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A Veteran of the Hero Academy chapter 139


Aiden hurriedly grabbed Lee Ji-soo, who was about to fall, as her chest was caught on the edge of the roof while climbing to the roof.

Jisoo Lee wondered why he had to go up on the roof, but for once, he believed and followed Aiden’s words.

The gathering place was a plaza, so other revolutionary members were mixed among the people.

Chun-oh climbed up comfortably on Aiden’s back.

When I got to the roof and looked down, I saw a bustling crowd of people.

Jisoo Lee shook her dizzy head in a strange sense of dizziness.

“Hey- there are a lot of people. Hey! You’re not eating that!!”

Aiden, who was looking down, hurriedly dried Chun-oh, who was eating crawling insects.

Chun-oh, who lost the bug to Aiden, turned his gaze to find something else.

When he turned his gaze away from the two of them and looked at the guillotine, the memory of holding down the guillotine came to mind again.

Lee Ji-soo was quickly eaten by memory.

‘Hide! hurry! Never go out, no matter what happens! Did you know?! He will definitely come to you!’

His father, who was always calm, shouted at Lee Ji-soo with an urgent tone he had never heard before.

‘…You should be fine. baby.’

Closing the thick door, the mother smiled sadly.

Even at a young age, Lee Ji-soo, who intuited that this was the last time, suppressed her tears and forced a smile.

‘These reactionary bastards-‘

There was the sound of something breaking outside, and the screams of my parents, who couldn’t stand it, could be heard.

Jisoo Lee wanted to run away right away, but couldn’t because of her father’s last words.

Jisoo Lee just covered her ears in that small, dark space, crouched down and held her breath.

How many days have passed?


The locked door opened and I saw my father’s colleagues.

‘…Come with us.’

The hard-faced people hugged Lee Ji-soo softly.

In this way, this number was given to the revolutionary members.

How much time has passed-

Lee Ji-soo heard that the executions of the revolutionaries caught in the square were being held.

‘You must not go. If you go, you will be in danger too. They gather people and execute them because they want to see the reaction and find people who are even a little bit involved.’

The revolutionary members stubbornly stopped such Lee Ji-soo.

But Lee Ji-soo didn’t listen to them.

Because I missed my parents so much that I wet the pillow at night.

On the day of the execution, Lee Ji-soo went to the square without others knowing.

They forced the people into it and went to a position where the guillotine was clearly visible.

The faces of the parents who were put on the guillotine were so damaged that Lee Ji-su could barely recognize them.

My father was already injured to the point of being unable to open my eyes, and my mother was no different.

The man next to him yawned to see if he could handle it all at once, and laid them both side by side on the guillotine.

uh!- uh…

Someone blocked Lee Ji-soo, who was about to shout.

Looking to the side, one of the revolutionaries shook his head with a face that looked like he was about to cry.

He was a man who occasionally came to our house to drink with his father and play.

The man next to the guillotine read out the sins of his parents in a loud voice.

There were people who swear with him, and there were people who just kept silent.

Lee Ji-soo wanted to run away right away, but he couldn’t move because he was caught by a revolutionary member next to him.

Her mother, who had been looking around with the only remaining eye, met her eyes.

My mother found Jisoo Lee in the midst of so many people at once.

The mother, who made eye contact with Jisoo Lee, raised her trembling corners of her lips and slowly opened her mouth.

Jisoo Lee focused on her mother’s lips without even blinking.

‘…Revolve – sweetheart.’

I couldn’t see the words before, but I could vaguely recognize the words behind them.


The faces of the parents rolled side by side.

The people below avoided it, screaming as if ugly.

Lee Ji-soo, unable to bear it any longer, cried out and resisted, and the revolutionary members embraced Lee Ji-soo even tighter.

‘sorry. The child was curious and brought it in, so it must have been a shock.’

Apologizing to those around him with a wet voice, the revolutionary group embraced Lee Ji-soo.

The memories that suddenly came to mind shook Lee Ji-soo’s head and made a mess.

These were the memories I had forcibly buried in order to live.

For a moment, Lee Ji-soo, who lost strength in his legs, stumbled.

“Lee Jisoo!!”

Aiden, who was taking the brick from Chun-oh’s hand, hurriedly caught Lee Ji-soo, who was shaking.

Aiden’s voice brought Lee Jisoo’s mind back.

“…your comrade Aiden.”

Jisoo’s voice was so wet that it could not be hidden.

“Why? Where does it hurt?”

Aiden asked with a frown on his face.

Looking at Aiden’s face like that, Jisoo wondered whether the emotion contained in that expression was annoyance or worry.

To Lee Ji-soo, Aiden was a man who could never understand what was inside.

“No. You seem too nervous..”

Lee Ji-soo took a deep breath and controlled her dizzy head.

The first square I visited since that day was too painful for Lee Ji-soo.

But he didn’t want to be a burden to Aiden and the Revolutionaries.

“If you’re not feeling well, get out. It’s a hindrance.”

It was probably annoying.

At Aiden’s reckless remark, Lee Ji-soo smiled slightly.


Aiden shouted as he saw Chun-oh putting something in his mouth again.

“I’m so nervous – Comrade Aiden.”

Lee Ji-soo turned and hugged Aiden’s back and muttered.

“Big big- there’s something to be nervous about.”

Aiden answered in a softer voice.

At this time, he was a simple man.

Because if you rub milk like this, your attitude will change quickly.

Even in this situation, the corners of his lips were wobbling.

Lee Ji-soo smiled a little at that and pulled her body closer.

“It’s just… I’m afraid.”

It’s not something to be proud of to others, so I swallowed the details.

“Don’t worry. I don’t know anything else, but your heart is- no. I’ll protect you.”

Aiden gently stroked Lee Jisoo’s hair.

Jisoo Lee was grateful that for the first time in her life she had big breasts.

Always heavy and cumbersome stuff would be so useful.

“And the Republic side said it was crazy right now. The Imperial Army suddenly moved. It won’t be a big deal.”

Aiden said nothing and turned his head.

“Uh- it starts.”

Aiden smiled broadly and put on the mask.

The goblin mask suited Aiden quite well.

Lee Ji-soo put on a tiger mask, and Chun-oh put the mask on Aiden himself.

“Come on, then. Shall we make a bet?”

Aiden said as he tapped the roof with his foot to see if he was in a good mood.

“A bet? What?”

The first mask she wore was a little uncomfortable, so Jisoo Lee changed the mask several times.

“Whether De’Shawn pees when he’s executed or not. I’ll bet on it.”

Aiden explained in a very excited voice.

“What are you going to bet on?”

Lee Ji-soo looked at the guillotine and asked.

“Well, let’s just grant a wish.”

Aiden gave a small applause.

Lee Ji-soo immediately noticed that Aiden’s gaze was on her chest.

At that gaze, Jisoo’s body became hot.

If that’s the case, you don’t even have to write a wish…

“Okay! Then I’ll bet on Comrade de-Chon isn’t revolutionary!!”

Lee Ji-soo said in an excited voice.

“Okay then- huh? You want to do it too? You don’t have a choice anymore?”

Aiden looked down at Chun-oh and asked.

Chun-oh pulled Aiden’s collar a few more times.

“Um- yes. Then you’ll do both. Okay?”

At Aiden’s words, Chun-oh nodded slightly.

Lee Ji-soo was surprised by Aiden, who understood the meaning of Cheon-oh who did not speak.

“Come on! Then, Cucking Ugly Oranges!! Come on, squeeze the orange juice!”

Aiden said in an excited voice.

Aiden’s playful voice relieved Lee Ji-soo’s tension.

Lee Ji-soo looked forward to it and turned to the guillotine.

Hoping De-Chon doesn’t pee.

Seeing De-Chon’s trembling face, Jisoo Lee sensed defeat.


“Why are you eating that again?!”

Seeing the two of them, Jisoo smiled slightly under the mask.


“Who is yours!!!”

The man next to Deshon pulled out a large ax and shouted.

“Hey profit-“

De’Shawn screamed in fear that the man might strike him in the neck with an axe.

The soldiers surrounding the square hurriedly drew their weapons and stared at the roof.

The masked kids next to Aiden were probably Lee Ji-soo and Cheon-il.

Lee Ji-soo was instantly recognizable because of her chest.

“Are you a bastard? He broke into the prison wearing a mask like this, what the hell is he doing?”

Aiden jumped off the tall building with his characteristic sneering voice.

Deshon was startled by the sight, but Aiden tapped the wall a few times and landed lightly on the ground.

Aiden, who landed on the ground, took his form and got up slowly.

Seeing him stroking the mask, he seemed quite pleased with the landing.

“Catch that Ganna baby!!!”

An order came out of nowhere-

The soldiers surrounding the square moved in unison.

The soldiers broke through the crowd and rushed to Aiden.

People ran away from those soldiers, and the square became a chaos in an instant.

“f*ckbap cubs! The cubs burst!”

Aiden was spitting out insults like a spirit, literally sweeping away the soldiers gathered around him.

The soldiers could not even stop Aiden’s move and collapsed, vomiting blood.

Aiden really ravaged the soldiers like a wolf who broke into a flock.

“Hahahaha!!! It’s fun, it’s fun!”

Aiden shoved a fist into the soldier’s face and burst into laughter.

When the hell did you get so strong?

Obviously, at the beginning of this year, he was just a piece of garbage like me.

“That..what- Why did this happen?! This..for now! Revolutionize!!”

Someone mixed in the crowd shouted loudly.


And the words spread like embers.

Those words made a strange sound in people’s hearts.

“Where did you get such a monster- you bastards like that!”

The man next to Deshon spit out a curse and looked at Deshon.

“He- Sir? In times like this, it’s the right thing to do to wait-“

At the man’s gleaming eyes, De’Shawn hurriedly teased his snout.

“What is the point of these bastards! Hey!! You bastards, cut their heads off quickly! Execution comes first!”

The man seemed to know that Aiden’s targets were death row inmates.

The man who gave the order raised his ax high in the sky and boasted of his flamboyant forearms.

“Wait a minute!!!”

Deshon exclaimed urgently.

There was still a long way to go for Aiden to arrive.

“Khahahaha!! There are so many f*cking bastards! This is a f*cking f*cking world! Come on, f*ck you guys!!”

Apparently, Aiden had fun smashing the soldiers.

He wasn’t even looking at the guillotine anymore.

“f*ck press!! Red press!!”

Aiden snatched the fleeing soldier and threw it into the ground.

“Kye eh-“

The soldier, who had been nailed to the ground from his head, let out a strange scream.

Tired of the sight, the soldiers were sneakily avoiding Aiden.

“Look around, you bastard!!!”

The man smashed the ax with all his might.

A bloody ax approached Deshon’s neck at high speed.

Aiden pup like a dog.

Deshon closed his eyes tightly at the torment to come, and thought hard about the hearts of the elves.

I believe in the myth that the last memory I remembered will stay forever.


“Your talent for making things big is really great.”

A heavy voice was heard, and then a short scream from the man was heard.

Deshon slowly opened his eyes, and a very large man stood there.

It tastes like kidney beans-

“Are you that Deshon?”

The man asked, arrogantly, raising Deshon upright.

Deshon heard his name properly in a long time.

“Yeah. That’s right! I’m Deshon!!”

The head of the man who was about to blow De’Shawn’s neck was rolling on the floor.

Even though the man’s neck was gone, he couldn’t close his eyes.

De’Shon’s mother-in-law was blown away by the fact that it was almost his image.

“Come down at once.”

The kidney bean man swung a huge sword in his hand.

Deshon shrugged in surprise, but there was no pain.


When he turned his head, he saw the pieces of iron holding his hands and feet cut off.

The man then released the restraints of the other men who were lying on the back of Deshon.

“…Are you from the Revolutionary Corps?”

The men asked with a firm expression on their faces.

The green bean man nodded and moved on.

“That’s right… the Revolutionaries are now-“

The men hesitated and asked again.

“I’ll come down and explain the details.”

The Kidney Bean man replied as if he was annoyed and went down the stairs.

Deshon followed the Kidney Bean Man down past the immobile men.

Then the rest of the men followed Deshon.

The stairs were full of corpses.

The huge sword marks left on the corpses matched the sword of the Kidney Bean man.


Then there was a loud explosion that shook the ground.

The kidney bean man’s steps got a little faster.

The steps of the men and Deshon also accelerated, and now they ran down the stairs as if they were running.

Finally, when I went down the stairs and came out, the scenery I saw was Abigail itself.


The siren was blaring loud enough to deaf.

Ordinary citizens were screaming and running away.

Soldiers and men in gray hoods were fighting one after another.

The sound of weapons clashing and screaming filled the square.

“You’ve worked hard. Things are going to be bigger than you think.”

The beautiful brunette woman smiled slightly and spoke to the kidney bean man.

From white skin to luscious brown hair, to a soft face and a voluptuous body.

She was truly the perfect woman.

Deshon’s heart tickled.

“Isn’t that all because of him?”

Kidney Kong frowned and pointed to Aiden, who was carrying two or three soldiers tied up.

“Hey, Aiden-nim’s attention has become more comfortable.

The woman who stared at Aiden for a moment smiled brightly and moved forward.

Deshon’s heart pounded at the woman’s smile, and he fiddled with the handkerchief he had in his pocket.


He fed his feet with energy into the stomach of the soldier who was blocking the way.

The soldier vomited food ugly and rolled over on the ground.

I immediately lowered my upper body to avoid the sword stabbing from behind, and then slammed my fist into the opponent’s chest.


The opponent vomited blood from his mouth, let out a strange scream and collapsed.

He grabbed the head of the fallen guy one more time and moved on.

[Pull out your hair and drink blood!!]

Shut up and f*ck off.

I turned around and started walking again.

Deshon and the revolutionaries seemed to have escaped safely.

There was no need to do this, but I was so excited to beat the f*ckin’ shit.

I couldn’t help it. Fighting with guys weaker than me was sweet like a drug.

Everyone in the square had already left.

Most of the soldiers were already wallowing on the ground, and a few were surrounded by me.

“Die-! Billion.”

A soldier wielding a sword at me from behind fell down, spitting blood from his mouth.

When I turned my head, I saw Chun-oh pointing at me with both fingers.

He was also spitting something out of his mouth.

Don’t pick it up and eat it…

I waved my thanks to Chun-oh and moved again.

Even though it was the capital, the quality of its troops was lower than expected.

Until now, I had not met even the highest level, let alone the highest level.

They really turned their troops because of the Imperial Army.

Or maybe you’re not interested in this.

Either that, or the republic is f*cked.

Thanks to that, I was able to fully enjoy my strength.

Seeing that Deshon and the revolutionaries had escaped, he rolled his feet and moved toward the guillotine to retrieve the Luna sword.

Many soldiers were lying around the guillotine.

Looking at the unstoppable sword marks, it looked like it was probably done by kidney beans.

He told me to put the ejaculation in my hand, and the little bastard had fun.

I quickly climbed the stairs and retrieved the Luna sword stuck in the guillotine.

– Ummm… throwing a sword is not right as a swordsman.

I heard the voice of the Torazin Lunagum.

I couldn’t help it because I was in a hurry, so what do you do with the only sword you have?

From the top, the view of the square can be seen at a glance.

A large number of soldiers and people were lying down.

There seemed to be quite a few revolutionary groups among the people, but none of them felt the warmth.

The wounded are taken away from the revolutionary corps, and only the dead remain?

“Comrade!! I’m here!!”

Seeing Jisoo waving her hand in front of an alley, she jumped off the guillotine and moved.

“It was amazing! Comrade!!”

As I approached, Lee Ji-soo said in a very excited voice.

“Hurry up! Move!”

More and more soldiers flocked to the square.

Seeing that the sword and armor were well maintained, it seemed to be of a higher level than the original troops in the square.

“It’s over there!!”

One of them pointed at us and shouted.

The soldiers ran towards us at the sound.

As a bunch of men in gray armor ran, it was as if a huge iron was rolling down.

“let’s go!”

I ran with the Thousand Five in one hand.


Chun-oh was used to holding me in his arms and shooting something from his hand towards the back.

Jisoo Lee followed, sprinkling something on the back.

“What are you spraying?”

I felt a strange sense of uneasiness when I saw Lee Ji-soo shaking up to the shoulder and spraying something with excitement.

“Ah, the seeds of the revolution, comrade!!”

Lee Ji-soo boldly answered and moved his feet vigorously.

And I went around the alley, dealing with the soldiers running out in front of me-


Just hearing it from behind, I could hear a roaring roar.

“Hahaha! It seems that the seeds of the revolution have already germinated!”

Lee Ji-soo laughed happily and shouted.

The roar I just heard made my ears deaf and I couldn’t hear well.

crazy shit.

Where else did you get the bomb?

There was no need to do it like that, but it had already happened, so I had no choice but to do it.

“You bastard – ugh!”

Dodging the sword of the soldier who jumped out from the front, he grabbed his head and pressed it against the wall.

The soldier lost his strength at once and fell to the ground.

We passed over it and kept moving.

After walking for a while, I encountered a revolutionary group that was working diligently.

There were quite a few people in the revolutionary group that I had never seen before.

He said he probably received support, and it seemed like that.

“You’ve worked hard, Aiden.”

Seo-ah smiled softly and greeted her.


It was a smile that contrasted with the screams heard from the front of the revolutionary corps.

The increasing number of soldiers and revolutionary groups were violently entangled.

“Yeah, where are you going now? Hey! I’m not eating!”

Chun-oh, who had my belt in his mouth, asked, drying it.

“Just go through the western door.”

Seo-ah answered, pointing with a fine finger.

I nodded and turned my head back.

The soldiers I’ve met so far are all low-level and haven’t fully recovered yet.

“Eh.. Aiden!!”

Deshon slowly approached me while watching the people around me.

He must have suffered quite a bit, so his face was grimacing and his body was dry.

It used to be a pretty face, but now it’s not even good.

“Comrade de-chon!”

Next to him, Lee Ji-soo shouted in a welcoming voice.

“That.. Lee Ji-soo?”

Deshon narrowed his eyes and looked at Jisoo Lee, who was wearing a mask.

“That’s right!! I’m glad you’re healthy! Comrade de-chon!”

Lee Ji-su patted Deshon’s shoulder and smiled coolly.

“That- I’m guilty of treason-“

Deshon looked at me and was speechless.

“To start a rebellion, I didn’t even know that Cucking Ugly Orange had that much courage. What kind of trouble is this because of you.

He said as he looked down at the struggling Chun-oh to the ground.

“People yes- you are…!!”

At my words, Deshon muttered with blood in his eyes.

Are you trying to blame the person who saved you?

He was truly a piece of garbage.

“It’s not that important! Comrade de-chon!!”

Lee Ji-soo called out to Deshon with a loud voice at first.


Deshon looked at Lee Ji-soo with anxious eyes.

“Did you pee or not?!

Lee Ji-soo asked Deshon in a loud voice.

Then, the eyes of the revolutionaries who were around also gathered on Deshon.

Deshon’s eyes wandered with untimely interest.

“Is it cheap or not?!! Oh my God, it’s cheap?! That’s a disqualification as a man to pee like a dog because the knife is a little off!”

Lee Ji-soo urged Deshon in a loud and rough voice.

“No.. not cheap!! And now- what are you talking about!!”

De’Shawn made a shrieking sound.

“Don’t go crazy. Damn it. It’s cheap.”

“It’s not cheap!!!”

Deshon shouted in a weeping voice.

“Hehehe- They say it’s not cheap, comrade.”

Lee Ji-soo smiled like a fool and looked at Aiden with hot eyes.

I was terrified of those burning eyes.

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

A Veteran of the Hero Academy

용사 아카데미의 노답 유급생
Score 8.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
The crazy 🅱🅸🆃🅲🅷 has returned and life has begun to twist.


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not work with dark mode