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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 43

43 – 1. Academy (43)



[Name: Echidna] [Type: Devil] [Lv: 1]


[Muscle: 7] [Skill: 7] [Intellect: 10] [Luck: 1]

[Attribute: – ]

[Possessed Skills]

[Little Devil Lv 1] [Sin Lv 1] [Self Faith Lv 1]

Points available: 0


I checked Echidna’s status window again and handed her a mace made of her shadow to her.


Boong, Booung!

Since the shadow has no weight, there is no need to adjust the size separately. Echidna was delighted as she wielded her mace as if it were her new toy, and a hearty smile appeared on its face.

Of course, that’s what he said. It’s not that he’s genuinely laughing. Even if I couldn’t see her face, Echidna could feel that I was happy through the connected passage.

I don’t even know why I ended up looking like that woman.

If you think about it on your own, it must be because the fixed image of the devil was the one who copied Lili’s appearance.

During the summoning, the last image that was most strongly imprinted was Lee Se-rin’s appearance, and I guessed that Echidna’s appearance might have been influenced greatly by it.

That image is a mixture of the image of a pitch-black guy who copied Lili’s appearance and the completely flawless white image that opposes it.

The result of the characteristics unique to the devil race is the light pink pupils, horns on the head, and the devil’s tail.


As I was examining Echidna, I deliberately coughed loud enough for me to hear next to Echidna, but I ignored it. Then she pouted her lips and poked me in the side.

Stop it because it really hurts. f*ck

‘By the way, I can’t help leaning toward her physical side at first’

Somehow, most of the summons I had were becoming close-range forms. This is unavoidable It is because the power I have is too ambiguous to grasp the concept and develop something.

I can’t do this either, so it’s best to just hit it with direct physical force.

You can definitely say that it’s strong among halfway guys, but if you dig a little deeper, you can see that it’s an ambiguous level that makes you tilt your head.

I don’t have to go far, even if I fight against the professors at the academy right away, I lose 9 out of 10. Among them, 1 degree is limited to the first time, and it is to induce the enemy’s vigilance as much as possible and explode it with Kalion in one shot.

Anyway, if information about me spreads, it’s at a level where I can easily cope with that alone. The weave is still not tight, so even if you hit a counter, you can’t afford to give it back or aim for a gap in the counter.

So I am not conceited. It’s right that you can’t do it exactly.

The strongest person in the world is standing right next to me, so arrogance can’t happen even if I want to. Are you conceited with such a monster next to you? It’s either an idiot who doesn’t notice much or just an idiot or one of the two.

In front of her, both me and the academy professor are there.

Just as you see a worm and a rainbow worm together and think they are the same worm, from her point of view, the things that wriggle when stepped on are the same.

That’s why she’s a geek.

I don’t know why I’m playing among the earthworms even while deliberately putting on a non-poetic play. What’s so fun about voluntarily jumping into trouble?

For me, it must be a way of thinking that I cannot sympathize with even after a lifetime.

The place where we are now is a large square-like space located a little away from the previous cave-like place.

If you ask me why I settled down in a place with such an open view, of course it’s because it’s easier to cover Echidna. Above all, you can summon Growl.

Because he has not bad physical ability, his motor nerve itself is not bad, but his physical structure cannot go beyond the range of a child, so his movement is clearly limited.

Until you get used to combat, you have no choice but to attach Growl as an escort and mark it 1v1.

I’ve already seen enough of Kalion’s magical performance tests, so now it’s time to make the most of them and give Echidna the best level.

Due to the nature of field-type dungeons, high-ranking monsters are concentrated only in areas where the progress of the dungeon is increased, so the level of monsters located in other places is relatively low.

Of course, even if you belong to the low side, you can get C rank worth of experience, so it is also a perfect place for education and training.

‘Is it time to arrive?’

What we are going to do now is a kind of power leveling, which is commonly referred to as ‘dup’ in online games.

It is also a common appearance in level-based MMORPGs. Based on the overwhelming difference, it is a kind of means that can safely and easily provide high experience points and by-products that cannot be obtained to those under it.

“…This is not what I was thinking. I wanted a romantic drive while flying in the sky.”


In dungeons, romanticism is nothing. While grumbling, Chochi ignored Lee Se-rin’s complaints and looked up at the sky. And not far away, he confirmed a group of black people flying from the other side and opened his mouth.

“Prepare for battle”



At my words, Graul and Echidna, who rode on his back, took their stance. Kalion quietly used her magical powers to prepare her magic from behind, and this Serene sat down on a suitable rock nearby as if it was okay.

I am clearly aware of it, but seeing that it feels like it is blurry, it seems that some kind of cognitive impairment has been used. Maybe it’s because I’m going to keep a close watch.

On the contrary, it’s an advantage to me because it doesn’t interfere.

No matter how hard it is, this is also a place to raise Echidna’s fighting ability. It shouldn’t be too easy, and it shouldn’t be too hard either.

It is not so easy to find an appropriate distinction between them, but it is easy for me, who has already fostered the success story of Ban Tae-woong.


At the same time as the cry of the hive, the crows of the shadows scattered all at once. Then, dozens of birds that followed one after another suddenly began to wonder which way to go at the sight of the scattered crows.

It was Kalion’s magic that aimed for that gap.



As before, it is the application of [Force] Magic. Believing only in the vast amount of magic power, the magic power that was forcibly made large instantly crushed the monsters in the air and knocked them down to the floor.

Patter, pitch, chin!

Monsters fell from the sky like rain. Scattered on the ground were various screams and their wings, most of which were broken or bent in bizarre ways, probably due to their desperate movements to resist the pressure.

Aside from that, there were also those who fainted from the shock, and there were also those with intact wings.

Because they are basically monsters, most of them were bigger than me. From Echidna’s point of view, it would look bigger.

I wonder how Hive got the guys up, just by Hive settling down next to us, he recognized us as an enemy and began to burn firm hostility.

It was clear that they were monsters by their behavior different from ordinary animals that prioritized their survival instincts.



Echidna, who was startled and trembling at the sight of the ferocious monsters at my call, corrected her mace.

This is where Carrion comes in. Threatening things are arranged in Growl’s line, and the rest is solely up to Echidna.

“Let’s go”


All I have to do is show her a sample of how she might move. I made a shadow mace and swung it at the nearest bird’s head.


As if the strength of the magic stored in it was stronger than that of the skull, it collapsed and was crushed at the same time it touched the protruding part of the mace. Echidna, who confirmed that appearance with a firm expression, lifted up her mace and swung it along with me.




But, perhaps because it wasn’t strengthened by magical powers, compared to the dull sound, the guy still moved and swung her wings at Echidna, who attacked him.


I hurriedly lifted my mace to defend it, but as if it couldn’t withstand the impact, it bounced off and landed on the floor behind me.

With his expression crumpled, he lost the mace he was holding. The figure of her holding her own hand tight and holding it in her arms seemed to be enduring the pain. If you look closely after raising her magic power, you can see that Echidna’s fingers are bent in the direction they shouldn’t be.

The pure white skin was discolored to bluish, as if it had been bruised. I could heal it by adding magic right now, but I didn’t do that on purpose.

He’s a dying guy who’s allowed to attack once. Echidna is similar, but the degree of injury is different.

Only one hand was damaged. It’s not like any other weapon, and since the shadow’s weapon doesn’t have weight, you can handle the enemy with just one hand.

Even if her appearance is young and feminine, her original plan to raise Echidna as a healer and tank remains unchanged. There is nothing more unfaithful than cheap and expensive.

What I want is a companion with practical utility value, not a doll that is simply pretty to look at.

Her doctrine, which I want her to have more than anything else, is not just John the Strong. In that case, you can only grow in the direction of thoroughly exploiting and exploiting the weak.

What I want is something like a guide who understands the position of the weak and then suggests the way to become the strong.

It is to think about the future, not just what is right in front of your eyes. In the future, if I raise the summoner’s job level, I’ll make a lot of early familiars. Do you go through the same procedure as Echidna each time? It’s such a waste of time.

So, no matter how weak you are, you need the strength to challenge and bump into the strong and bridge the gap between them.


Echidna’s and my eyes crossed.

Does the girl with an expression distorted by pain and ready to cry at any moment understand the emotions that are being conveyed to me? She probably understands. She is too busy handling the threat in front of her that has come before her eyes, and she just can’t accept it with her head.

“Get over it”

You can. It doesn’t matter how many times you lose. It can be that strong. No matter how hurt you are, it’s okay. I can restore

If you don’t break it, the pain that can’t bring you to death will soon become your growth.


In the end, Echidna clenched her teeth at the torrent of hot emotions that even set her body on fire, unlike her grave expression.

Then he released the hand that was holding his broken hand and grabbed the mace that had fallen to the ground. She had miasma in her eyes.

A rage toward the monster that put him in this situation, a self-blame that he only made him care about being hurt by such an enemy, and above all, to repay me for believing in him from the beginning.

She raised her mace.

“There is no need to overdo it and spread only her magical power. Being conscious of the blood that already flows, I melt my magic there. Wrap it around your whole body as if you were slowly dissolving the mana that you spilled so meticulously.”

As if I were demonstrating, I slowly applied magic to my whole body. When mana is channeled without differentiation like this, the destructive power is lower than when it is concentrated at one point, but the sustaining power is incomparably overwhelming.

If you get used to this magic enhancement, you can quickly strengthen it further by adding more magic power to the desired part while maintaining the reinforcement.

I don’t want that kind of thing from Echidna now. You don’t even need to put magic on your weapon. In the first place, the shadow’s weapon itself is made up of my magical power and strengthened.

I just need to get the power to resist the irrationality in front of me.



At first, it wasn’t an attack that I swung weakly with the feeling that just because I did it like this, I was copying the same. With the will to kill and the emotion to kill the enemy, he wields the mace with all his might.


Aiming at himself, he raised the swinging wing with his mace and changed its trajectory. However, with just that, Echidna’s whole body trembled greatly. She wasn’t used to the strengthening of her magical power yet, so she couldn’t withstand the shock.



Even so, she didn’t give up. She lowered her body to aim for herself, avoiding her clenched beak, while concentrating her magical energy on her arm holding her mace.

All that remains is to wield it.


Her head exploded as if it were breaking from the bottom of her beak. The enemy, who flinched and flinched several times, remained silent. Echidna, exhaling her heavy breath, widened her eyes. Then she lifted her head slightly and looked at me.

I slowly nodded her head.

Good job. Points are deducted for seeing me instead of seeing her enemies right away, but forcing her to do that to her now is harsh. If this becomes a bad habit, it is enough to criticize it later.

So, it must be necessary to praise someone for doing well.


Echidna closed her eyes tightly and trembled. Maybe she just can’t stand the joy.

I healed her wounds when I saw her. Watching her hand slowly heal, Echidna let out a light sigh and then took her mace back in her slow grip.

Another emotion formed in her eyes.

If it was pure joy of victory until now, it was greed this time. As if representing her people, she was instantly addicted to the ecstasy and excitement of victory.

A little more, a little more

Beyond the limits, I began to crave more joy. If I had to define her vivid emotions from her in words, it would be ecstasy.

Wounds healed at the same time he won, and the effect of [Subdued] Was activated, and his stats actually went up, so he was inspired by a moderate sense of exhilaration.

It doesn’t matter whether the beginning is voluntary or unintentional. Once you experience this joy, you realize that nothing else will fill it. It was like stepping into a swamp from which there was no escape.

If this temperament deteriorates, it’s easy to become a battle fanatic, but if you can control it properly, there’s nothing more helpful in battle than this. In the first place, as long as you keep TPO well, people don’t care much about whether you’re a combat fanatic or not.

Fight is fear and adversity, but if you overcome it and win, you can get more joy than that. Just thinking that way would make this battle a success.

It can be said that I aimed for this from the beginning and induced Echidna.

In fact, now she is not afraid of the many monsters in front of her like the first time. Rather, she ignited a warlike will and she began to laugh innocently.

[The level of Has risen.]

[The level of ‘S skill [Her self-belief] Has increased.]

[The Luck stat has increased by 1.]

[A new doctrine begins to sprout in the ignorant faith.]

As if to prove it, a system message appeared in front of my eyes.

“It’s done.”

With this, the cornerstone was laid. It’s not bad to continue to lead and adjust in the direction I want, but only then does the meaning fade a bit. I’m just helping, everything is up to her.

Yes, no matter how the future doctrine is transformed, it is all up to her. Although her frame is different, this is the process of creating her own narrative.

It doesn’t matter how trivial it is. It’s okay to think of it as a weather. She ‘records’ everything she thinks, believes, and draws.

And make it a doctrine.

You can’t gain true faith from a ridiculous legend handed down by word of mouth without an example. She herself proves it. It is to inform everyone with my own power, not anyone else.

You can definitely get a reward by doing this. It is to appeal to everyone with what you can see with your body. Make sure you believe her doctrine is right.

Originally, belief is not something you force yourself to believe, but something that makes you believe that way.

Ah, of course I am not religious. Do you believe in God or something? It was like that in the previous life, and that temperament has become stronger in this life. Instead of believing in a god of inferior goods who favors someone while pretending to be equal, he will bite his tongue and practice no religion.

I immediately invested Echidna’s points obtained at the same time as leveling up in intelligence.

Looking at the back of the girl who was crushing the enemy’s skull with her smoother movements, she smiled with a very satisfied smile.

“Daughter Fool…”

I ignored the words coming from behind me.

Who says who is stupid? If you’re going to stand by, I want you to be quiet.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode