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A War Hero With No Regrets chapter 47

47 – What is important (4)

Why eeenn!!

Within a few minutes of receiving her message, the lodgings where Julia was staying were in chaos.

Emergency sirens sounding in the middle of the night and people running out of their rooms in a fit of panic trying to figure out the situation.

Julia and Werner left the room and went their separate ways without saying a word to each other.

‘Please contact me regarding this issue as well.’

Werner Grime was able to read those words in Julia’s distant eyes.

Anyway, it is a nuclear explosion.

He heard shocking news that Graveyard Fortress was involved in Leia’s campaign, but Werner still knew what was important.

I feel like I want to turn the nose of the helicopter right away and go to the Graveyard.

But I couldn’t do that.

In addition to his position as Director of the Security Strategy Bureau, he also had the obligation as a returnee to see to the end of this world.

What is important?

Even without saying anything, my body was already moving.

Werner Grime returned to the Eastern Branch of the Security Strategy Bureau that way.

The liaison officer on duty was contemplating something different from a few hours ago.

“Be, be, Director Werner… !”

“So that personnel can be urgently summoned to stand by. “Level 1 combat readiness has been issued to the entire military.”

“Is this another war? ?”

The liaison officer asked in a despairing voice.

Werner closed his eyes for a moment and then answered.

“Maybe so.”


When I came, I held the control myself, but when I left, I couldn’t hold the control.

From the Security Bureau headquarters to the Supreme Command and the Imperial Military Intelligence Command, which was closely cooperating in its own way.

This was because it was difficult just to receive a constant barrage of calls and texts.

“Is this a nuclear explosion?”

“Yes, a local informant directly confirmed this. “One of Bostania’s iconic cities was blown away.”

Saint Francis.

A huge research city that led the way in cutting-edge technology before the Great War.

The whole thing flew away?

Werner Grime was suddenly overcome by a dizzying feeling.

The last terrorist attack targeting national leaders was more than enough to become a catalyst for war….

“Is it an accident? Is it terrorism? Or is it an attack?”

“We are investigating the exact circumstances, but we cannot rule out the possibility that anti-government forces seized the weapon and detonated it.”

“Please tell me as soon as the information is updated. If we find out anything, we will share it with you.”

“Damn it…. All right. Thank you for your hard work.”

Confusion, fear, helplessness.

The call with the Intelligence Command ended with a sigh filled with various emotions.

“Whoa…” .”

When I cut off communication, I felt dizzy.

A nuclear explosion.

Of course, it does not mean that nuclear weapons were never used.

In this episode alone, not only conventional atomic bombs, but also hydrogen bombs and neutron bombs.

Even weapons that had been classified as nuclear weapons and completely banned before the war were used without hesitation.

Titans were basically living organisms that seemed to have mechanical equipment attached to their organisms.

Basically, unless the object had thick armor, it was vulnerable to explosions, and at the same time, it was also vulnerable to EMP that occurs when nuclear weapons are used.

As a result, nuclear weapons that could devastate a large area at once were seen as a game changer that could solve an unfavorable war situation with one blow.

Of course, it could not be used often due to the side effect of radiation.

It is excellent at capturing titans, but since the entire area is contaminated with radiation, it is not possible to deploy troops to reclaim the territory.

‘But if there is no need to restore the area… ?’

If it was really the rebels who exploded it, it would be fortunate.

The situation that was already happening in Bostania was not acknowledged by the Bostanian emergency cabinet, but it was an established fact that it was a civil war.

In fact, St. Francis is a representative pro-government city.

In addition, since it was one of the strategic bases where the Republic’s 4th Arsenal was located, there is a clear possibility that the rebels struck it with a nuclear weapon from unknown sources.

But there were too many strange things to believe that.

The biggest goal of the Bostanian rebels was to recapture more areas.

Once they were rebels, they had to capture the support of many regions.

And as far as Werner knew, St. Francis was also one of the places where public opinion was gradually tilting toward the rebels.

Previously the ratio was 9 to 1, but today the gap has narrowed to 7 to 3.

The more the civil war intensifies, the more it will inevitably go in favor of the rebels who have raised the slogan of restoring the lost precious people and the value of freedom of this era.

In the first place, the rebels knew that fact, so they did not attack Francis.

What’s the point of pretending to be a city that you can join naturally over time?

This fact was cross-verified by Dante’s report.

Detonating a nuclear weapon out of nowhere in such a situation….

‘The front and back do not match.’

Therefore, Werner had no choice but to think seriously about the reasons behind the disappearance of St. Francis.

The importance of Saint Francis was solely based on the Republic of Bostania.

What if the empire takes over? It would be nice.

However, it was clear that the destruction of infrastructure that would inevitably accompany this process would turn St. Francis into a mediocre coastal city.

In other words, there is no strategic value to occupy with any effort.

You can use it by occupying Diego under the port.

Due to its nature as a coastal city, its value is relatively low for an empire that mainly operates an army.

Other than that, what remains is a treasure trove of knowledge boasting hundreds of years of history.

But when has Fuhrer Michael ever cared about such things?

He is a person who edits even the history of the empire as he likes.

Furthermore, in this way, the justification for intervention could be steadily built up.

According to ‘Operation Plan 8293’, which was to intervene in the Bostanian civil war and establish an imperial puppet regime, the empire’s stance was to support government forces, not anti-government forces.

If it is obvious, it is natural.

The President almost died by participating in the event, so it is absurd to support the anti-government forces that committed the terrorist attack.

In the meantime, the rebels detonated a nuclear bomb in a large city.

It’s nothing else, it’s a nuclear weapon.

What if we actively condemn the rebels and dispatch troops at this time?

The Kingdom of Wales and the Federation of Svarog, who have not been able to calm the chaos at home and abroad, are busy and can easily devour the Republic of Bostania.

Oh my god.

Werner felt goosebumps all over his body.

It was a mistake to think that I had a good understanding of President Mikhail.

Isn’t this the same as the devil of war, completely crazy about power and territorial expansion?

It would be nice if all of this was for naught, but the problem was that the President was a person who could get away with it.


It was an insult that came out without me even realizing it.

I thought I had finally regained my peace, I thought I had finally given them peace.

The war that the Führer, a man obsessed with power, would start was fast approaching before Werner knew it.

Then there is only one way.

‘Remove the Fuhrer.’

It is not too late to think about the next thing.

If a car with broken brakes was starting to run away, the best way to do so was to hit the car early to protect the passengers inside.

Even if it means turning the world around again in the end.

Soon, Werner Grime arrived at the Security Strategy Bureau – Forbidden Lake.

Five o’clock in the morning.

Even though it was still deep darkness, the fortress was shining with bright lights.

As the helicopter landed at the helipad, the headquarters commander, Captain John Hobbs, urgently ran towards him.


“I heard the story. Go to the jitong room. Please bring me the report on the trends you have gathered so far regarding the Republic of Bostania. And….”

“Yes, please speak.”

“Check out the current status of the Defense Acquisition Program Administration, including the Ordnance Bureau and the Research Institute of Technology.”

“The DAPA? Why is that suddenly… Ah… ?!”

This is John, who has already received information about Operation Plan 8293.

He was able to easily figure out what the director was thinking right now.

“Director, no matter how much the President says he is leaving, this is… !”

“There is no harm in being sure. Keep in mind. “Perhaps we will have to deal with an enemy more persistent and sophisticated than the titans.”


John Hobbes swallowed dry saliva.

It was the moment when Werner, who had been wandering with nowhere to go, finally aimed his gun at the top of the empire.

What is important?

That question appeared in Werner Grime’s mind once again.

He answered without any hesitation.

‘My duty is the most important.’

Check the end of the world. It twists away a fate that is doomed to despair and death. He apologizes for the mistakes he made with his life and walks down a path that others could never endure.

That was the mission of the watchman of the empire and the lonely gravedigger.

I will protect everything to the end, even if it means sacrificing my life.

‘I’m sorry, Leah. I will put an end to these things that happened due to my self-righteousness.’

The image of her curled up and crying flashed beyond Werner’s gaze.

Leah Gilead.

What she might have seen in the Graveyard, Werner didn’t even dare to imagine.

It was always like that.

Restoring his memories was not his responsibility, but the responsibility of the people who believed in him and followed him.

There was only a little that Werner could know.

Every time their memories were restored, they suffered to the point of death.

In the midst of all that, he hugged me tightly and comforted me for my hard work.

But Leah Gilead will be alone now.

I can’t tell anyone.

Because I think that’s exactly what Luthers Ethan, who didn’t put in the effort to restore his memories, doesn’t want to do.

As expected, she would just be crying alone.

No matter how lonely, lonely, sad, or missed you are.

From noble mtl dot com

I will just move forward, determined to follow her own path.

However, it was clear that one day, when she met her, she would smile brightly and talk to her.

I missed you, but that’s why I respected your choice to love me.

Werner Grime bit his lip as that voice seemed to tremble in his ears.

‘Dying, ending my mistakes… It has to be after seeing the end of this world.’

He extended his hand towards Leah, who was crouching, and then quickly withdrew it.

‘At least so that I don’t regret it next time.’

The name may have changed, but he was still Luthus Ethan.

‘And at that time. ‘Let’s try to tie up our relationship a little more neatly, Leah.’

A War Hero With No Regrets

A War Hero With No Regrets

후회 안 하는 전쟁영웅
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2023 Native Language: Korean
Victory achieved after forty regressions. Now it was my turn to leave their side. Only by my will, not by anyone else’s will.


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not work with dark mode