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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 98

The heavy rain that seemed to cover the world for a long time finally stopped.

The dark clouds that had obscured the sun evaded, and a warm energy hit the ground.

People came out into the street with a smile as they watched the sun rise in the sky.

At that moment, the sunken Bunella Castle regained vitality.

The children ran around the streets, squealing and sprinkling life all over the place.

Drops of water splashing from the puddle, splitting the sunlight.

Merchants havetily prepared to open their stores.

The girls of the village came out with the laundry that had been pushed back and gathered around three or three and five.

I woke up from a heavy sleep and started stretching.

“Damn the weather. It’s going to stop soon. Damn it. It’s not raining since I entered the castle. I’m not kidding anyone.”

He looked out the window and spit out a stinging smirk.

“That’s right. The weather is like a joot!”

Luna, who was lying face down on me with a happy expression, followed my words.

He gently stroked Luna’s hair.

Luna quickly trembled again and collapsed.

– Hiccup! Long time no see, boy! hiccup!


I smiled involuntarily at the voice of the sword I had not heard in a long time.

“…Somehow, it just stopped. Don’t you have to go a long way anyway?”

Skaal, who had changed into luxurious clothes, asked as he drank tea.

The unlucky-looking Scar was sitting like that, like a good-looking nobleman.

I felt bad for nothing.

It’s useless, it’s just good-looking

“That’s because Luna is there anyway, right?”

She buried her face in my chest and tapped Luna, who was breathing heavily.

Luna nodded without raising her buried face.

Luna was still sniffing and sniffing me.

“You must have something I don’t know. It’s the most incomprehensible thing I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

She stared at me and Luna with eyes that Scal didn’t understand.

To be honest, I still don’t understand why Luna likes me.

But now that he’s gotten used to it, he gently stroked Luna’s hair and smiled proudly at Scar.

Skal shook his head and put down the teacup.

“Then what are you going to do now?”

Luna shook her head as if feeling good at my hand.

As soon as the imperial soldiers we encountered while coming here heard my name, they hurriedly led us to the castle, so there was no separate checkpoint.

Thanks to that, Scar was lucky enough to avoid the checkpoint.

I wondered if it was okay to have such loose boundaries, but it didn’t matter because it wasn’t my business.

Upon entering the castle, we found a fairly clean and decent accommodation.

Obviously everyone had one room, but they were all gathered in my room.

Because Luna is Luna, she was having fun on my ship, and Scar seemed afraid of being captured by the Imperial Army alone in her room.

“Um… I’m trying to do business with my magic. Wouldn’t it be pretty good?”

I remembered the magic that Scar said he could do.

Sweetie surgery magic, hymen restoration magic.

Does anyone need such magic?


Luna reflexively raised her head at the word magic and looked at Scar.

“Ummm! Yes. You can do magic related to women’s beauty.”

Scar, who made eye contact with Luna, responded with a rigid tone of surprise, astonished.

“Beauty magic?”

Luna tilted her head.

“Haha. It’s beauty, but…”

Scar glanced at me.

Scar seemed hesitant because of Luna’s youthful appearance.

After all, all of Scal’s magic are like that.

“What beauty magic?”

Luna’s curious eyes gleamed.

“That…that’s a bit of a thing to say… haha.”

Skal was speechless, avoiding Luna’s gaze.

At Scar’s hesitant reaction, Luna jumped on top of me and stood next to Scar.

It was such a gentle movement that it was reminiscent of a cat.

Luna and Scal spoke with a small mutter.

“Men usually wear a hymen… the color of the v*gina… the scent…”

He struggled to turn his gaze to the window at the vile words that he occasionally heard in their conversation.

– Hiccup! You’ve gotten pretty strong, boy? A quick achievement that doesn’t suit a boy with no talent at all? hiccup!

The sword’s voice was full of surprise and made me feel good.

That’s right- Who am I, I’m Aiden, Aiden.

Genius Aiden.

-Keep- So how do you… Hiccup! No, it’s not that important! hiccup! Congratulations!

It’s something I should of course do, but even congratulations.

The corners of my lips went up.


The door opened and Deshon came in, standing still.

When I arrived at the castle, most of the scars were treated with the potion Luna gave me, so no treatment was needed.

He just needed a break to relieve the accumulated fatigue.

However, as soon as he arrived at the castle, Deshon, who was injured in a place that could not be seen by others, rushed to the church.

“…heh heh heh- heh heh heh heh heh heh heh-“

As soon as Deshon entered the room, he squatted down in the corner of the room, put his fist to his mouth, and wept.

If I was going to cry, I wondered why I would go somewhere else to cry or why I would come to someone else’s room to cry, but I couldn’t drive out the man who had lost his innocence.

Deshon hugged his knees in a corner and wept quietly.

“Are you okay?”

I felt apologetic for nothing at the sight of Deshon crying the world sadly.

Still, he’s the guy who came to save me, how did it end up like that?

“…Uh-huh- I waited for my turn, enduring the pain of tearing in that hard chair in the cathedral. It was finally my turn, and I was ashamed, but I went to the treatment room to be freed from this unpleasant pain. But the treatment room Inside there was a really nice looking nun waiting for me!! The real nun asked me where I got hurt… After anguish, I told the nun that her ass hurts! Shit!! My asshole broke! Ughhh?! but the good nun smiles saying it’s okay and asks him to show him where he got hurt… I clenched my teeth and lay on the ugly bed and exposed my f*cking ass to the nun! After treatment, when she saw the wrinkled face of the nun and tried not to bite her tongue, the nun…! If you insert it in a hurry, you can get hurt like this again…!!! Because he advised me!!! Uhhh – How am I supposed to live now!! I really liked that nun because her breasts were so big…!! Hahhh!!! I loved you…! It’s been a while, but I really loved you!!! An unknown nun!!! “

Hearing my voice, Deshon spit out the words desperately, as if boiling from the depths of his chest.

I bit my lip to hold back my laughter at Deshon’s words.

I wanted to laugh coolly, but then Deshon really seemed to bite his tongue.

He didn’t want to taint the peace he had just achieved with Deshon’s blood.

“Pu-hup… Still, it would be great if it was treated! It’s over now. You’re alive.”

Oh wait, how can I bear this?

“I’m done… My asshole’s a bitch… A motherf*cker… I don’t deserve to be a f*cking virgin anymore…”

When Deshon finished speaking, he squatted down and scratched the floor with his finger.

“Then can you make the hymen in the shape of an ale bud?”

“Hahaha… It’ll probably cost a little more mana, but maybe it’s possible.”

“In theory, you can control the taste? Something like fried ale buds?”

“It is, but… if you say that your v*gina has that kind of flavor… I wonder if the other person will be attractive…”

Suddenly, Luna and Scar were having a heated discussion.

“Now, with a f*cking asshole, how am I supposed to live…”

I closed my eyes quietly at the crazy conversations around me.

Okay, let’s just go to sleep.

– Hiccup! Let me tell you something about what happened at the virgin school! hiccup! boy! Is it really full of virgins?! hiccup!

Shut up and you’ll be fine.


After waking up for a while, the sun was setting outside the window.

Fortunately, the noisy surroundings were quiet.

When I turned my head to look around the room, everyone disappeared and only Luna remained at my feet.

I don’t know what he was doing, but Luna hid her hands behind her back, startled by the sight of me getting up.

His red face and strangely excited breath seemed to have done something, so he narrowed his eyes and looked at me.

However, there was nothing particularly strange except for Luna’s strange attitude.

Although I slept, my body didn’t have much energy.

Was it a little difficult to recover right away?

After recovering from fatigue, I felt hungry.


When I called, Luna came up on top of me again.

It was funny, like a pet.


Luna, who looked into my eyes, replied vigorously.

Luna’s breath, held at a close distance, was sweet.

“I’m hungry. Shall we go out and eat something?”

I’ve been wanting to eat food like food for a long time.

“Uh-huh. Shall we go back to the capital?”

Luna held out a small, white hand to me.

It seemed that the other children had not arrived yet, so it was a little awkward to go to the capital first.

You said you came to save me, but I have to see your face.

“No. We’re just coming all the way here, so let’s go take a look.”

Instead of holding Luna’s hand, she rose from her seat, stroking Luna’s head.

Luna smiled brightly at my hand and stepped aside.

I don’t know why, but I put strength on my loose leg and then slowly moved forward.

Luna was clinging to my arm, looking up at me and groaning.

I went out with Luna.

There were people I ran into along the way, but they didn’t bother me.

As the sun was setting, there were a lot of people on the street.

The delicious smell filled the street.

I walked along as if possessed by the smell.

Luna fixed her gaze on me and just followed my lead.

It was amazing that I didn’t fall even though I couldn’t look ahead.

“Did you hear? I heard that the Imperial Army almost annihilated the Virgin Church.”

“I heard that too. I heard that the Virgin Church is quite large, but it’s not good enough for the Imperial Army.”

“Still, the Virgin Bridge used a strange method and said that there was quite a bit of damage to the Imperial Army as well.”

Occasionally, I heard stories about the virgin church.

Naturally, these assholes seemed to have been subdued by the Imperial Army.

After all, there was no way those who were studying the hymen could defeat the Imperial Army.

Still, it was surprising that they did significant damage to the Imperial Army.

As we walked, we saw quite a few restaurants.

“Shall we go over there?”

Luna grabbed my hand and dragged me to the restaurant next to it.

In the restaurant, it was written “Monkey Ramen-“.

“Luna doesn’t like ramen, does she?”

Ramen was okay, but I remembered that Luna hardly ate ramen at that time.

“No no no! I absolutely love it! I absolutely love ramen!”

Luna answered my question by shaking her head violently as if in a seizure.

Luna took my hand and headed towards the ramen restaurant.

“No. Today, I want to eat meat instead of ramen.”

He gently pulled Luna’s hand as she was about to run.

Luna, who was pulling me, was pulled by my hand and naturally embraced me.

I didn’t pull that hard.

“Yeah…? But I really like ramen…!”

Luna, who was sniffing, clenched her feet to make eye contact with me.

But he was still short, so he looked up at me.

It was funny and a smile leaked out.

“I just want to eat meat.”

“Uh-huh! That’s right! I want to eat meat too! I absolutely love meat!”

Luna smiled softly and hurriedly followed my words and shouted.

He finally burst out laughing at the sight.

When I laughed, Luna laughed too.

“Let’s go here, I have a feeling that it will be delicious.”

I pointed to a restaurant with a large meat painted on it.

The name was written ‘meat with magic’.

Magic in a meat restaurant?

“Uh-huh! It looks like it’ll be absolutely delicious!”

Luna desperately nodded at my words.

I went into the restaurant and it was full of people, probably because it was a popular restaurant.

Why are there so many people because the meat is so delicious?

I was just curious about the taste.

“Come on… Come on! Are you two?”

The employee who greeted us looked at Luna’s face and paused for a moment.

“Yes. Two.”

“…Ah! It’s two people! There’s no space right now, so you’ll have to wait an hour in the waiting room over there!”

The employee, who was staring blankly at Luna’s face despite my answer, was awakened by my hand gestures.

I looked at where the waiter was pointing and there were about ten people sitting by the entrance.

Could you please reduce that?

What kind of meat do you eat while standing in line like that?

“I have to wait. Shall we just go somewhere else?”

No matter how delicious the meat, an hour is enough.

“…don’t have to wait!”

At my words, Luna replied with a tilted head.

“Huh? No, the people waiting over there…”

I pointed to the waiting room, which was full of people.

But obviously, there was no one in the waiting room that had just been filled.

Surely there were people sitting there just now…?

Tired of waiting, did everyone go in a hurry?

Even if I went so quickly, things fell on the ground.

“Just write your name here and go!”

The employee handed me a piece of paper.

Feeling subtle, I wrote my name down and entered the waiting room.

Luna hummed to see if she was in a good mood and followed me around.

How quickly did you leave your wallet on the floor?

After a while, an employee came to the waiting room.

The waiter, who looked around the empty waiting room, guided us with an ambiguous expression.

“What is the most famous thing in this house?”

“Our restaurant is best known for its Lexed Pig meat. The Lexid Pigs, raised on pastures, are of unparalleled quality!”

As if this question was familiar, the explanation came naturally from the employee’s mouth.

“Then give me that for two.”

“Okay. Wait a minute!”

Employee returned with a commercial smile.

“Have you ever eaten Lexid pig meat?”

“Ugh, I said it was delicious! Aiden!”

Luna replied with a broad smile.

Perhaps Luna’s ex-boyfriend’s name is Aiden.

Luna is attracted to the name Aiden.

It was a reasonable inference.

“Then how was Luna?”

“It was delicious too! Awesome! Because Aiden was delicious-“

Luna smiled as if recalling happy memories.

The waiter placed a small plate in front of us and put the meat on it.

“It’s a magic plate! It maintains a constant temperature. This is the secret to our restaurant’s popularity. Haha!”

You can even use magic tools in the butchery.

It wasn’t just that people were waiting in line.

However, for a magic tool, there was very little energy to be felt.

The sound of cooking meat tickled my ears.

I quickly salivated at the fragrant smell of meat.

“Then let’s enjoy it!”

The waitress who had finished roasting the meat bowed deeply and went back.

The meat was cut to a suitable size and the shiny meat was pricked with a fork.

This is the meat I ate in a while.

The hand holding the meat was trembling.

When I put the fragrant meat in my mouth and chewed it, I felt an unbelievable taste.

Aww – it’s so damn delicious.

Maybe I’ve been through that hardship to eat Lexid pig meat?

All the hardships and hardships I had endured were washed away in the oil of the meat.

If you feed it to Deshon, who is probably still crying, it tastes like Deshon will also stop crying.

But it was not enough for me to eat, and I had nothing to give to the man.

I lost my mind and ate the meat on the fire.

I ate up to the last bite and my stomach was a bit full, so I thought of Luna.

When I lifted my head, Luna was staring at me with eyes that seemed to see something far away.

“It’s also Aiden-“

With tears in her eyes, Luna smiled brightly with a face full of happiness.

I was horrified to see him crying and laughing while eating meat, but he didn’t try to understand it.

Because Luna is Luna.

Don’t panic.

I raised my hand and added two more.

There were several sauces, but the green one caught my eye.

It’s green, so what kind of grass does it taste like?

Curious about the taste of the sauce, he dipped plenty of meat in the sauce and put it in Luna’s mouth.

“Ugh! Ha- huh! Spicy! Really spicy…”

Luna snorted as her face became wide open.

The reaction seemed to be a very spicy sauce.

I drank a lot of sauce and ate it…


Luna exhaled harshly while repeating the word spicy.

Luna can’t eat spicy food.

Luna, with a blushed face, shed tears from her eyes, but chewed the meat tightly without spitting it out.

“If it’s too hot, you can spit it out.”

At my words, Luna tightly closed her eyes, shook her head desperately, and forcibly chewed it.

To Luna, the fact that I gave it seemed important.

At Luna’s violent reaction, I secretly dipped in another sauce and ate it.

This sauce is delicious.

He walked through the streets with Luna, pounding on his full stomach.

There were quite a few well-armed people roaming the streets.

It seemed that the virgin school wasn’t completely finished yet.

Seeing that scene reminded me of wandering in the forest again.

No joke, this time I almost died.

There was even a risk of being raped by a monster.

“Thank you, Luna.”

When I thought about it, my heart filled with gratitude for Luna.

If Luna hadn’t saved me, I’d be like Deshon…


Luna, who was walking with her eyes fixed on me, tilted her head at my words.

“Thank you for saving me this time. I almost died. The moment I saw Luna before I died, I was so relieved…”

I gently stroked Luna, who looked up at me.

“Thank you for saving me-?”

Luna gathered her fine eyebrows and chewed on my words.

“Yeah. If it wasn’t for Luna this time, I would have almost died. After all, I only have Luna.”

I passed the risk of dying, and I felt so good that I filled my stomach with delicious meat.


Luna looked at me and raised her eyebrows and then opened them.

“Thank you so much for showing up when I’m in danger. I’m impressed.”

That’s right, he was a little slow to understand.

Feeling good, I kindly thanked Luna once again.

“…I’m impressed that you saved me? I’m the only one? Thank you?”

Luna quickly asked me.

“Yeah. Without Luna, I could have really died.”

When Luna looked like she was out of focus, her anxious heart slowly rose.

“…Yeah! It’s only me! There’s only me… Because you saved me from the crisis, so I’m right! Because I saved Aiden? From the crisis? I saved Aiden from the crisis!”

Luna lowered her head and muttered in a low voice.

“Aiden has only me.”

Luna, who had been muttering for a while, looked at me and smiled ominously brightly.

Luna’s eyes had already lost focus.

Do you think something’s wrong with this?

did i make a mistake

“Now… Wait a minute, Luna?! Luna?!”

Feeling creepy, he hurriedly called for Luna.

“…I’m leaving for a while!!”

Luna, who was muttering something, suddenly disappeared.

What mistake did I make?

Luna looked at the vanished void and recalled what I had said.

I was just saying thank you…?

It was annoying as if something was caught in his throat.

The last time I saw Luna’s unfocused eyes, I was afraid.

I took a step back to return home.

I pondered what I had said to Luna, but couldn’t find my mistake.

Did I just say thank you?

Maybe it’s just something busy?

do it please

As I moved impatiently, I saw a small cafe next to me.

Breads that looked delicious as if they were selling different types of bread were displayed through the glass.

Among them, a red cake caught my eye.

Feeling the vague pain, I opened the cafe door as if possessed and entered.

The smell of coffee and bread filled the air.

There were several people sitting in the cafe.


A woman with a warm impression greeted me.

“…Strawberry cake, please.”

He bowed his head to say hello and pointed to the strawberry cake on display.

She took a slice of strawberry cake from the woman and sat down on an empty seat.

The small fork was heavier than I thought.

I forcefully moved the fork and took the strawberry cake.

Strawberry cake gently crushed on a fork.

I took a small piece with a fork and brought it to my mouth.

“…it’s f*cking sweet.”

The strawberry cake was sweet enough to make my mouth numb.

It was so sweet that I forgot the other flavors except for sweetness.

I forcefully moved my tingling mouth and chewed the cake tightly.

It seemed like it had to be.

The strawberry flavor at the end of the cake felt like peach flavor.

I finished eating the strawberry cake and got up.

The sweet taste made my mouth tingle.

Strawberry cake is not my taste either.

I left the cafe with lighter steps.

Anywhere that sells sand beer?

Scratching my stomach that was about to explode, I moved forward.

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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not work with dark mode