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A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest chapter 124

124 – 2. Old Summoner (71)


Saturday morning after the entire day was spent establishing Ea’s combat method.

I confirmed that the [True Flame] Was safely recorded in the library and went to Shirogane Rui as planned and made the necessary request.

It was permission to explore the workshops of the Shirogane Association, and furthermore, a review of solutions to her chronic problems.

It’s difficult to say, but in short, I’m going to stop by your house. Was


I could see a glimmer of hope in her eyes even though she immediately answered brightly without thinking.

From noble mtl dot com

If I could solve my own problems simply, wouldn’t I be able to solve the problems of my father, Ichiro Shirogane? It was clear to my eyes that I was so self-indulgent and expecting.

I can’t say for sure because I haven’t looked at it yet, but unless it’s something serious, it’ll be solved if you ask Echidna and Carrion while stacking [Subdued].

Since Echidna is now able to use holy power normally, there is no problem with recovery.

Due to the nature of the doctrine, which focuses on self-development and proof of overcoming adversity with one’s own strength, there are some areas where the effect is halved when used on others, but it is enough to print it down with enough output to cover it.

Kalion’s [Divinity] Also has the concept of extinction, which basically rejects foreign objects and rejects heteromorphic forms, so it can be removed if it is not very rare.

On the contrary, what I am concerned about is the case where it is impossible to remove even with the power of the two.

I don’t know if it was me in the past, but if it’s the current me, it’s possible to interfere with the soul to some extent, so the range might be narrower, but exceptions are called exceptions because you don’t know when they will appear suddenly.

So I put in some kind of self-inflicted water.

If I can’t solve it, I can solve it through the main character. I risk getting involved in troublesome things and get Ban Tae-woong involved in this.

There is no better event than this for a god who wants to move in a direction that is beneficial to the protagonist by giving them hardships and adversity.

Perhaps even at this moment, a dark organization that I don’t know about may suddenly appear.

Even taking that into consideration, I saw it as an advantage to erase the debt to Shirogane Rui, and furthermore to the Shirogane Guild itself.

Because it will make it easier to work on later work.

On the day of the appointment, a number of 10 people gathered in front of the Shirogane workshop.

“Wow… This is the famous ironman’s workshop of the Shirogane Union, isn’t it?”

“…That sounds great. The studio owned by my family is not as systematic as this, so there are many things to learn from it.”

“Yes! Really great. It’s like being inside a giant furnace. Tooru! Thank you for your invitation!”

“Uh, uhhh… I was just ordered by my older sister. Even if you don’t appreciate it…”

Rui Shirogane smiled and put Shirogane Toru’s head between his arm and side as he looked at Ban Tae-woong’s words. Then he ruthlessly stroked her white hair.

“Evil!! Sister?!”

“How shy! Now!”

“That, stop…! A little!! What are you doing in front of your friends?!”

If you look at them frozen, they look like siblings who are on good terms.

In reality, it is Shirogane Rui’s base to hide the fact that he invited Ban Tae-woong through a ‘conversation’ with me without any intention.

“Huh, Louie still looks good with his brother.”

“Erika’s older brother wouldn’t die if it was Erica’s business, right?”

“…Yes, I have a good relationship with my older brother, but perhaps because the successor is busy, I rarely see him these days… I guess I was jealous of the relationship between the two of them.”

“Oh, my princess, uncharacteristically immersed in contemplation… What’s there to envy! It’s okay to use even this guy!”

“Noo, sister. Please… please…”

“What. Are you saying you can’t accept what this sister is saying? Or do you hate our princess?”

“Oh no!! It’s not that I hate Onohara-sama… Oh, really…!”


Unexpectedly, Erika Onohara and Rui Shirogane were friends.

There is a difference between the 2nd and 3rd years, but since there have been several exchanges between the S classes, it is probably natural.

However, from what I’ve seen so far, it seems that the relationship between the two started not from the academy, but from before that.

Well, since it’s a famous studio in Japan, there’s no way it’s not related to Onohara, a Japanese company. It’s only natural that we hang out together because we’re the same age.

Toru Shirogane stared blankly at Erika Onohara’s smiling face. Rui Shirogane shook her head once more and whispered to him, hushing her voice.

“My brother. Wake up in advance Because the place of the prince of the princess is already filled. Today, I called it because I was curious about what kind of person the rumored prince with the heart of our princess is. Come to your senses, dude.”

“Ugh… I know…”

Toru Shirogane, who noticed the difference in atmosphere between Erika Onohara when she was dealing with herself and when she was facing Tae-Woong Ban, put on a sad expression that he had no choice but to admit it even though he was downcast.

“It’s been a long time since we all gathered together like that.”

“…Surely there are quite a few.”

At Ban Tae-woong’s words, Lucia glanced at the other women with her half-open eyes. She seemed to understand instinctively that they were all potential rivals.

Apart from me, Shirogane Rui, her younger brother, and Shirogane Toru, the eldest son of the Shirogane family, there are seven of them.

At that fact, I sighed.

No matter how determined and sang it was, it seemed like his mental strength was shattered at once with so many people gathering.

Ban Tae-Woong, Lucia, Li-Ri, Cheon-Mi-E and Onohara Erika in turn. Finally, Narae Shin and Sera Bright.

All the people who can be seen as the complete version of Ban Tae-woong Harem at this point have gathered. The last two are still ambiguous, but I wonder if it’s just a matter of time.

Jangmi Cheon has been so busy with work that she rarely sees her face in front of me lately. It was a struggle to earn the position of [Sumuk] Guild leader, her father and a huge force in the underworld.

In order to fulfill the contract with me that she would fulfill her loyalty by eating the entire darkness within two years, she split the time to sleep and moved.

Thanks to this, the appearance of a typical noble child who was innocent and ignorant of any hardships before has changed to a somewhat decadent and languid appearance.

Because the basic base is excellent, it became a strangely alluring charm and gave a differentiated feeling from other heroines.

Furthermore, in order to help her with her hard work even a little, her classmate Tae-woong promises to help her.

I didn’t want to know what the details were, so I left it halfway there, but it must be clear that everything is going in a good direction for Ban Tae-woong.

In the heroine market, nothing is discarded as quickly as duplicated attributes, so perhaps it was only natural that her image changed in this way.


Nodding off

Perhaps she noticed that I was looking at her, Cheonmi greeted me with a nod of her head.

From her point of view, I’m nothing more than a bad company that coerces unreasonable conditions at the risk of my life, so such a face-to-face reaction is normal.

Rather, at the point of saying hello like that, it would be proof that what she is doing right now is going well.

If things hadn’t worked out, he would have been trembling and unable to make eye contact with me.

I was thinking about that, but I felt a stinging gaze on me, so I looked away.

Sera Bright.

She is the daughter of the Bright family, famous for discovering and nurturing excellent paladins.

To be exact, Sarah Bright was glaring at me after confirming that Na-rae Shin, who was sitting next to her, was looking at me.

That woman is wary of me. I don’t know what kind of story I heard from her family, but it was hard to expect that kind words were exchanged as Lee Se-rin was involved.

To be honest, even when I look at her, it’s scary because I can’t figure out who she is.

Human beings show the greatest resistance and vigilance to the unknown and fear. It can’t be helped that this is imprinted in her survival instinct from the beginning.

So, it might be natural for her to look at me like that when she is related to such a woman. It’s not intentional, but I think it was taken by something really troublesome.

I don’t regret it, of course.


“Now, let’s talk about this, what do you want everyone to do first? It’s rare to find a place where all the pretty things are located like our studio. It’s fate that we gathered like this, so I’ll give you a little discount. At the price of a friend of a friend.”

Rui Shirogane, who gathered everyone’s attention by clapping, wittily set the mood. She was the chairman of the Huturu Morality Committee, and she excelled at dealing with people.

“Uh, what should I do, Shinwoo? There are so many things I want to do…”

Then you can do everything. It was absurd to see a grown-up boy grunting like a pooping bastard over something that wasn’t a big deal.

No, in this case, are you a child who cries while thinking about which gift to choose when you are offered to buy him a present?

Anyway, time overflows.

It’s money, the lady behind the twin wicks will give it to you on her own, and Rui Shirogane, who may be scheduled to be the next workshop owner, invited them as a ‘guest’, so there’s no one here to complain about that decision.

“CNU, what are you going to watch first?!”

Before I could even say what I was thinking, the excited guy started talking to her with sparkling eyes. It seems that he didn’t ask for an answer. I let out a sigh and relaxed my body.

For some reason, thinking about this and that made me feel like an idiot.

“…I’m going to look around slowly.”

My goal is to meet Ichiro Shirogane. But it’s not like I can go see you right away, and when the time comes later, Shirogane Rui will call me on her own. So until then, I have no choice but to go along with this rhythm.

“Ah, it’s definitely too wasteful to see just one! It’s an ironman’s workshop!”

“…I’m so excited.”

“Yes! It’s time to change the weapon you’re using now. I need to look at the armor and artifacts too… I was trying to find a workshop to see if there was something that could add weight to the equipment I would use for training, but I was invited just at such a good time, right?”

It’s like he knows everything about him when he speaks quietly and looks at me. It was unlucky to have such a feeling subtly. A handsome guy like a parasitic brother made his eyes look even colder.

“Thank you. Shinwoo.”

“Thank you to Shirogane.”

“I just want to thank you.”

What did he eat wrong today? He must be the main character because he can say such unfamiliar things without hesitation. I just want you to think about my point of view as a listener. This kind of warm atmosphere is uncomfortable because the chicken meat is sprouting.

I let out a rough sigh and waved my hand as an answer.

If I stayed in this place for a while, I felt like my hands would go out of my mind at the gaze as if I was looking at something warm, so I moved and approached Rui Shirogane.

It is not a waste to waste time meaninglessly, so shouldn’t we make the most of what we can use?

“Can I use summons inside?”

“Okay, as long as it doesn’t overwhelm the building or harm others.”

There is no need to worry about that. In any case, the person to be summoned now is more suitable for the workshop than anyone else in this room.

I gathered magic in my fingers. His gaze naturally focused on me.

Since they are not ordinary people and most of the people in this room are people who do not know what to do, it seems that they reacted easily to even the smallest amount of magical energy.

‘Or maybe this is the effect of awe and imagery specified by .’

Otherwise, I just do my job. Since it’s a good thing, let’s have a social experience.

What I think of is my own servant who is made of machines and never gets tired, and a single follower for me.

“Echidna. Comet.”


As I called the names of the two people, I snapped my fingers at the same time, and the shadows under me rose and the dolls of the two people were formed and then collapsed as they were, spewing out girls with different charms.

The appearance of a girl with a secret two-tone hair in a mysterious combination of blue and pink in an improved maid outfit and a nun in a well-balanced harmony of white and black are quite different compared to this space.

“Hello. Master!”

“It is an honor to meet John An today.”

As soon as I saw myself, I roughly accepted the greetings of Echidna, who prayed, and Comet, who smiled and offered a cutie. I gave the order.

“You can move the Comet however you like. Echidna knows even if I don’t talk, right?”

From noble mtl dot com

The dungeon boss used as a material to summon Comet is a home android. That’s why I don’t have much resistance to blending into society.

But Echidna is different. Even though she has the appearance of a good-natured nun, she is a demon of her kind. In other words, it is a being that moves and lives by emotions.

What she needs is her general thinking and experience. From now on, she must learn how to deal with real people, not creatures created in dungeons.

“I will accept the command of the Lord.”

So, while accompanied by Comet, I gave an order to directly know and understand society and human beings.

You can ask if it is okay to assign such a role to a non-human robot, Comet, but she was originally created to blend well with people.

Now that she has become my summoner and her soul has been mixed, very few people will see her as a machine unless she is determined and shows off.

It’s harder to get caught unless you’re a person with good eyesight or a strong enough sense to distinguish between people and non-humans.

That’s why Comet insists on being a maid.

She claims that since her prototype is a home android, her own day job is also to serve me. But I think her essence is a moving workshop and factory itself.

Therefore, this place is a place for her to seek new upgrades and improve her skills at the same time.

I have only one order.

Be helpful to me. It is a magic word that does not get caught in her identity and can even motivate her.

I have plenty of money, so buy the necessary materials and steal the technology to help me.

“Thank you. Master!”

Comett replied with a bright smile. Overall, this is no different than laying the plate for her strengthening. So, it is quite natural to have such a reaction.

‘Emotions have become richer.’

There’s no way to know if it’s because I’ve learned about the soul in earnest, or if her AI has become more powerful through repeated evolution. It is a mystery that the ego was born in the machine and the soul was added to it in the first place.

“Wow, nuns and maids… Juniors have great hobbies. Are you really a summoner? Aren’t you just a person? Would you like me to join you too? Do you like school uniforms? Or something else?”

While everyone was staring blankly at it, only Shirogane Rui, who already had some tolerance for my summons, approached me with a sly expression and grinned.

My cheeks are sore. Really.


I savagely slapped my hand across my shoulder and headed inside to pass the time while moving alone.

Because it was noisy when I went out with them, and I felt like I would break through the floor without being able to hit the floor.

“Wait a minute!”


If it hadn’t been for the hand that held me, I would have done so.

The center of gravity was pushed back due to the blind catch, but thanks to [Battle King], The body’s balance did not collapse.

If it was the me before, it was natural for me to be in a bad mood because I had enough strength to fall down unconditionally.

I wondered what kind of swollen bastard had done such a thing, and when I looked back with cold eyes, Shin Na-rae, a girl with dark green hair that went well with her blue hair, was standing there.

“Wait a minute, it’s really good for a moment… Can you listen to me…? Please…”

The look in my eyes frightened me for a moment, but I didn’t avert my eyes.

I opened my trembling eyes and stared at me with the strength of my gripping hands even stronger as if I would never let go of my clothes until I heard an answer of acceptance.

…I had a hunch that something troublesome would happen.

“…What’s going on?”

As expected, I couldn’t stop myself from sighing at Ban Tae-woong’s voice as he bit into the rice cake.

f*ck. I’m tired of sending it alone.

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

A Sleepy Summoner Wants To Rest

나른한 소환사는 쉬고 싶다
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
…I really want to take a break. But the incidents don’t stop. I wish everything would just go away…


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not work with dark mode