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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 93

93 – 2. ■■’S Summoner (38)


Proceed through empty space.

After going on for a long time, we arrived at a place where all colors are visible, a world colored in gray no matter where we look.

Under the world I stood. It was a world he was so tired of and never wanted to see again.

“This again…”

The moment I saw it with my own two eyes, I knew it was a dream. Did Se-Rin Lee do something else? Even though she was sleeping, she was tired and furrowed her brow involuntarily.



I tried to raise my hand to press my throbbing head, but I could see that someone was holding my hand.

When I opened my eyes and looked down, I could see a little kid whose head came only a little lower than my waist, trying hard not to let go of my hand, which he was holding on tiptoe.

“Ugh, ugh…”

As I was watching the scene as it was, the little boy looked up at me with a teary face.

Looks like it was quite difficult to reach up. I reflexively lowered my hand at the sight of him, who was so pure that it made me want to protect him.


Then, each kid who was able to hold my hand smiled brightly and held my hand tightly with his small hand like an autumn leaf. I let out a sigh as I held onto it with all my strength as if I would never fall again.

“What concept is this time?”


My eyebrows furrowed at the sight of the little boy tilting his head as if he didn’t know anything about my words. It is said that sprouts that are ready to grow are different from cotyledon leaves, and no matter how young they may look, you can get a glimpse of Se-Rin Lee in this kid’s appearance.

To be precise, it is the appearance of Se-Rin Lee that is ‘customized to my taste’.

First of all, let me tell you that all of this is her handiwork, since there is no way I can dream of her, and there is no way that she will have the image of her childhood when she was created.

I was annoyed by that fact, but I didn’t let go of it. That’s also the case, because most of the time when that woman pushes her openly like this, something has happened.

‘Is it because of the line of sight…’

As I have verified, the space created by Heize is, in any case, closer to the gap between two spaces.

It’s not completely separated from the world, but the feeling of not being cut off is strong, so as a result, I was able to get out of Se-Rin Lee’s view of the world.

In other words, it is said that I have a means to avoid the eyes of Se-Rin Lee, the monster that I thought I could not overcome.

This must be an achievement that cannot be achieved in words. But at the same time, it was also my mistake.

‘It made me instill some sense of caution.’

It was unintentional, but depending on the point of view, it resulted in cheating the contract.

Perhaps, in the future, through these tricks, he will cleverly get out of her line of sight. Is it right to keep the contract as it is?

It is as if Lee Se-rin was reminded of such questions and doubts.

From the perspective of the parties, there is nothing strange about canceling the contract itself or applying for a new contract renewal.

Thanks to that, I was able to keep the secrets of the [Book of Summoning] And [Book of Combination], But the result was that the protection that had protected me in this damn world and provided convenience in many ways might disappear.

I thought I would definitely talk about it after waking up, but it’s like this.

I felt like my plans were already going awry, so I sighed. It’s still cramped, but maybe it’s because the surroundings are stuffy, so I’m more than double exhausted.

This is why I can’t like transcendent people or gods.

Can’t we just hang out with people who are in the same class? I honestly couldn’t understand why I had to enjoy looking at the lower ones.


“… Tsk.”

Perhaps I could see that my expression was rotting away, and the child’s complexion had noticeably deteriorated. To be precise, he began to wonder if he was doing something wrong while examining my complexion.

I wanted to throw my hands away like this, but I didn’t. I just didn’t care. If you’re going to follow me, follow me. I swore to be indifferent and bystander and moved on.

Suddenly, memories from my previous life flashed by that image of me moving my feet more to match my stride.

The world was destroyed, but as if practicing the saying that humans are animals of adaptation, they shared love even while going crazy.

Someone treated people like tools just to relieve their accumulated desires. Some sold their bodies in order to survive, and others were more faithful to their survival instincts because they were in a dangerous situation and left their offspring.

Under the emotional play of irresponsible idiots who don’t even think about what’s to come, one or two poor children are thrown into a ruined world where even the immediate future is unclear.

Even if you survive in hell, you will end up becoming a demon.

That’s why her behavior was all the more the same. The children I saw in my previous life were not so naive.

Because the innocent and kind people have long since been swept away by the first storm and become cold corpses. All that was left was evil.

Deceiving, betraying, killing, stealing someone… What did you want to see by surviving so ugly and dirty and leaving it intact?

I didn’t get an answer to that question until the end. I didn’t want to know, and I didn’t bother to know from the middle. I just sincerely hoped that the terrible situation would end as soon as possible.

Children are the future itself. So, what are the children born in a world already doomed to be?

Children who were forced to become adults became even more vicious, and as a result, they became devils who only wore the skin of children.

It was literally chaos itself. I had to believe in nothing but me. If caught, it is eaten as it is. In a world where everyone is a hungry carnivore, the first thing to be eaten is a weakened asshole.

There can be no future in a world where it is easier to steal something than to make something.

In that sense, it is no exaggeration to say that I, who survived until the very end, is the ultimate solitude in which all malice is boiled down in a jar called the world.

Perhaps it reflected my image, the surrounding landscape became a frenzied festival full of carnage. A strange noise resounds, whether it be a scream or a shout. Laughing at that appearance, he wets his mouth with blood instead of alcohol and covets meat.

Swear words came up just by looking at it. I was sick because I couldn’t do it. So I loaded the pistol in my pocket and pierced their heads. This will give you a little bit of ventilation.

It’s a dream anyway. It is a useless act. Still I did Just like I did in my previous life, I cleaned up the dirt with the feeling of picking up trash on the roadside.

There is no reason. There is no cause. I just did it because I wanted to. Because it was a world where it was allowed.

Just like that, they cleaned up the dirt one by one. Fortunately or not, my body was pickled in a bizarre experiment that made it impossible to die no matter how many times I died. There was no sensation, let alone pain. The cause is unknown.

I could sense that I was forcibly pulling the lifespan of the future.

You were lucky enough to survive?

Yes. Right. I was lucky.

Originally, I wasn’t sane in a world where normal people like me couldn’t survive, but I had no other way to explain it other than to say that I was really lucky because I was able to maintain my sanity and survive to the end.

In that sense, what the god of this world wanted may have been pure malice. Ingredients to highlight the good man named Ban Tae-woong.

However, what really came out was the less crazy mutant and the irregular itself.

In a world where only stealing, coveting, killing, and committing crimes remained, it would have been shocking even the god who opened the lid to think that the only thing that was boiled down was this pathetic guy.

But damn, is that what I do?

As an intellectual who has lived in the 21st century, it is better to bite your tongue and die than to be treated like dirty things that are no different from beasts that have discarded all of your dignity and humanity.

No, didn’t I just kill all the bastards who saw me and thought I was my own people?

That’s because if I confirm that they are my kind, it will become an insult to those who previously maintained their humanity and showed examples of good people.

I couldn’t stand that much.

After deciding that I had removed all the dirty things I could actually see, I committed suicide. It’s because when they see me, I’m definitely a ‘madman’.

Couldn’t a guy who takes human life as lightly as an insect be normal? At best, it is best to imitate the appearance of a normal person.

This is the only thing that survived thanks to their lives. I don’t really care about this.

So I decided to go to hell. There is no way that those who are willing to give their lives for others will fall into hell.

Somehow, there is such a thing as the afterlife, and I was too shy to meet them every once in a while, so I didn’t have the confidence to look them in the eyes.

Suicide is considered unfilial, so even if my actions are not determined to be evil, I will surely fall into hell.

Since the world is in this situation, only very primitive means remain, but the only thing left is time, so I steadily practiced it.

I only wanted to be comfortable, so I went through a lot of hardships and finally died.

Thinking about it again gave me fever again.

If you order by mistake, you should either apply for a recall or refund. Isn’t it wriggling like this because you force the guy who doesn’t want to do it to bend down?

I lay down in a suitable place as if following the traces of the past.

My back didn’t hurt because it was cozy, probably thanks to the ashes piled up on my back. How much have you accumulated?

Then the little boy hesitated and lay down next to me. The clothes that were already sticky were sticking even more.

Some of them were sweaty from moving, but they were quick enough to find a place where there was no blood on their bodies, so the fishy smell was no joke.

The cramped feeling got worse. I took off the mask a long time ago, so why is it so hard to breathe?

“This is enough.”


For the first time the little boy opened her mouth. It was a very hoarse voice, like when I was asleep and squeezed my vocal chords.

Even so, I felt like I was struggling to sleep, perhaps because I was able to clearly feel my childlike nature.

“Is this really enough?”

“It’s already over, so what can I do?”

“Since it’s a dream, it would be okay to wish for a little bit of happiness.”

At that, I snorted. Happy dreams? What was happiness? Isn’t it happiness to just fall asleep without any thoughts or worries?

At the very least, I can affirm that being mentally exhausted while doing sh*t like this is far from happiness.

“…Did you hate it?”

“For the first time in a while, it wasn’t good or bad to shoot a gun, but now I feel like sh*t.”

Aside from the smell of blood, I couldn’t stand the suffocation and stuffiness I didn’t know the cause of. If it was painful to the point of death, I would have agreed and said, “Oh, someone is trying to kill me.”

At first I thought it was because my clothes were sticking to me from sweat, but I knew it wasn’t because my whole body was soaked in blood.

Yeah, it was like someone was riding on top of me and holding me down.

From noble mtl dot com

…Then the answer is simple. I turned my gaze to the side and wrapped my arms around the little boy who was resting his head on the nape of my neck as if he was happy, and put my hand on his head to fix it. If so, you won’t be able to move.


Surprised by my sudden action I could feel an urgent fidget as I lifted the loaded gun for a moment.

Maybe it was because it was a child’s body, no matter how much I moved, I couldn’t get out of my arms. The trigger on my finger was pulled with a clicking sound.



A noise enough to burst the eardrums and the head bounces at the same time. My vision quickly reverses and my eyes close against my will.


Blinking my eyes, I saw the ceiling of my room, which I was used to. As I exhaled slowly, I could feel the sweet scent of citrus.

As I looked down, I could see the top of my head with platinum hair still shining in the twilight blue light that signifies dawn. My hand, which is tightly gripped so that the top of his head does not run away, is a bonus.

I knew it would be like this.

Since I exercised my privilege, it is natural for me to come to receive the reward, but every time I play jokes like this, my body is not left.

I let out a deep sigh and loosened my grip at the exact same action I had taken in my dream.

It was only then that Platinum’s head slowly lifted, and Golden’s pupils bent finely, meeting my eyes.

“…Is this fun?”

“Hee hee”

That act of sticking out your tongue and smiling as if you were caught playing a bad prank was absolutely disgusting.

Starting with the clothes that were scattered due to sleep, each and every action is a trap to seduce me. One of the short entertainments to enjoy how I will react.

I was really sick of seeing people’s emotions.

If God damn Ban Tae-woong is the main character of the game, she is copying it and making fun of me for this woman.

Only the scale of the work is different, but the appearance of causing trouble to others for oneself is exactly the same. No, rather, at the point of direct interference, this woman’s quality is much worse.

How can I f*ck this woman? After thinking about it, there was no answer.

So I just stopped thinking about it. Even in the dream, I didn’t even drink alcohol, perhaps because I worked hard on my body, but my head was pounding as if I was suffering from a terrible hangover.

Looking at the fact that I had to come and do this, it seems that I didn’t like the fact that I took too much time and got out of her gaze.

I was drenched in cold sweat and swept away the clinging bangs with a rough sweep, completely relaxing my body.

I wanted to go back to sleep like this. Then, with a high probability, you will have the same dream again. Maybe it gets worse It’s the weekend, and it’s really crazy.

“Would you like to have breakfast? Or a shower? Or is it me too?”

“…Isn’t that kind of line usually given to people who have visited?”

In the first place, how did this woman know that? She’s so banal that it’s a line that was used as a gag material. You can manipulate my dreams as you please, so did you read my memories?

That sounds like sh*t. I’ll have to think of ways to raise the mental barrier for my next summon.

I was annoyed because there were more things to do unintentionally. But it’s annoying to express it, so I just let out a deep sigh.

At the moment when it was annoying to deal with, the image of the little girl Se-Rin she saw in her dream came to mind. I stretched out her arms and held her tightly in my arms, controlling her barely as if her body could touch her.

Somehow, it became like hugging a pillow from her arm pillow.


Even though I was able to shake it off enough, I deliberately made a snorting noise, took her into her arms, and rubbed her voluptuous breasts openly. I was forced to endure it.

Rather than not being able to get out, she hugged her even more tightly, determined to crush her bones and kill her. Come to think of it, she remembered that she had died once, and it made her terrified.

It was a dream, so it ended with waking up, but now it’s a reality. Be patient put the intent to kill What you need now is a break.

“What? Have you finally made up your mind? Are you coveting this body that was sweetened and polished just for you?”

“…Shut up and just sleep.”

I buried her mouth in my chest. This will calm you down a bit.

Well well.

As if it wasn’t completely useless, I couldn’t hear anything more than mumbling. But she began to perform eccentricities, such as deliberately exhaling lukewarm breath or washing my clothes to moisten them with saliva.

‘f*ck, I’m not even a kid…’

Do you think I will let you go?

I want to rest even a little longer, so I’m doing this even while enduring the rising nausea. So a little bit do what I want.

Talk, talk

In that state, I quietly patted Lee Se-rin on the back. Little by little, at regular intervals, again slowly.

I forced myself to exhale slowly, repeating this over and over again in sync with the relaxed rhythm of my heartbeat. Hoping that he would fall asleep because he couldn’t overcome his boredom, I accepted the slowly winding power without rejecting it.



If it hadn’t been for someone biting my neck hard, I could have fallen asleep. It disturbed my sleep not once, but twice.

I couldn’t stand it any longer, so I grabbed Lee Se-rin’s neck and gave her strength to break it. The impact completely tore the wounded flesh, and blood flowed out.

It came out really well, probably because my heart was beating fast with anger. Using the image of the white bedspread dyed red as fuel, it adds strength to its grip.

But instead of putting on a distressed expression, this woman pouted her lips and started whining.

“…It’s petty. She’s suddenly kind, and she’s trying to sleep alone again on the subject that made me long for it.”

If you just listen to it, it’s no different than complaining to your lover. The problem is that I’m not even in a relationship with this woman, and I don’t care if she’s longing for it or not.

“f*ck, then what are you going to do with me!!!!”

I had a dream from my previous life a while ago, but it hadn’t been long since I had a dream, so I vomited my anger from the bottom of my heart.

Relentlessly raises mana to strengthen the grip on the neck. Even that was not enough, so they spread it under me and pressed it down with the strength of their whole bodies.

Pududeuk, Took!

I heard a sound that shouldn’t be heard from a human body. It wasn’t that woman’s body, it was a sound I heard from my body. The ligaments in the muscles were severed because the body could not withstand the mana that had been squeezed to the limit.

Regardless of my will, I use shadows to make up for the strength of my grip that has begun to loosen without hesitation.

Seeing my fierce hostility, the monster in the skin of a woman laughed. He smiled more lustfully and hotter than ever before.

My cheeks blushed and my eyes drooped as if my distorted figure reflected in the empty gold was infinitely lovable. He reached out and grabbed my face.

I bit the thumb that swept my lips and bit it off, but as if he didn’t mind, he pushed his finger further into my mouth.

“Ah, that’s it. Please bump into me a little more. Give me as much attention as I give you.”

His hair stood up in disgust. I roughly slashed my fingers that were invading the inside of my mouth, and I wrapped my hands as they were.

“Crazy b*tch…! This isn’t interest, it’s murder intent to kill you!!”

“Ahahahaha! It doesn’t matter. The important thing is that at this moment, your head is full of my thoughts.”


There was nothing else to explain.

Can such words come out even when a knife is stabbed in the heart and dying? I couldn’t tell if this was a question that stemmed from her sense of selfishness or desperation stemming from her frustration at not being able to bridge the gap between her and me.

I was genuinely fed up with her attitude, which only showed aloof reactions no matter what I did, as it seemed that only the side that was consuming emotions was a loss.

What should I do? What should I do to make this woman hate me? I couldn’t help but want to kill the monster in front of me that disturbed my peace.

“…Ha ha.”

I was tired. I feel sleepy. Why, why do I have to feel the pain of this abnormality? I was depressed. I let go of the hand that was strangling me.

It hurt. Even moving was difficult. Of course, the muscle is cut off. I’m glad it ended with this much pain.

Should we thank the system for not accepting this masochism as self-injury and not applying the effects of [Sadism] And [Torture]?

“Ha ha ha ha ha…”

Suddenly, the fact that I was thinking like this made me laugh out loud. As I was slumping, I felt someone stroke my hair. Nausea came up, but I didn’t have the strength to deal with it.

The face is wrapped in something soft. Every time you exhale, the sweet tangerine scent overwhelms your brain.

The body refuses to the extent that chicken meat grows, but the mind, on the contrary, gradually becomes hazy and gives up thinking. Wouldn’t it be okay to just accept it as it is? Such thoughts boil from beneath a deep sense of defeat.


A soft hand touches the neck. The sting spread as if he had scanned the wound. He sighed and lifted his head.

As the blurred focus finally came into focus, I saw a monster stealing a red-stained finger from its lips with an ecstatic expression. Look at that. After all, this monster only thinks of me as prey.

If you lose interest while playing with it, savor the delicious parts while still alive. They will enjoy dinner using my screams and despair as BGM.

“hehehe, are you upset? Are your teeth shaking at the helplessness of not being able to do anything? To the point where you want to kill me?”

Are you trying to make fun of me now? It’s ridiculous. Lee Se-rin, not paying attention to my cynical gaze, continued her story.

“I will make one suggestion to you. Oh, should I say ‘request’ here?”

Because it is contractually correct. Saying that, the monster’s lips, which smiled, were soaked in my blood, so her alluring appearance stood out even more.

“Hug me.”

I love it so much that I could die.

Saying that, the monster smiled with its watery eyes shining.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode