear in Pia’s eyes as she watched her scene.

She doesn’t need to say anything, but Lydia shuts her mouth and she silently follows.

“I don’t like it…”

“Yes, I already noticed.”

The two look up at the top of the stairs and talk.

I’m not sure, but when Lydia listens to her, she hears someone over the stairs going upstairs.

A large number of people were blocking the escape route, as if they had already invaded, and Aslan pulled out the sword that was cut in half and looked at Zeroa.

“Are you okay? I have to fight people.”

“……Yes, it’s something I’ve been preparing for since then.”

Asran is worried about Zeroa, who has no experience in killing people, but he nods her head as if he is determined.

I can’t become a burden again like I did back then. One such experience is enough.

Taking her heart, Zeroa pulls out her sword and shield and takes her stance.

As Pia and Lydia prepared to fight and calmed down, Aslan took a step ahead and spoke.

“As far as I checked earlier, there weren’t any strong guys. But if I can’t break through, I’ll come back and break down the passage. Our goal is to break through. Otherwise, we’ll hold out until the relief army arrives.”

“Speak like a leader when it comes to tinkering.”

Hearing what Pia said, Aslan shrugged his shoulders and gathered mana.

“Stone Tornado.”

Mighty mana spewed out from Asran’s greatsword and pulled in the surrounding stones.

Across the walls and ceiling, the stones that were ripped off were swirling around the short greatsword, and Aslan prepared to run.

“Hey, hey… Asran-kun?”


Athlan looks back with a wonderful smile, but Zeroa looks frightened.

“If you use it here… It will… Collapse…”


It’s a technique that makes the whole place so messed up that Mr. Tennon, who was the stage manager for the martial arts competition, cried.

It’s an old building that still needs repairs, but there’s no way it can survive because stones are randomly pulled out.

The ceiling shaking and pouring out dust, the urgent voices of people upstairs who sensed danger, and the people around them blankly staring at them.

Athlan, who only rolled his eyes here and there, said quietly.


“You fool!”

At the same time as Pia’s cry, the four of them start running desperately toward the stairs.

Academy Slave Instructor

Academy Slave Instructor

아카데미 노예 강사
Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
war hero. become an academy instructor


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not work with dark mode