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The Villain Changed the Ending Chapter 50

050 A reward for her

****[Oscar, the main character] ****

The rustling of fabric and the sound of splashing water echoed through the quiet room.

After soaking a cloth in warm water and wringing it out, the attendant carefully wipes the hair.

In front, another attendant was wiping his face and hands and feet.

The water mixed with the perfumed oil gave off a faint scent of flowers.

I haven’t even taken a bath yet after dealing with the locust spell.

Looking at it now, it seems that the smell has permeated me.

The place where the attendants wiped over and over again was rubbed with a cloth.

The butler brought a change of clothes and some jewelry and laid them out in front of me.

The chief chamberlain is the closest person to the king.

It is rude to dress too modestly or comfortably.

I needed a suit that was moderately flashy and suitable for the evening.

“Since it’s evening, I think this color would be good.”

The butler unfolded two dark blue outerwear.

Both are similar.

Is the other thing about the shape of the embroidery?

It looks calm, but the silver embroidery on the front of the outerwear made it look splendid.

Honestly, if you ask me, I don’t know.

The butler looked at my expression and smiled.

“I think this outfit will look better, will it be okay?”


What the butler chose was the first outfit I paid attention to.

The head butler packed the pants and socks that matched the outfit, and opened the flat jewelry box.

A hat is essential in the palace, but even at home, you don’t have to wear a big thing on your head like a fancy ostrich.

Instead, they tied their hair up or wore small hats.

I’m a tying digger.

The butler took out several strings with jewels on them and stretched them over his clothes.

It’s about seeing which one suits the color of your clothes the most.

I choose the outerwear, but I tend to leave the rest to the butler.

I’m not interested anyway, and I don’t know how to look at it.

The butler put the hair tie on his clothes several times, checked and thought about it, then picked up one and showed it to me.

When I nodded, I finally decided on everything to wear.

‘It’s really annoying to have to do this every time.’

But this is not the end.

This time you have to get dressed.

Nobles don’t even dress themselves.

Like a child, the attendant dresses them one by one.

I let out a small sigh.

When the servant who brushed his hair withdrew, this time the servant in charge of the clothes approached.

While the servants were dressing the clothes one by one, the butler was doing a final check to see if there were any defects on the clothes.

Do you think it’s over?


From nob le mt l dot com

Just because you’re all dressed up doesn’t mean it’s over.

This time the brush man stood behind me.

After combing her hair meticulously with a rich brush, she began to braid her hair loosely.

With one or two hair ornaments, her hair was complicatedly tangled.

There seems to be some way to this too.

Once tied, it’s loose, but it won’t loosen.

The attendant tied her long hair halfway down with a serious expression and tied it with a string studded with jewels.

Pull out a little hair and let it hang down to the side and you’re done.

The attendant applied a little balm to the hair hanging down beside her, then stepped back.

It seems he liked it.

When the butler nodded, the attendants began to organize the clothes and grooming tools that had been arranged one by one.

“You look beautiful today too.”


I appreciate that, but as I always say, I’m a man.

Besides, it seems that it takes longer to dress up today.

got a little depressed

As if he knew my feelings, the butler looked back at me with a proud expression and took out some jewels from the box.

It is a jewel used to adorn clothes and wear on the wrist.

It doesn’t matter whatsoever, so just put it on. Isn’t it just the color and number of jewels that differ anyway? I don’t even know the difference.

It looks like that’s what I thought.

Without saying a word, the butler wrapped a long string of jewels around his wrist and hung brooches all over his coat.

Finally, I changed into leather shoes with fancy decorations, and I was finally done.


It was long.

It was really long.

I don’t know why, but the people of the duke’s family are passionate about decorating me, so they tend to decorate me more severely than other families.

I added it when people’s excitement level was high like today, and it was a bit difficult to tell them to stop because they seemed so happy.

There are a lot of people who have raised me since I was 5 years old, so when I stand in front of them, I don’t know what to say.

But please, I want you to stop.



When I entered the reception room, the chief chamberlain rose from his seat.

I heard that the chamberlain had worked at the palace since King Richard was the Crown Prince.

It is said that he is older than the king.

However, rumors were circulating that she was still in good health, and that even if she competed swords with a young man, she would fight on equal footing.

It is said that he defended the king by throwing himself several times when he was in danger.

It’s just rumors, I’ve never seen him actually wield a sword, but seeing him up close, I’m sure that’s true.

The neck and legs are almost as thick as a log.


When I smiled, the chief chamberlain opened his mouth with a soft expression.

“Duke Weiss, I’m sorry for being late without notice.”

“He says everything. I haven’t had a chance to get close to him in the meantime. I really wanted to talk to him once.”

“It makes me feel a little better when you say that.”

Light greetings came and went so many times that it was boring.

I wished they would get to the point soon, but the chief chamberlain continued to spin round and round without poking at the core.

Things about the weather these days, little rumors about the royal palace that everyone knows, stories about a banquet a while ago…

I thought he came here to deal with the locust beast, but maybe it’s something else.

I don’t know exactly what the chief chamberlain’s intention is, so it’s hard to cut the story and enter.

The small talk that had been spinning around like a merry-go-round for a while suddenly shifted to women.

He continued as if he remembered the head chamberlain.

“… The duke seems to be growing in popularity with the ladies day by day. The same goes for the royal palace. I recently found out that the princesses have bought portraits of the duke.”

I sighed inwardly as I looked at the chief chamberlain’s smiling face as if it was nothing.

The chamberlain now, with a refined twist, said that one of the princesses was interested in me.

The chief chamberlain couldn’t have said such a thing on his own, so this must be the king’s will.

Long ago, when I was young, just as the queen sought marriage with the princess, the king was also doing the same thing.

I heard that married couples look alike after living together for a long time, and these people seem to be that way.

“I’ve heard rumors like that, but I’m really ashamed to hear it myself.”

I didn’t ask which princess it was, I spilled the story and turned to another topic.

At first, I think I thought that because I was young and inexperienced, I might not have noticed what he meant.

The chief chamberlain brought up the story related to the princess a couple of times.

Each time, I quietly let it go.

Realizing that I had intentionally not followed the princess’s story, not because I didn’t notice, the chamberlain finally got to the point.

“His Majesty was once again aware of the duke’s loyalty and could not hide his joy. Before giving the reward, he gave the order to find out if there was anything the duke asked for. He said that the other party would be happy if you gave him what he wanted. “

The chamberlain looked at me while saying that.

I smiled.

“I just did what I was supposed to do. How can I expect anything in return?

After blurting my words as if thinking, I continued with a troubled expression on my face.

“Then, I think it would be better to make it something that does not remain in shape.”

If I ask for gold coins, the amount will be quite high, and even if I want land, it will be difficult that way.

When I hinted that I knew it, the chief chamberlain’s expression softened.

It seems reassuring.

He does not hide his expression, but shows it to me in an easy-to-understand manner.

‘It must mean that he will listen to anything as long as it doesn’t cause trouble.’

He seemed to think I understood his meaning.

The chamberlain smiled and said.

“Duke, is there still one thing you want? If there is something you want, please do not hesitate to tell me.”

At the urging of the chief chamberlain, I smiled shyly.

“Then I won’t decline… It’s embarrassing, but actually, I’ve been in love with my fiancée for a long time. If I really want to, I’d say a quick marriage with her is my wish.”


“I don’t really seem to know what love is. I met him when I was young and thought of him as just a younger brother, but when I realize it, it’s a love I’ve only had for a lifetime.”

The head chamberlain’s face stiffened slightly.

Noble marriages require the permission of the king.

Both men and women had to become adults in order to be officially married.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a newborn baby in a family engagement.

However, formal marriages in this country were granted by the king only when they were adults.

Marriage of minors is permitted only in exceptional circumstances.

That was what I was asking for.

And it also meant that she completely rejected the story of the princess that the chief chamberlain secretly talked about earlier.

One love is enough, I will marry her at this opportunity, and I nailed it so that I would never bring up such a thing again.

“… uh… that’s right. Love is such an incomprehensible emotion.”

A look of perplexity mixed with the head chamberlain’s face, which had been relaxed all along.

I think I now realize that I am offended.

Maybe I’m quite used to court life now.

It seems that he has become adept at hiding his expression.

“I will tell Your Majesty the Duke’s wish so that there is no misunderstanding.”

“thank you.”

The chamberlain left the duchy after a brief chat.

I shook my head to shake off the bad feeling I felt while talking with the chamberlain.

The remnants of emotion he displayed throughout the conversation with the chamberlain were very unpleasant.

The chief chamberlain is the king’s mirror, and his words are the king’s will.

From the words of the chief chamberlain, I could only sense that he was contemplating how to compensate me.

It’s not that I don’t understand the king’s heart.

Of course, political considerations are necessary.

However, from the king’s words seen through the chamberlain, I couldn’t feel any joy in the return of the people of the capital.

as much as a ton.


Commoners are the ones who suffer the most when the locust demons attack.

The swarm of locusts eats up all creatures in the spot, and moves when there is nothing more to eat.

And until thousands of locust demons fill their stomachs and leave, it is not noble to be eaten without a proper fight.

It was a commoner.

Perhaps the king thought it was fortunate that there were commoners.

It’s really fortunate that there are commoners to feed on.

The whole time the chamberlain was speaking, I could detect such a sign.

I feel nauseous.


The butler came in.

After examining my expression, the butler quietly came and stood next to me.

A cold drink is placed on the table without a word.

Seeing his hand set the glass down, I closed my eyes.

The desperate expression of the butler who stopped me came to mind.

Maybe the butler also thought so for me.

The thought came to me at first glance, but I quickly dismissed it.

Even if the butler had thought that way, he would probably have put himself on the same line as the commoners.

“I have one more letter from Lady Catherine.”

When the butler presented the letter, a faint scent wafted up.

It’s Catherine’s scent.

Even her scent was bright, strong, and shadeless.

The content of the letter was similar to the one I received earlier.

However, the previous letter congratulated me on my achievements was politely written, but this letter was mixed with expressions such as how happy and proud of my performance, and also proud and happy.

I tried to act like a young lady, but before I knew it, the tomboyish temperament was revealed.

It seems that Catherine, who became a young lady for a while, has returned to normal.

When I imagined the face of Katrin, who would be smiling brightly with joy, a smile came to my mind.

The story of love and all is false, but it is true that he wanted the reward of marriage for her.

If I had to get anything anyway, I thought it would be nice to have her always begging me to marry her.

‘I was surprised when I kissed his hand on the day of my debut.’

When she hears this news, she will be embarrassed and happy with a red face like the day before.

When I think of Katrin, it seems that the remnants of emotions attached to the inside of my head have peeled off a little.

Looking at my face, the butler’s eyebrows gently lay down.

“Looks like you’ve made me worry.”

“That’s what a butler is like. It’s the butler’s job to take care of the owner.”


For a while I stayed in the reception room.

By the time the discomfort had all gone, the stars were visible outside the window.

Katrin’s letters increased by one more.

It seems that the servant of the Marquis family who delivers the letter is having a hard time.

****[Catherine, fiancee]****

Write a letter if you are happy.

Write a letter if you want to see it.

When I think of it, I write a letter.

In the past, whenever my body was itching to see Oscar, I went to negotiate with my father, but now I suppressed my heart and wrote a letter.

“My lady, are you writing another letter?”


“It’s already five.”


“Wouldn’t it be better to just visit once than to write five or ten boxes every day?”

“Anne, if you do that, you’ll be someone to your father and mother. A noble lady doesn’t visit a man’s house recklessly. Even if it’s her fiancé.”


Anne doesn’t say anything.

When I finished writing the letter, I raised my gaze to see Anne frozen in motion as if frozen.

“what’s the matter?”


Anne, who seemed not to be breathing for a moment, suddenly came closer.

Suddenly, he touches his forehead.

“My lady, are you sick? I don’t think you have a fever. Did you bump your head or did you eat something weird?”


Catherine sighed lightly.

I said something normal, but why did such an abnormal reaction come back?

Does that mean that he has bullied his father and mother all this time?

“I’m not sick anywhere.”

“Then why do you suddenly say something you didn’t want to say? It’s strange. It’s scary all of a sudden.”

I can’t help it.

Catherine sighed lightly and looked at Anne’s face.

“I realized that I was misunderstanding something. It’s a bit late.”

“… It’s a bit scary to ask… but what are you misunderstanding?”

“I mean. I thought my father and mother hated me.”

Catherine sighed again.

My father and mother always harden their faces when they see her.

It was normal for a vein to grow on my father’s forehead, and he often screamed out loud.

It’s not clear, but I also remember being beaten with a cane when I was very young.

I don’t know his father, but he seems to have been beaten by his nanny and mother.

“So I thought I was being hated.”

Because she is the duke’s fiancée, because she is the one who will marry there, because she hates Oscar-sama hitting her or forcing her to do something, so she leaves her free but in reality hates her enough to want to kick her out right now.

“I don’t think it’s just my fault, is it? Think of what your mother and father said and did.”

But on the day of the locust demon attack, her father’s words changed her mind.

As they let her into the small, closed room, her father hugged her tightly and kissed her on the forehead.

And only one word left.

[Madam, take care of Catherine.]

That was all my father said as he closed the door.

Even when she hid in a small room, her mother’s behavior was completely unexpected.

Sometimes whenever there was a loud noise outside, Mother covered Katrin with her body as if to protect her.

My mother, who always quietly crouched next to my father.

“That’s why I thought. Before marrying as a duke, I should be a little filial.”


Anne, who at other times would sniffle and meddle, doesn’t say anything.

It was strange, so I looked at her quietly, and Anne said hesitantly.

“I… I thought you were hated too.”


“Actually, even now.”

Catherine let out a long sigh.

“No, I don’t. I don’t think so.”

However, Anne tilted her head with a somewhat subtle expression on her face.

“But lady, I think. That… when the locust evacuated, what the master asked his wife… wasn’t because he loved her, but because she just didn’t want to die before marrying into the ducal family.”

“…but on the forehead.”

“Couldn’t that have happened just by chance? Maybe the owner was too shy to kiss his wife.”

oh, is that so?

Suddenly, a fierce fury welled up.

The Villain Changed the Ending

The Villain Changed the Ending

빌런이 엔딩을 바꿈
Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2022 Native Language: Korean
The story of how I become happy and the unfaithful wife becomes unhappy


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