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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 60

60 – 2. Summoner (5)


The next morning.

There were a total of 6 members, including me, Hong Soo-ah, Ban Tae-woong, Lucia, and Liri, plus an unknown woman who gathered in one of the empty classrooms accompanied by Hong Soo-ah.

The only thing I brought with me was Hong Soo-ah, so I should assume that she was brought from Ban Tae-woong’s side.

It’s not even a problem, but it’s one that worries me a little. It was the difference in atmosphere between Ban Tae-woong and that woman. Should I say the exact opposite or contrast?

Ban Tae-woong’s eyes were slightly bloodshot, probably because he couldn’t sleep properly after all. When I see myself constantly looking at me and being restless, I don’t know why real kids are so crowded.

On the other hand, that woman was very reticent. But it wasn’t peaceful. The sharp energy contained inside was fierce, and it contained a strong will to slash at the slightest touch.

The appearance of calmly contemplating the surroundings had the ruthlessness of being ready to throw it away at any time if it got in the way, if not hostile.

In either case, I like her reaction better. Because the current Ban Tae-woong is close to falling short of the level.

It’s not bad, but it wasn’t a little credible.

Even if it’s not confidence, the more things like this, the more calmly you have to deal with it.

I tapped Lucia with her foot and looked away. Then she turned her gaze from me to that woman in turn, clearing her throat with her short sigh.

“Mr. Taewoong.”

“Uh, huh? What’s wrong, Lucia?”

“Calm down a little. I understand that you are worried about Narae, but if you keep doing that, nothing will happen.”

As Lucia’s hand overlapped on top of his hand that had turned white from clenching too tightly, Ban Tae-woong’s tense body gradually began to relax.

“…Yeah, that’s right. Sorry.”

After confirming that I had calmed down, I took out the device in the center of the table and enlarged the screen.

Last night before I went to bed, I shuddered a bit, and the preparation itself was easy as they sent me all the materials I had prepared, as if I knew I would notice from the other side.

But I didn’t open the information right away. Because I haven’t heard anything about who that woman is.

“That way?”

Since no one will tell me if I stay still, I decided to ask. For the first time, the woman gave him a puzzled expression, but he didn’t mind.

Well, I don’t know. Whatever.

Hong Soo-ah, who was full of energy at my confident expression, shook her head excitedly and opened her mouth.

“Remember at least the appearance of the cadets in your class. Cadet Shinwoo Jang. Her name is Senna Bright. He was a cadet who was partying with cadet Ban Tae-woong when cadet Shin Na-rae went missing.”

Bright, ok. I didn’t even know I was in class because I wasn’t interested.

“…Sena Bright.”

At that, I nodded. Is this enough justification for participation? I looked at her and shook her head slowly.

“What I’m curious about is whether the purpose is to rescue the missing person or is it because of the Crusader’s duty. Your top priority will change accordingly.”

Bright. She does not know about her, but there is information about her name, which she gave herself.

The name of the powerful person who is in charge of the current priest of Gwangilgyo and the leader of the Holy Knights at the same time is Jayra Bright.

His name is [God’s Mace]. Even in the Bright family, which always produces quality crusaders, she is a nobleman who is called the strongest crusader of all time, so her skills go without saying, and her position in the church itself is considerable.

That’s why I asked.

If this woman moves to deal with the remnants of evil spirits on her own in order to fulfill her duty as a crusader instead of searching for the missing person, then all the strategies she’s concocted will go to waste and become difficult in many ways.

“…I am not yet a formal paladin.”

“If you think about it that way, Narae Shin is not yet an official saintess, but one of many candidates.”

One of the pieces of information I pulled out from brushing Lee Se-rin. Na-rae Shin is one of the candidates for the saintess that has not yet been decided.

Of course, when it comes to candidates, there is nothing special about them that stands out compared to other outstanding candidates, or that they have a good birth.

In other words, she must have something in her that deserves her nomination.

“…Are you aware of that? After all, those who are favored by monsters are different.”

I also know that I am related to Lee Se-rin. Rather than the information known to the church itself, this should be seen as the intelligence power of the Bright family itself.

Well, it’s information power, and there’s nothing to do. Se-rin Lee is just one of those people who sometimes play pranks. Seeing that he openly calls him a monster, he must have been burned quite a bit too.

I shrugged her shoulders and said leisurely.

“Don’t think of saying something else, just say it clearly. It’s rescue, it’s build. Which one?”

“…I would have told you.”

The woman, Sarah Bright, furrowed her brow and growled. Is it really my fault that her figure makes it look like she’s trying hard to disguise her anger just to cover up her private parts?

“I am not yet a paladin. Before discussing her name, Bright, she will be Narae’s friend.”

“Really? Good luck then.”


She snapped her fingers to give a signal to the shadow crow that was waiting. The crows popped out in an instant and distributed the previously prepared files in their mouths in front of each other.

Originally, one was mine, but even if I didn’t have that one, I already saved it as [Record], So I handed it over to Sarah Bright.

“First of all, before the explanation, I do not take any questions until the end. Also, be careful because the moment the information you get here flows out, your future life may become boring.”

No one objected to the calm but forced tone.

Sarah Bright, who had been giving me a piercing glance until just now, thought she would respond, but she still stared at me quietly, and she said nothing else.


I manipulated the device to display the information.

In the first week of the academy, I encountered In [The Goblin’s Lair], And there was a report on what happened until the object appeared, as well as other information processed by the Secret Service, not me.

The highlight is the work done by Se-Rin Lee, who half-rooted the ‘evil worshipers’ hiding outside without my knowledge.

“I should first explain the ‘evil god’.”

I picked up the keyword evil spirit from among the information at the bottom and opened a new folder.

“An evil god is simply a ‘fake god’.”

“Fake, God?”

I nodded at Ban Tae-woong’s words after repeating my words.

“It gets very complicated if you dig into it in detail, so I think of it as an unknown entity that occasionally appears in the background of dungeons.”

In fact, there is nothing different from the story contained in the dungeon. The worshipers who cleverly captured it were sucked in by God and all, so naturally, those who followed it began to add.

If you look at what they did, it was not much different from the pseudo-bi’s expansion.

It’s just that it’s based on a setup that doesn’t even know if the subject exists in this world. It’s safe to say that if you look at the position, it’s like a ‘demon king’.

Unbeknownst to you, you have a subordinate, and those bastards are talking nonsense in their name? There is no such thing as a nuisance.

In fact, the existence of evil spirits should be seen as a kind of universal cheat that devil worshipers can easily use whenever they want to play a game.

The madmen don’t need a grandiose reason. Just ‘for the sake of the great evil god~’ is enough.

I can assure you that even within that organization, there must be some who have had their heads sewn up in order to rip off the money that the crazy pseudo-men are giving away.

“The devil worshipers are those who worship that unknown being, the evil spirit, and sow their ambition to bring this world under the control of the evil spirit.”

I took out the pictures. Some men had tattoos on their necks, some women on their thighs.

The shape was very unique. The bones were holding the lungs reminiscent of ammonites, and black lines reminiscent of tree roots were drawn here and there like lightning strikes around them.

This is the crest of evil spirit worshipers and at the same time proof that you have received the power of evil spirits.

Yes, these madmen eventually found a way to channel the demonic powers in the dungeon.

To be precise, the fragments of the dungeon that dealt mainly with the existence of evil spirits were split and remodeled so that they could be acquired in some form.

That is the identity of the ‘remnants of the evil spirit’.

You can think of it as a kind of skill given by an evil spirit. True to the name of the evil god, the powers of the remnants are nothing but sh*t… But first of all, they are strong enough to be called powers.

Although the reaction and restrictions are severe.

“The cause of this incident was the remnants of the evil spirits planted in the academy’s dungeon by these self-proclaimed evil god foot wipers.”

In there, information about the goblin’s lair and the dungeon that the secret unit dealt with was displayed by Irregular.

“A total of 6 remnants were discovered in advance. Three remnants of [Unfair death], [Incomplete bond], And [Opaque connection] Were scattered in a complex way.”

By the way, the remnant that permeated Nightshade is the [Incomplete Bond]. Each remnant has a different effect, so it would be more complicated to explain everything now, so it would be right to choose the main axis of this case.

“Among them, 5 remnants were successfully removed. The one remaining remnant [Opaque Connection] Survived, engulfed the dungeon, and fully bloomed. This is the truth of the case.”

I took a deep breath and looked around. When it came to Ban Tae-woong and Lucia, it seemed as if this was possible, and Lily seemed to be curious about the information about the evil god.

Thanks to its singularity, Sarah Bright knew some information about the evil god, but she didn’t seem to have any information about what happened at the academy.

Looking at the information with an expression of seeing something unbelievable, he bit his lip.

Yes, Se-Rin Lee took care of this, but originally, these were tasks that Gwangil-gyo and even the Crusaders would have to carry out.

It is related to their livelihood. Even so, something happened without their knowledge, and it was handled on their own, and they must be feeling resentment for not being able to get any of that information, even belatedly.

She wasn’t yet a paladin or something, but in the end, as long as she takes the surname Bright, she is a member of the paladin.

“By the way, the monster commotion on the first day was also committed by worshipers. The one who installed that was a worshiper hidden among the prosecutors who came right after that day.”

Surprisingly, the corrupt person hiding in the prosecution was actually a real madman. He was able to catch his tail more easily thanks to the guy he openly sent abroad.

“What?! There was no way there was a worshiper hiding inside the prosecution…!!”

I used my shadow to hurriedly stop Hong Soo-ah, who was taken aback by my words and tried to get up right away.

“Now that I have caught everything and shaken off everything, don’t even think about harassing me.”

“…No, ha…”

Besides that, she seemed to have a lot of things she wanted to ask me. Yes, I guess. She is the one who cleaned the dungeon with the secret unit. He must have firmly believed that he had taken care of everything at that time.

But what can I do? A b*tch crazier than the devil worshipers stepped in and stopped it.

Did you know that I would do this?

I left it in order to catch the demon worshipers, but I caught the demon worshipers in a different way.

Then it’s normal to take care of it together, but I buried this fact for one reason, that it would be more fun to leave that crazy b*tch unattended. That’s just the story.

Even if I tell you all about that fact here, it will only annoy me. So this is information blocked at my discretion.

As a result, evil worshipers are evil. That’s enough.

“The [Opaque connection], Which is the remaining remnant, has the power to temporarily connect space to space, but basically this can be changed enough depending on the power it possesses.”

I finally opened the information about the dungeon [Temple Encroached by Madness]. It is approximate information that everyone has obtained through upperclassmen, but in fact, it is expected that the information written here will be half useless.

If the remnants of the evil spirit had completely swallowed the dungeon, that alone would have already begun to alter the dungeon.

“The explanation of the prior information is over, and from now on, the explanation of the operation.”

As I said, everyone turned the handed data over to the next page. Then, when they saw the writing written there, everyone made an absurd expression.

“Doc, stone? Could this be the Dakdol I know? Shut up and charge?”

“…What is your intention?”

Receiving everyone’s bewildered stares, he calmly shrugged his shoulders.

“This is the end of the information. In order to solve this situation, there is no change to the fact that we have to catch the Irregular that has settled inside the dungeon, and eventually go inside the dungeon. It’s just the difference between entering the enemy knowingly and being dragged around without knowing it.”

How can I know about a dungeon I haven’t explored in advance, and I’ve never been to. I also didn’t know much about the remnants of evil spirits until I got clear information from Lee Se-rin.

Rather, it’s not enough to receive thanks.

You can’t thank me for being able to organize this much information in one day. After saving someone from drowning, isn’t that the same as asking for money?

“Above all, it is better to move with discretion in the field than to set up a detailed strategy and enter such a place”

There is a high possibility that you will only delay time or add to confusion if you are arguing over strategies and following them one by one.

Rescue missing people. It is only necessary to establish that purpose.

So it was necessary to find out Sarah Bright’s trend in the beginning. I have to play facing variables inside with many variables, but it’s hard for me to move with variables until the end of the long term.

‘I personally want to find out a little more about the remnants…’

There were times when I was too embarrassed and surprised during Nightshade, but the biggest thing was that I didn’t have the energy to look closely. Unlike the time when I couldn’t investigate properly, it’s possible now.

Look down on that judgment.

‘The Remnant of the Evil God, La…’

It is the devil worshipers who are famous in the world, not the power they use in the name of remnants.

Isn’t there any reason for the state to take the initiative and release information that would favor the devil worshipers in the first place?

What would the people living in the country think if we thought of common sense and announced that terrorists have very strong powers and could be screwed?

It is a world where the trend of the jungle is strong. There are plenty of guys who will do anything for power, and when those bastards volunteer to go to a demon worshiper, they don’t even look far, they’re just f*cked.

From the point of view of a demon worshiper, it is equivalent to blowing your nose without touching your hands.

Since it can spread the majesty of evil spirits widely and even cause a commotion, it is 1 stone 2 trillion, no 1 stone 3 trillion. I wished they were right and welcomed them, but there is no reason to push them away.

This is why Remnant of the Evil Spirit is classified.

So I had more questions.

Why didn’t the demon worshipers take advantage of this?

Just using the remnants on people is an opportunity to exercise the three things of influence, recognition, and power at once, so what is the reason for bothering to come to the academy and plant them in the back of the dungeon? ?

The purpose of infiltrating this dungeon is also to figure it out.

“If you go into a dungeon, you can find out even if you don’t like it. Because there will be bastards who will f*ck like a boss even though they’re not even bosses.”

So, you should take care of yourself, right? I looked at Hong Soo-ah, who was looking at me from behind with a bewildered expression.

“…Could it be that the reason you called me here is to legally get permission from the academy to enter the dungeon?”

“Bingo. Furthermore, you will have to follow us as a lead. Cute students enter a dangerous dungeon, right? Yes you will Are you a teacher?”

When I deliberately emphasized the word teacher and cut it off, Hong Soo-ah frowned and glared at me. If that’s not the case, there’s no reason to bother putting you in here.

No matter the method, you’ve already stepped in and heard the information. Then, wouldn’t it be reasonable to at least pay that price?

Think of it as a harsh punishment for violating teaching rights and all that to me, who was giving me a headache in the middle of education, and accept it sweetly.

Okay then, let’s legally take the academy class.


“…Ha ha ha”

Inside the dark cave, a woman with her blue hair struggled, leaning her body halfway against the wall.

Narae Shin.

She was the woman who cleared the dungeon laughing with Ban Tae-woong’s party until half the day. But compared to then, her appearance now was nothing.

She was too dirty to be considered missing for only half a day.

There wasn’t a single spot in her cadet uniform that wasn’t torn or soiled, and it was slightly scorched, as evidenced that she had been wearing it for quite some time.

As if it wasn’t her simple outer wall, something thick kept coming out and conveying her displeasure, but she didn’t have the strength left to move as she was examining it now.

I couldn’t even use magic to light a lantern.

From the moment I entered this bizarre space, strangely, the mana I used did not refill. Her connection with the god also faded, and the output of her divine power, which had always protected her, was minimal.

There is no doubt that it is being hindered by some kind of barrier or magic.

In the first place, this space itself was so disgustingly filled with the power of heresy.


Yes, heresy.

It is not long before Gwangilgyo, which strives to accept everything equally, has been branded as a heresy. One of them is the special foreign press.

Things that were not born in this world, but were born in the outside world and spread as if contagious.

In this space, the power of the foreign media was strongly felt.

No, I had to see it as full beyond what felt thick.

Other people might feel a little stuffy or simply uncomfortable, but as for myself, who received the warm protection of the Lord God, I came to understand it naturally from the moment I entered this space.

This place is so horrible and dirty.

Moreover, it is also the fact that you cannot escape from this place with your own strength.



Shin Narae, who hurriedly lowered her body at the sound of stamping her feet from behind and hid herself in a crack in the rock, covered her mouth.

I was short of breath. Even so, he desperately calmed his beating heart and held his breath. Squeeze out a little mana and use magic to erase the smell.

For them, it is better to hide their body odor than to hide their appearance. It was a fact told by a senior who jumped out and acted as bait to attract their attention on his behalf.

As soon as the image of that senior came to mind, Na-rae Shin felt like she was about to burst into tears.

But it shouldn’t be like that. If she is captured here, the meaning of the senior’s saving her will be lost.

If you go a little further, you can reach the place where the power of the main god can reach.

If I can get there, I can purify both the tiredness of this pitiful body and the uneasy air of this place.

And everyone is calling. The only thing he could do now, the only thing that had the slightest chance of saving the lives of those caught here was that way.

“Chwiik, Creek!”


At last, Narae Shin stopped breathing at the unique sound of breathing. Determined not to even hear her heartbeat, she opened her eyes as wide as she could and held her breath.


“Chwik! Quiik!”

After looking around her for a while, her group of foreign media passed by where she was and started to move to the other side of her.


Narae Shin, who had been there for a while even after they had disappeared, was never in a hurry, exhaled slowly, and reflexively hugged her trembling body tightly.


Bit her lip. She felt that if she didn’t do this, she would stop crying.

I have to get up. She doesn’t have time to be like this. In action. In action…

She consoled herself, but the water that formed in her eyes eventually ran down her cheeks.

…I miss you.

Parents who don’t even know the faces she often dreamed of in her childhood dreams?


Or the priest who took notice of her own talent while she was growing up in an orphanage and took her as a priest?


Why does his face, Ban Tae-woong’s face, keep coming to mind when it’s so important?

Is it because the memories of being together before coming here were so happy?

Because the warmth at that time resembles the warmth given by the Lord? Because when she heard that she was an orphan, she pretended not to show anything, knowingly and unknowingly caring about her a lot?

For saving yourself in a moment of crisis…? Are you expecting that he will appear and help you now as he did back then?

Like a prince on a white horse who could only appear in an old fairy tale…?

…I don’t know.

I couldn’t explain it in words. I just, I just wanted to see.

As if to hide it, Narae Shin, who had scrubbed it lightly with the sleeve of his cadet uniform, stood up staggering.

In fact, I know.

There is no such thing as a miracle of a prince on a white horse in reality. That nothing will change unless you do it.

He has to be himself. Now he gets into bigger things if he doesn’t do this himself. This must be an ordeal from the Lord God.

So obviously, definitely…


Shin Na-rae stood up, stumbling on the wall as if holding on to a thin string of hope, and moved on again.

The destination is a place where you can feel the power of your main god somewhere.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode