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The Wise Lord Chapter 29

Episode 29 – The Crown Prince’s Invitation

Ruben faces a cataclysm.

Ruben was now doing a landscape of a town that was developed, not ruins.

Of course, it was still too much to call it Yeongji.

However, it remained unchanged that Ruben made great progress.

Always ‘How will I survive tomorrow…’ The days I only thought of.

“female! Are you going to work today?”

“Yeah, today I’m going to break that bastard’s nose.”

Now, Ruben said, ‘I’m going to take a good rest before going to work tomorrow.’ was filled with thoughts.

It was Ruben’s daily life that seemed to never come.

And in Ruben’s daily life.


Xi’an’s daily life was none other than carrying out assignments at the training center.

Wedge love!

An eerie sound rang through the air.

“This is the last…!”

And with the ensuing sword attack, iron puduk.

Xian collapsed to the floor as it was.

Fluttering, trembling whole body.


[Mahon Sura Sword (魔魂修羅劍) introductory progress rate 41.5% (+0.3%)]

“hahahaha…! hahahahaha…!”

Xian let out a rough breath at the sound of a light alarm coming from inside his arms.

Along with Ruben’s development, Xi’an did not neglect to perform assignments every day.

Watch ads every single day,

In addition, he received a growth buff at the training center and performed the task.

Thanks to that, the progress rate of the Mahon Sura sword has already exceeded 40%.

Considering that it was 27.3% against the last sword orc, it was a huge growth.

Sure enough, when he was doing his assignments at the training ground, Lucas would look at Xian in amazement.

I don’t know, but he must have grown differently from when he was a black orc.

And this growth was possible.

After the black orc, the progress that rises by 0.3% to 0.4% as a task.


“If you refine the magic of the mana stone, the progress rate will go up a lot.”

It was because the progress rate of the Mahon Sura Sword also increased while refining the Mana Stones containing demonic energy.

A Demon Spirit Sura Sword that uses demonic energy.

Thanks to that, the progress was already over 40%.

“Now, it’s a bit of a limit.”

Xian could feel himself reaching a limit.

It was also true that Xian’s body could not accept any more demonic energy.

To be precise, if you accept more than this demonic energy,

I felt like I was going crazy.

Is there a limit on how much magic can be refined?

In this regard, Xi’an looked at Elodie’s knowledge once again.

And I quickly found the answer.

“I guess I wasn’t refining demonic energy.”

To put it in conclusion, Xi’an wasn’t refining demonic energy.

It’s just absorbing the magic from the mana stone.

It was only that Xian learned how to not go crazy even if he absorbed demonic energy.

Therefore, in order to accept more than this demonic energy, a real method was needed to refine the accumulated demonic energy in Xian’s body.

Elodie discovered it through long research.

And it required a fairly high level of magical knowledge.

Therefore, it was impossible for Xian to use it, but

For Xian, there was another method other than the method Elodie had uncovered.

“I said it was the magic method.”

A more fundamental way.

Demon spirit recipe.

That was none other than the Aura technique Kyle used.

And what is the Auror practice?

It was a way to handle mana, the power of the source of existence.

As a result, the knight gains superhuman strength.

Priests have divine power.

Sorcerers have miraculous powers.

Of course, priests and wizards are called by different names, not by Aura practice.

However, the essence was not different.

If the Mahonsura sword is a swordsmanship that utilizes demonic energy,

The magic spirit recipe could be said to be the way to deal with magic.

How to deal with the power of the source.

That was the Auror practice.

And the efficiency of handling mana for each aura technique was vastly different.

Therefore, the high-level Aura practice method was a rare treasure that could not be obtained even with billions of dollars.

Aura practice that has been passed down from generation to generation in the Ellandur family.

Its estimated value alone was a whopping 370 billion gold.

Of course, no one actually offered to buy it for 370 billion gold.

But no one denied that it was worth that much.

And the magic spirit recipe.

A thousand years ago, the aura technique used by Kyle, who was called the strongest Arnaise.

I couldn’t even use the concept of value for money.

“But where can I get that?”

The problem was, there was no way to learn that.

“It wasn’t even in the advanced growth support package.”

It wasn’t even in the package.

To be precise, there was no ‘advanced’ package.

The Mahon Sura sword purchased from the Beginner and Intermediate packages.

Of course, there must be a ‘advanced’ package, Xian thought.

However, the advanced packages did not appear in the notification window.

Is it not for sale yet?

Or is the intermediate level the end?

I didn’t know that until now.

“There’s no way that judo will end at the intermediate level, right?”

It was just a guess with a high probability.

“Anyway, if we do this, we won’t be able to refine the mana stones anymore.”

Then I couldn’t make any more money.

A top-notch mana stone easily worth thousands of gold each.

I just believed in it and ran out of it countless times.

This made it a bit difficult.

Of course, it would be fine if Elodie’s laboratory was completed…


[Instant Completion Ticket] – 3,000 G

《When you feel frustrated while proceeding, hyeonjil-!》

Hold on.

Xian pressed the X button as soon as the notification window popped up.

Even if you build that in the first place.

Without high-level wizards and researchers, it would not be possible to do anything special.

Above all, even though it is about to be completed, why does that bastard’s guiding spear not end?



Xi’an’s worries only deepened.

And it was then.

“young master.”

A familiar voice came from one side.

The place where I turned my head and looked was sure to be different.

Hans was slowly walking towards Xian.

Looking at the expression, it looks like something is going on.

Xian pushed his thoughts to one side and slowly opened his mouth.

“Since Lucas took over the soldiers, he seems to be living well these days. Your face is in full bloom.”

Then, Hans’s expression twisted.

It’s like you’re saying that now.

Hans shouted, his wrinkled face contorting even more.

“You are the magistrate and you have thrown away so much work, are you saying that now?”

The present where Lucas is in charge of the soldiers.

Hans was in charge of the role of administrator of the territory.

And, in fact, the horse was the administrator.

He was in charge of everything that happened in Ruben.

Problems that inevitably arise as Ruben develops.

The problems and inconveniences caused by people coming together.

I was able to solve most of them with the mobile lord, but

Still, it wasn’t nonexistent.

Especially things like disputes between people.

That wasn’t something the mobile lord could do.

And in the past, as a mercenary, did he have experience dealing with people?

Hans skillfully mediated all of that.

In the first place, it was a part that could be understood just by looking at Xian’s ability to train comfortably.

“It was more comfortable when I trained the soldiers.”


Sian smiled shyly.

“What is it?”

Hans shook his head at the sight of Xian quietly changing his words.

Eventually, Hans took something out of his pocket and handed it to Xian.


It was written that way on the outside.

Xian looked around at the invitation.

And soon I could see who sent it.

[Conrad von Charlotte.]


Xian’s head tilted involuntarily.

Conrad von Charlotte, who is written as the sender.

I had no choice but to stop at ‘Charlotte’.

He is the leader of the 6 Arnaises who saved the world a thousand years ago.

The first emperor who founded the Charlotte Empire.

Because he was Charlotte.

In short, the only beings on the continent who could use the surname Charlotte were members of the imperial family of Charlotte.

And the name Conrad.

“If it’s Conrad…”

Xian, of course, did not know the name.

Crown Prince of the Empire.

The emperor, the next existence.

“His Highness the Crown Prince invited you to the National Foundation Day event.”

Hans nodded slowly and said.


Charlotte Empire’s founding day event.

It was literally a celebration to celebrate the founding of the empire.

It was an event held not only in the Charlotte Empire but also in other kingdoms.

However, the founding day of the Charlotte Empire was quite different from other kingdoms.

Unlike the founding days of other kingdoms that return every year,

The Charlotte Empire was supposed to return to its founding day every four years.

The reason was simple.

A thousand years ago, the day Charlotte founded the empire.

That day was none other than a leap month, when the energy of the moon was most full.

It was also because it was the last day of the leap month.

About this the day before.

Or there was a saying that the event should be held the next day.

However, the dominant opinion was that there was no need to put on a show like that.

In the end, it was decided that the event would only be held once every four years.

Instead, the event boasted an enormous scale as it comes back once every four years.

Speaking of the Empire’s founding day event, it was a really big event that came to watch from all over the continent.

Royals from other kingdoms, including the Holy Empire, do not go far to participate in this event.

Needless to say, how big of an event this was.

And there was nothing special about this National Foundation Day event.

That would be the case in the past, the day when Arnaise Charlotte founded the empire.

It was because the founding day was exactly a thousand years from now.


Xian carefully examined the contents of the invitation in his hand.

[In the past, a thousand years have passed since Charlotte the Great founded the empire. The Empire has been able to come this far because of talented people like you. So, Xian Ellandur at the celebration of the founding day of the empire this time. Invite you…]

Well, I’ll invite you to the National Foundation Day event.

It was about wanting you to come.

And in fact, I wished the horse would come.

It was just like coming.

That’s what this invitation is.

“Did you write this yourself…?”

Because it seemed like the crown prince had written it himself.

Otherwise, the crown prince’s seal would not have been stamped like this.

Usually, these official invitations are stamped with the seal of the imperial family.

And it had the effect of representing the position of the imperial family.

However, it could be taken by an agent of the imperial family with permission.

However, the invitation sent to Xian had the seal of the crown prince, not the seal of the imperial family.

This could not be used by an agent of the imperial family.

the moment you use it.

For the crime of spoofing the imperial family, he receives a punishment equivalent to treason.

This was a seal that only the crown prince could use.


That’s why Xian couldn’t help but question.

It was questionable from the beginning that this invitation came.

It was a national foundation day event.

In fact, it was no different from a place of harmony where talented people from all continents gathered and shared friendships.

So there was no reason for Xian to be invited here.

Rumors about Xian were because Xian himself knew best.


Xian thought for a moment.

And it was then.


In an instant, a cheerful smartphone notification sound was heard.

Xian immediately checked his smartphone.

And the words that popped up on the screen.

『[Story Quest] – ‘Legacy of Arnaise’』

<Reward – ???>

It was the quest notification window.

And it was quite different from the quests Xian had seen so far.

“Why is there no content?”

There was nothing relevant.

Only two things popped up on the screen.

The title of the quest.

And it was just a reward.

I didn’t even know what the reward was.

just ‘???’ There is only content.


Xian wanted something like this.


There was something that could be roughly guessed.

『[Story Quest] – ‘Legacy of Arnaise’』

The title of the quest is none other than Arnaise’s Legacy.

Perhaps… There was a possibility that it was a quest related to Arnaise’s artifacts such as the smartphone.

The question is who of the 6 Arnaises?

what heritage.

I guess I’ll have to go see it myself to find out.

“Do you think it’s okay if I leave now?”

“If you’re talking about Ruben’s safety, you don’t have to worry. The dark forest is quiet after the orc colony was annihilated some time ago. And because Lucas trained his soldiers well, unexpectedly.”

More than anything.

“In any case, isn’t there a new story?”

Xian nodded.

Due to the past situation, Young Ji-min was also in a situation where they found happiness in everyday life.

Ruben is returning like a manor.

Ruben’s safety to Lucas.

If the administration was left to Hans, there seemed to be no big problem even if there was no draft right away.

“Should I go too?”

“Wouldn’t that be the case?”

The decision did not take long.


Xian immediately prepared to leave Ruben.

There was still some time before the National Foundation Day event began, but it was not enough to afford it.

From Leuven to the capital of the Empire, Darkan.

Because there was quite a bit of time to go.

Above all, thinking about stopping by Lucia on the way, I couldn’t afford it.

The reason for stopping by Lucia on the way was simple.

Lucia, the greatest commercial city in the Empire.

It was there to sell the mana stones that Xian had refined.

Although it has reached its limit and has not been further refined,

The mana stones diligently refined in the meantime were still there.

in that sense.

“I wasn’t invited, so why are you going?”

Sian has left Ruben with Amelia.

“I want to go with you on the way to Lucia. Why don’t you like it?”

“It doesn’t mean I hate it…”

“Aren’t you left in the manor anyway and have nothing to do?”


Amelia had nothing to say.

So Sian left Ruben with Amelia.

And arrived at the best commercial city in the empire, Lucia.

“There are so many people.”

Xian was slightly surprised by the huge crowd.

There is really no place to step. It was like saying something about the situation right in front of you.

Of course, Xi’an knew very well what kind of city Lucia was.

That’s why I expected there to be a lot of people, but…

Even taking that into account, the current crowd was too many.

“The National Foundation Day event is about to begin. It’s because people come from all over the country to match it.”

“Ah, somehow.”

Sian nodded at Amelia’s words from beside him.

Lucia is a city located in the center of the Empire.

It was a transportation hub extending throughout the empire.

that means that.

This meant that he had to pass through Lucia to go to the capital, Darkan.

Perhaps because of that, there were quite a lot of people who looked like nobles.

“Then there must be many people who want to buy this mana stone? Then, wouldn’t it be possible to get more than 20,000 gold?”


Amelia shook her head.

“It’s still early, so the auction house won’t open.”

“Then shall we eat something? I am hungry.”

“I know a good place. Please follow me.”

Sian followed Amelia and moved on.

The restaurant we arrived at.

It was a pretty upscale restaurant.

And that means that.

“It looks expensive.”

“It’s a restaurant for aristocrats. Still, it’s less than I thought. About 2 gold per serving?”

“2 gold per person is not that much…?”

is he crazy

“You have a lot of money. Eat something delicious that has already come out. To be honest, it was hard to eat only soup and hard beef jerky in Leuven.”

So far, Ruben’s main food has been simple soup and beef jerky.

After the restaurant Lv.1 was created, it improved a lot,

Still, it was difficult for the aristocrat to satisfy the young lady’s taste.

Amelia was the daughter of the upper class of Brahe, who ruled the western part of the empire.

I didn’t complain, but it seemed that there was a part that I didn’t know or didn’t know.

“What about having a lot of money? Even if you wrote all of them?”

“Then you will earn a lot soon. I mean, I really like it here.”

Amelia recklessly dragged Sian into the restaurant.

Sian pretended not to win and went inside.

Since it came out, I thought it wouldn’t be bad to visit once.

Xian entered the restaurant like that.

Inside the restaurant, as expected, there were quite a lot of nobles.

No, all those sitting were nobles.

Apparently, like Xi’an, they all seemed to be going to the National Foundation Day event.

Right then.

“We are going somewhere else.”

Suddenly, Amelia took Sian’s hand and led him out the door.

“huh? why?”

“I will tell you later. Leave at once.”

Looking at Amelia’s expression, it hardened.

An expression as if he saw something he shouldn’t have seen.

Right then.

“No, who is this?”

A sarcastic voice came from somewhere.


“Isn’t that Amelia?”

Amelia averted her gaze at the voice that followed.

And I earnestly pray that I saw it wrong.

“Right. Amelia!”

It was not even a pity.

A man strode in front of Amelia.

A handsome man with white hair.

He was a man who didn’t look very good when he was messing around.

“long time no see.”

Amelia opened her mouth pretending to be calm.

Because I knew who he was.

The second son of Count Crowd, Reminton.

Count Crowd was a family located in the southern part of the Empire and was famous for having the largest granary in the Empire.

About 15% of the grain distributed in the empire came from Count Crowd’s estate.

and the past.

It was also the family where Amelia and the marriage came and went.

Of course, it was just talk.

No further progress was made.

When Amelia met Reminton, she rejected it at once.

Also, Amelia’s father also found out about Reminton’s tendency and immediately did it.

In response, Count Crowd cuts a deal with Brahe, and so on.

I’ve done a lot of retaliation.

However, at that time, the Brahe family was a large group in the West that no one could surpass.

There was no such thing as retaliation.

But now.

“Hey… I didn’t expect to meet you here like this.”

It has become the glory of the past.

The Fallen Brahe Merchant.

Reminton smiled and stood in front of Amelia.

“I heard that the family went bankrupt… I guess it wasn’t like that? Are you coming to a place like this?”

Reminton’s gaze scanned Amelia.

Then, she glanced at Xian, who was next to Amelia.

“When are you kicking me… are you wearing another guy?”

Eventually, Reminton grinned as if he understood.

“How many times have you shaken your hips to take me to a place like this?”

Reminton scanned the draft slowly.

Then all of a sudden

“huh? for a moment.”

Lemmonton’s gaze suddenly stopped.

“I thought I was used to it somewhere.”

Reminton slightly raised his eyes.

face in memory.

It was none other than Xian Ellandour.

Almost no one in the aristocratic family did not know this name.

There was no one in the Empire who did not know Elandur,

Naturally, Xian had no choice but to know.

Marquis’ madness.

incompetent bastard.

and an illegitimate child who, though not much known, shouldn’t have existed.

Why is such a cyan here…?

Are you sure you want to participate in the National Foundation Day event?

But why two?

Reminton looked back and forth between Cyan and Amelia.



Reminton burst into laughter.

“Was it like that? I again.”

Eventually, with a sticky laugh, Reminton opened his mouth again.

“Amelia, why don’t you come to me now? If you come to me instead of this incompetent and stupid bastard, I’ll treat you well. I’m always welcome?”

Reminton burst into laughter.

An act of openly insulting Xian, let alone Amelia.

But Reminton didn’t care.

Amelia was now the daughter of a fallen family.

Xian was Elandur, but in fact he was no different from an abandoned child.

On the other hand, the name attached to himself is Crowd.

As a family with the largest granary in the south, it was a family that no one in the empire could ignore.

see even now

Despite hearing such insults, Amelia is unable to respond.

A glance down.

Amelia just clenched her fists.

And Xian…

‘Asshole. I don’t even have pride.’

It was also rumored.

Reminton laughed inwardly.

“Then, come visit me whenever you change your mind, Amelia.”

Then Reminton turned his back.

one foot like that.

When I was about to take a step.

“Are you done talking?”

Suddenly, Xian’s voice was heard.

eyes looking back slowly.

There, Cyan was approaching Reminton with great strides.

And Xian’s words that followed.

“Then you don’t have to use that jaw joint anymore?”

At the same time, Xi’an’s hand swung wide.

how fast it is

It was invisible to Reminton’s eyes.

The only thing I could hear was the sound of my palms cutting through the air.

and momentarily


A sound that shouldn’t be heard erupted from the human body.

Is that… is it true that you hit the earlobe?

I doubted it, but what I saw with my own eyes was definitely deafness.

gaze seen.

Kwa Dang Tang!

Reminton, who had been hit in the earlobe, was flying far away and getting stuck.


The Wise Lord

The Wise Lord

현질하는 영주님!
Score 6.8
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[Remove Ads + Unlimited Growth Buff Ticket (500,000 G)] [Knight Training Center Lv.5 Upgrade (4,000,000 G)] [ Transcendence Grade Equipment Draw Ticket (30,000,000 G)] ps: No tags in source


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not work with dark mode