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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 71

“Ahhh! I lost! I lost! I will abstain! Teacher Heart!!”

“Because if you’re pointed out, you’re fighting! Come on out! You coward!”

The last one ran away from me and screamed, but Mr. Hart grabbed him by the neck and threw it at me.

I grabbed the head of the flying guy, put it on the floor, and gave him a few more spicy fists.

The struggling guy stopped moving, and finally I was able to grab everyone in the lab.

It seemed that all the stress I had been under at the damn hero academy was relieved.

Also, being strong is the best.

The lab was full of students who passed out after being punched in spicy fists by me.

The view was very nice.

“Wow-! You really beat them all by yourself! It’s a perfect score! The other kids are so weak- you guys have to take the test again later!”

Hart tapped the students who were lying next to him.

“I feel refreshed because I exercise.”

I got a good workout and my body felt good.

I was treated like a toy by these idiots, how wretched I was.

“It’s amazing – to be strong in such a short period of time. More than anything else, I can feel a lot of experience in Aiden’s movements.”

Teacher Hart, who came behind me all of a sudden, patted my shoulder.

“What happened-?”

Mr. Hart poked my forearm with a finger and asked softly.

“I just got up early in the morning and did some running.”

I went back to my seat and grabbed my sword and bag.

‘The boy wasn’t bad.’

I know too.

“Hmm… Yeah, because being strong is important! You worked hard, Aiden!”

Hart woke the fallen children by tapping them.

I greeted such teacher Hart and left the lab.

The next class was Introduction to Heroism.

I headed towards the classroom with lighter steps.

As it was a popular class, the classroom was full as usual.

I sat in the vacant seat, facing the back seat used to it.

And, of course, Cheolsu was sitting next to him.

“Keuk… It’s been a while… Khuk… It looks like you’re putting in a lot of effort… Kuk…”

As always, Cheolsu muttered quietly as he grabbed the skull eyepatch.

After all the stress was relieved, I felt a little pitiful when I saw him withdraw.

What’s wrong with a good-looking guy…

“But do you suck that eyepatch?”

I asked the guy a question that came to mind.

“Kuuk… the moment I take this out… Khuk… the world will stop…”

Cheolsu was dripping from his mouth to saliva.

It was so terribly dirty that I turned my head.

“Now, let’s start class.”

“Yeah, then work hard.”

After giving a rough answer to Cheol-su, I looked at the teacher Berheim who came in just in time.

“Keup… If I work hard- Kkeop…”

Cheolsu, who continued to mutter next to him, lightly ignored him.

“Is this the last class before the midterm? Then let’s work hard for the last class as well.”

Teacher Berheim explained in a low-pitched voice that was easy to hear.

What the f*ck is Amy?

Midterm exam?

It’s already the midterm exam because I’ve taken the class several times.

There were many times when I missed class.

But next time is the midterm exam.

“The hero you will learn in this lesson is probably someone you know. He is the most famous of the previous warriors. Beechen Benedict.”

When Mr. Berheim finished speaking, there was a reaction from the people around him.

Is he really famous enough to react like that?

Even I, who was not interested in the hero, seemed to have heard of it, so it seemed to be incredibly famous.

“Bechen Benedict is the first person to attain the position of a top-notch warrior despite being a king. There are a few people who started out as a warrior and rose to the status of a king, but the person who became the king first and became the highest-ranking warrior is Beechen Benedict. This is the only one. Beechen Benedict-sama knows it all, but even to this day, he has corrected it and is ruling the unmelting kingdom. You all know the unmelting kingdom, right?”

Teacher Berheim spoke calmly.

The last stage of getting a position among the warriors was the highest level.

Although the number of advanced warriors was small, the number of top-level warriors was remarkably small.

If you exceed the top level warrior, you will no longer be assigned a position.

Because that person’s name itself becomes a title.

Even though he’s a king, he eats even the best warriors.

Should I be diligent?

Do I have to say that I have too much talent?

If I were a king, I’d just sit on the throne and suck honey.

But I think I heard the word behen somewhere.

I didn’t remember at all.

“The Unmelting Kingdom is one of the Empire’s allies and is located in the northern part of the Empire. They are honorable people who protect the world’s peace by blocking the demons that float from the Demon King’s Castle from the north. It is a true kingdom of heroes. Due to that background, the Kingdom that does not melt is a powerful country with a fairly large number of top-level and advanced warriors. Of course, it is not inferior to the Empire, but it is evaluated as the most powerful among the kingdoms. Haha”

Teacher Berheim naturally raised and lowered his fist near the heart.

Seeing the action, the students were accustomed to following it.

Raising a fist near the heart is an act of loyalty to the Empire, but the f*cking point is that if you see someone doing that, others have to do it too.

It bothered me too, but I followed it.

“Beechen Benedict-sama is famous not only for his exceptional strength, but also for his brilliant brain. It is a very famous sentence that describes Beechen Benedict’s ‘hot heart and cold head’. The most famous anecdote is that on a day when the sun did not rise, that is, on a ‘black day’, in front of the monsters that came down to an indescribable end, he slashed them without a break with a great sword as large as a normal man’s body. It is said that the number of demons produced exceeds a thousand.”

Teacher Berheim paused for a moment.

All of a sudden, the students seemed to have fallen for the teacher’s words, and everyone was quietly concentrating.

“Keuk… barely that much…”

Except for one of course.

I understand even a hot heart, but isn’t it bad to have a cold head?

I had a question like that, but I kept my mouth shut because no one asked.

But the king has cut over a thousand monsters from the front line without stopping.

Is it an inflated rumor?

“Also, Beechen Benedict is famous for treating his people terribly. Most famously, he broke into the house of an old nobleman who had flirted with his young granddaughter, and ripped to pieces all who were associated with the nobleman to death with his bare hands. It is said that the castle where the nobleman stayed still has a strong smell of blood.”

Teacher Berheim stopped talking and drank the water placed on the school table.

No matter how, finding and tearing down all the people involved for throwing a little flirtation.

I was convinced that he was a man of terribly cruel disposition.

If there was anyone who had s*x with that granddaughter, wouldn’t they live in fear for the rest of their lives?

There was a moment of silence for the poor man.

So, for a long time, Mr. Berheim continued to explain ‘Bechen Benedict’ and ‘The Kingdom That Doesn’t Melt’.

At first, I listened with interest, but from the middle, there were a lot of stories about history, so I couldn’t concentrate.

After all, history is not always interesting.

So after class, I packed my bag for lunch.

Always a fun lunch break.

“Keup… Time for the Silent Empress… ugh!”

Once again, he fed a honey chestnut to Cheol-su’s head.

Leaving this alone is so frustrating.

It was refreshing to see Cheolsu, who couldn’t hit him every time.

As if he didn’t expect my honey night, Cheolsu grabbed his head and looked at me blankly.

Then, suddenly, with both hands, he grabbed the skull eyepatch.

“Keup… I can’t stand it even after going through such a shame! But if I release it now…! Kuk!”

Like a madman, I left the classroom behind the man who grabbed the skull mask and muttered.

We headed to the academy student cafeteria for lunch.

I hope today’s menu is delicious.

The students all lined up with their friends, but I waited my turn by myself.

I was embarrassed for nothing, so I hit my sword and smoked, so my turn came right away.

I was filling the plate with food, but the guy in front didn’t go.

Come to think of it, the line has been clogged over there since a while ago, but what the hell kind of food came out, so it’s holding up like that.

After hitting the back of the guy in front of him a few more times, he moved.

I went to the next food with anticipation.

What the hell, it’s just plain sausage.

It was as disappointing as I had hoped.

Then why did they stop here?

“Hmm- I found it.”

As I put the sausages on the plate, I could hear a woman’s voice as clear as if the sweet soy sauce would melt just by listening to it from the side.

Where have I heard this voice?

I searched my memory at that strangely familiar feeling.

“It’s been a while. Youngest.”


Surprised, I turned around and saw a fox in a restaurant staff suit, smiling and looking at me.

Silver hair sticking out of the restaurant hat.

Even blood-red eyes-

At that time, it was clear that the vicious fox was trying to kidnap Kate and make human sacrifices.

Amy, why the f*ck are you here?

And what’s that outfit?

It’s obviously a typical restaurant staff outfit, but the fact that a fox is wearing it makes me feel lewd.

I was so startled that I even forgot to breathe.

“Are you pretending not to know?”

The fox sticks out her tongue and licks her red lips.

The color of the fox’s head and eyes had suddenly turned black.


A stupid answer came to the unexpected situation and the constant beeping in my head.

I wanted to run away, but my feet didn’t move.

“It still looks delicious.”


The fox’s white neck moved as if swallowing saliva.

“Oh, let’s go quickly.”

Just then, my mind came back to a voice urging me from behind.

“Haha… You got the wrong person.”

I suppressed my trembling voice as much as possible, spoke and left the seat.

My hands were shaking and the soup kept dripping from the plate.

I desperately found an empty seat in the corner and sat down.

Damn Ami, why is the fox here?

I remembered the figure of a fox that had blown off the neck of her subordinate without hesitation.

The self-confidence I had filled up by grabbing my d*ck evaporated in an instant, and fear took over again.

The appetite was already gone.

It was important to get out of here.

I turned my head, motionless in fear, and looked at the place where the food was served.

In the same place where the fox was before, the restaurant lady was tidying up as before.

Then it is-

why is there a fox here

He even took off the mask he wore every day.

I must have been very tired these days.

I see this nonsense.


“Huh- why don’t you eat it? I made that soup with all my heart. Isn’t it delicious?”

Then a shrill voice was heard in front of me.

I turn my head and look forward, not turning back to the anxiety that fills my head.

I saw a fox sitting across from my table, with armrests on, and smiling at me.

The fox drank the soup from my plate with her white little finger and ate it.

“Huh- is it delicious?”

The fox tilted her head.

“Ummm… Got it! Our youngest doesn’t like soup very much!”

Seeing my frozen face, the fox smiled bewitchingly.

Can you win?

The state of the fox, which had not been seen before, was dimly visible.

no. unconditionally lose

So can you hold out until someone else helps you?

no. can’t stand it

I moved my stiff hand and grabbed the handle of Luna’s sword.

The cold feel of the Lunagum handle calmed me down a bit.

“It’s been a long time- maknae. I missed you.”

The fox’s voice was wet as if she had met her long-lost lover.

I didn’t want to see you, damn it.

“Haha. Me too.”

But I couldn’t help but smile brightly following the fox.

Just by looking at my laughter, the fox smiled as if it would melt my heart.

The smiling fox’s eyes were red again.


I’d just skip lunch.



Joshua almost lost focus for a moment at the characteristic dizziness he felt as he passed through the portal.

I looked around and saw a familiar landscape.

With the chill that penetrated to his bones, Joshua pulled the thick clothes he had been wearing tight.

Everywhere I looked, there was nothing but snow, and in front of me was a large castle made of ice, boasting its majesty.

It was the unmelting kingdom where Joshua was born and raised.

Still, I was relieved that the portal was working correctly.

“Wow, you bastard portal! Whoa!”

In front, Kate was reciting what was in her drawing.

Joshua patted Kate on the back.

The ice gate opened and the soldiers rushed out.

All of them were wearing armor made of animal skins, but their eyes were different.

“See you princess!”

They shouted loudly and spread out left and right.

“Oh, my head hurts, so don’t shout! Uweek-“

Kate was very annoyed.

“All right.”

The startled soldiers answered quietly.

Kate, who had a fresh face, stood up as if she had already recuperated.

Kate walked proudly across the soldiers.

Seeing Kate like that, the soldiers’ expressions were as warm as seeing flowers blooming in the snow.

Joshua followed Kate into the castle.

Although it was cold inside the castle, it felt warm like summer compared to outside.

“Aigo! Treasure of our kingdom! Granddaughter Eponine is here!”

A thumping sound was heard and a large man ran down the stairs.

Bitter eyes that look as if they had the eyes of a wild beast in their size as large as a bear.

Two arms and thighs as thick as a normal man’s torso.

Roughly swept white hair and a crown that was roughly tucked over it.

As soon as Joshua confirmed his king, he quickly knelt down on one knee and prepared himself.

“Hara Father!-“

Kate ran towards the man with a short tongue that she had practiced several times.

“Our cute granddaughter Eponine is here!”

The man shouted loudly for the castle to leave, and gently embraced Kate as if holding a glass marble.

Joshua could no longer comprehend the status of his king, Behen Benedict, whom he had been watching for a long time.

Joshua trembled when he saw that his king had finally crossed the wall.

“I said it hurts! I told you not to rub your beard-! Granddaughter Punch!”

Kate shoved a fist into Benedict’s face.

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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not work with dark mode