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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 79

Kate, who was concentrating on reading the paper in her hand, frowned.

Standing behind Kate, Anthony, the youngest member of the Imperial Knights, waited for the words that would come out of the princess’s mouth.

“You come here.”

Kate pointed to Anthony with a finger.

No matter how imperial she is, she still calls herself as an imperial knight so reckless.

Anthony, who had just joined the Imperial Knights Templar, approached Kate with a deliberately grumpy expression on his face.

Seeing Anthony like that, Kate grinned.

Seeing Anthony frowned, senior knight Baldi’s heart sank.

Baldi apparently had educated Anthony several times yesterday to turn her stomach over if it was the princess’s words.

‘You can’t understand things these days with words, you have to beat them to understand what’s being said’

Was it wrong to ignore his senior’s advice that he had to hold on to a few cars during new training as ignorant advice?

How could it be that it’s only been one day and you’ve already had an accident?

Senior Baldi, standing next to Anthony, turned his gaze, anticipating what was to come.

After the kidnapping, the imperial knights took over Kate’s bodyguard, which happened frequently.

A new knight who prides himself on being the Imperial Knights Templar expresses dissatisfaction with the word and behavior of the reckless princess-


Kate commanded in a low-pitched voice.

Anthony stood still at Kate’s orders.



Anthony, who kicked Kate hard in the shin, opened his eyes in pain.

But even in the midst of suffering, Anthony had no choice but to maintain his posture because he had the status of an imperial knight.

Kate smiled and started kicking Anthony’s shin over and over with excitement.


Anthony, unable to bear the pain any longer, grabbed her shin and rolled on the ground.

“Hey! Who’s the senior?”

Kate looked coldly at Anthony, who was wallowing in pain, folded her arms and asked in a cold tone.

“Imperial Knight Val! D!”

Baldi hurriedly ran in front of Kate and took a stand up.

Kate hurriedly kicked Baldi’s shin.

Baldi was in so much pain that tears came out, but he kept his posture without showing it.

“Are you here to play? You’re here to play!”

Kate frowned and shouted.


Baldi tried his best to answer, holding back his face frowned in pain.

“Do I have to do all the training for new students?”

Kate frowned and looked up at Baldi.

“No! I’ll get you straight!”

Baldi quickly knelt down at the sight of the princess looking up.

“Teach that poor bastard straight up. If you make that cheeky expression again…”

Kate swallowed her last words and smiled brightly.

“all right!!!”

That smile, along with Kate’s cute appearance, was a smile that melted the hearts of anyone who saw it, but Baldi, who was right in front of her, was sweating all over her body.

“And bring this servant to his father.”

Kate folded the paper she was holding in her hand neatly and handed it to her.

When the word “father” came out of Kate’s mouth, Baldi almost asked her.

Baldi swallowed the words that came out of his mouth and took the paper.

No matter how imperial knights were, they could not meet him recklessly.

“Information about a cult called the Virgin Church that arose within the Empire. I don’t know who covered my father’s eyes, but it was quite large? you mean.”

Even if it’s family-

When Kate finished speaking, her expression hardened and she turned back.

“How long are you going to be like this? Why do you want to sleep there? Shall I give you a blanket?”

Kate tilted her head as she saw Anthony still rolling on the ground.

“No! Whoa!”

Anthony got up hastily, but fell again badly because of the pain in his shin.

you f*cking bastard.

Baldi despaired at the fact that his successor was sacked.

“It’s going to be fine – come back well. Someone give him a blanket!”

Kate looked at Anthony and clicked her tongue.

Anthony got up hastily with a reddened face and went to stand next to Baldi.

“tt, I’m leaving now, so gather all the kids. The goal is a forest of frustration.”

said Kate, looking at Anthony like that in disbelief.

“all right!”

“all right!”

Baldi and Anthony answered in voices full of energy.

Kate frowned as she recalled the word “Forest of Frustration” written on the piece of paper the redhead gave her.

It’s a forest of frustration-

Still, I’m glad it’s in the Empire.

Kate didn’t care if the place where Aiden was kidnapped was the Demon King’s castle.

I remembered Aiden’s strong back, who risked his life to protect him.

This time it was his turn to protect Aiden.

Kate couldn’t sleep well at night, thinking that Aiden, who had been kidnapped by masked perverts, was suffering.

Wait a minute, Aiden.

I’ll save you.

Kate clenched her fists, struggling to hold back the tears that were about to come out.



For nothing, I rubbed Amy’s bouncy butt once more and got up from the bed.

‘Cause it’s a real luxury ass.

How can you still be a virgin with such an ass?

I couldn’t even feel how much time had passed since I was frantically mixing my body with Amy.

He looked at Amy with satisfaction, covered with his own traces.

Amy’s body was still trembling with the traces of copulation.

As soon as I entered the school, I was treated like this-

Contrary to my expectations, isn’t the Virgin Bridge a good place?

“Are you finally done?”

Amy asked in a voice that had no energy.

“Yeah, it’s really over now.”

After mixing my body to the point where I no longer had s*xual desire, I felt much more comfortable with Amy.

Because you’ve already seen everything.

Perhaps the fastest way to get to know a stranger is through copulation?

Haven’t you and Amy become as close now as you have known for years?

Aiden nodded at his rational reasoning.

This was a theory that was reliable enough to be included in an academy textbook.

[Yeah, mating is like a violent handshake with a stranger! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha copulation!]

[Hmm… Anyway, that’s a little bit…]

“Originally, all men do this? I think you know a little bit about why women mix bodies with men-“

Amy asked, wiping the drippings from under her with the towel next to her.

“No, it’s because I’m the king of mating. No one can imitate this.”

He answered confidently in a strong voice.

“Put- remember the condition I said?”

Amy asked with a small smile.

Come to think of it, I think Amy asked questions about it while we were having s*x.

Honestly, what kind of man would say no during copulation.

Aiden concentrated on his own pleasure and affirmed all of Amy’s answers.

Suddenly, he smiled awkwardly for fear that he might have made an unreasonable promise.

“Oh! You’re saying that you can’t remember after having fun inside me now? Have a look at this-“

Amy grabbed what was still dripping from underneath her and held it to Aiden.

A viscous liquid dripped from between Amy’s fingers.

Ugh, why are you holding it in?

I was startled, disgusted, and stepped back.

“No- I don’t mean to pretend I don’t know. I do, but I can’t remember the specifics.”

“It’s yours, so why are you dirty?”

Amy smiled playfully and brought her finger to her mouth.

Then he sucked it up like he was eating something delicious.

No, is that a virgin?

I was suspicious of Amy’s bewitching attitude, so I checked the following.

I think you’re right when you see the dark blood on the bed.

“Don’t forget and listen carefully this time. First, help me find my sister Emilla. Second, if you escape from here, take me and Emilla with you.”

Amy said calmly, wiping her saliva-soaked fingers.

What kind of effort can you make?

I nodded willingly.

“Then you can use me whenever you want-“

whatever you want-

Amy smiled coolly and opened her legs wide.

The words “anytime” and “use” came out of a woman’s mouth and it was ridiculously attractive.

I nodded louder than before, looking at Amy’s naked body, which was covered in traces of mine.

After resting a bit more in bed, I got up.

Amy followed me to get up, but her legs kept losing strength and she collapsed.

I put on Amy’s clothes, supported her, and went out of the room.

There was no one in front of the room.

We didn’t know where we were going, but we went down first.

In the hall, the man who had led us was sitting alone, tapping the table with his fingers.

“Hmmm- you’ve been doing this for quite some time. It’s like looking back at my younger days.”

The man who made sure we were coming down stood up and said,

The man glanced at Amy, who could not walk alone and was supported by me.

“How did it happen?”

The smile was full of confidence due to mating.

“Okay, once the initiation ceremony is over, I’ll guide you to the dormitory of the high-class members. If you go there, your senior high-end members will guide you.”

The man who had stalked Amy once more walked away.

The place that followed the man was a building that looked like a dormitory.

The man opened the door of the building with a cautious attitude and entered.

The building wasn’t as bad as the dormitory, but it wasn’t bad.

There was a large staircase in the center and the structure was divided into floors.

As I entered the building, I could smell a strange smell.

what the f*ck is this smell

“Hello! I’m a first-class Shinto Connie!!”

The man who was walking in while looking around saw another man wearing a black hood and greeted him loudly.

A man dressed in a black hood approached us to greet the man.

“What’s going on here for a first-class believer?”

The man who came right in front of us answered, flipping his hood back.

The guy overall was ugly.

I wasn’t good looking, but I wasn’t bad either.

This guy is definitely ugly.

His cheeks were full of freckles.

In a way, isn’t it a talent to be so clearly ugly?

Aside from that, I thought it would be nice for the guy to wear the hood again.

“That… a super devotee came in as a newcomer and came to guide me.”

The man I introduced as Connie crouched down and said hello.

“Hmm, a new member of the limited express-?”

The snub-nosed man looked me up and down and murmured.

The gaze made me feel bad, and without realizing it, strength entered my fist.

It looks like this little bastard.


“Yeah, I’ll guide you from here, let’s go.”

The man waved his hand at the man he introduced as Connie.

Connie crouched back and walked out of the building.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Dario, a super Shinto Shinto. Then, is it your dedicated maiden next to you?”

The man who explained to me with a cheerful smile asked, frantically scanning Amy up and down.

“My name is Aiden.”

Amy hid behind me from the man’s dirty gaze.

“Even though you’re a freshman, you’ve got a pretty good maiden – I’ll show you around the room first.”

The man who swallowed his saliva conspicuously turned around and walked.

“This is the room you will be living in. In the case of cleaning, you can have your maiden do it for you – just take a break.”

The man glanced at Amy once more and handed me the key with a dirty smile.

is not it? I’m just smiling, is my face dirty?

“Oh yes, thank you.”

After receiving the key from the man and greeting him, he opened the door and entered.

The room smelled of backwards and was small, but bigger than my dorm room.

Not bad, but here?

The bed was big enough for two people to lie down.

After all, it’s wide because I have to live with a dedicated maiden.

There was also a wardrobe, but when I opened it, there were three black hoodies that I was wearing outside.

Is this hoodie the representative outfit here?

Next to him was a folded white robe.

When I heard about it, I checked it and found that it was a typical maid outfit.

It was a black dress with white frills and a skirt that went down to her thighs.

“Looks like this is mine.”

Amy took the clothes from my hand.

Then, without shame, he changed his clothes.

I don’t usually feel ashamed like that.

I admired Amy’s beautiful naked body as she changed clothes.

Looking back, it was a beautiful body full of health.

“Why? Do you want to do it again? You can use it anytime-“

Amy, noticing my gaze, gently lifted her skirt and moved her underwear aside with her fingers.

The lower body, which seemed to not be able to exert any more strength at that sight, was re-energized like a lie.

I hugged Amy like that roughly.

If this is a virgin school…

Wouldn’t it be surprisingly bad?


Amy, reaching its climax, wrapped her long legs around me and cried out to her sister, but I tried to ignore it.


I brought a toothbrush.

I brought a towel.

Well, you’ll need underwear too, right?

As he was frantically packing things, Deshon’s bag became full.

Deshon looked at it and wondered if he had taken too much, but he shook his head as he remembered his goal, the Forest of Frustration.

It’s a forest of despair.

Upon hearing about his destination, Deshon regretted applying to the Aiden Rescue Team.

The Forest of Despair was notorious for the people of the Empire.

From endless monsters to dense forests where it is easy to get lost if you look closely.

It was clear that if he went in like himself, it would become the food of a monster.

But isn’t he someone’s second son to the Conreds?

If he had already decided to participate in the rescue team and canceled it, it was clear that the status of the Conred family would fall to the ground.

And if he rescues Aiden, wouldn’t Aiden’s older sister think of him differently?

Although their relationship didn’t seem like a normal older sister, Deshon thought it was an act to separate him.

Deshon stood up, checking the thick handkerchief in his inner pocket.

This was perfect.

With the sword with the Conred family pattern on it, he headed for the meeting place.

At the meeting place, many people were busy moving.

I don’t know why, but seeing the imperial knights who seemed to be very energetic, Deshon felt a little tense.

At the center of it was a splendid wagon, and in front of it were six shiny horses.

De’Shon opened his mouth and jumped at the splendid carriage he had never seen before.

“Hurry up! Hurry up! Move! Busy!!”

Kate was screaming at the whale whale next to such a carriage.

On top of the carriage sat a girl with white hair, who had been quietly standing behind Kate.

The girl looked up blankly at the sky with an expressionless expression.

“I’m here…”

Deshon, frightened by the busy atmosphere around him, quietly said to Kate.

“What are you!! Don’t disturb me and get off the wagon!!”

Kate shrieked and moved the crowd again.

“You!!! Move quickly!”

Kate shouted as she pointed at someone.

Startled by Kate’s shout, De’Shawn quietly opened the carriage door and entered.

I don’t think the princess wasn’t that scary at the academy…

Deshon’s eyes widened at the scenery inside the carriage, and it felt like it was going to tear.

The carriage was much wider than it looked from the outside, as if it had been enchanted.

Inside, there were six long, soft chairs that could seat four people.

I heard that the price of the enchanted carriage jumped to heaven, but it seemed that she wasn’t a princess for nothing.

De’Shon admired the train-like interior that he had seen in a book once in a dwarven kingdom.

There were already quite a few people in the carriage.

At that time, he seemed to be the last person he had seen at the Tezos meeting.

Deshon sat down on an empty chair, being careful not to make eye contact with Vicky, who was yawning droopy.

“When are you going to pray again?”

From the back seat of De’Shaun, I could hear a voice talking softly.

The voice sounded like a child feeding candy to its mother.

“Because there are many eyes now. Have you ever prayed alone? Sister Agatha?”

Then the calm voice of a nun who introduced her as Andrea answered.

“I’m still ashamed of being alone… I prefer to pray with Sister Andrea…”

The quiet, hesitant voice raised his doubts.

Don’t you usually pray alone?

However, Deshon, who had never been to a church, did not know much about prayer.

“Then let’s pray together later in the evening. I’ll help.”

Sister Andrea answered in a reverent voice.

“…thank you.”

The nun replied shyly.

“Then, if we rescue Aiden, will we all pray together?”

After such a brief silence, the nun asked again cautiously.

“Yeah, praying with Aiden is so fantastic that it can’t be compared to what we do alone. He…”

He spoke so softly that Deshon couldn’t hear it.

Did you go to the cathedral alone?

That’s why I became friends with these beautiful nuns.

Deshon’s mood improved as if he had figured out one of Aiden’s naive tricks.

After this rescue was over, Deshon promised to go to church diligently.


A small noise was heard from behind.

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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