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The Wise Lord Chapter 56

Episode 56 – The Dwarf of Stopped Time

A desolate silence passed.


Can we really call this static?

People’s eyes turned to one place at once.

The pouring chaotic monsters melted to the floor.

It is as if the basis of existence has been lost.

They melted back into the land of the abyss where they were born.

Ruben’s territories, soldiers, and dwarves.

All the people standing here now looked at one being.

Shock, horror, astonishment.

No matter how many words in the world were used, they could not represent the feelings people are feeling right now.

Fading malice.

“Uh, uh, how…”

“This, this is…!”

The Dwarves couldn’t believe this sight at all.

It was impossible.

A mythical evil that threw the entire continent into chaos a thousand years ago.

It is also the 7 demon lords, the slothful Nurbia.

No matter how imperfect the incarnation is.

Even if it didn’t show its true power.

It was impossible to face that terrible demon.

The existence that could do that had already disappeared a thousand years ago.


But how?

I thought it was really nonsense.

I literally thought it was ‘impossible’.


‘Unless the lord collapses. Ruben will not fall either.’

what did that word mean?

The dwarves could only truly understand now.


“hahahaha…! hahahahaha…!”

My mind is blank.

As if swimming in water, no thoughts come to mind.

That’s why I couldn’t know.

Xian had no awareness of what he had just done.

The feeling that the memory of that moment has been cut out.

Consciousness is faint like a cloud.


Blood poured out of his mouth, gushing out.

At the same time, a terrible pang of pain ran through his whole body.

Is it the price of forcibly reaching beyond the unreachable?

It seemed as if he was calling out to put his mind at rest.

Right then.


A terrible scream erupted from the corner of my vision.

the place you looked at.

There, Nurbia was covered in blood and writhing in pain.

Dispersing madness.

Nurbia struggled and stumbled.

【Nonsense···! Nonsense!!】

Nurbia stirred up madness by randomly waving her hands.

But somehow, the madness kept dissipating.

Even the madness inherent in Nurbia began to leak out.

denial of existence.

【how! How the hell…!】

Nurbia could not understand the current situation at all.

It was nonsense.

In any case, this makes no sense.

It’s just that power.

Incredible power that was impossible to even perceive.

Its power was clearly similar to that of its existence.

No, they weren’t similar, they were the same.

There was only a difference in level, but the essence was not different at all.

A thousand years ago, an absolute existence that terrorized demons.

But that could never happen.

Because that existence had already died and disappeared a long time ago.

But how…!


A throbbing pain erupted throughout the body.

In the meantime, Nurbia’s madness continued to scatter.

Nurbia shook off the doubts that came to her.

I don’t know why I can use this power.

I don’t know what happened.

It wasn’t even important right now.

One important thing now.

Nurbia slowly looked away.

There, Xian stood with his sword hanging down.

However, the blood pouring from his mouth didn’t look very good.

To be exact, standing like that seemed daunting.

So now was the chance to kill him.

However, Nurbia could not bear to put that thought into action.

Xian looked like he was about to collapse at any moment.

But lethal instinct warns.

If you get close, you die!

have to run away

Nurbia was able to draw conclusions at once.

If you stay still like this, everything is over.

Above all, that power that dissipates madness was separating the existence of the vessel from itself.

Again a long time ago.

It was too much like the power of that being.

Fortunately, assimilation with bowls lasted for 100 years, it was not easily broken.

If it wasn’t for that, the assimilation with the vessel would have been cut off along with the madness that is now dispersing.

With that blow that I couldn’t even see or know.

Anyway, it is self-evident that the assimilation with the bowl will be cut off if it continues like this.

I had to run away quickly and recover the situation.

Nurbia drew madness with her fingertips.

A thick darkness came and disturbed Nurbia, but

Nurbia sighed and drew madness.


Before long, dozens of magic circles appeared around Nurbia.

The figure of Nurbia blurring with him.

Xian, who watched the scene, grabbed his sword.

You shouldn’t send it that way.

Xian immediately moved his body.



My body didn’t listen.

The severed joints and torn muscles did not allow further movement.

To be honest, it was overwhelming just to keep my spirits up.

What about Lea?

Didn’t see.

I felt like I had been hit quite hard by Nurbia’s blow earlier.

Even at this moment, Nurbia’s body slowly disappears.

Right then.


A desperate voice came from one side.

the place you looked at.

There, Semir, who had become a wreck, struggled to get up from his seat.

And maybe it was because of Semir’s voice?

【Keep…! Suddenly, why is this b*tch…!】

Nurbia twisted and distorted her face.

Interference of the bowl started again.

Even though the situation was already unfavorable…!

Nurbia gathered madness with all her might.

A burning pain pierces the mind.


Eventually, Nurbia’s madness disappeared with a terrible scream.

【Heo-eok…! Huh Eok…!】

With heavy breathing, Helen reappeared.

A slightly overlooked view.

Helen could find her body slowly blurring.

In the end, the devil had completed the magic.

Helen could realize that it was all over.

deepening troubles.

Helen was finally able to make a decision.

must die

We must not let this terrible demon live.

It’s not that I haven’t thought about it in the past 100 years, but it’s impossible.

I had a wish to meet Semir, but

Because my mind was controlled, I couldn’t control my body.

But now, somehow, the demon’s hold has weakened.

In fact, it couldn’t have come out like this originally.

But for some reason, assimilation with the devil also weakened.

It’s never been like this in the past 100 years…

So now is your only chance.

Helen was finally able to make a decision.

Right then.


Semir’s voice was heard.

When I turned my head, I saw Semir approaching Helen.


Helen couldn’t do anything but look at Semir.

Helen, who has endured for over 100 years as a vessel of the devil.

He had endured the years of terrible suffering like tenacity, but now he was at his limit.

this will be the last moment

You can see Semir’s appearance.


【Please… please forget me. And by all means, you must live happily. Semir. Don’t be sad, I think. Buy the time of the brilliant Semir.]

Helen couldn’t help but say this.

Semir took a step back and stopped.

Semir’s eyes trembled as he looked at Helen.

I didn’t know…

just what does that word mean?

Semir didn’t know.

But there was nothing Semir could do.

He is just a dwarf who makes weapons by beating with a hammer.

All I could do was watch Helen helplessly leave.

Semir couldn’t do anything.

And Helen couldn’t do anything either.

After 100 years of waiting, what we finally face is this fate.

In front of the final destination of their fate, Semir and Helen could do nothing.


only one person.

“I can’t be sure. Cool…! Even the promise… I can’t give it to you…!”

A voice filled with pain came from one side.

the place you looked at.

There, Xian was spitting out words with difficulty.

The battered body looked like it would collapse any moment.

“I can’t tell you when it will be, but…!”

Xian opened his mouth.

Looking at Helen about to die.

“I’ll definitely get you out of there…!”

The eyes that can feel a certain determined will.

“So please hold on just a little longer. I know it will be painful, but for Semir.”


“Helen, even for you…! Cool…!”

Xian gasped and coughed up blood.


Seeing Xian like that, Helen’s eyes trembled.

A body that continues to blur.

There was only now to die, but Helen was very hesitant.

Today’s Helen, whose assimilation with the devil was cut off for an instant.

This has never happened in 100 years.

Above all, it was a known fact that breaking a fairy tale was impossible.

But that Xian made the impossible possible.


Right then.

“I asked you to forget.”

Semir’s voice was low.

Semir said to Helen with a firm look.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”


Helen shouted.

It was 100 years.

No matter how much it was, it was half a lifetime for a dwarf.

This, too, was a long time, and there was no change.

Even if you let go now, no one will say anything.

Even now, no, it was Semir who waited excessively.


“Dwarves have their own ways.”

different from humans.

very savvy

Again, stronger than an ogre’s sinew.

Some people will curse at me for being stupidly frustrating, but…

That’s what dwarves are.

“100 years is too short for a dwarf to forget someone.”

The last remaining Dwarf on the continent, Semir.

And 100 years ago.

A dwarf of time that stopped on that day.

The dwarf of time stopped like that.

“I don’t know if it’s a thousand years or so.”

It was still not flowing.


Helen’s eyes trembled violently.

Truly… truly savage.

really savage

A body that is now completely blurry.

If you really want to die, now is your last chance.

Helen looked at Semir.

It was Helen who endured 100 years to tell Semir to forget her.

It was Helen who had endured the terrible pain.


【Can you please wait until I come back?】

Will it not last another 100 years?

The past 100 years have been a time of no hope at all.

But now.

Weak, but hopeful.

A man named Xian.

That man cut off the assimilation with the devil, which he considered impossible.

Although I couldn’t completely cut it off.

So maybe that’s possible.

But if it is possible.

If that dreamlike thing is possible.

Will I be able to survive another 100 years?

[Semir. Really… I know it’s a really shameless request… Can you please wait again?]

just like it has been so far.

“I will wait.”

just like it has been so far.

From nob le mt l. co m

Just like that, the time of the dwarves stopped once again.

The disappearance of Helen.


Before long, Helen’s appearance completely disappeared.

Semir stood there and looked at Helen endlessly.

People stared blankly at Semir.

how much time has passed

Semir slowly turned his head to look at Xian.

a very distant time.

The forest tribe lived in the forest.

The mountain tribes lived in the mountains.

But again for many years.

Dwarves have lost their dwarf ways,

Eventually, the dwarf became a human.

Semir hated dwarves who changed like that.

So I came into the dark forest here.

So Semir’s time stopped.

Semir still doesn’t trust humans.

I won’t believe it in the future.

Dwarves still have their own ways.

So I don’t think this choice will be the right answer.

No, it was obviously the wrong choice, thought Semir.


“It was a wrong life 100 years ago. It won’t matter if I’m wrong again.”

Dwarves are awesome.

I made up my mind to break that stubbornness.

Semir opened his mouth to Xian.

“The proud Chief of the Hammermoru tribe, and at the same time the 7th descendant of the great Morkru.”


“Reuben’s territory, Semir.”

For an instant, Semir’s body slowly lowered.

Then he got down on one knee,

Dabut bows his head.

“Meet the lord of Ruben.”

That was the beginning.

“Meet the lord of Ruben.”

“Meet the lord of Ruben.”

“Meet the lord of Ruben.”

All the dwarves including Semir got down on one knee and bowed to Xian.



In the meantime, I heard a cheerful notification sound from my smartphone.

『[Gyeongji Quest] – ‘A friend who shared the pain is a true friend!’ (clear!)”

《You who left Ruben to help the dwarves.》

《They rejected you in a sense, but you did not let go of them.》

《I understood and sympathized with their pain.》

“I ended up embracing them.”

《A promise without a promise, but a heart that is not false.》

《Because of your sincere heart, the dwarves no longer consider you a friend.》


《Quest Super! class! moon! castle!”

《The level of additional rewards and rewards changes as the quest is exceeded!》

《The dwarves will sincerely serve you as their lord!》

《From now on, all dwarves will obey your orders!》

《Even if it is an order based on injustice!》

[Additional Reward: Morkru’s Legacy]



《You have won against the 7 demon lords, the slothful Nurbia!》

《Legendary achievement ‘Demon Hunter’ achieved!》

《Hidden special items will be unlocked by achieving legendary level achievements!》



Countless notification windows popped up on the smartphone screen.

However, Xian couldn’t check all of the notification windows.

blurred vision.


Xian’s mind was cut off.


Holy Empire, Lutea.

And the Vatican, which can be said to be the core of Lutea.

“How was the National Foundation Day event?”

Laura welcomed Aria, who had just returned to the Vatican.

Laura was a priestess of the Holy Empire and an assistant to Saint Arya.

A bodyguard that protects Arya from danger.

But what does a bodyguard mean to Arya?

Muriel’s reincarnation.

The one with the strongest divine power in the history of the Holy Empire.

“Did all the men of the empire bewitched?”

In reality, it was nothing more than a friend you could get along with without a gap.

At the same time, he was one of the few who knew Arya’s nature.

“What about men?”

“It was your first public appearance. What man wouldn’t fall in love with the holy woman’s holy beauty?”

“It’s that sound again.”

Arya shook her head as if she was bored.

“Ehe… You’ve been bewitched by a lot of people, right?”

“Because it isn’t.”

Seeing Aria shake her head, Laura smiled slightly.

Even if I said that, I didn’t know that I was courted countless times.

Laura said no more.

Then all of a sudden

“By the way, Laura.”

Suddenly Arya asked Laura as if she was curious.

“Are there any men out there who are not interested in their faces?”

“Uh… well?”

Laura couldn’t decide how to answer this.

Of course, there were also men who were not interested in a woman’s face.

But to some extent.

It was a meaningless question if it was about an aria.

That blemish-free white jade-like skin and sleek platinum blonde hair.

A transcendent beauty that cannot be called human.

Isn’t Aria dizzy just by looking at her even though she’s the same woman?

It was Laura who knew Arya’s nature, but honestly, what did that matter?

Whether it’s heaven’s openness or whatever.

There was no meaning in front of that level of beauty.

“Well… it’s not that there isn’t anything. Why?”

“No, what… no. it’s okay.”

Arya stuttered.

But it wasn’t Laura to be missed.

“Certainly, there was a man in the empire who was not interested in seeing the saintess?”

“No, not to that extent… no. Just forget it.”

Arya waved and waved her hand.

However, Arya’s expression is unusual.

Laura, who has been like sisters to Arya for quite some time.

“Could it be that you have found a man you are interested in?”

“Because it’s not like that!”

Then Arya screamed and screamed.

It looked pretty angry, but it didn’t work on Laura at all.


Laura rolled her eyes and looked at Arya.

“Who are you? Who is the lucky man who stole our saintess’ heart? By any chance, His Highness the Crown Prince? Or the star of the empire, and has a reputation for it—”

“madam! Even if it’s not like that!!”

Arya let out and screamed.

Laura covered her ears and made a gesture of understanding.

Arya opened her eyes and shook her head.

“Stop talking nonsense. Here, I brought it.”

Before long, Arya took out something small from inside her arms.

Something that looks like a compass.

It was none other than Charlotte’s legacy brought from the hall, the demon detector.

“This is the legacy that Charlotte the Great left behind. It happened that His Holiness also asked.”

Laura accepted the demon detector that Arya had pulled out.

“Where can we try it? Is the saintess’ beauty a devil or not?”

Laura smiled mischievously as she scanned the demon detector.

But no matter how you look at it.

“How are you using this?”

I didn’t see anything like the right switch.

“······ huh?”

Arya paused for a moment at Laura’s words.

Then, greatly embarrassed, he brought back the demon detector.

I tried manipulating things like that, but there was no response.

Do I need to inject magic power?

Arya raised her divine power.

However, the demon detector showed no response.

Or do I have to wear mana stones?

However, no matter how much I searched, there was no such thing as a groove to insert the mana stone into.

Arya fiddled with the demon detector for a while.

conclusion reached at the end.

“Couldn’t even the saintess not know?”

Arya nodded her head in bewilderment.

“Didn’t you ask the Crown Prince or His Majesty the Emperor?”

“that is···.”

Arya couldn’t answer.

I didn’t get this from the Crown Prince or the Emperor!

A man named Xian.

It was obtained from the man on the condition of hitting him once with his body and 100,000 gold.

But when I think about it…

I didn’t ask how to use it.

At that time, I was so upset and angry that I just ran out.

“Anything like an instruction manual…”

Laura said, but immediately shook her head.

This is a legacy left by Charlotte a thousand years ago.

There was no such thing as an instruction manual.

“Then how do you do this…?”

Arya was taken aback by Laura’s question.

Of course, it wasn’t that there was no way.

Because there was someone who knew this heritage better than anyone else.

But now I told you not to pretend to know me anymore.

If I contacted them first, they wouldn’t think that I was just flirting.

But when you think about it, this was unavoidable.

It was also the fault of the Xian for not giving instructions on how to use it.

Yes, this is an unavoidable situation.

“Laura, give me a letter.”

“A letter?”

“Someone should know this.”

Laura tilted her head, found the letter, and handed it to Arya.

Arya started to compose the letter with a rather excited expression.

It looks like…

Isn’t it the look of a girl writing a love letter to someone she longs for?

He said no in words.

‘Who the hell could it be… The one who stole our saintess’ heart.’

Laura’s eyes became quite meaningful.


The Wise Lord

The Wise Lord

현질하는 영주님!
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
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not work with dark mode