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Zeus Ex Machina 31

Chapter 31 – Sex Education for Heads of Household (3) Why

Having sex makes you stronger.

No, to be precise, mixing flesh with many women makes him stronger.

It was already a strong being from before, but its power grows exponentially in proportion to the number of times it has had sex with new women.

If there was such an existence, it could be said that it was legal to violate the women of the whole world.

To save this land from external enemies, he mixes flesh with a woman.

Even if mixing that flesh is sex warm enough to make a woman spread her legs on her own, then women full of curiosity will allow themselves to be themselves.

If there is such a person in the world, it is none other than Zeus.

-Zeus… Don’t you feel like you’re getting stronger after being with a girl?

It was none other than Zeus’ nanny, Amalthea, who first confirmed the possibility.

-When you first met me, I thought you were getting stronger just because you were growing up. But it turns out… I knew that I became stronger after being with other women besides me.

She found out that Zeus was embracing a woman named ‘Metis’ when he went out to find glue to light his fire as an emetic.

– There’s no way Zeus just passed by after seeing Metis… Mattis himself didn’t even deny it. But Zeus grew faster than I expected. I know that I grew up myself. This growth rate… That it is not the growth of a normal warrior. Even if you’re a titan, or even if you’re of Cronus’s lineage, it doesn’t make sense to become stronger after having sex.

-Do you know that Zeus promised to marry another woman named Metis?

– …I know. But that doesn’t mean you can’t just blindly ask me to look at you. As Leah-sama knows, Zeus is too great to endure as a woman. His cock… Can’t stand a single cunt.

Although she was the same nymph, she was jealous of Metis, who was the bloodline of the titan god, but forcing her heart on Zeus was something no nymph should do.

-And that doesn’t mean that Zeus will abandon me, right?

-That’s right.

Zeus knew that too, and he was not a man who would throw himself away like a devoted mate.

-It used to be like that. Since I’m talking about this…Then ask her to be the nanny for her children.

As was the case with other Greek men, Zeus cared about Amalthea so much that he later asked her to be his child’s nanny.

-If there is a child who grows up without a mother’s love, ask her to become their godmother.

So, Amalthea hoped that Zeus would surely come back alive from Cronus, and that someday, when Zeus’ child came out, he would raise it like he had raised Zeus.

-With that in mind, I saw off Zeus as he left the cave. I will definitely raise his child. Although I can’t give birth right now because of stomach pain… I thought about the future of raising my own child while raising the child born by the goddess.

But when he returned, he was very different.

-…Zeus, who came back, became better at sex.

Appearance? Not.
Sleeping? It was a bit thicker and firmer. However, it was not a visible big change.
Sex skills? The original sex alone was great.

-In the past, if I continued to stimulate him, he would cum, but now he voluntarily controls his ejaculation and makes me go away ten times before ejaculating.

After rescuing Rhea from Kronos.

– Now… I’m afraid to have sex with Zeus. It’s not that I don’t like sex, but at that moment, I feel like I’m becoming a female who’s crazy about Zeus’ cock, so I’m scared. I feel so good that I can’t help but pass out…I feel ashamed that I can’t satisfy Zeus with my body alone.

Zeus was much stronger than before he left the Cretan cave.

-After having sex with Amalthea, I can’t get my cock erect either. What if you’re thinking like that? So what do I do if he says he can’t have sex with him anymore?

What’s the secret?
What kind of power exists in the background of Zeus becoming stronger?
What really makes Zeus strong?

-Then let’s have sex together.
-Ah, Miss Leah…!
-As the mothers of Zeus, the two of us will overcome difficulties together. Are you ready…?

It’s sex

-Oh ho-ok…! Miss Leah, you have to endure…!
-Yes… ! Ah, Amalthea is eating the cock, hehe, if I leave so easily… !!
– A little more, a little more, a little more patience! If it goes to your finger like that, there’s no point in being together, right? !
-But… ! It feels so good, hey, Amalthea, Mi, sorry… ! Ugh, uhhh… ♡ Better than the first time… ! Hehe, now my fingers are like cocks… !

Even if the three of them wallowed, Amalthea and Rhea could not overcome Zeus.

Looking at Zeus holding the two women in his arms in her middle, enjoying the afterglow of ejaculation, Amalthea thought, looking at his cock still standing upright toward the sky.

Muscles can be trained through constant effort and training.

If so, wouldn’t it be possible to sharpen and polish the penis through training?

Isn’t Zeus growing into an ‘ideal body that can please women the most’ in the process of numerous sexes?

The ability to maintain one posture continuously.
Power strong enough to pick up a woman and pierce her cock.
Flexibility to change to a variety of positions.
Cardiorespiratory endurance that allows you to be considerate so that your nerves are not bothered by your breathing even if you kiss for a long time.

All that physical growth increased his stamina.

Since Amalthea had already taught him enough fighting methods and tactics, as long as his physical growth continued uninterrupted, Zeus had the potential to grow infinitely.

Amalthea finally realized the truth.

Zeus gets stronger the more you have sex.

And the thing that shows the most dramatic growth is sex with a ‘new woman’.

Sex with a woman made her grow slower the more times she did it, as if she developed resistance to growth.

Just as the body grows stronger to cope with the number of women added, Zeus constantly grew stronger.

-…In this situation, what should I do?

And Amalthea asked Metis for wisdom.

– Ahaha!

She governs the humans who live like beasts in the village, and laughs as soon as she hears the hypothesis of Amalthea, who came as her guest.

-…I think Leah-sama’s perspective will be a little different.

– But it would have been like me. No, if it were me, I would have dared to conceive Zeus’ child. Whoops.

– Miss Lea… I tried, but I can’t get pregnant. Because Kronos suffered too much.

-Ah… ! What should we do… ! Leah-sama is so pitiful…Sigh…! Now that you’ve found true happiness, you can’t bear the fruit of happiness…

-…That’s why I’m trying to gather strength to defeat Cronus. Zeus-sama… You seem to be getting stronger the more you have sex with new women.

– Do you really think that’s true?

Metis stopped admitting it.

It was a ridiculous phenomenon that the more Zeus had sex, the stronger he became, but it took a lot of effort and sex to fire a Jupiter kick against Cronus and escape safely.

-Just like magic, all research is based on experiments. In order to collect data, we need real verified cases that much. Are there any nymphs around? If the cock gets stuck, you’ll be stuck and you’ll be in a mess right away. Ah… Is rape a bit like that?

-There are five goddesses who want to marry each other.

-…I know of five younger sisters of Zeus.


-The titan gods are not sex, but the closer they are, the stronger they are, aren’t they?

Metis looked rather fed up, but the moment her wise nymph put ‘Zeus’ in every way of thinking, her thoughts turned in one direction.

-If Zeus is the older brother, he can’t help it. He would have run over the country too. Well. He’s reborn, and he said he was born from cumming on Leah, right? So brother and father Would you want to attack me too?

-So it’s about to start a fight right now… Trying to hit each other first…

-…Hmm, then you can do it like this.

Metis, like a nymph of wisdom, came up with a very wise solution.

-Isn’t it okay to have virgin sex on the same day? Since there is only one body, you can choose the order in which you put them in, or put them in whatever suits Zeus.

-But then it’s not fair…

– If you’re a woman, they say to compete with your pussy like a woman. If Zeus fucks the worst pussy first, they won’t be able to say anything?

-…As expected, Metis.

The solution proposed by the nymph of wisdom was passed down from Amalthea to Rhea, and then to her five sisters.

It’s fair and fair, and it’s a match with a pussy.

* * *

… I did, but

“I-This is too embarrassing…”

Demeter lay on her bed of vines and covered her face with her hands.

“Ji, you really can’t see us from over there, right, Mother?”


“You really can’t hear me sobbing and groaning here, right?”

“Of course. I’ve already tested it.”

“Mom, did you have sex with your brother with this yesterday?”

Leia blushed at Poseidon’s question.

“…Don’t worry, I’ve checked all five places.”

“Wow…My God.”

Daughters envied their mothers.
And they swallowed saliva at the fact that they had tested all of them where they were stuck.

“… Brother, if you have sex with us, you will become stronger, right?”

Hera said in a worried voice.

“If it’s not about getting stronger…It’s just having sex.”

“Heh. …I can’t be honest.”

Hades laughed at her Hera with her hard face her.

“Even if my brother doesn’t become strong, you just want to be with my brother.”

“What, what… !”

“Whoops, Hera. There’s no need to be shy. The one who asked me to do what the Nymph of Wisdom suggested right away…Is you?”

The nymph suggested a way.

And it was none other than Hera who urged her sisters to actually do it.

“Ugh, ugh… I don’t know anymore…”

It was a proposal made out of anger, but Hera could hardly control her pounding heart her.

“Oh, Hera-sister. Are you looking forward to it now…? Do you think I’ll fuck you first?”

“Huh! Oppa… Is he the last person to eat delicious food?”

“Then unnie would be the first. She’s the same as eating and fucking?”


The moment when the two of them were arguing with each other.

“I’m sorry…”


Someone groaned

“Just who are you?!”

“Mom, let us see the outside too… !”

“Whoa, then it wouldn’t be fun. Anyway, it’s unexpected. Maybe it’s him first…”

Is it because calm cats go up to the stove first, or is it because they want to start in the order they were born, or is it because they are the most cowardly?

“Ah…What should I do, sisters?”

The youngest, Hestia, said with her lips quivering.

“My brother is talking with his face in her pussy…!”

[This is Hestia. This dainty pussy belongs to Hestia.]


Zeus, who buried his face in Hestia’s cunt, guessed it all too easily.
Everyone swallowed at the sound of Zeus’ voice coming through the vine stems.

[But I’m not sure. To check this out…]

Little bit


[I’ll have to see the reaction, right? Hmm, once…]

Little bit, little bit

[I need to check whether it is correct or not.]

Zeus began to discriminate.

Zeus Ex Machina

Zeus Ex Machina

제우스 엑스 마키나
Score 7.6
Status: Completed Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
God of fertility and finesse Blonde Tanning Zeus’s Founding of Olympus


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not work with dark mode