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A Reincarnated Professor at the Constellation Academy chapter 127

Old Dragon (2)

A story about the emperor.

However, Legera felt intuition that the answer Estelle wanted was not just a ‘present’ story.

I wouldn’t have put on such a spleen face to ask such an obvious thing.

“Are you asking me to tell you a story from the past?”



She looked at Estelle with a strange gaze.

A look of curiosity, not a wariness.

He noticed that he didn’t know why a human child, not a witch, was curious about this.

“I didn’t know that I would be able to tell a story like this to a human, but…”

Fortunately, Regera had no hesitation in talking about the past.

It was a good thing for her, who was nothing more than a fugitive and an old man in the back room.

“Umm… sit down for now. It’s uncomfortable to listen to while standing.”

Legera offered a seat, but honestly, the damp and hard cave floor was not a good place for the three girls to sit.

Estelle wriggled her eyebrows, snapped her fingers, smoothed the floor, and laid out a carpet made with magic.

“Ohh. You have a lot of strange talents. Do human children like things like this?”

I don’t know who is more like a child.

It was a reaction that would have made him look like a young child if it wasn’t for the way he spoke.

The three girls were finally able to sit down and put their buttocks on the lost seats.

Of course, even then, Kim Yong-eun was driving his head.

“Ummm…where should I start talking about this? Do you know when the Witchbeast started to exist?”

“I know it existed before the Emperor existed.”

Regarding the history of Witchbeasts, opinions are divided even in the academic world, but one thing is certain: Witchbeasts existed long before the emperor appeared.

Even though the organization has been reorganized under the command of the 4th Corps now, it is said that in the distant past, the Witchbeasts were no different from a tribal society in which members of the same race grouped together.

The proof is that there are several sub-species of monsters besides the 4th corps.

“Yes, that’s right. That’s why there was no army in the past, and we didn’t have much friction with humanity unless it was necessary. It was a relationship where coexistence was possible to some extent.”

In the long past, the world was a place where demons and humans lived in balance.

They couldn’t cooperate, but they didn’t fight, that kind of coexistence was possible.

That is, until it was broken by the appearance of the emperor.

Estelle, who had been listening quietly, asked.

“Then did the emperor suddenly appear?”

“That’s right. You appeared really suddenly.”

She said as she chewed some unknown grass she had brought from nearby.

I offered it to the three of them, but they hated the strange smell and refused.

“Yum yum… So, now you can think of His Majesty as appearing with the dimension called ‘Pandemonium’.”

The Emperor who appeared like that built a powerful mental network, the ‘Sympathetic Nervous System’, and instantly made all the demons his slaves.

And he entrusted the command to the commander of the 4th corps.

The beasts could not resist his mighty and vast magic.

“Well… I’m a little suspicious of the appearance of those corps commanders, though.”

“Are you in doubt?”

Encia tilted her head and asked.

Then, Legera stiffened his expression nervously and looked around quickly even though he was inside the cave.

“Don’t go and say this. If you do something wrong, my neck will fly.”

“Oooh, what kind of place is it?”

When Ensia, who has a good understanding of Hyeja’s reaction, responded, Legera’s eyes stood out.

It was a face that was itching to talk to anyone.

“There were 4 humans brought by His Majesty. Well, they were corpses… but I saw them make the current corps commander with them.”


But the story that came out was so absurd.

You made a corps commander out of a human corpse?

It was a story that made no sense, let alone expected.

“Does that make sense?”

“Of course! I saw it myself!”

The reaction is pretty intense.

Legera gave an impassioned speech, but the reaction of the three people was tepid.

The corps commanders are beings made with humans.

It was hard to understand, and even if I tried to do it, I was reluctant.

If that statement is true, the opponent humanity has fought so far will eventually…

“I can believe it because I saw it while observing it from the side.”

“How do you know that?”

Estelle was suspicious.

If what Regera said was true, this information could be called the emperor’s secret.

Obviously, it would be normal for the emperor to do something, but Estelle couldn’t understand why it was left unattended like this.

“It doesn’t really matter if you know.”


“Think about it. It doesn’t matter if the corps commander is a beast or a human. Nothing changes.”

Legera was stunned.

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Just because you know you’re human doesn’t mean you have strategies or weaknesses you didn’t have.

Since the strength of the corps commander will not change, this information will not be of much use to mankind.

It might have been in the early days of the war, but now it was her judgment that the information had no value.

“And I was a little bit unusual.”

An elderly superlative, she was an exception to the sympathetic nervous system due to her powerful ego, which had been forged since the Emperor’s absence.

That is, although he was ordered, he was able to refuse it of his own will.

All the superlatives of the old generation, including her, were like that.

“…That’s why you were able to bounce on the battlefield.”

“Keuhmm…don’t talk about dark history.”

She gave off a hint of discomfort, but it seemed like it felt really good to talk to someone for the first time in a while.

So the three felt puzzled.

Because Regera had almost no hostility toward humans, which is usually the case with witches.

“By the way, would you like to talk to us, Legera-nim?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you just hate or hate humans, or something like that?”

When Encia, unable to overcome her curiosity, asked that question, Regera’s face turned strange.

“Why me? What did humans do to me?”

“But the magic beasts…”

“It’s all because of the sympathetic nervous system Your Majesty created. I know it’s blasphemous, but that ruined all the kids. We normally don’t care unless we touch it first. Eh tsk tsk.”


In fact, he himself spies on the outside world with it…

The three of them managed to swallow the words that rose to their throats.

“But why hasn’t this fact been known yet? Legera-sama must not have been the only witch in the pre-Emperor era.”

“Everyone who can inform them is dead or dead.”

In the early days of the war, information about the emperor and the corps commander was a sensitive subject.

He didn’t want the secret to be known, so he deliberately sent those who knew about it to dangerous battlefields or executed them with his own hands.

“How did you survive?”

“I just… obeyed.”

Ironically, she hated fighting, and was a Witchbeast with excellent abilities as a commander.

Being obedient, talented, and not trying to stand out much, he was able to successfully get out of the emperor’s attention.

“Anyway, that’s all I know. Are you curious?”


“I’m glad you did. It’s nice to have someone to talk to after a while. Cheolkeol.”

Then, smiling like an old man is like seeing an old man in the neighborhood with a mild personality.

Are all witches in the pre-emperor era like this?

Estelle, who was looking at Rezzera with a strange gaze, suddenly remembered what she said about a relationship that could coexist to some extent.

If you think about it, the history of the witches shares the same genealogy as the constellation, but it was only about 200 years after the appearance of the emperor that the war caused headaches.

In the end, all of this happened because of one emperor.

Could it really have been the emperor alone?

Estelle brought out the ‘real’ question she had kept deep in her heart.

“Is there anyone who came with the emperor?”


“A suspicious person or something…”

“Huh? Umm… There wasn’t really anything like that. There’s no way there’s anyone as unusual as His Majesty… Ah.”

Then, she exclaimed and clapped her fist.

“Come to think of it, people don’t know, but there was something like a strange lump of light.”

“…A lump of light?”

In an instant, Estelle quickly confirmed the pass with the singularity.

Okay. it is still closed

“What was it like?”

“The five-colored light was a very beautiful light. It was the light that His Majesty helped to create the corps commanders. I haven’t seen it since that day either…”

“Does it look like this?”

Estelle’s holy power gathered and emitted a brilliant light.

It embodies the appearance of a singularity that emits light of a clear spectrum.

“Yes! It was this light. How do you know this?”


Regera, who chews unknown grass, has an innocent face full of wonder.

However, Estelle’s expression was extremely hard, and it was the same with Ensia and Cynthia.

Estelle had a hunch that there was something suspicious about the singularity.

that’s what fits

This was a problem that was beyond the scope of the three people to handle.

“Let’s inform the professor.”

“Yeah. Then.”


Things went as expected, so future work had to go according to plan.

Cynthia, who had been holding her breath for so long, stepped forward.

“Hey… I have something to tell you.”

“Hmm? Mmm… Oh?”

However, Legera, who looked closely at Cynthia, suddenly turned bright.

“Let’s see. I thought it was long because I was weak, but are you from our clan?”

“Ah yes.”

Cynthia shrugged her shoulders involuntarily.

Could it be that he’s trying to mistreat something because he’s only half?

It is said that the paranoia of persecution has improved a bit these days, but I couldn’t help but feel scared when I saw a pure-blooded dragon in front of me.

Contrary to such concerns, however, Legera patted Cynthia on the shoulder with a friendly smile.

“Yes, yes. Sweet baby. Do you have something to say to me? Do you want to try it?”


Cynthia’s eyes widened at the friendly response from the world.

I didn’t know how to welcome you, so I was confused, but Kim Yong, who was still banging his head, spoke instead.

“For dragons, the higher the rank, the more valuable their offspring…! The highest rank is even more so…!”


Descendants are precious, so when you see a young fellow, you must be cute.

It seems that Legera doesn’t care about lineage that much.

Only then did the girls nod their heads in agreement.

Of course, Kim Yong’s extended brother did not end.

He held back tears and tensed his numb spine.

“Uh hmm hmm… Regera-sama.”

“Yes, baby.”

“Would you like to go with us to see Professor Yujin Kang?”


Regera’s body stiffened as he listened.

“Who, whom…?”

“Professor Yujin Kang. He is our teacher.”


Legera immediately struck the hammer.

It was the doctor of vehement refusal that was full of fear.

“No… you’re not as bad as I thought…”

“No! No! Don’t even think about bringing me in front of that monster!”

The fear of death came to mind again, and she shuddered and rose from her seat.

Come to think of it, weren’t those three disciples of Kang Yoo-jin!

Was it a ploy to let go of one’s guard and drag him away?

Legera, full of arrogance, hurriedly ran out of the cave.

I was going to return to my true form, but if I did and those three died, I couldn’t handle the aftermath.

So, I ran with all my might in human form, but it was soon overpowered by Estelle, who was chasing after me.

“Kiaeaek! Sa, save! This old man’s life is not worth anything!”

“I’m not trying to kill you.”

“Oh my gosh… is it okay to destroy my happy old age like this… aren’t you afraid of the sky…”

Legera, who was struggling and arguing, shed tears like chicken droppings.

Crying, Legera struggled to escape as much as possible, but she couldn’t defeat Estelle, who was supported by Encia and using the power of the Constellation.

If it was an ordinary superlative, he would have been able to shake it off, but the last thousands of years of Legera’s battles were too great…

“Encia. I have to use the last method.”

“Buster call? Okay~”

Encia took a phone out of her bag.

It was a very expensive communicator that could communicate between dimensions, and it was a valuable item that even stored the number of Yujin Kang’s personal watch.

“I’ll call the professor!”


Meanwhile, Helios’ Pleiades coffin.

In Kang Yoo-jin’s laboratory, new research was steadily progressing along with the sparkling magic light.

He was testing whether it was possible to construct a large-scale sympathetic nervous system by force with the base station to be created this time.

There is a limit to the capacity of Adeline alone, but it is a test to see if the number of people connected to the base station can be increased.

And the first target was Karina’s dragons, not humans.

“Is there a reason you have to be a dragon?”

“Humans don’t need to increase their numbers.”

Hunters participating in the battlefield numbered in the tens of thousands at most.

That much could be accommodated simply by amplifying the signals of the existing sympathetic nervous system.

“As for the demon beast, it needs to be improved as it is hundreds of millions.”

It’s not about taking out a part, it’s about bringing an entire species here.

Once included in the sympathetic nervous system, it is possible for Yujin Kang to change their peer identification through mental control.

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Just in time, the top-notch Demonic Master who will lead them is right in front of you.

If he succeeds, he will get one of the great demon beasts.

“Is that why you called me to be your helper?”

“Yes. I needed a demon that could demonstrate it myself.”

This was the reason Karina couldn’t follow Cynthia.

It was because he was called by Kang Yoo-jin early on and was doing an experiment man who was not even in his arms.

“I’m going to try it now. Connect and tell me what you think.”


The radio tower is activated and the network of the sympathetic nervous system is established.

Although there is no Adeline, because the scale is not large, Yujin Kang took care of that part.

Connected there, Karina looked over the network environment, and then nodded.

“Are you okay?”

“Can you convert other dragons?”

“If the signal is a little clearer and the capacity is larger… maybe?”

It was a bit ambiguous answer, but Kang Yoo-jin was satisfied with that.

That’s an area that can be improved.

It was encouraging enough that the results were small.

“I can do a little more.”

Since Karina is the highest rank among the Balaur, wouldn’t it be possible to steal the Balaur if she were given command?

Read at noblemtl.com

Just as the emperor entrusted Diablo with a large army of dragons.

Kang Yoo-jin’s experiment, which started with such an idea, was successful.

Karina still had a puzzled look on her face, but he was convinced.

“Then, will you regularly… hm?”

But the watch suddenly rang.

The outgoing number is an interdimensional communication.

It was the number that Estelle had registered with after coming.

Is there something going on?

The work was just about to end, so he answered the phone right away.


A Reincarnated Professor at the Constellation Academy

A Reincarnated Professor at the Constellation Academy

성좌 아카데미의 환생교수
Score 9.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
A school where Constellation candidates gather who might one day become a Constellation. Helios Academy. He was reincarnated as a professor there.


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not work with dark mode