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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 136

136 – 2. Old Summoner (83)


“Die aaa!!!!”


A bundle of blades resembling an octopus’s feet shoots out from its arms and swings in all directions. In the meantime, there was a faintly poisonous green liquid dripping from it, and it was burned without control.


As the flames that compressed the heat exploded in an instant, the ground burned and the guy’s arms carbonized. The vaporized venom does not have time to remain, and it is scattered in all directions in the aftermath of the heat.

If this was an enclosed space, it would be the worst response, but it doesn’t matter because it’s outside. Even if it is a closed space in the first place, it is enough to pierce it all with fire.

Fire, fire…

I can still see movement on the other side of the flames. He stirs his hand to add heat to the flames. If it’s not enough, let’s make a stronger fire.

To burn and incinerate all of the poison before it vaporizes.

‘Does it really need to be burned?’

I don’t know if it was in the past, but now there are other means. It turned around and shot out the condensed heat. Creates a [Purification Flame] Centered on that point.

It cools down all the heat that has risen and lowers the surrounding temperature at once.


Fire gathers. Is it because it became possible to lower the temperature to the limit after limit? Now, it has reached a stage where it can absorb the heat in reverse and take away the temperature itself.


“Quaaa of that of mine, of mine,”

As a result, the fire that had been burning just now froze and the monster’s body crumbled as if it were necrotic.

What was expanded by heat could not withstand the change in contraction caused by rapid cooling and collapsed on its own.

It was difficult to understand at first, but once you got used to it, everything was easy.

A long time ago, it was the heat that had been desperately trying to let it go, but now it is absorbing and using it in reverse.


Is it because it instantly takes away the heat equivalent to sub-zero? As he exhaled, hot steam came out of his mouth like smoke. I could feel my stomach burning.

It was as if he had become a steam locomotive. It is also a steam locomotive running at full speed with a lot of coal.

Since we had some fun, let’s return the heat we stole.


Imitate him and flick his fingers to light the embers of magic.

The image that comes to mind is a balloon.

Until now, the application of heat had always been from the inside of my body. So, if you forcibly release the heat, your body will be strained. But now it’s different.

Is it because the [True flame] Is stored inside the body? The heat, compressed to the limit, was converted into flame and burned wildly as if it had waited.

When he first demonstrated the [Real Fire], An idea came to mind after seeing it. Do I really need to keep the heat inside my body?

Can’t I separate fire and heat outside my body like that sword?

So, if you make the flame your vessel instead of me, then the reaction will be added to the flame, not me.

Could you put a shape on the flame and then make it into a vessel? In the past, it was impossible. I didn’t even try. Because at that time, the flame was a means of attack and itself.

But now I am different. I know that the flame is not a simple means of attack, but a mystical power that I can manipulate at will. Using this as a simple attack is too one-dimensional.

I was arbitrarily setting the limits of my power to become anything. Even thinking about it myself, I think I did something very wasteful.

So it is definitely possible. No, you must.

‘Image and determination are important in everything.’

With this, I have to put a strain on my body, but I can regain the firepower I was able to use that day.

‘Little by little, slowly.’

Inject heat with the feeling of raising a flame. However, to prevent the two from mixing and exploding, put [True Flame] Between them to add a buffering effect.

The flame is built more densely and firmly so that the heat does not escape through the soft flame.

It felt like rats were going to pop up in my brain during the process. It is a very delicate and difficult task, but strangely, once it was formed, it was easy to succeed after that.

My heart was pounding from a while ago, as if this was proving that this was my real power.

I couldn’t see it separately, but I could clearly feel that there was something around me even now. Needless to say, they are fire spirits.

I could feel them swimming around me, adding power to the flames. I broke out in a cold sweat at the rapidly increasing mass of fire, but I desperately controlled it.

Then, the flames continued to grow, as if wondering where this could be done.

‘Rather, it went well.’

I gladly accepted their curiosity. Do not forcibly take away power or exploit it conversely. Spirits are very delicate beings. You only accept their whims and favors, and you should not take this for granted.


When I compressed the completed sphere of fire to a level that was good for throwing, it was as if I was holding a small sun in my hand.

Perhaps it was trying to show off that it was ready to explode at any time if a signal was given, and the flames kept swirling and moving together, making it look more like the sun.

Should I throw it? Or should I hit it?

The worry was short-lived. Aim the sun ahead. Adds [Soothing Flame] To one’s entire body. No, the water-colored fire rises like a barrier to protect not only oneself but also everyone around.

This is enough.

The image is of sticking a needle into a balloon. It releases the heat inside and shoots it out at once. If magic power is added to the explosion, it will explode more spectacularly and emit flames.

I thought it would be very beautiful just imagining it.

I took a stance. The movement was not much different from when I used my body as a vessel. The only difference is that the small sun is positioned aiming at the enemy.


The moment I punched it with all my might.


The light went out.


The light sound followed. As a result, the body floated backwards. I couldn’t breathe for a moment. My lungs were tight. I felt something inside me shrink rapidly.

As I clenched my chest and grabbed my chest, after a while, a strong wind came in and I was able to breathe again.

“Mandible, mandible…”

I wasn’t even tired, but my breathing became strangely rough. I could feel the fishy taste somewhere and something dripped down. When I wiped it with my hand, red blood came out. It was nosebleed.

That wasn’t all. My throat was sore, and when I spit, blood mixed with it. It was the same with ears. I mumbled something around me from earlier, but the reason why I couldn’t hear anything was because my eardrum was bursting.

It was a damage that could not be explained just by not being able to breathe in that brief moment. With trembling hands, he poured the recovery potion held out next to him into his mouth as it was, thinking about the reason.

The first thing I could think of was a vacuum.

The overwhelming flame burned away all the oxygen around it, creating a temporary vacuum. I think the truth is the most likely.

After that, I made a mistake in mana manipulation and the aftermath was transmitted to me halfway through? Considering the wind that came from behind, the former was much more persuasive.

From noble mtl dot com

‘I need to be careful when using it.’

Pachak, who couldn’t imagine a vacuum, returned with all the embers that had been lit extinguished. If you want to smoke it, you can smoke it again, but in order to get the same power as before, you had to collect a little more heat.

But there is not enough time for that.

Because the enemy was still alive after this attack. It’s not that persistent. Of course, the damage is not completely absent. Bones were still visible, and the carbonized skin was visible.

Since he’s been harassing him even to the melted ground, it can be said that he has definitely bought time.

However, the enemy’s recovery speed was faster than expected due to the ominous magic that spewed out. Should I say it’s like you’re fast-forwarding through a video?

Now is the time to push forward.

“All, um…!!”

As I barely shouted with a split neck, the two dolls quickly jumped out as if I had waited.

It was Erika Onohara, the mother and the princess. The attacks between the two were constant enough to look like they had been in agreement for a long time to a stranger.

The flow was like watching a beautiful dance in which the two of them formed and joined in advance.

When the short dagger slices through the enemy’s flesh and breaks the joints, the gently swung naginata strikes the monster to make up for the gap, parrying the attack. She didn’t stop there, but she spun her spear and, in an instant, it pierced like lightning and ripped out her flesh.

The monster was even more enraged by it, so it delayed regeneration and began to attack.


“Wage Rate Ordinance. Horyeong(號令) – Sambo(三報)!!!”

Her struggles were fake, and sharp tentacles made of her bones and muscles rushed like blades from an invisible blind spot, aiming for her mother’s back.

At the same time, if Erika Onohara’s incantation hadn’t continued, it would have been a surprise attack.

However, when the tips of the tentacles reached the two of them, a translucent hemisphere-shaped membrane had already formed around the body, and the tentacles’ attacks were perfectly defended and bounced off.

That wasn’t the end.

While defending against the attack, the membrane shattered and turned into a blade. It naturally began counterattacking the target it had attacked.


Playback slowed down. The monster got impatient and scattered a large amount of tentacles in all directions, and the two of them quickly retreated, probably satisfied with that.


“Enhancement, lightning strike, lightning strike, continuation, suppression.”

The connection is not over yet.

From behind, an eerie, gigantic mana exploded in a different meaning. Right after that, the formidable great magic that he could not even think of to stop was executed.


Overwhelming flashes of light, incomparable to simple fire, fell from the sky around the monster.



Belatedly, a merciless light piercing heaven and earth echoed, and the monster began to go mad. Such great magic strikes not once, but dozens of times in succession.

The flash that brightly colored the world was over, and the overwhelming magic that even allies had to cover their ears and prepare for defense was over.

“Have you done it?”

Rui Shirogane touched his forehead at someone’s careless words. It’s one of those lines he shouldn’t say. I don’t know about other places, but it’s like an unwritten rule in Japan.

As if there were several people who felt the same way, sharp eyes were directed at the main culprit.

There was his younger brother with a puzzled look on his face. That stupid guy Because of that guy, the odds of the monster surviving increased.


Unsurprisingly, the monster was still standing at the center of the gigantic creator created after the chain of lightning.

Despite the fact that his whole body was charred and high-voltage current was flowing around his body in real time, he was still wriggling and expressing that he was alive.

“…Really tenacious. Well, since the old days, I had to admit that persistence. Everything else was bad, though.”

“Greureuk, gurreuk…”

Did he find out that he was gossiping about himself? The monster gritted its teeth and glared squarely at her mother. Even as she turned to her dark flesh, her mother snorted at her with her unconcerned expression.

But I know. She tells her that when cornered, she tries hard, she pretends to be calm, and that she is the one who provokes her enemies. If you look closely, it’s not obvious, but you can see that her body is quite disheveled and she is covered in a thick cold sweat.

It was the same for himself and others.

In the end, everyone is tired. There was no sign of the enemy collapsing, even though he poured all his mana without resting.

“It’s getting dangerous now…”

Won’t you come back soon? If he had been here right now, I wouldn’t have felt this anxious.

“…Worry, no use.”

Perhaps responding to her own words, the girl with white hair and a pale complexion, who had overused her magical energy and was lying on the floor, pointed her hand toward her.

Then, just in time for that moment, I could see two people running from the other side clad in huge magical powers.

…What the heck is that?

There are two people watching, but only one person can be felt. I tried to broaden my senses, but no matter how I looked, there was only one sign that I could catch.

It was as if the two looked like one huge person. Is it that kind of ability? Or skill? I don’t know. If there’s one thing I’m envious of, is it that the two of them look so happy?

The bright yet warm twinkle like starlight lit up the dark night.

“Keep it off, uuu!!!”

Seeing this, the monster screamed and stretched out its tentacles towards the two. The two swung their swords without hesitation and collided with each other.


To someone, it would look like they were attacking each other because the sum of their attacks did not match, but the results were different.

The clashing swords pushed each other away, knocking off the tentacles that were approaching from a blind spot. A strange direction that seems like a coincidence. Anyone with some level of knowledge in martial arts could tell that this was not a coincidence, but was intended under thorough calculation.


The passing of Erica and her mother that we saw earlier was so beautiful that it looked like a dance. But what does that mean?

Two people move as one. There is no gap between them, and they consistently fill each other’s gaps and prepare for a more powerful blow.

The magic control that followed the process was also neat and beautiful, just like looking at a perfect work of art.

Couple hit. Combination. Hit again.

There are no gaps. There is no time to rest. If I were to receive that attack, would I be able to avoid it? No, is it possible to deal with it in the first place?

The monster’s body, which seemed to be regenerating forever, was slowly hacked to pieces and collapsed. The bodies of other monsters were ejected from the body. The body, which is surrounded by various minerals with an emphasis on hardness, is reminiscent of a tortoise shell.

The purpose is probably to block the onslaught of attacks.

The two held hands as if waiting for it. Using one person’s body as an axis, the other person rotates. In an instant, the body moves to the side where there is no shield.

Continuing attack. It even shows meticulousness in attacking the side with the shield so that the eyes do not go elsewhere. Giving a fake to such an amazing pass?

To be honest, I have no way to deal with it myself.


The monster screams. I could see that the emotion contained in it was fear. His body no longer regenerated. What it meant was simple.



The gray-haired girl, Lili, got up from the floor and moved her hand at the man’s cry from the other side.

The magic casting of the shadowless window.

The letters made of magic are combined and the magic of ice made up of three runes is completed in an instant.

It was a spear of cold air forged in extreme ice. The hair stood up in the shape of the ice crystal, as if a part of winter had been cut off.

The fake cold energy he embodies is literally on a different level.

…You can create such a monster by yourself while using such great magic. They were great in many ways, but this child was out of standard enough to surpass them.

“I’ll help too.”

“Goryeong – Return (報恩)”

A line was drawn after purple magical energy was applied to the spear of ice. Synchronized with the flow drawn in a straight line with the monster, the spear of cold air is forged even sharper.

A jade-colored standard came to mind around the spear and began to bite the bad things around it. With just that, the surroundings, which had been distorted by powerful magical energy, began to stabilize quickly.

…I can’t help but look at this. If you become a senior and leave it to your juniors, you lose face.

“I’ll hold the feet.”

It’s true that those two are overpowering the monster, but they’re not holding it back.

This is because the monster kept trying to escape by avoiding the two, and the two people were busy moving to prevent the monster from moving.

The image is muddy. It feels like using fire to melt the ground and then take away the heat and harden it. A blue light glows from the flames wrapped around my fist.

A blue flame that burns at high temperatures, and water-colored flames are added to it.

Since the whole process has to happen in an instant, you need to steal the heat before the enemy wakes up and runs away.

Applies magical power to the whole body. The magic of fire basically has the properties of [Destruction] And [Activation]. Among them, instead of lowering the proportion of [Destruction], The power of [Activation] Is made stronger.

If my former self had used it like this, it would have been more than twice as hot as when I was able to move quickly, and I would have collapsed.

The speed is further increased by setting a suitable compromise point and circulating it rather than completely cooling it down.

If I gave strength to my legs and spurred on, I could reach the two of them in an instant. I have no intention of interfering with the success of the two. Maybe they knew that too, and started to check it by blowing swords from a little distance away.

In response, it strikes the ground immediately and injects flames inside. Heat was added to the flames, which were quickly transmitted through the cracks, and exploded in an instant, melting the ground. Blue flames erupted all over him and quickly hardened.


“Porridge, phosphorus—?”

The guy who was suddenly stranded was taken aback. In an instant, the monster’s body stopped. If you give it strength right away, it should come off, but it’s already too late.


Stuck in the body of a guy in the winter. Confirming that, I quickly pulled myself back.

From noble mtl dot com

The cold air emitted at the same time eroded the surroundings and froze the guy’s entire body. Even in the midst of dying with necrotic skin, the guy desperately attacks.

What could have made the monster so desperate?

…There will never be a day when they know that. Now is the time to put an end to this damn night.


Magic energy shines from behind. Above the swords the two held, a sword of brilliant light that could cut through even the darkest night spewed out.

One from top to bottom, the other from bottom to top. The trajectory of an X-shaped cross drawn in opposite directions is clearly drawn.


The moment the two people’s shouts overlapped into one, the light exploded crosswise and the monster’s body was swallowed up by the light.


But the monster, Yashiro Hisame, did not give in.

Whether it was because he regained his sense of self at the end of the day, or if the monster’s power weakened and his thoughts erupted outside, a huge murderous intent strongly pressed the surroundings.

“Kill, kill, kill, yeo, kill, Everyone!! Kill!! Everyone die!!!!! Dieooooo——–!!!!! “

As the intent to kill increased, Hisame Yashiro’s voice also changed strangely. The monster’s body shrinks. The body, which was similar to a human but close to a monster, had completely shrunk to the point where it resembled a human.

One hand was still transformed into a monstrous sharp blade, but the former fearsomeness was gone.

Perhaps his murderous intent left in his instincts created that form. Rather than a needlessly huge body that doesn’t move, he chose a small body that could move right away.


The monster swung its sword while letting out a scream that could no longer be believed to be human. As a result, the two people’s mana moves in one direction.

As the light, which had been somewhat feeble after using a large technique, was focused on the man, it shone brightly again, if not as much as before.



The man, Ban Tae-woong’s sword and the monster’s sword cross.


With just that, the ground cracked and collapsed. Although the appearance has shrunk, the previous weight has not disappeared. Rather, it was more dangerous because it was compressed and it was impossible to properly adjust the addition and subtraction.

Kiggy Geek…!

Ban Tae-woong fully received such an attack. Right after that, the magic around him quickly turns black and gold. A purple light flickers in his eyes, and the mood is reversed.


The sword is twisted and the monster’s sword is shed as it rides on the sword. The composition that only endured changes in an instant. As a result, the sword that was recovered flexibly is swung aiming at the neck of the monster that has been revealed.



A light and clear sound resounded, as if hard iron were struck with fingernails. However, the destructive power that followed was by no means light.


Wounds in the form of swords or traces are engraved on the ground. As if it had been there from the beginning, a huge sense of intimidation burst out and tore apart the intent to kill.

The head of the monster in the middle of the trail slowly dropped.

The monster’s body, which had already reached its limit a long time ago, is stained black. As if something that shouldn’t have existed in this world disappeared, the tip of the body gradually cracked and turned to dust and weathered.


Ban Tae-woong watched the last appearance of such a monster until the end.

Without leaving any traces, everyone clearly witnesses them slowly but completely crumbling and scattering as if they had never been there from the beginning.


Someone sighed.

It’s over.

A moment of silence. Absence of monsters. It soon became a signal that the battle was over.


Everyone cheered for that fact.

Someone shed tears in memory of their dead comrades, while others were happy to have survived standing shoulder to shoulder with the survivor.

I watched the scene from behind and hugged my mother as she approached me. I want to be held in the arms of that person, not my mother, but I can’t help it.

For the sake of their family, he went to a front that was more dangerous than this one. Can’t complain here.

‘Like those children…’

I sincerely hoped that one day I would be able to chew on the joy of such victory in the arms of that person.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

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Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode