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A Reincarnated Professor at the Constellation Academy chapter 106


Beneath the sky shattered like shards of broken glass.

A serpent coiled around the world looked down upon the world.

The eyes that were shining yellow gave a different color to the existence that had arrived in front of them.

“I didn’t know you were here, ‘First Star’.”

Ouroboros used an honorific title uncharacteristically.

It was not comparable to the lord, but it was because the ‘first star’, the apex of all constellations, was considered to be worthy of respect even if it was an enemy.

“Unfortunately, it seems that you can’t fully reveal your true power here.”


“Probably because they’re worried about the island collapsing.”

The gigantic existence of Laniakea puts a burden on the dimension just by descending.

Abanrat is enduring her descent with Faelan’s holy power, but it is unknown what will happen to him when she goes into battle.

It was because Abanrat was too small a world to withstand the power of a single constellation.

“I already expected that you would call Yujin Kang through the ‘Summoning Gate’.”

Even though there was no answer, Ouroboros continued.

It was as if Laniakea’s expression, staring at her ferociously, was amused.

“So, early on, we prepared a plan to destroy the Gate’s spell.”

“…You mean you’ve already finished the preparations?”

“That’s right. He’s trapped in the rift of space and time, and he’ll never get out.”

It was for this reason that he relentlessly attacked Adeline as soon as he appeared.

They had already prepared a way to expel Kang Yoo-jin, as well as a way to prevent his return.

“You are doing wicked things.”

Her voice came out sharp and bleak.

It was a cold side of her that had never been shown to Kang Yu-jin.

She used to block Ouroboros, but the situation was not good.

Due to the glassed space and time, everyone is trapped in Avantrat and is under intense attack from the monsters.

The durability of the building itself still holds up, but even that won’t last forever.

‘I can’t last long.’

At present, the central level must have noticed the anomaly as well.

However, no matter how fast the support of the allies is, it will not be able to restore the fragmented space and time in an instant.

If they just waited, they would most likely lose the battle before they arrived.

“There must be many humans who can be said to be the elite of mankind.”

Serpents around the world burst into grim laughter.

“Do you understand, O Most Holy Heaven? Humanity has been caught in a trap set by His Majesty the Great Emperor.”


I unknowingly bit my lip.

It had entered a lull in the front line.

Abandoning numerous occupied territories and retreating.

It was all the emperor’s ruse.

He predicted the future that Kang Yu-jin would capture it and move it to the central dimension by giving up the particularly tasty ‘Avanrat’.

He also predicted the future that talented people would be brought here to teach.

The emperor’s insight saw so far.

“If you open the power of the Constellation, at least you will live. However, all humans here will die.”


“It’s just that you lost.”

Because mankind can never defeat the Witchbeast.

The snake said so as if to declare it.

There, Laniakea was speechless.

The situation is hopeless, and he himself cannot step out.

It was a perfect outing.


How could the emperor have foreseen such a distant future?

Are you even looking into the future?

It was as if he knew everything about the human behavior of ‘Kang Yoo-jin’ and the reaction that the people around him would show.

Isn’t it the incarnation of a disaster-like strategy?

“Then, the matter is over. I hope you look helplessly at the crumbling world.”

Magi are infested from all sides and begin to shake the world.

Ouroboros’ ability, ‘the power to manipulate the world line’.

Through that power, that serpent prepares to ‘dismantle’ this world of Avantrath.

This small island would never withstand the mighty power of the commander.

“The world… hmm?”

However, the boiling demonic energy suddenly began to subside.

The moment the snake questioned Magi, who had been forcibly put to sleep, the split spaces all at once lit up.

The seams that were dislocated fuse into one again, and begin to return to their former appearance.

Ouroboros raised his head and shouted in front of the restoration of the unexpected world.

“What’s up!”

The separated time and space is being restored.

But why?

Ouroboros as well as Laniakea were perplexed by the current situation, but a voice resounded above their heads.

“You’re too conceited, damn snake.”

A reverberation as if the bottom of the abyss was eroding the mind.

Ouroboros and his limbs stopped moving all at once after witnessing the voice of the ‘God of Death’.

“No, it can’t be…”

He denied it, but the sky denied his denial and created a huge jet-black gate.

Looking at the abyss that engulfed the entire sky, Ouroboros’ eyes shook.


The magic that spread from the gate began to encroach on the area.

Strands of magical power ran through the besieged humans and created a network.


The neural network that connects the mind to the mind surrounds them, and it returns to the other side of the gate again through the turning point called ‘Adeline’.

And the ‘knowledge’ transmitted through that nervous system was completely unexpected even to them.

“My…knowledge? No, I haven’t yet…”

“Wait a minute, this is not the point of completion!”


Yujin Kang was still beyond the gate, in the cracks of space and time.

It was no different than that he was connected to the infinite time line that touched the passage, and he, who grasped all the information of the students, connected the ‘future’ of the students and themselves through the cracks and the sympathetic nervous system.

“Whoa whoop…”

Laniakea burst into laughter at Ouroboros, whose position was now changed to bewilderment.

“More than you guys think, my apostle seems to be capable.”

“It can’t be… it can’t be! Even the Shinigami can’t handle space-time magic!”

There was no way he could handle the magic of the 10th circle, the extreme of magic that no human being had ever reached.

In the first place, isn’t he just a 5th circle wizard!

I analyzed the magic pattern beyond the gate with denial and suspicion.

And what was heard was a voice that denied even the slightest expectation held by the Witchbeast.


A terrifying deafening cry that seems to pierce the soul.

There is only one meaning of this magic pattern.

ghost call.

The ghostly wailing, symbolizing the preparing god of death, was echoing from the gate… no, from all over the world.

This is because the coordinates of the cracks were fixed, pointing to Yujin Kang like a diffusely reflected mirror.

The black gate and the broken mirror-like spaces around it.

‘Red eyes’ were shining everywhere, and it whispered that it had witnessed the monsters.

A single declaration announcing the arrival of the Shinigami.

「I saw you」

he comes

Sensing a huge presence approaching from the other side, Ouroboros hurriedly spread the message to his sympathetic nervous system.

“…The plan went awry. The preparing messenger was released.”

After stepping back from Laniakea, he murmured lowly.

The target receiving the communication was a reinforcement from the rear that had not yet appeared.

His meticulous personality also assumed the ‘what if’ situation, so outside of Avantrat, Arachne’s spiders were ambush as a detached unit.

One superlative and ten superior.

If they come, even this temporary reversal that occurred with Kang Yu-jin’s appearance would find its place again.

“…This time, even you won’t be able to win.”

The snake, which looked at Laniakea and the gate, muttered as if it were chewing and erecting.



A woman fell through the ceiling of a building.

Skadi, who failed to land, stood up from the rubble rubbing her sore hip.

“Agogo… it’s an ass.”

Behind her voice mixed with lamentation, the torn bonds of the Witchbeast fell like rain along the trajectory of her fall.

She was about to wipe out the demons around her through the 8-circle magic, [Thunder Dragon], which turns herself into lightning upon summoning.

“Professor Skadi!”

Cheers were heard from all sides at her appearance.

Beginning with Ensia and Cynthia, who came running with bright faces, countless people who were holding a sit-in welcomed her.

“I was counting on you to come!”

“Do you know how this happened? The knowledge of the future is in your head!”

“What the hell is this power!?”

They welcomed the return of the two, but on the other hand, they were puzzled by the power of the future connected to them.

Skadi answered them with a grin.

“Coming across the rift, Professor Yujin Kang found a way to bridge the sympathetic nervous system with future knowledge.”

The gap of space and time they traversed is in fact in contact with all time zones.

Kang Yu-jin remembered all the magical information of the students, and was able to find out their ‘future’ spread in each time period by using such characteristics of the gap.

Then, by building a sympathetic nervous system, the knowledge that they would have had in the future was transferred to their past counterparts.

This was possible because of his perfectionism, which grasps all the information of the students.

“So…what did they say? Streaming future knowledge?”

At those words, Cynthia tilted her head and asked back.

“S, what is streaming…?”

“I don’t know. They say it is anyway.”

She bluntly rallied people.

Although this power would disappear once the rift closed, it was clear that it would be of great help in overcoming the current threat.

As for the new powers, even the way to use them came in, so there was no need to get used to it.

Reorganizing their power, they burst into laughter at the mysterious situation Kang Yoo-jin created.

“Connecting the knowledge of the future and the present… heh heh.”

“… I am Kang Yu-jin’s school from today.”

Now, they were ready to believe that Yujin Kang was actually a Constellation pretending to be a human.

Now that the cracks were closing, they prepared to go out.

“However, due to the nature of demon beasts, this will not be the end.”

Roshua stepped forward and hurriedly threw it.

“Yes. It can’t be the end of them as they come to the central dimension.”

Roshua and Laflis who received his words.

It was clear what they were saying.

It was said that there would be reinforcements that had not yet been revealed.

“Ah, is that it?”

But Skadi laughed heehee instead.

“I actually knew.”


Everyone looks bewildered.

did you know that?

Skadi winked one eye cutely at the dazed audience.

“Tada. Stay tuned.”

The other side of the sky she pointed to.

In a place where most of the cracks had now disappeared, the sky on the other side was finally being revealed.


The gate closed and the Shinigami appeared.

Dispersing black air currents, he landed with an accurate and neat landing to Laniakea’s side.

She hugged Yujin Kang when she arrived.

“I’m really glad you’re okay.”


He patted her on the back and looked up to see the large army of Ouroboros.

Powerful aura of mental control pouring from him.

The Witchbeasts who faced it were frightened and shrank their bodies.

It was an obvious display of fear towards the predator.



Only high-ranking individuals who come to their senses and oppose Kang Yu-jin are those of higher rank or higher.

Ouroboros sighed deeply as the rest were busy hiding behind the legionnaires.

Because it was proof that the intimidation of the reaper was growing day by day.

“You… you are an existence that should never be sent alive from this place.”

I never thought I would come back alive from the other side of time and space.

Moreover, as if he had taken it as a blessing, his power was stronger than before.

The number of conversions organized by the emperor actually became the number of self-reflection that raised Yujin Kang.

If left as it is, Ouroboros was afraid of how far he would grow.

“Fortunately, you consumed a lot of energy.”


all right

Although it was merely ‘imitation’ of space-time magic, it was an act no different from embodying a part of the drama.

In addition, even though he went through Adeline, he created a huge sympathetic nervous system that connects the future and the present.

Although the momentum was great, Yujin Kang probably had only a small amount of magic power left.

“Eugene-nim. Behind me…”


He stopped Laniakea from trying to protect him.

“You don’t have to.”

“Yes? But…”

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders in embarrassment.

As the strong eyes peered into her, Laniakea involuntarily lowered her gaze and averted his eyes.

“You can trust me. Would you?”


He nodded slightly and erased the gate in the sky.

“You’re arrogant, Shinigami. You’re definitely alone—”


Kang Yoo-jin dismissed his words and pulled out a revolver.

“There was something I always said to Baltazar.”


“You guys, really, your actions don’t go beyond my expectations.”

In an instant, the gate that covered the sky disappeared, and the cleanly connected space illuminated the other side.

A vast sky full of stars.

On the other side of the sky where Ouroboros’ reinforcements should be waiting.


The Spider Tribe was engaged in a fierce battle with the Constellations that noticed the ambush.

As if they knew the existence of the reinforcements in advance, Ouroboros felt dizzy as he saw them.

“Did I look stupid enough to swallow an island like Avanrat without question?”


“That’s why you don’t.”

He said in front of the charter drawing a perfect turnaround.

“In the first place, I knew you guys would come over here one day.”

If you spread the bait, there will be traps as well.

Kang Yu-jin, who was a hunter from an early age, was only able to see through all the traps.

So, he secretly told Mason to prepare for this situation.

“There’s no way someone like the Magic Tower Master would come to a place like this just to take my class.”

“Kang Yujin…!”

“The Magic Tower only came here as a standing guard.”

His cold eyes look at the magic beasts.

It was a gaze that only the ruler of the battlefield could have, with a completely reversed position.

“I bet you worms didn’t know.”


Yujin Kang turned her head and looked at Laniakea.

Seeing that figure more like a constellation than a constellation, Laniakea felt her heart beat a little bit.

“It’s time to strike back. Let’s go together.”


The god and the apostle flew up into the sky just like that.

A Reincarnated Professor at the Constellation Academy

A Reincarnated Professor at the Constellation Academy

성좌 아카데미의 환생교수
Score 9.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
A school where Constellation candidates gather who might one day become a Constellation. Helios Academy. He was reincarnated as a professor there.


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not work with dark mode