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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 4

4 – 1. Academy (4)




The sharp beak tore open the soft spider’s belly. The spider spewed threads in all directions to protect itself from the pain, but the crows managed to get out of the gap, and at the same time, the waiting crows scratched the joints of their legs with their claws and quickly left.

“Sir… Sis Si Si…”

That was the spider’s last leg to support its body. Unbalanced, her broken leg collapsed and bent at the same time, bursting out her pure white bodily fluid.

I aimed for that gap, aimed at the thin gap in the spider’s back, stuck the dagger in and twisted it off.


At the end of that, the body of the guy who was barely attached to it was completely cut off. Confirming that the light in the blinking spider’s eyes was slowly fading, I pulled out my dagger and brushed away the thick body fluids.


“”Caw!! Caw!!!””

In the meantime, watching the flock of crows start crowing noisily as if boasting of their victory, I let out a rough breath and lay down on my bed. The cobwebs and bodily fluids that fell on the floor mixed together and clung to my back like lotion, making it sticky.

I was in such a bad mood that I wanted to get up and take a shower right away, but I didn’t have any strength in my body.

“f*ck… Dog f*ck… It’s f*cking hard”

It’s already been an hour since I first met that spider that I don’t want to see again.

I spent an hour just catching one. With this, you’re at the bottom of E-rank? Aren’t you crazy? Even though the gap between F and E was large, it was too big. I was honestly underestimating.

No, I’ve seen it, but honestly, it’s worth looking down on. While I was resting, I watched what the other guys were doing, but Ban Tae-woong hissed a few times and killed him.

Aside from that, I thought I would be able to catch them that easily too, since I caught them by exchanging skill shots with people whose names I didn’t know well.

But when I experienced it myself, I knew it very well. There is no real answer to this If I repeat this, I’m going to go to the goal first before I even think about a peaceful future. I wished it would have been better, but thinking about the nanny who raised me until now only sighed deeply.

‘God, let’s see someday’

Why are you reincarnating in a world you don’t even remember? Just let me die in peace. I don’t even remember meeting you. This is unreasonable tyranny. I will definitely pay you back.

While grinding my teeth, I lifted my arms that barely moved and pulled the guy who was asserting himself shining brightly from the other side of my field of vision.

[The summoner’s job level has increased.]

[The level of Has risen.]

[The summoner’s job level has increased.]

[The level of Has risen.]

[Acquires the skill [Battle Command] Through repeated mastery.]

[Acquires the skill [Dissolution] Through repeated mastery.]

[The summoner’s job level has increased.]

[The level of Has risen.]

[The level of the skill [Deconstruction] Increases.]

[The skill level has increased by 1.]

[The level of the skill [Battle Command] Will increase.]

[The strength ability has increased by 1.]

[The level of the skill [Summoning Book] Has increased.]

[The skill [Endurance] Is learned through repeated mastery.]

[Summoner’s job level increases…]

“f*ck off everything”

In an instant, I hit the system messages that filled my entire field of vision and turned them off.

What number was it? I remember that after I got the skill called [Observation] After I had dealt with about 30 F-rank monsters, I was so crazy about the notifications that popped up one by one, so I just put them aside.

I had to check it, I had to do it, and I skipped it roughly, and it ended up like this.

If you check the status window at the end, everything will be checked anyway. Why check one by one? It’s not like I’m doing a game one-to-day, and if I pay attention to each and every one of those things, there’s no time left.

Still, you can’t help but be concerned? It’s just that you’re working hard and it’s not suitable for you, so give up early and find something else. Because one of Nogada’s three secret techniques is repeating without the brain.

It is a severe gamer mindset to feel the impression of ‘Oh, the efficiency is good’ after seeing the results.

Of course, it’s a problem because the gap between the game and reality is so difficult.

I’m also fed up right now, so I’m trying to come up with a way to solve this somehow. I’ve hunted this much, but I’m sure I’ll be able to make up for what I’m lacking by now.

The teacher also said that this is the last magic trick he can give me, so I can’t do it even if I want to do more.

“Status window”


[Name: Shinwoo Jang] [Occupation: Summoner Lv 6, Researcher Lv 8]

[Title: Meticulous Summoner]


[Muscle: 6] [Skill: 23] [Intellect: 28] [Luck: 11]

[Possessed Skills]

[Summoning Book Lv 3] [Tame Lv 7] [Record Lv 6] [Speed Reading Lv 7]

[Charisma Lv 3] [Observation Lv 3] [Battle Command Lv 2] [Dismantling Lv 2]

[Endurance Lv 1]


[Possessed Summons]

[Hive (Crow) Lv 10]


Points available: 5 (*9)


You don’t need anything else, the important thing is the [Summoning Book]. I quickly opened the [Summoning Book] And checked to see if there was a new summoner.


[1. Crow]

[2. Squirrel]

[3. Fox]

[4. Bat]

[5. A wolf]

[6. Rabbit]

[7. Spider]

* Currently, the number of summons that can be registered is [2].



Until the last inspection, the number that was [1] Has now become [2]. At first, I thought it might have something to do with the summoner’s job level, but it was regrettable that there was no sign of rising even after reaching the 5-level count, which is the national rule of RPG games.

A guy like that has finally become [2]! It seemed that the tension, which had been extinguished in the abyss until just now, was revived.

“Is the unlock condition, after all, the level of the pet?”

No, maybe both.

The job level is 5 units, the summon level is 10 units, and so on. Considering the rate of increase in experience, I think both are similar. It makes sense. That’s right, there’s no way the 5-unit national rule will ever change.

Or you don’t need all of this, and the maximum number of summons increases according to the level of the [Summoning Book].

‘Either way can be explained’

Creating a Familiar is no different than assigning a soul size.

It makes sense to assume that the pain I felt when I first summoned the hive was a strain on my soul. An increase in level means that I have become stronger, and that means that my tolerance for the burden has increased as well.

It would be correct to say that as the level went up, the amount allowed increased, and accordingly, the number of summons that could be possessed was naturally unlocked.

Since it’s not a contract, if you’re not afraid of magic and level down, it’s no different from an immortal legion that can be revived almost indefinitely.

You’d be horrified if you knew how much I wanted to use the wolves as pets while personally killing them.

“…But what at the end?”

Spider. That’s right, since the guy I just fought to the death is an E-ranked monster named ‘Giant Spider’, I can understand it. The question is, when did I get information about him? I haven’t even dissected my body yet.

The only possibility is that he used evil to figure out his weakness during battle. Is that possible with just that? So, what did I do until this point, peeling off skin, slicing muscles, and breaking joints while getting blood on my hands? You said it was just a tearful sh*t show? Really?

“Hey sh*t”

Ah, really, can’t you give away one possessed person who knows the world damn well besides me? If you ask that bastard, I think he’ll give you a cool explanation with TMI. In addition, the main character is left as a bonus.

…That sounds great?

If you bastard has a conscience and is watching me right now, have an extra guy possess the old man!! No, come to think of it, if the god bastard had a conscience, he wouldn’t have sent me here. So this is a meaningless protest. Calm down, Jang Shin-woo. You can’t just waste your emotions on something like this.


As I took a deep breath, the unique sour smell of insect blood came over me, causing me to vomit. Oh f*ck!

“For now, the summon is confirmed as a wolf”

After hunting for a long time, I felt it desperately. The job of a summoner is to organize a party by yourself, but you can demonstrate the skills of a proper one person. It’s safe to say that my current party composition is 1 beginner in the water body filled with 5 thieves who can stomp.

Among the crows, the only ones that can actually deal damage are the hives, which are naturally magical, so it means that practically none of the thieves, deals, or tanks are ambiguous.

Even those who don’t even know G in the game can tell that this is an extremely deformed configuration.

In terms of soccer, it is like a soccer team made up of only midfielders and forwards, discarding the defense and goalkeeper.

In other words, it is an entertainment composition where even if it is sometimes eaten in neighborhood soccer, if you go out to a place where the competition is active for a little bit, you will be beaten and the team will be disbanded.

It’s not a gag program, and there’s no way such a surplus meeting will run properly.

Even if I take the dealer position seriously, it is absolutely necessary to have a sub-dealer or tanker who will support me reliably. No matter how dazzling the thieves are, in the end I can feed effective hits, so if I get hurt, I’ll be able to talk.

“[Summoning Book]”

I retold the name of a book I already had in my hand. Skills move and shape according to the user’s will and thoughts.


The pages that began to turn randomly along with the light came to a halt and displayed a certain page.



[Name : -] [Type: Wolf] [Lv : 1]


[Muscle: 12] [Skill: 8] [Intelligence: 4] [Luck: 1]

[Attribute: None]

[Possessed Skills]

[Bite Lv 1] [Howling Lv 1] [Feral Lv 1]


What appeared at the top of the book was a typical wolf. It was sharper than a husky, and its torn eyes stood like sharp blades. I pushed the hologram under the book and infused it with magic.

[Would you like to summon Wolf Lv 1, entity name ?]



As soon as I closed the cover, I felt the mana in my body being cut away and seeping into the inside of the book. She slowly began to move the letters around it, and she could feel the by-products vibrate and resonate, just like when she first summoned the hive.

[Would you like to make a sacrifice to the skill [Book of Summoning]?]

A system message that appeared without fail. I spread the bag containing the small magic stones that I had collected with the Hive skill [Collect] All over the surface of the book. The overflowing magic stone did not fall to the floor, but floated around the book and began to orbit like a planet’s satellite.

No matter how small it may be, since a sheep is a sheep, it was very beautiful to see them entwined with magic and floating around.

After confirming that all the magic stones had been turned into powder and absorbed into the book, I loaded the tip of my finger with magic power and flicked my hand.




What appeared as the light exploded was an animal the size of a large dog, slightly taller than my waist. The properly mixed brown and gray look was very sharp, and it had a sharpness that could cut you if you touched it wrongly.

The moment I met the guy’s yellow pupil, I took a deep breath, then lifted my neck and started to spit it out.


Howling. It is commonly known as the howl of a wolf to call a companion or to use for communication, but howling in this world has quite a different meaning.

The meaning and use easily change just by being filled with magic power. Therefore, howling has two meanings for a wolf-type monster.

One buff.

[The wolf’s bravery boosts the body’s energy.]

[For a certain period of time, the stats of strength and skill increase by 3.]

[Gain some resistance to fear.]

Magic energy is entangled in the pattern of howling, and in this way, the listener can be endowed with power if it is an ally.

The opposition is a declaration of war.

If you’ve heard this howling, you’ve probably received a system message saying that the enemy has [Fear] And 2 points of intelligence.

Above all, the good thing about this effect is that you can get a bigger effect if you succeed in resonating by exchanging barks with each other.


Feeling lighter, I waved my hand at Graul and brushed his hair and nape.

“Keeing, beep, beep”

I couldn’t match his fierce looks and put his ears on the side and rubbed his head against my touch and acted aegyo. I couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

“Looks like you’ve gotten used to it now”

Maybe it’s because I’ve already experienced it once, but this time I wasn’t so dizzy or anything like that. Even though all the mana in his body was cut off, he gained such a strong ally. I smiled with satisfaction at the strong muscles that I could feel through the fur.

“You are next. Hive”


I opened the [Summoning Book] Again toward the guy who flew in before I knew it and took a seat behind Graul. I just took a sneak peek while checking Graul’s stats, and this guy is given free stat points to raise the stats he wants if he levels up like me.


[Name: Hive] [Type: Crow] [Lv: 10] [Evolvable]


[Muscle: 6] [Skill: 16] [Intelligence: 7] [Luck: 7]

[Attribute: None]

[Possessed Skills]

[Agility Lv 6] [Sharp Beak Lv 5] [Collection Lv 3]

Points available: 9


This is Hive’s ability now. Perhaps thanks to his hard work, he reached level 10, and his stats rose considerably as his skills grew. However, my interest is not in that, but in that evolvable indicator floating next to the level.


A unique growth method that only monsters can enjoy.

When it reaches its limit, it constructs a new body to grow into a higher level individual. It is also an opportunity to develop existing skills or acquire new ones.

I tapped the evolving part with my fingertips. Then, in the new window that appeared, various options and the name of the crow that resulted from the change began to be listed, just like the former job in the game.


[Evolvable list]

Enhanced group warfare – [Guild Raven]

Using Magic – [High Crow]

Body change – [Raven]

Exploration Specialized – [Scraper]

Apply abnormal status – [Dark Crow]


If [Guild Raven], Which exists at the top, was the direction of evolution I wanted, I had a strong feeling that there was a path like this for the other four. Perhaps this is the basic evolutionary direction that maximizes each ability.

[High Crow] Is greatly affected by [Intelligence] Since it is a crow with magic enabled, in the same way.

To the me of the past who didn’t even want to know the existence of stat points, I turned to my heartfelt thanks. To think that something that was neglected because it was bothersome came back like this, so no one really knows what will happen to the future of a real person?


To be honest, it would be a lie if the other evolutions weren’t appetizing. I am more worried because I think that whichever one I choose will be able to fill in what is lacking right now.

[Guild Raven] Is right if you look into the distant future. However, it is regrettable that [High Crow]’S magic is excluded as a means of attack. It was no different from a simple calculation that increased the number of attacks one more time.

[Raven Raven] Seemed to be a fearsome guy who could be a terrifying one if raised well, and [Scraper] And [Dark Crow] Were also very attractive as they had their own distinct strengths.

“Whoa… That’s difficult”

Because I was given options, my head became complicated. In this case, it is correct to check the current hand and then choose the one that suits you best.

‘Thanks to Growl, I’m fine with physical attackers…’

To be honest, it was a bit disappointing. If I had known that there would be several evolutions like this, I would try to try a little more variety. I felt a little uncomfortable because I felt like I was forcing him to take on the role of captain.

It was uncomfortable for nothing because I felt like I was in the same position as a parent who arbitrarily decided on a child’s career path. But nothing is more time consuming than making a person repeat an action until another option is presented.



A man must have perseverance. He didn’t seem to want to go back to what he had once decided. Now that we know that the experience of upbringing affects the outcome of evolution, let’s use it as education to do better next time.

I pressed the [Guild Raven] Button at the top.

Then a video started to play in front of my eyes.

The body of the crow with its collar turned upside down as if it were wearing a coat has indigo light added instead of green light, making the black color even lower in brightness. Overall, the body has become larger and more nimble, and above all, the wings have become soft enough to not be thought of as the movements of existing birds.

What does this mean?

“It suddenly became like a cartoon…?”

Yes, the appearance of our crows, which were so real that they were not overflowing with realism, has become a crow that is full of cartoon-like tolerance and full of humanity.

At the back of the crow, similar but smaller crows, each with their own individuality, were posing. I couldn’t figure out how to react after seeing this.

Is it better to let go of a laugh? No, what if I did that and then the habit got bad and I kept doing that? Unable to do this or that, I decided to remain expressionless.

“…Let’s assume that you’re smart enough to do a gag like this.”

Originally, the scary thing about comedy is that when you get serious, the s*xiness comes out endlessly. I confirmed the evolution of [Guild Raven] In anticipation of the mulberry taste.


“”Caw! Caw!!”

As the hive shouted, light burst from the bodies of the crows who sang it in chorus.






Those who had no personality changed in an instant to be full of personality. One of them even spread the tips of her pale pink wings like a fan to cover her beak, perhaps to show off that she was a female.

Perhaps because of her elegant behavior, her femininity seemed to be emphasized strangely even though she was not much different from the other guys.

The rest? The rest were just idiots.

One of hers had her real tongue half out and the other had her eyes squinted like a chameleon. The last one was smiling lowly, posing with her bravado. No matter how you look at it, she was in second grade.

Why is there only one summit? At this point, shouldn’t we seriously consider whether that female crow is also strange? Really great. Amazing.

[Evolution completed.]

[The entity name Has safely evolved into [Guild Raven].]

[You have acquired the trait [Crow Group].]

[The skill [Group Leadership] Has been acquired.]

[The skill [Collect] Has been transformed into the skill [All Things].]

[The skill [Sharp Beak] Has been transformed into the skill [Violent Violence].]

[The skill [Agility] Has been transformed into the skill [Dark Rush].]

[All stats have increased by 3.]


[Name: Hive] [Race: Guild Raven] [Lv: 1]


[Muscle: 9] [Skill: 19] [Intelligence: 10] [Luck: 10]

[Attribute: Crow Group]

[Possessed Skills]

[Dark Rush Lv 6] [Violent Violence Lv 5] [All Things Lv 3] [Group Leadership Lv 1]

Points available: 9


There were characteristics that did not exist, and all of the existing skills were altered. At this level, it’s just maintaining the form of a crow, but I think it’s safe to say that it’s almost a different entity.


I nodded my head after examining the contents.

I don’t know anything else, but I know this one well. The bird who conceived this… No, the person who conceived it was a regrettable person in many ways. I know this kind of person because I know one person in my previous life.

It’s definitely a romance or a dream, talking nonsense, saying bizarre things one after another without thinking about it, and only later on pretending. After cleaning the sh*t out of the surroundings, they are creating new trash again.

In the process, things that could be said to be masterpieces sometimes pop out, and the quality is worse.

He is the type of person who gets tired when he gets involved. Oh, he’s just like the main character. The problem is the same because the side that causes and gets involved in the problem gets tired.

“…I want to rest.”

As I suddenly collapsed, the fatigue came at once. I wanted to rest from a while ago, but now I want to rest even more fiercely. Let’s level up and finish.

“Let’s see”

When you evolve, your stats rise evenly, so you’re saying it’s a balanced type, right? First of all, I raised my strength and skills one by one to make it pretty. This leaves 7 points.

Even if you raise each ability one by one, there are 3 left. First of all, since the skill is the highest, let’s remove the skill and improve other things. The goal is 20 all stats. Isn’t your skill level 21? Anyway, as the skill level goes up, the stats will go up in small increments, so it’s hard to just hit 20. Let’s just say it’s okay if it crosses the cutoff of 20.


[Name: Hive] [Race: Guild Raven] [Lv: 1]


[Muscle: 12] [Skill: 21] [Intelligence: 12] [Luck: 12]

[Attribute: Crow Group]

[Possessed Skills]

[Dark Rush Lv 6] [Violent Violence Lv 5] [All Things Lv 3] [Group Leadership Lv 1]

Points available: 0


The status window of the finally completed hive looks roughly like this. Here are my points.

I raised Skill and Intelligence by 2 to 25 and 30, respectively, and gave the remaining 1 point to Strength. [Endurance] Despite having the skill, I felt like I lacked stamina. Let’s steadily raise the muscle strength to 10.

After the eye wrestling with the status window, the sense of exhaustion caused by the loss of mana subsided to some extent.

Now it’s time to really take a break. Looking up at the sky, it started to spread the color of the sunset about half way. It’s been quite a while. I feel like I really had a good day today.

I tapped the tip of the barrier three times and came out, and I could see that all eyes were focused on me. Oh, you didn’t include hive and growl.

‘It’s annoying’

From now on, you will be seeing demon beasts every day, but what is it that makes you look so strange? Anyway, I have to take the final inspection to Hong Soo-ah so I can go back to the dormitory, so let’s go straight through the inspection.

I wanted to go home quickly and wash up and sleep.


Hong Soo-ah, looking a little tired, took a look at my face, appearance, and the guys next to her, then nodded her head and stamped the free pass right away. Yes, she went this far, but if you let it go wrong, is that a person?

You look tired from dealing with the kids, but it’s too FM to check each student who is doing well on their own. After all, the world must be lived in a reasonable way.

If this world had been unrealistic, a system alarm would have popped up saying that my affinity for Hong Soo-ah had skyrocketed.

She summoned her children back that way, and as soon as she entered the house, she didn’t even take off her clothes, took a shower and washed clothes at the same time, and fell asleep in her naked body. She didn’t even think of rice.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode