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0.01 Second Sword Master chapter 59

0.01 Second Sword Master Episode 59

Kwa-kwak-! Kwak Kwa Kwak-!!


A mega troll that took the lives of countless people with its tall, cliff-like body.

However, it screamed and the body that split in a straight line was sliding.


Half of the dismembered body shattered as it fell down, and the remaining body beneath it gradually collapsed as the crack spread like a plague.


The jackal, who secretly followed the knights with his men, was momentarily mesmerized by the unbelievable sight.

“Very well, chief. Me, what the hell!”

“How can a human have such power!”

The same was true of the men who were by his side.

Everyone stared at the troll’s corpse, buried in the dust, with their mouths wide open.


“Long live the Grand Commander!!”

The shouts of the knights helped the jackal come to his senses belatedly.

‘How did you do that?’

everything didn’t make sense

“Is that flying, chief?”

Especially, being able to stand upright on top of a collapsed floor.

“If it was flying, you should be able to see the magic flowing through it. But I can’t see anything.”

It was very strange.

A being floating in the air without magic.

What’s more relevant is,

Tumble- Tumble-.

It was as if Aslan was coming down the stairs slowly.

His elegant steps and the dignity contained in them were indescribably perfect.



That red cloak that seemed to scatter light stood out.

It feels like raising Aslan’s dignity one step further.

‘He’s not human.’

I’ve never heard of a state where you can walk through the sky like the ground without magical powers.

Aslan came down to the ground very calmly and got on the horse.

The knights were still shouting hotly, but he calmly drove his horse forward as if nothing had happened.

“Large, captain.”

“Uh, what should I do?”

Fear stained the faces of the subordinates.

I just saw that scene, so of course it’s understandable.

Because the jackal’s heart is still beating.


‘He’s lost his mind too.’

Robben, who can be seen from afar, must have seen the scene as well, so he had a completely bewildered expression.

“For now… they secretly follow. Use your stealth skills to the fullest so as not to be seen.”

At first, he was going to bring Robben through an ambush, but it seemed like he would have to change his plan.

To avoid touching the planting of that monster as much as possible.

* * *

‘Crazy troll bastard.’

I looked at the pile of stones on the floor and sighed inwardly.

‘I almost went after him after acting as a guest.’

I went up to test my flight skills and almost became a ghost flying over the nine heavens forever.

‘Actually, this is all a conspiracy by the developer.’

Didn’t they intentionally put in the flight option to kill me- I had a reasonable doubt. Fortunately, I was able to get out of trouble.

‘Anyway, if I kill that guy, won’t I give you something?’

The Mega Troll’s entire body was made of stone, so there was nothing to be gained by killing it.

‘He’s really worthless.’

It didn’t matter.

I didn’t come here for that guy’s purpose anyway, it’s right here.

It’s because he came to dig up the gold that was sleeping in the wasteland.

We arrived at the Black Stone Field, which was piled high with Kalusite.

“It is a barren land after all. There is no good place to clear it, and there are only useless stones like this.”

Aaron. You don’t have eyes to see yet.

How can you say that even after seeing this gold?

Is this what it means to see gold as a stone?


“Yes, Grand Commander!”

“Pick up any stone of a suitable size and bring it.”


Alexander hurried over and brought a stone the size of his face.

black stone, calu stone.

It was a very reliable and cheat-like resource to live without worrying about money for the rest of my life.



“Try to light a fire on this stone.”

Raphael immediately summoned fire and placed it on the stone.

But the stones were not igniting.

“As you can see, stones do not catch fire. The same goes for this. However-.”

I had Alexander cut the stone in half.

And let’s light it again,


“This is how the fire burns fiercely inside.”

“Oh oh······.”

“I can’t even be this amazing.”

The outer surface does not catch fire, but the inside of the stone burns strongly when ignited, as if oiled. To put it simply, it’s like gunpowder.

“It will be useful in many ways.”

“I guess so. With this level of ignition power, it can be used as a weapon, and I think it can be used for magical purposes.”

The one who looked the most excited was Raphael.

Science in this world is magic, so it’s safe to say that a wizard doing research in the Mage Tower is a scientist.

“It is a barren land, but if mining is done here and the land is slowly cultivated, it will become a place where people can live to some extent.”

Right now, this looks like a wasteland with no potential for development, but later, as the game progresses, kingdoms even build castles here for mining monopolies.

It’s just difficult to clear land, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

the problem is,

“But will it be the manpower to develop this place? You’re opening trade routes to trade with the Horde and the Elves. I heard that a lot of manpower was put in.”

There was not enough manpower to deploy here.

Somehow, there was not enough manpower to put in because the two trade routes were open at the same time.

‘Is there any free manpower worth using?’

By the time you think

“Standby division commander. But what should I do with the guy I caught earlier? You seem to have come to your senses…”

Aaron’s words suddenly flashed through his mind.

‘yes. There were half-human, half-horse, runners.’

A Ruin-grade demon in human form, resembling a human.

The half-man, half-horse Runner that came out of them.

Of course, there is no law that necessarily half of them are human.

In the village where they lived in groups, there were various races that inherited the devil’s blood.

‘If only I could coax them and use them-.’

It’s good that I got Kaluseok with cheap labor, and it’s good that they, who were living in the shadows and suffering, got jobs.

This was killing two birds with one stone.

‘It must be important how to coax.’

According to the original story, there is a picture in which the main character forms a consensus that the elf and the human half are proud of each other.

Since I’m not the main character, I can’t do the same, but Alexander is next to me right now, and Raphael, who has inherited the blood of demons and elves.

If only I could coax that Robben and bring out the runners hiding in the village-.

“The sun will set soon. We will camp here. Then bring him in front of me. I will interrogate him myself.”

“Yes, the lieutenant commander.”

If that is the case, the supply of Kalusuk will be stable, and I will be able to sit on a money cushion right away.

‘Whoa whoop-.’

The corners of his mouth were twitching incessantly.

* * *

“Leader. Did you know that stone catches fire?”

The Jackal and his men were watching what Aslan and his knights were doing from afar.

They exclaimed as they watched the sparks on the stones.

“no. I didn’t know either.”

How does Aslan, the author, know what even runners who live here do not know?

“But what should I do now?”

“Looks like they’re going to camp here, so why don’t we seize the opportunity and bring the unit commander? If there is a surprise attack, they will be embarrassed and not even know that the unit commander has run away.”

“surprise attack? Crazy? Did you say that just by looking at it?”

“right. What if I get caught by surprise? You’re the one who killed that gigantic troll with a single sword.”

The fears of his subordinates were also understandable.

And I don’t think that fear is wrong.

Aslan, the author is a very dangerous person.

It has power beyond imagination, and if it buys the author’s anger, the fire will spread to the villagers.

Such misfortunes had to be stopped.

“I can’t help it.”

The surprise attack had already passed, and it was dangerous, but if it worked, the effect was sure to be used.

“Only three people move.”

“Only 3 people?”

“yes. After stealing their armor, pretending to be knights, wander around the military camp to find Roben. I’ll have to get him out to save him as much as possible, but if it’s judged impossible… I’ll have to kill him.”

Unfortunately, the subordinates also agreed.

“Then go.”


The jackal moved like water, basking in the darkness.

And in the midst of making the camp, he slowly approached the knights standing guard outside.




The sentries blinked their eyes when they checked the needle stuck in their throats.


And soon after, they fell to the floor one by one.

“Hurry up. before anyone else sees it.”

The jackal dragged them along, quickly changed their clothes, and entered the camp.

Although the setting up of the camp was almost over, the knights were still busy moving.


The Jackal and his minions followed their steps unobtrusively.

And with his eyes, he searched for Robben’s whereabouts.

“Leader. there······.”

how long did it take

One of my subordinates found something.

“…it’s over there.”

A simple prison located in the middle of the military camp.

There was not even a tent so anyone could watch.

I saw Robben sitting in it.

He slowly looked around and moved closer to it.



“Tsk. stupid bastard.”

“Even if you have ten mouths, you have nothing to say.”

Looking at Robben’s face like that, he was a jackal who became weak again.

I want to take out Robben right away, but there are too many eyes around me.

If you break the prison in an open place like this, they’ll find out right away.

What should I do with this…

“There are three of you.”

At that time, the voice from behind made the jackal startle.

Looking back, there was the knight commander who had been attached to Aslan all along.

“It’s just fine.”


“Bring out the sinner in it.”

Then the wizard behind him waved his hand, and the magic locked in the jade chamber was released and the door opened.

“Take him and follow him.”


Read at noblemtl.com

Jackal, who had been in charge of the escort, secretly whispered behind Robben.

“Are you feeling well?”

“As you can see, there is a magical restraint on my hand, so my movements are not smooth.”

In order to escape, I have to release that restraint first.

But it was not yet time.

Where are you taking me?

‘no way······.’

Before long, the destination was known.

This is the largest barracks in the military camp.

“Standby division commander. This is Aaron. I have brought a sinner.”

It was where Aslan was.

Soon his dull voice rang out.

“Come in.”


The jackal and his men were taken aback, but since they came this far, they couldn’t escape, so they went inside. and there,


Aslan, who resembled a lion’s eyes, was looking at them with haughty eyes, his chin resting sideways.

‘Oh, that’s a great prestige.’

Even just looking at it, the feeling of intimidation was great.

My heart is already pounding and cold sweat runs through my head.

Like the Jackal, his men could be seen shaking their hands.

Then the jackal met his eyes and quickly lowered his head.


For a while there was a heavy silence in the barracks.

With Robben on his knees, the jackal, who had come out a little bit, slowly raised his head.

By the way,

‘Why do you keep looking at me?’

Aslan’s eyes were still fixed on him.

“I heard that there is a smell somewhere-.”

Aslan glared at the jackal and continued.

“The rats have come in hiding.”


Are you talking about us?

As if I had read the jackal’s thoughts,

“You don’t have to pretend you don’t know. How dare you come into my camp without fear. Your liver is big.”

The knights also opened their eyes grimly at the jackal and his men.

“These guys!”

“Who are you!”

As they drew their swords and aimed them, the jackal had no choice but to throw off his helmet.

He also loosened all the armor that made his body heavy.

“I did not come here with malice. I’m just here to save my comrades.”

“…Did you steal the clothes of my knights?”

“That’s right. But it never hurt. Everyone will be asleep.”

The jackal politely bowed and asked.

I don’t know how the other person recognized me, but I had to get out of here first.

“Please let us go. please. We don’t want to fight you. I promise to never appear in front of you again.”

But the opponent

“What if I refuse?”

It seemed that he had no intention of letting go.

If that’s the case, the jackal couldn’t back down since he came this far.

“You won’t be able to catch us easily.”

I didn’t know anything else, but I was confident in one speed.

If you break Robben’s restraints and run with him, you’ll be able to get out of here in an instant.

“impolite! How dare you say such a thing to the Grand Division Commander!”

Aaron raised his sword in anger.

The jackal grabbed Robben’s back and slowly warmed up his legs.

It was to get out of here quickly.




“Stay away.”


Aslan left Aaron and the knights behind.

“You have great confidence. good. I will let you go.”


Is it really that easy?

“So go wherever you can.”

The last sentence was meaningful.

But there was no need to think too long.

The other party said they would let you go, so if you just get out…


By the way,

“This, why is this…”

Oddly enough, the feet don’t move.

Starting with the hand holding Robben’s back, he didn’t budge as if paralysis had come to his whole body.

Feeling something strange there, the jackal raised his head and looked at Aslan.

Aslan is still looking down on himself arrogantly.

And his vision of him began to distort.


Read at noblemtl.com

Just as the colors get tangled together, the space is distorted and at the same time-.


Something terrifying pressed against my body.


With a moan, the jackal sat down as it were.

I can’t really breathe

It felt like my beating heart was drying up, and I could vividly feel all the blood draining from my body.



It was the same with his men and Robben.

Everyone vomited and fell on the floor, shivering.

The strange thing is that all the other articles except for them are fine.

They also looked puzzled, not knowing what had happened.

‘Dae, what the hell is this…!’


“Why are you still doing that?”

Aslan’s overbearing voice split the sons-in-law.

Read at noblemtl.com

Jackal raised his head with difficulty from his fallen position.

At that place,

“Did you not understand my words that I would let you go?”

There was Aslan, who was looking right through him with cold eyes.

0.01 Second Sword Master

0.01 Second Sword Master

0.01초 소드마스터
Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
In an instant, in that brief moment, I am the strongest.


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not work with dark mode