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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 133

133 – 2. Old Summoner (80)



The slender girl’s hand penetrated the man’s abdomen.


I thought I was already used to simple pain. Yashiro’s name is not so light. He is himself who has endured training that is no different from the torture he has been through since childhood.

Nevertheless, this ‘pain’ was unbearable.

“Shhh, be quiet. You’ve been sneaking in, but what if you make a fuss?”

“Kkeok, Kkak…!!”

Your b*tch said that!! Even now, you are still waving your hands to crush organs!!!

Yashiro Hisame wanted to scream her throat out. But she couldn’t.

Blood from her torn organs flowed backwards and choked her own throat. She chokes on her breath and tries to vomit it out. When she moves, the pain hits her body like it’s breaking.

If it is an ordinary pain, it is normal to get used to it. But this ‘pain’ was different. No matter how much I tried to get used to it, it was impossible. It was as if the concept of pain had been shoved right through my spine and into my brain.

I felt like my brain was about to melt from the pain. Something like a burning pain ran through the whole body. No, quilting is bugs. Small things interfering with the magic power inside the body continued to enter the body.

It made me feel bad, so I desperately tried to crush it with magic, but there were more people attacking me than pushing it away. Most of all, the pain made it difficult to concentrate.

“What the heck, what, cool!!”

“Hmm… After all, no matter how strong the anti-magic granted to you is, once it enters the body, the owner’s magical power is more dominant. Differences in environment… No, is this a matter of territory? We will reflect it in the next modification. It makes things easier thanks to you. I won’t say thank you because it’s my job to help the trash.”

…I don’t know what this woman is talking about.

Ah, is it natural not to know? Seeing her so close, she knew. This is not a person They are no different from humans, but they are not humans. Had she finally gone mad herself?

“Ah. All right. Master!”

A woman pulls her hand from her own abdomen, nodding her head suddenly into the air. There was not a single trace of her blood on her girl’s hand, despite all that she had been rummaging through herself so far.

Whoop, whoop, whoop…

“Ouch! Cool! Cool!!”

On the contrary, she recoiled from the blockage and a large amount of blood flowed out. Hisame Yashiro could see that this was absolutely not a dream.

My vision is blurred. The pain was still felt even though consciousness was slowly drifting away. hahahaha, no answer. At that moment, I felt the darkness around me grow stronger.

“Welcome. Master! You did a really good job.”

The girl’s tone, which had been just copying people’s words without any emotion, turned white. The sight of a monster that was no different from a human becoming a human was so foreign that her eyes slowly opened again.

Who is the ‘master’ who handles that monster? I wanted to contain it. And he could face it.

“…Yes, you worked hard too.”

It is death. Death shrouded the whole body in shadows, tearing through the air and descending. Ah, is he already dead? Did he die like this without being able to achieve his long-cherished wish and revenge?

“How is it?”

“As the master said, I am maintaining my near-death state. Can I kill you right away if you want?”

“No, I have something I want to experiment with.”


Death talks with you in front of you. Upon closer inspection, it also had a human figure.

Dubuck, Ddubuck

Death is coming. I hated it and tried to struggle, but the shadow fixed my body and I couldn’t move.

“Let me make you a suggestion.”

The gaze from above is the gaze that one hates the most. Strangely enough, however, I didn’t feel the slightest desire to rebel against it.

Rather, my soul screamed and howled that I should bow my head right now, rather than just lie down like this in peace. Unfortunately, he couldn’t move because his body was dead.

Ah, that is also a monster. The king of monsters too. I was acutely aware of what that girl meant by dignity. Are you trying to imitate that? Sounds funny.

He truly hated his own stupidity in the past. What was I trying to deal with? What else am i doing now

Ah, that’s right. Proposal. You must accept the offer from the king of monsters.

“I will not let you go. I’ll make your dying body move again, and I’ll give you the revenge you want…Yes.”

The opportunity presented was such a sweet word. My vision was blurry and I couldn’t see the details, but it didn’t matter. Mouth still moving. The clots of blood are clogged in half, but he tries to vomit it.

“However, the cost is your memories and ego.”

This monster is just like them. Get paid and give strength. Isn’t that a simple story then? If you receive it, stop it.

“Win, Rock…”

Accept the contract without the slightest hesitation.

Aren’t you afraid of the cost? You’re welcome! There’s no such thing as good memories in this f*cking life!! I’ve always thought that it would be better to erase everything as if nothing had happened from the beginning!

It took a little ego, but it didn’t matter much now. He himself completes his revenge. That’s enough. No matter how much I live in this damn world, the monsters in front of me will one day appear!

It is a hundred times, no, a thousand times better to die right here and get what you want than to die every day as if your blood is drying up while trembling with anxiety!!!!

“I’m dumbfounded that you agreed so quickly…Well, does it matter?”

From noble mtl dot com

That’s what I suggested in the first place.

Black Death left those words and looked at himself. Then the light inside the shadow turns on. Pure white flames. It is purer than anything else, and that is why the noblest sparkle shines in your eyes.


Before he could think, a shadow covered him. At the same time, my body floated into the air with a strange sensation of something being torn apart.

The body is light. The pain was still there, but it seemed like everything that was heavier than that had been let go at once. When he lowered his gaze, he saw his dead body.

…Huh? What?

“Tsk, is this the state even if the ego right before death is ripped off? I need to extract only the memories quickly.”

At that time, I felt my body being separated on both sides again. I felt a sense of rejection at the sense that all of my roots were disappearing, and the sense of committing something I shouldn’t have done. So it gave me strength

Pajijik, Pajik!

Then the sound of lightning flashed. What the hell is going on? Where else are you, I’m scared, where is mom? Are you leaving me again? I’ll listen carefully. Please come back It hurts, it’s scary, it’s dark. Tizzling. Wanna go back!!!

“Perform the contract.”

I let go of my strength at the death sentence that came right after.

…Yes, I have to fulfill the contract. No. I don’t want to die. It was a meaningless life anyway. It is not so. This body has a bright future!!! I’ll kill that b*tch f*cking In Front Of Her Husband’s Eyes I’ve been wanting to eat it for a long time. Let’s take it as a parent. With the strength of that b*tch, she will definitely give birth to a good long term horse. Sad. It’s painful. I want to end it now. Licking those luscious lips…

“Stop dying. A real f*ck!”


Ah, die. It felt so intuitive.

…But what is dying?

Hisame Yashiro’s accident ended there.


“Stop dying. A real f*ck!”


In the cycle of disgusting accidents just by looking at it, it ripped his soul wildly because he miscontrolled his power. There was no major damage because it was the end water, but some of the memories were slightly damaged.


He was a guy who didn’t like anything from one to ten. Still, the part of the ego that I wanted the most was completely obtained, so let’s be satisfied with this.

Swimming through the pages of my memory quickly, I selected only the necessary items and separated them. Everything else will be used as materials. It was obvious that having these messy things in what I wanted would have an unnecessary effect on the formation of my personality.

First of all, I double-sealed my self and memories as before, handed them over to Hive, and then took out the corpse of a suitable monster, magic stone, and imitation soul.

“The last step of a villain is to fuse with a monster on the verge of death.”

Finally, the monsters outside have been sorted out to some extent. With Ban Tae-woong at his place, how could he not be able to deal with it?

That monster that has withstood the attacks of people who can be said to be a fraud itself is amazing.

“Any traces?”

“I hid everything when I came. No. 3 Removed all of the surrounding magic waves, including CCTV, and No. 4 Is waiting after capturing the puppet hiding in the darkness.”

I nodded my head to express my satisfaction at the endless reports.

I paid for the mana I handed over. Thanks to this, a large amount of metal and magic stones stored in Shirogane’s workshop were consumed, but that was enough for me to refill.

“Good job. I was able to collect it comfortably thanks to the better results than I expected.”

“I don’t know what to do with your words of thanks.”

As he answered while combining the ingredients with his hands, Comet lifted up both ends of the skirt and bowed his head in a neat manner.

Sometimes, it seems like he came from somewhere in the fantasy world’s imperial palace. The background of the dungeon boss, which is the prototype of Comet, is an extreme future science fiction.

Is the taste of the previous owner reflected? Or is it the stubbornness of Comet as a maid?

It’s my summon, but I’m still not sure about this. This is not just limited to Comet. Most of my summons are like that. There are definite likes and dislikes, and even tastes.

For example, Growl prefers firm, chewy meat over soft, tender meat.

Echidna had a taste for teaching someone and preaching her will.

From the time I was educating Ceres, I had seen some signs of that, but from the day I perfected the [Doctrine of Rest], That tendency became firm.

If I ask you, he will tell you everything openly, but after that, it is obvious that he will start to notice me. I don’t want that In the first place, if you interfere with each and every one of them, there are some that are endless, but it’s annoying before that.

I’m summoning summons to be comfortable, but I wonder if I’ll get involved in troublesome things.

So my role is to understand and lead them before they notice me.

This is the direction that I, not anyone else, chose and chose to move forward in.

So I will live like this for the rest of my life. As long as it doesn’t cure my chronic illness of not trusting people.

It’s much more comfortable to take care of a summons that I can control than to deal with someone who doesn’t know where to go.

In short, what I want to say is this.

Once the framework is set, let’s do what we want to do after that.

Those parts that cannot be understood simply by looking at the status window. It has become stronger and more diverse through repeated evolution and accumulation of experience.

I decided to regard it as ‘self’. Ego in English. Since ancient times, when ego is added to fantasy, being strong is inevitable.

So, if you can add that variety as quickly as possible in the early stages, a more powerful individual will be able to be born.

“…But I’ll have to do an experiment before that.”

I combined the remnants of the reconciled memories with the imitation soul.

Kikik, kiik

A cacophony sound like rubbing Styrofoam against each other spread and bothered my ears, but when I forced myself to, I was finally able to put them together.

It doesn’t end there. [Engraving] Is added to the imitation soul that has become a bit hazy somewhere. I erase the traces of my involvement and add a few lines of dialogue to add color to the scenario that follows.

“Master, would it be all right if I give you an opinion?”

“Try it.”

“As a personal hope, I think it’s good to use No. 2, Which is struggling outside right now.”

“No. 2?”

What did you think when you first heard the story? Was

Unlike No. 3 And 4, which are still active, No. 2 Was created exclusively for Comet’s stand-in.

It’s a stand-in, but it’s a bit ambiguous to say that it’s actually a stand-up, because even while talking like this, Comet is directly manipulating No. 2.

Should I say multitasking, which is possible only because it is a machine? To be precise, it is connected by her own network, but it gets difficult if you dig deep, so let’s skip it.

To put it simply, it can be seen that the dungeon boss of [Mechanical Tower in Snow Country], Which I visited before, is in a state similar to that of other machines, exchanging information and manipulating them.

The boss of a dungeon that was not yet developed was also possible, but there is no way that the Comet made based on it would be impossible.

Of course, it is not directly transferred and manipulated, but as if manipulating a character in a game, it is said that it is a feeling of moving by synchronizing an object completely different from the basic object in real time.

#2 Should be moving just like the Comet, but if the Comet stops operating even now, I wonder if it will turn into an emotionless NPC in an instant.

“First of all, this is the history of No. 2.”

My reaction was not good, so Comet continued to display reports to convince me. After reading all of them completed with holograms, I couldn’t help but nod my head.

‘I see, that’s why he said that.’

Because the Comet has been strengthened and remodeled through my magical power, the body of No. 2 Has become to the point where halfway attacks cannot be used.

However, it was her final opinion and fact that the sustained maintenance performance was greatly reduced because the device itself was burdened as much as the performance was forcibly raised in haste.

“So, let’s sacrifice this as bait to maximize the effect since it will break anyway?”

“Yes. To be honest, it would only cause chaos if I appeared at the same time as No. 2, Who didn’t know when to stop. There is a possibility that I will later give information about the entity that is me to others. So it is pictorially correct that No. 2 Is destroyed once at the same time as the monster’s ‘awakening’ and the owner retrieves it separately.”

“…I’m trying to give people the illusion that I can attack them by giving them room to say that I’m not all-powerful.”

Since Ban Tae-woong is involved in it, he can use this opportunity as a trigger to seek growth. Listening to it, I like it more and more.

“It really hurts the master’s status a bit! It’s not intentional, but the merit you can get in return is so good. Therefore, if you are the owner, I suggested that you do not make this choice.”

With those words, Comet closed his eyes and bowed his head. He meant that since he was only presenting his opinion, he would leave the final choice to me.

“…Not bad.”

No, I actually liked the plan itself. There is just something to be careful about. Is there any guarantee that she won’t include other summons in future proposals like this or something similar?

I made a decision after much thought. Let’s make it clear this time.

“Don’t die if you can, do your best as much as you can. No matter how much you can be resurrected through me, the suffering does not go away.”

Remembering the way she treats me with an attitude that is normally innocent, but at times like this, I smile and pat her on the head.

“I’m not saying your mindset is wrong. It’s just that I got the results that I would have done.”

Yes, I am willing to consume you for the sake of results.

Because I made you for that. Until now you have not died simply because there was no need for it.

And I will try to prevent that from happening in the future.

If there comes a day when I have to consume someone, then only I can decide.

There should be no other will in the process. Only through my thoughts, the operation must be based on my decisions.

In that way, I can tell you that I did well and suffered without regret.

I will be furious if you all come together and try to consume someone. Everyone is equal under me. Never forget that

It is conveyed through the link without addition or subtraction. She’s not the only one This is a story to keep in mind for those who have been summoned and those who have not been summoned.

“…I am really sorry for causing you undeserved concern.”


It’s not even a concern, it’s just to prevent trouble in advance if the ego gets too strong.

My number of summons will continue to increase from now on, and no matter how much I try to rehabilitate them, there will always be a bit of a b*tch.

In terms of results alone, I accepted Comet’s offer. No. 2 Is not my summoned number, it is literally a consumable made by Comet.

Compared to either side, it is clear that priority is at the bottom.

They know about me just as I know about them, so Comet must have made this suggestion.

Add flesh to the clumsy content and think of a more specific directing.

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At the same time, I continued to engrave. The method itself uses Chimera’s as it is. However, some of the concepts within them were somewhat adopted from mine.

To the extent that it is not obvious that it is me, I conjure up things that can be recalled anywhere and used by anyone, and build a form.

Even if I investigate this belatedly, there will only be traces of the guy who created that unpleasant chimera, and nothing about me will come out.

“The trigger is set at the moment when the object is broken, and the rest is the direction after fusion…”

I wanted to go in a way that maximizes the basics for personal impressions. This is because there are not many summons in the early stages, so it is best to strengthen what they already have.

This is something that can be modified later, so there is nothing wrong with it. It would be amazing to mix and weave the monster’s mana here.


The corpse, which had been dead until just now, began to move.


Seeing that they couldn’t even close their mouth properly and were dripping with saliva, they didn’t look much different from a corpse, but the important point is in that saliva. If you listen closely, it’s feeble, but your heart is beating.

In other words, bodily functions have started to move again.

It is also proof that the ego is cut out, the imperfect memories and the imitation spirits forcibly inserted so that they can function properly are doing their job.

Then where should I start it? I made the flames of shadows flicker in front of his eyes. By moving little by little and touching the power of the soul, the partial feelings that are still dormant inside him slowly emerge.

“Porridge, kill.”

That alone reminds me of the most intense impression I had at the end.

Light dwells in the dull pupils. However, it was so soggy and dirty. As the magic stones of the monsters inside collided, the guy’s purple eyes began to glow.

Finally, give the guy a decent looking talisman and one of the items from Shirogane’s warehouse.

They didn’t contain any special features.

It just serves as a signal flare to let you know that you are the weakest prey that looks the most delicious, yet you can eat it right away.

Intuitively, it can be seen as extreme aggro.

Since Ichiro Shirogane mixed the pattern of the Chimera that exuded his magic, the effect must be perfect. There is no problem with mana as well as extracting and using a large amount of the monster’s magic stones embedded in the body.

If such a perfect lure is placed in front of your eyes, even the dying monster will go crazy and rush at it.

With this, all preparations are complete. Now that the final villain has been prepared, it’s time to bring this silly skit to a close.



When the fingers trembled, starting with that, the villain moved towards the stage.

The figure was no different from that of a condemned man walking toward the guillotine.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode