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2nd Rank Has Returned chapter 204

204 – Human Theater at the End-2

“So… This scabbard contains my memories as a video?”

[Uh, you made it yourself.]

Leonardo touched Aria’s scabbard and exclaimed strangely. No matter how much he learned magic from the sage himself, he did not know that he would directly apply such advanced technology.

“…But do we really have to show that dark history in a video? You can explain it in words.”

{Because it’s hard to be objective.}

Memories tend to be distorted, and it was highly likely that the person himself would be subjective.

If that’s also your own dark history, the difference in distortion is bound to get bigger.

“…Wow, what a big deal this is…”

Leonardo grumbled and put the black stone longsword into the scabbard as instructed. They are a clan that will be revealed like stubbornness even if they hide it anyway, so it would be easier for them to be innocent now.

It was absolutely not because I was afraid of Ariasviel’s smile. Don’t be like that

“…But how do you open it? Just plug it in…”

[…I thought he was a crappy criminal, but he surprisingly holds up.]

“Wow…! f*ck!”

As soon as Eileen’s face and voice appeared, Leo screamed with a nutmeg.

[You’re pathetic. You’re losing to an insomniac who hasn’t slept while catching bastards for a month…?]

In the video, Eileen and Leonardo are confronting each other in a tattered state. Even without looking at the situation ahead, I could tell that a fierce battle had already taken place.

[But he fights well, so give him a chance.]

Even in a tired state, Leo’s bravado in the video did not subside. Leo in the video showed an immature arrogance that made even the viewer himself embarrassed.

[Let’s go our separate ways when we talk nicely. There is no reason to kill you yet.]

Leo put his two longswords into the space as if he wasn’t lying. In fact, if I stopped now, the fight would stop.

As for Eileen, she is a good person, so she has a lot of scandals, but because she is a bad person, she has achievements and beliefs that cannot be condemned.

[Ha…! Ha ha ha ha ha…!]

Eileen burst into laughter as if Leo’s words were full of energy. For people who know Aileen’s usual attitude, that smile was bound to be awkward.

[I didn’t know you had a knack for comedy. If it’s a joke, even assassination is possible.]

Only Leo, watching this again, showed a gloomy expression.

[Ha… I should kill him with my fist instead of joking.]

[Are you here now to judge people’s innocence? A serial killer, no… A mass murderer?]

Eileen treated Leo with contempt. Due to the gap felt in the attitude of the second round, everyone except Leo doubted whether it was a different person.

[They’re cheap even if you kill them. Rather, it is regrettable that he died too early.]

In Leo’s eyes, anger burned as fuel for guilt.

Because I still think that those who have killed themselves must taste more hell.

[Who are you blaming after killing you too? If I am a mass murderer, then you are a merchant of death.]

In the video, Leonardo held a mace and a hatchet in both hands. Right now, he started swinging his weapon to dismember the wizard.

[Yes. It’s the title that best describes me.]

She snapped her fingers, as if deliberately procrastinating. At that moment, a teleportation occurred from behind and an executioner stormed in.


It was O’Brien, Leo’s junior now.

He wrapped both of Leo’s hands in chains of gravity and pulled them.

[Gravity Chain]

This is not an ordinary binding spell. The purple chains were distorting and compressing the body’s movements by exploding the weight of some parts of the body.

[Remnants of tricks…!]

Leo threw the ax back from his leaden arm. A mace is thrust into O’Brien’s shoulder.

[Let’s try it…!!]

Despite the magic of gravity, Leo’s ax was lifted high into the sky. Considering the weight of the ax weighted with magic, even if you hit the barrier, it would break right away.

[Compared to you, who only knows about destruction, I somehow take advantage.]

[…What did you do… Cool…]

Leonardo’s hands trembled and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and eyes. The pain of the air destroys the body with every breath.

[…It just gave me a taste of pure air with magic.]

With her magic that controls the sky, all the air within the radius is already filled with pure oxygen.

Leo’s lungs were already full of oxygen and poisoned. If he were a normal person, he would have died of difficulty breathing.

[Ah, did you lose like that and become a b*tch?]

“It’s not that b*tch, I gave up what I should have won in the first place.”

It was a natural reaction to get angry at the sage’s summary, but Leo’s reaction was quite immature.


The ax held by Leo is X-Flo in the Senate. If you explode it here filled with oxygen, the explosion at the level of great magic will be ridiculous.


But Leo let out a short breath, put down the ax and raised her hands. Eileen in the video, as well as those watching her, were shocked and alternately looked at Leo in reality and in the video.

“I see! I watched it! I could have won, but I saw you!”

[So In-bae Special) I didn’t ask, but my feet are numb.]

“Who is the small man!”

It was just that they were both small people.

Even Aria, who had bean pods on Leo, couldn’t cover it.

To calm the childish situation, Lumine deliberately asked for an explanation of her time.

“But… why didn’t you finish it?”

That way, Leo will look less like a small person.

“Are you asking that…”

Leo shook his head with a strangely intimidated look.

Lumine, Leonardo, Aileen, and even the already dead Ariaspil.

Because their relationship was like a food chain that was a mixture of love and hate to the limit.

“He was also an ally of the hero, and what he actually did was amazing.”

“…Was great?”

Aria, who had been calm, opened her eyes and asked Leo’s question as Leo praised Eileen.

Thanks to that, even though her opponent was Arya, Leo recited her achievements without doubt.

“Yes, we have developed food shortages through the development of human feed, land cleanup work, and preparations for various pestilence. It was too much to kill.”

Eileen took as much as she could, even though she might go against morals. Because she was the one who created extreme efficiency by deceiving ethics.

So even though Leo hated Eileen, he couldn’t ignore her or kill her.

“If I think about it now, I should have killed myself without hesitation at that time. Why did you save that young witch?”

Of course, Leo in the first playthrough seemed to have a slightly different opinion. At those words, Ariasviel smiled again, neither affirming nor denying.

It was definitely a smile, but it only came creepily to Leo.

[…Huh… Where are the precious heroes in this shabby place?]

As if it were a summary of the story, the scene changes and Leonardo visits the two people while being bound.

Both of them were acquaintances. In the world of the first playthrough, they were more widely known heroes.

[…It’s been a while. Mr. Leonardo.]

[It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to die gracefully, but you’re the one who forcibly revived me.]

Lumine’s eyes were faded to white. The fact that his gaze was unfocused implicitly informed that his eyesight was already immersed in darkness.

[Isn’t it obvious? Shouldn’t it be used only when you give the sinner whose purpose is death in the first place what he wants?]

[Why is the tongue so long when the sinner bought it because he looked after it… Is there anyone in this era who is not a sinner in the first place?]

In this age of chaos, everyone was a sinner. He can only live if he has the blood of others on his hands.

Beyond that, it was a world where people calmly plundered according to greed, raped according to instinct, and slaughtered for fun.

[You talk as if you are special. To me, it just seems overly self-conscious?]

Eileen didn’t care about Leo’s criticism and scraped Leo’s insides. Whether in reality or in the video, the distorted expression on Leo’s face was proof of that.

[What do you know…? Then it’s right to save those bastards…!]

[At least in thousand units.]

Eileen cut her off and held out a small folder through the glass wall. As she turned the pages using her free left hand, people’s names and photos were listed one after another.


[…The territories and knights who had family and friends that were created by killing the senate without thinking with a sense of revenge and justice that you are not shy about.]

After the sudden annihilation of the Senate, chaos arose not only in the territory they managed, but also in the entire empire.

[They are secondary victims caused by a fool with no justification and an unknown origin killing all of Reinhardt’s executives.]

From noble mtl dot com.

No matter how trash Leo kills, they are also high-ranking people in this country.

[…Ha… Is it true? Lumine? Isn’t that b*tch b*tching?]

[…No operation. Leonardo… Sir…]

In the video, Lumine once again closed her invisible eyes and avoided her gaze. Looking at Lumine like that, Leonardo also closed his eyes.

[Do you really want to deny your sins?]

[…So you should do some penitence? Do you even confess?]

[I don’t even want that. It’s an emotional luxury for a guy who did something like this even though there was no war at the time anyway.]

If Eileen heard it in the 2nd episode, it was so severe that she would bite her tongue and commit suicide.

But in reality, as Eileen said, Leonardo was not a knight who participated in the war, let alone a knight who belonged to Reinhardt anymore.

There was no way that Leonardo had a just cause or a cause.

[…So what? To curse and live a long life in prison?]

[If you decline the offer, do so.]

Saying that, Eileen held out a brooch and another picture. In the photo, a huge chunk of meat was rampaging in the form of a monster.

The person who took the picture must have died.

[…Do you buy clay?]

Because the opponent is the notorious warlock Clay Master.

[In the middle of the killing, they went to the incinerator where the beast corpses were piled up and absorbed them all. Thanks to that, it has no self, but absorbs and transforms all organisms it touches.]

[…That’s good. Do you want to use it as a hunting dog?]

[Because it’s a caution to use everything that can be used.]

Eileen and Leonardo’s eyes caught fire. The usual battle of nerves between Aria and Eileen looks like a house play.


[It’s only release, is there anything you can give as a reward to a person whose purpose is suicide in the first place?]

[I need to add more. The balance is not right.]

[Yes, listen and watch.]

Leonardo’s dead eyes caught fire again.

[Weapons and equipment that can catch mines are provided as requested. If you don’t do that, I’ll hit you right away.]

[Are you going to set the budget limit?]

[You have more money than your lifespan anyway. If you’re scared…]

[The contract has been concluded. Leonardo. Release.]

At last, the guard in the back untied Leonardo’s handcuffs and opened the door.

“This is how the bad relationship with that crazy b*tch, Aileen, began.”

After the main content of the video was over, Leonardo continued with a supplementary explanation.

“After working together for about 10 years like that…”

“By the way, Mr. Reynald.”

Rios realized that he had missed the most important information because he was fascinated by the video. After all, the fundamental question that led to this video remains unanswered.

“Why isn’t that marriage mentioned?”

“…Well…Well? Is this sword sheath strange? I don’t know much about this either. Just words…”

Leonardo, who tried to pass naturally, was not lucky. At the moment when a vague explanation was about to come out, an additional video was suddenly played.


Leo, slightly older than he was in prison, broke into the door. The holy sea gun wrapped around his arm was swung by an aura as if to reveal his anger.

[What will happen suddenly without contact? Reserve company…]

[Shut up! Even if you change it, you’re not cool, you bastard witch!]

With the appearance of an explosion of anger at the slightest glance, Leonardo rushed in and smashed Eileen’s desk with a single blow.

[…It’s new, but you’re always savage. I’m a foolish woman trying to unravel the conversation…]

[Cut your mouth. It should be something that can be solved through conversation so that we can talk.]

With that said, Leonardo drew her sword and pointed it at Eileen’s throat. He hadn’t been cut yet, but the vicious energy that flowed out reminded me of his demonic sword.

[What is this? In some cases, the punishment is not […]

[Try it. Before that, her snout and her neck will roll on the floor.]

Eileen rolled her eyes in disgust, and Leonardo roared and snorted at her like a dragon.

[I definitely said that. Don’t play with people’s lives. And you should have explained in advance that you don’t have luxury like marriage?]

Leonardo said that and threw all the articles he had brought to the ground. It’s been a long time since Eileen has already spread such nonsense through her media.

[That kid also chose it on his own. And it’s still an invitation, not a compulsion, so how can you do that…]

[Your idea is angry. It’s like a dog to use blood to keep me on a leash somehow. Know?]

Leonardo pulled Eileen by the collar. Even though she could hit her barrier, Aileen dared to hold her bare body by the collar.

[The reason I followed you without killing you was because I hoped that at least when I won, a better world would come. I was able to tolerate you at least when you were in the gray zone.]

I couldn’t stand it anymore. Eileen drops her to the floor as Leonardo is.

[If you survive like this, you can call that human degenerate… A human? Even animals take care of their young. You b*tch worse than a machine!]

[…Ha… And then you killed my son?]


A subtle air pervades. The real Leonardo was just watching the video quietly and solemnly.

[…I know. What my son did But isn’t it funny? Because you’re busy whining about just getting married. What’s the problem?]

[…What’s wrong?]

Leonardo wanted to let out a sigh, but he shouted while holding Eileen’s little finger.

[Trying to get engaged to a 16Year old Kid when he’s crazy about being in his 20’s is a problem!]

The air is cold. Eileen was obviously the culprit, but for some reason, her gaze turned to Leo.

[Didn’t you tell me? Among your children, he is the one with the best personality. Then…!]

[That’s what it means!? Crazy b*tch?! Do you think the tall legged man is a true story?!]

Saying that, Leonardo broke Eileen’s finger.

[Remember. As much as you hurt, your little finger will hurt more.]

[…It hurts just like a cut off thumb.]

With that, the video ended, and all that was left was a cold gaze.

[Somehow, when she was young, the way she looked at Aria was unusual…]

“Shut up! I don’t mean that! I refused!”

[…Maybe it’s because we were the same age that we were close to each other in the past…]

“I just think it would be great if it was an aria! Hey guys .. Hey guys!”

…Leonardo belatedly realized what he was talking about.

He was a sage who was afraid to bring back his memories because of the dark history.

2nd Rank Has Returned

2nd Rank Has Returned

2인자는 회귀했다
Score 7.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
I regressed to defeat the world’s best number one. But the eyes of the first person looking at me are unusual. Why is that…?


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not work with dark mode